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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Granted, but it's going to get so hot that your ice cream will melt just before you can eat it. You'll be standing in the park with a hand covered in molten ice cream, it's going to get worse, someone will throw flour on your hand so it gets sticky. Sorry Ahh... so it's time for my wish... I wish I could have a moment alone with a girl I've liked for some time, so I could ask her out. I wonder how you're going to ruin this, anyway I'll blame you if it doesn't work out and laugh at you if it does. I can see anwiii climbing out of his cave and coming here to type "Granted, but she says no".
  2. You can use a Flash XSPF player on a webpage to play your tracks. I'm assuming you want to make a webpage with a music player in it so the user can shuffle between tracks and so on. Now, I found a nice tutorial on the web, scroll down to the "Embedding Music With Flash And XSPF Web Music Player" header and follow the instruction. Click to view the tutorial
  3. misses the good old tra- the sutra thing

    1. web_designer


      we all do bani but we can't do just waiting...i think...

  4. It seem it is harmful enough. The creator of the spammer bot tricked you into deleting a vital process in your OS. See here: http://www.liutilities.com/windows-process/svchost-exe/. Never delete processes without knowing what they do. It's an essential Windows services process running in the background. Always look it up on the MS website first.
  5. I have NOTHING to do, and I still won't do my homework

  6. misses the shoutbox!

  7. happy birthday!!! :)

  8. I said it might be somewhat confusing to explain, and seeing some of the replies, it apparently was. Anyway, if anyone of you have used facebook before, you're familiar with the notification thingy there, aren't you? I meant kind of the same thing. For example one of those in Xisto saying that someone has replied to a thread I replied to earlier today. That would be handy. RSS feeds here at least don't seem to work properly.My original suggestion was a centralized desktop application, that all websites would use to send the notifications to.@Nitin: Good to know that a similar kind of thing has been put to practice already. I wish it was used by more sites!
  9. Yucky logo. And it has a flaw in it. On the right, it just looks like a semi-transparent white layer covering everything because the black to transparent gradient at the top doesn't continue the same way it does elsewhere in the background.The chat tab doesn't work. Tried using chat and first it says "Loading applet" and then displays an error message "Applet not found".On the right side of the window at top, below the search form/box, it says "kknowledgeSutra". Except the obvious typo (hopefully), I think it should have a big "K". With the sutra emphasized I just keep thinking about some crazy sex-position tips . Anyway, if Sutra is with a big S, knowledge should have a big K. Oh yes I don't have a life and probably should get a girlfriend and not be such an idiot, but what you gonna do.Maybe you should remove the IPB footer credit if it's not necessary (it wasn't there with the earlier version).Another thing, I don't get what the "Portal" is supposed to be. It seems to show threads that have been replied to lately but only shows the first post in that thread.Then there's the useless Calendar with absolutely no use. You should at least mark the SOTW schedule or something? But again the SOTW schedule is pretty screwed up since Tramposch is very busy.I only see how to vote up a post, no way to vote down. However, if I'm horribly wrong, don't demonstrate that I am by voting my post down! :DGet rid of the Kontera crap. I'm on Opera and I see those Kontera double-underlined links and they're annoying. Hovering over them opens a box which contains dictionary with the double-underlined word put in a search box. If it's there for dictionary purpose, why do only some words get the stupid thing, and it says advertisement at the top of the box.The RSS Feed for latest posts on Xisto (or the KKsutra?) only displays the first post in the thread, not the actual latest post in the thread.Anyway, I'm not giving away compliments because I have high demands. And also an ego problem. And I don't give credit for an unfinished job But you (BH) and OpaQue have done well till now, but don't leave it unfinished. I leave stuff unfinished, and it always turns out crappy, so don't you do the same!
  10. Hehe, talking of google, there's AdBlock for Google Chrome, but Google was sneaky and evil as always and made it not work in Youtube. Search... and Mail... and Analytics (damn I thought I only used one of its services). I have a hunch that some day, aliens will come to earth and destroy Google and Chuck Norris, leaving us defenseless. Oh wait, we'll still have mickey d's
  11. found them on my friend's table and put them on :D

  12. Welcome to the forums. It's nice to have you here and I assure you, you'll find many like-minded people here. If you need any help in PHP, just make a new thread, we have a lot of PHP programmers here who will reply if they can. I'm sure your knowledge here is needed, too. If you're also looking for hosting, we have a system here called MyCENTs. For each post you submit (except the ones in no post count categories), the system will calculate it's value based on length and quality and you'll be rewarded with MyCENTs. To activate your MyCents, register at https://support.xisto.com/ with the same e-mail address you registered here with. After you gather 100 MyCents, they will be transferred to your xisto account as $1. After you gather enough bucks, you can buy hosting services there. If you have more questions, check this thread. Don't forget to read the board rules as well. This forum has a set of unusual rules which you might want to check so you don't receive a warn. Anyway, see you around. Oh and if you some post mentioning "Xisto", that's just the old name of the forum.
  13. Hi all. So, I've been kind of on and off learning python recently. Yesterday night I wrote a prototype Python script that gives you easy calculations to deal with. Anyway, I wanted to code it because I want to improve my mental math skills, so maybe somebody else wants (eheem... probably not) to try this out just for fun. Although you might not quite remember math or mental math in school as fun, I think being good in mental math is much more useful than knowing how to get the height of a cylinder based on it's volume and diameter, for example. And with all the inactivity around here, I thought that this could create some kind of conversation here. Anyway, about the script itself, of course I could've done this using JavaScript, but since I'm learning Python I thought I could do it with it instead. The only kind of math problem currently featured is addition. Later I'll add subtraction and other basic ones. I just need to change the structure a bit because it was designed to only give addition calculations. I'll make it so that it selects randomly from the four/six different mathematical operations and then it would be unpredictable and more challenging. This script uses the Python random module to get the random numbers for the calculations, btw. Instructions are given after you execute the Python script in the terminal. To execute it in a Linux terminal, enter python '/yourfilepath/math.py'You can also automatically get the file path if you type "python " and then drag the file into the terminal. For windows, I really don't know, I guess you have to get the full file path to the python.exe file and execute the script with it. Download the .py file here <-- press CTRL + S after arriving to the page to save. Or go to "File -> Save as". Any opinions and suggestions are appreciated, but remember that this is my first script with a 'purpose'. And I know the source is kind of a mess, because I made this only for myself and it wasn't intended to go public. And since it's a python script, there is no other choice than open source hehe TIP: if 3-digit numbers are hard for you, you can open the .py file in a code editor and change the following on lines 17-18: num1 = random.randrange(0, 101) num2 = random.randrange(0, 101)to: num1 = random.randrange(0, 50) num2 = random.randrange(0, 50) This way the results will always be 2-digits or less.
  14. haha the first was funny, and some of the others as well. thanks for sharing.
  15. There is a way you could do both. Stay on the "error page", but with a JavaScript button/link to go one page back in history. So the user clicks that if he/she wants to go back after seeing the "directory not found" message. <a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a> BTW, I'm not very good at this so I'm probably wrong, but the part of truefusion's code where it removes the slash, shouldn't the if have "{}" or does it work like that as well? And I also realized another way. If the form would 'action' to the current page itself, and then the contents would be checked with truefusion's code and then if everything is okay, a redirect to the appropriate directory and if not, a little box on the same page saying the directory wasn't found.
  16. What is it with people that can't recognize a joke? Like really, what the hell is wrong with people? Read their hate mail section if you're bored LMAO.Really, if someone is stupid enough to think they're serious, they deserve to be bugged by things like the church of google or the flying spaghetti monster or the invisible pink unicorn and so on!
  17. Thanks, I'll try to remember that! Damn... me and my English skills...
  18. Hey, speaking of calculations, I don't know if I'm correct or not, someone more nerdy please verify:Doesn't binary go like the first 1/0 isn't multiplied by itself. Then the second is once and the third is twice and so on. Now they all are 2^x? If it's 0, then the number doesn't count, if it's 1, it's count by 2 powered by the order number of it? So "11" would be 2^0 + 2^1 = 3 and if it's 101, it's 2^0 + 2^2 = 5?And one last question actually regarding English. I know the superscript is the exponent, but how do you say for example 2^2 in a sentence? Do you say powered by or something? Dictionary didn't help me there haha.Sorry I'm just newbie making a mathematical mess up there. Anyway, if you translated the word computer from Finnish directly, you would get a word like "information-machine". I guess the calculation part has been forgotten here, too.
  19. If you're looking for good source editors, I suggest Bluefish for Ubuntu (you can find it in the repository). And then there's my favorite, Crimson Editor. This editor doesn't run on Linux by default, but you can make it run by using WINE. You should have wine installed already, it's handy.Anyway, as far as using PHP, it's useful even if you're using flat files. If your site will have more than one page but with some similar components like navigation and header, then use PHP to include your navigation, footer and header from their own files, this way you'll only have to edit your navigation or header file, and it'll take effect across the whole site. Makes it easier than having to edit every navigation bar in every one of your pages. And it has no impact on your site's security.As for the ones here saying that HTML websites are useless, take a look around. Even if we only consider HTML files, there are many websites using them that are pretty useful, like the Python documentation section. Overall many websites oriented in teaching a programming language are in HTML, why? Because they just don't need PHP or ASP and the like. The objective is not to create a facebook replica, but a simple page containing some information. And flat files are good, too. You can look at for example tizag.com. It's based on flat files I think.Anyway the point is to make a site that serves its purpose. Building a MySQL database system for a 5-paged website is useless. And I bet most of those sites don't need functions like comments and RSS feeds either...
  20. I liked WD's. There's one odd thing tho, I can't see Mike's entry. Don't know why...Annnnyywaaaay, although the render seemed a little low on quality (but that's probably not your fault) to me, I love the text and the effect behind "Xisto.com", so my vote goes for web_designer. It also felt like it had more room to "breathe", so that's a reason, too.@Rigaudon: Loving that effect on the right!Why is it that I always miss the SOTW topics? Finally freestyle and I should've entered... Well, doesn't matter, wouldn't have won anyways haha. Maybe shouldn't renew the disaster the last time I made a sotw entry.
  21. What I do when I'm depressed is mostly the opposite of everything advised here. I lay on my bed, and think. I think for a long time. I think about the reason of my depression. I also eat a lot as well, but I don't gain any weight (I think it's because my thyroxine levels rise to the heavens, but not sure, haven't investigated this...). Okay, where was I, oh yes... So, I think a lot, and I kinda carry my depression around after that, I guess. Acknowledging its existence is better than hiding it like the others do, but as I'm not an optimist, I wouldn't be happy all the time for none-existing reasons anyway. I wonder if I'll emotionally explode some day? Haha, Bani, the walking time bomb.Anyway, when I'm depressed about things that aren't very hmm... "deep", I do things like waste time watching stand-up, go out for a jog (I'd do that anyway), play AssaultCube (FPS), try to learn something online and play drums. Sometimes might even play piano and a lot of sad and depressing blues notes. I might post something here, or have a chat in the shoutbox if anybody is there to speak with me.Reason for EDIT: I has typing skillz
  22. Okay, I didn't exactly mean IM, but some kind of real-time notification area, like in facebook (notifies that somebody liked your photo, for example). That would work when you were offline, too, and notify you when you log in next time. It would display short messages, nothing like complete HTML emails and attachment management.Something like in every message, you would see some notification, like this: "X replied to your thread 'what if sites used IM instead of e-mail to contact' on Xisto forums."I think it might be handy.
  23. Okay, the topic title is kind of confusing I know, but I'll try to explain here. You see, I register in a lot of sites, I also get many e-mail notifications from different sites when they for example say that I have reset my password, my subscription has expired, my threads have been replied to, somebody said something to me on facebook, I have won the nobel prize etc. You get the idea, excluding that last one...After getting scared off at how my e-mail got hacked when I was using webmail notifier on my firefox (and I have COMPLEX PASSWORDS. Really, like bleeping and blooping complex... you get the idea), I started manually checking my emails, and I get tons of these.If all this stuff would come to me through IM, like how facebook has it's notification area, it would save me the trouble and I wouldn't have to visit my e-mail account every time I've reset my password on some site. I could see them in real time.?Anyway, just an idea.EDITY: another idea, how about removing the kontera ads for logged users in the posts? I don't know if I'm the only one seeing them, but I can see them on Opera running on Ubuntu. It's annoying..
  24. I do agree with Google. I think fast pages are important. I see many sites using PNG where they could've used GIF, many loading fancy javascript drop-down menus, many using image gradients and corner images where they could've used pure CSS. And if IE compatibility is that important, heck, you can use IE filters. And take it easy guys, it will only affect 1 percent. Anyway, I see many plain sites in results when I search for information anyways! Sites like Tizag.com and such. This could affect news sites tho, and maybe some of the top news blog sites would be 1# in search results rather than a content-heavy and stuffed-with-ads news site when you search for quick news. I have written an article about web page optimization. Here's the link if you're interested: http://tutoriary.com/.
  25. @nitin: Resistive screens do support gestures.Anyway, it's a matter of preference. I personally kind of feel like I don't have enough control over the interface when my every random touch on the screen is registered as a command. While most old resistive screens are not responsive enough and may annoy the user (= Nokia Symbian smartphones, except X6 which has a capacitive), there are some exceptions. You kind of get used to how much you have to apply pressure to get it registered. Mostly I think the most user-friendly devices (= iphone and such) do have a finger-friendly interface, so you don't need to worry. But with a resistive you can press accurately with fingers if you know how to apply the pressure with the tip of your finger, too, not only the stylus. And I don't like selecting text in capacitive screens, too inaccurate... Capacitive would however be the one I would recommend to "regular" users.Second thing I would recommend considering is the resolution and size of the screen, the bigger and sharper, the better... well, at least to some extent.
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