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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Nice. Although I don't really get why it has to boot so fast. Probably because I'm rarely in a situation that I have to get online under one minute. What I would really like would be that they optimized the after-boot performance. I care about that one so much more. And new features would be nice too. For the less nerdy people I mean. Something completely new and useful that's not available on Mac OS X or Windows would be really nice. That might be hard to accomplish, but hey, you can dream... :angel: So, since you're daring, I have a few questions: 1. Which Firefox version is available in the repos? I'm kind of sick of the way Ubuntu doesn't update to the latest firefox version in the repos... I could compile, but still, it's annoying and I would expect that a decent distro can keep up to date with the most used web browser on their platform. 2. Is the general performance better than the one on 9.10? I know it's a beta, but oh well.. 3. So what does this exactly mean? Does it boot without launching the necessary USB interfaces and such and you have to access them manually?4. Has anything changed radically from 9.10, like astonishing features or something?
  2. I actually watched a show where they talked about new technology by which the browser connects to the server and stays connected. So you don't have to make http requests for everything, just form a connection and load stuff. And the browser doesn't have to send requests to the server asking if anything is changed for everything. Not sure if it was about HTML5 or something.And there's always https :angel:
  3. Knowledgesutra is much better, but still kinda off to me. Maybe you could somehow relate it with hosting? Because most people come here for hosting. To the regulars the names doesn't and shouldn't matter, because they're not here for the name. Another thing I might want to add is that do you have to keep sutra in the domain? Yea it gets stuck in your mind but I'm afraid that'll only be for the sutra part. How about knowledgehost or knowhost? knowforum? knowsutra?!
  4. I don't mind changing the domain name to something else. As long as it delivers the message quickly like "hostingforums" or something like that. BUT, this new name delivered no clear message about the functions of this site at all (to me at least). Most people don't know what sutra means, and you have to admit, newsutra makes it even more confusing.So based on that I think you shouldn't change the domain name. There are many things needing improvement here. Maybe you should start with small things, OQ. I strongly recommend fixing the typos in the category titles for example. And the shoutbox. Can you just reinstall the shoutbox add-on/plug-in/mod if you can't fix it otherwise, please? There have been a lot of requests on that on many threads, so I and maybe some other members assumed that you would fix it because we asked so many times. I know whining isn't going to help, tho. Maybe you're trying to hunt big fish with a small rod, OpaQue? Because I think you should first "finish" this site before making changes on a macro scale.So, I have my own suggestion, how about hostingtrap or trappedhosting? Or something similar, I think you might want to keep the word "trap" because of it's meaning and put something descriptive after or before it. BTW, I call the members trappers, so what I'm going to call them when the new domain is in use? The sutra guys? :angel:
  5. Yes HTC hero is a good choice in my opinion too, because of it's screen. It resists your fingerprints.BTW, the N900 has been mostly idle for almost 12 hours now and it has used up 1/6 of the battery. You might find a used N900, some crazy people are selling them away because they're too pissed off at Nokia for maybe not officially supporting MeeGo on it. Make sure it's good as new before buying tho.
  6. The N900 is the only phone running maemo, all the other ones run previous versions of maemo and they're not phones, but internet tablets. Whoohoo 650th post!!!! :angel:
  7. + it's really crappy, crashes and takes your OS with it and it's hated by every web designer and developer on earth. Burn baby burn! I never supported IE6, and I never will.So everyone, join the ie6nomore campaign! It's on the net, google it! Let it burn in hell! With Windows Vista! :angel:
  8. Yes, the price is quite high. But you can get one for 500 or even lower if you search. I got it for 550 and it was AFTER the heavy taxing of my country (+ the delivery fee, it was 10 so the phone was about 540). The battery life is really a problem with the smartphones these days. The amount of time the battery lasts is relative to your activity. The N900's 600 MHz ARM Cortex processor and dedicated GPU drain a lot of power when active. The high WGA resolution screen also consumes a lot of power. So keeping that in mind, here are the battery times I found on maemo.org: Another thing you should keep in mind is that this is more of a computer than a phone. In fact, the phone is just an application that uses the internal antennas and such to receive and send signals. So, owning an internet tablet like this is like owning a mini-laptop. Of course there are things you can't do the same way, but you get the idea. So compared to that, its battery life is still pretty good. Besides, there are apps that let you save battery life. Like a wifi-switcher, a switcher between GSM and 3G. I connect the phone to my computer through WLAN and watch youtube videos, download stuff etc (and youtube videos run smoothly after a few lags at the beginning, btw). Lasts 6 hours. I play games at school on brakes, lasts the whole time for me to come home. I also have a step-meter application active which counts my steps using the accelerometers and listen to music at the same. I haven't used it much after the last full charge (2 h ago) and the battery is full. I've had wifi and 3G disabled all the time. You can also reduce the brightness of the screen, I have it on max tho. It lasts one day with active usage and you can just charge it at night like I do. If you take long trips and you actively use your phone, get an extra battery as a back-up or don't play so many games! :angel: But I found a great post at Maemo.org that pretty much sums up everything: This is certainly a device that lures you into using it. So if you're going to use it a lot, get ready to charge it often.
  9. The Nokia N900 is good. You have your x-terminal as well. GPS works well with ovi maps and you can also get Maep or Navit navigation. Google maps works as well using a small hack in the browser. The only downside is that you don't have turn-by-turn navigation on the Ovi maps. Actually, you can hack it and install Android too. And nothing is limited. Google calendar works and it has a good e-mail and SMS client as well. MMS doesn't work, but I doubt you'll need it anyway since you can use email for that. Skype is also integrated so you can use skype over 3G instead of calling. 3Gand WLAN are both excellent on the device.You're also limited to Nokia PC suite, the ovi suite which is widely used with other Nokia smartphones isn't available yet.There are many cool things you can do tho, you can run a lightweight linux desktop environment as a program on top of the Maemo 5 Operating System. The software is called Easy Debian, and you can run all the normal programs like OpenOffice and GIMP, even without launching LXDE. This is an iKiller.The touchscreen is resistive, but you don't have to use the stylus or really push hard for it to work like on many other resistive technology using phones. Besides, the only rational use I can figure for multitouch is zooming, and you have many more accurate ways to zoom in the browser in N900 in my opinion.I don't like the idea of MeeGo, mainly because they're going to push that on multiple devices in different categories, so software for MeeGo on another device might not work with your device. And there's gonna be system requirements and everything. They're making owning a smartphone a more complex task than it has to be. Of course it's nice to have cross-device compatibility and stuff, tho. And the normal s/w will run with a little porting because of Qt 4.6. And maemo just sounds cooler.Another cheaper option would be HTC Hero or Desire. But they may not have the multitasking capabilities of the N900. And I agree on the iBrick tho, what's the use of all the apps when you can only run one at a time? Useless. In the N900, you can have a browser open, listen to music, listen to music IN the browser with Grooveshark, text and use the phone to call home to your mom to tell her to make some hot chocolate :angel: at the same time with windows, like in your normal PC, without the calling tho. And you can install adblock plus on that browser as well. It renders the sites just like firefox, no mobile modes. You can get opera mini tho, if you're using gprs.It's a geek's phone if you want it to be and I'm sure you'll like it.If you have any questions about how the device functions, post them here and I'll test if I can.
  10. Thanks for the tutorial, Tramposch. I hadn't even noticed that you used clipping earlier, but it looks cool and adds a nice dimension to the work. You can do this with GIMP, too (for us poor guys ), with a few steps. tutorial Basically that and fill selection with black on lower layer & blur with gaussian blur. :angel:
  11. Alright, I have a somewhat dry skin... Aw bleep! *Sips some coffee* And again! *getting more coffee*. I don't get enough sunlight anyways, so I suppose falling asleep in the balcony for 4 hours is more likely to get me skin cancer than a dry skin? I'm gonna move somewhere warm really, it's -4 C here right now... Any suggestions? Spain seems nice :angel:
  12. Yes, the elements were beyond my control (kinda), you can see why if you look at the XCF file I provide in the entry thread. I tried to make it as meaningless as possible. But, you can see a face in there if you look hard enough And I'm gonna assume that last sentence was sarcastic because I myself hate what I did with the text! It was midnight, tired eyes and everything... I'm waiting for that tut btw! Maybe I can make a GIMP version of it (with your permission, of course). BTW truefusion, why there are multiple male gender symbols in your entry? :angel: And are those pluses meant to say something?
  13. From what I know, this is top-notch software. The reason you may not have heard of this might be because it's rare in personal use. It has advanced settings for business usage, such as the administrating settings & configurations, like someone here already mentioned. And sometimes, you just don't hear about things, like I thought JSP meant javascript for a year :angel: I use avira and avast(on linux, mostly for checking if I have any windows viruses in my downloads).
  14. Umm, I didn't quite get it... What you mean by the method? PHP include() or require()? No, they're not used to make core of those applications you mentioned such as the login system. If you want to do those things, you should take a look some login scripts (google) and other scripts you mentioned. Make sure you learn SQL before you start that tho. If you meant PHP and SQL as a good method, then yes, it is. Although the good part might be arguable.. :angel:
  15. You don't need to wrap your content in the layout file with php tags as the first codebox suggests this quote of web_designers code. You open the div tag, insert php function include(), like so: <div id="content"><?php include("file.php"); ?>
  16. Your code is invalid: http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&amd.trap17.net%2F Sometimes, the code is invalid but doesn't put the browser in quirks mode, which is better, you should still fix the errors tho. But this code you have now, forces the browser into quirks mode. So, fix all the errors, take care of the warnings as well if necessary. And tags don't close themselves automatically, you have to do that yourself. If you need help fixing an error but don't understand what the w3 validator is telling you, post it up here and I can help you. :angel: Also, if you're having problems with organizing CSS in one file (which I think is a nicer way of doing it), you can check this article, which contains a small tip on how to do it: http://tutoriary.com/
  17. Damn I thought it was 400 x 350! I'm getting too old for this... :angel: Tramposch beware, I'm changing my sig size! Gotta preserve the details... Anyways, for those (if any) interested in the sig, I made it using "difference" blending mode and some linear and radial gradients, then some layer modes. You can download the XCF (GIMP project file) here. More entries, guys! *WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE...*
  18. Alright peeps, first time I participate! Here's my entry:Nice sig truefusion and Rob. tf, your sig is 417 px too wide, btw :angel:EDIT: should I not upload, but use some image hosting site, or is this okay this way?
  19. Index.php <html> <body> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head> <?php require("layout.php"); ?> <div id="content"> my text and titles go here </div> </html> </body>First of all, you need to put the body tag opening after the head tag. Which is what you have done in the second code box. Just a side note here, it causes mobile browser incompatibility. Also, you're closing <html> before you do the body tag! You gotta be careful with these in the future. :angel: Now, talking about the code you've got there, it's good. Although I wouldn't call it layout.php and more like header.php, just to be clear. You might also want to make a footer.php and use include() or require() to get a footer after your content div as well. BUT, the way you've done your layout.php isn't correct. Because now this is the page source after being processed by apache and sent to the browser(notice i've fixed the tag orders for you): <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head> <body> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head> <body> <div id="header"> logo </div> <div id="menu"> home - pictures - more - more </div> </body></html> <div id="content"> my text and titles go here </div> </body></html> Now, notice you now have 2 heads, 2 bodies, 2 stylesheet links and 2 htmls. This puts the browser in quirks mode. You only have to get the stylesheet once, as the contents of both of these are represented in the same page. So, change your layout.php to this: <div id="header"> logo </div> <div id="menu"> home - pictures - more - more </div> And now the code output on the page will be this: <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head> <body> <div id="header"> logo </div> <div id="menu"> home - pictures - more - more </div> <div id="content"> my text and titles go here </div> </body> </html> Also, notice you're lacking a title tag in your head tag, remember to include that, too! And yes, as web_designer said, you can use the require() or include() functions in php code to get the stylesheets and scripts embedded in the head tag. Doing this will reduce the amount of http requests required for the browser to make and further optimizes your website if you're using a heavy CSS file. If you want to do the thing mentioned above, get rid of the stylesheet link in the head tag and use this instead: <head><style type="text/css"><?php require("mydesign.css"); ?></style></head> Good luck.
  20. Registered... and still can't use it. Oh well, I guess it's back to booting to windows and checking in every browser myself. :angel:
  21. Hmm.. this topic got me thinking... ... What will happen to the miss universe beauty competitions when we find intelligent life in outer space? :angel: Complete revolution! Here's a small intro to the future: - "And there comes Miss Rory with her beautiful, beautiful tentacles and a massive golden neck ring. She had to leave the competition last year because her aoiufwoeid fell off during the competition and she s?kjghdkjhed on the floor. I can't wait to see what she's going to look like in the swim suit round! Right, now back to Jonny!" Anyway, speaking of hot girls, I'll add Heidi Clum to the list!
  22. I don't know much about your problem or javascript, but it might be caused by quirks mode. A table element must contain table row and table cell elements by the W3 standards. So put in <tr> and <td> tags, try again and see if it works.
  23. It seems the site is out of service? And entering my site url results in an error...
  24. Update, although the copied content is in code tags. And my point was, that since you're assuming the user has javascript enabled globally, you could use javascript and eliminate the need for CSS and more code. Altough this way it might be a little simpler to understand. :angel: I find this a better way of doing it...
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