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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I never was a fan of his, but yeah, I agree that after his death suddenly everyone started to adore him or at least give him peace and it;s not the same as it used to be before.. The only thing I don't like is that now for at least 2 years, some people will make millions out of it by doing different things to get money.
  2. The last line: else { you opened it and you need to close it with } thats way you get that error I guess? but if it's not the full code, on these kind situations it always shows the last line as error code.
  3. I really loved Terminator 1 and 2 when I was a kid, really good movies, but when I saw Terminator 3 it got really funny to me, after a while I saw Terminator 4 and it really disappointed me, but oh well It's supposed to be like that I guess. :angel:
  4. A lot of whom is using PowerDVD as it's quite powerful, but sometimes VLC is just enough to watch HD videos for me, if for some reasons it doesn't work or doesn't show the video as it should, I open it with Quick time alternative and am using K-Lite Codec Pack? I guess it also works as DVD player, but I just don't know about the menus and etc. like on a real hardware DVD player.
  5. Strange topic, but oh well, I can say that I usually wash my teeth twice a day, before going to bed and when I wake up, I eat something and then I wash my teeth again, some people brush their teeth when they wake up and later eat their breakfast, but I don't do that, because I brushed them before going to bed and did not eat anything, so whats the point? unless you sleep for 12h or was drinking lots of beer, for that reason sometimes I bush my teeth 3 times a day. Of course, when I am somewhere near the lake with a tent or something like that, I only brush teeth once a day, because I forget or just go to sleep because I'm to tired and in the morning I brush them, maybe because of beer influence
  6. I used to use Desktop computers and never thought of Laptop several years ago, but for some time now, when Laptops got much cheaper and much more reliable and powerful, I think most of users are choosing to get a Laptop, especially if they are not hardcore gamers, due to even though a laptop might be powerful, it is saving energy with all those speed stuff, that you usually get more speed on a Desktop..I bought a Laptop some years ago and I'm really happy, when I go somewhere I just take it and have a small cordless laser mouse, which is very convenient lets say at work and university.. But at home 15.4 screen is to small for me, thats why I connect it to external big LCD monitor and have external keyboard and a bigger mouse, so it seems that I'm on a "Desktop" computer, even though it is portable Because my laptop only has Stereo output, I bought external sound card, my sound system is 7.1 so it's quite stupid to use only two speakers, so I really think that if it's possible, it's better to use Laptop and if it is to small for you, just buy external LCD monitor and etc. :excl:Of course, when having a real Desktop, you can add more HDD and customize it, but it's hard to move it, as been said and having a Laptop and a Desktop, well you'll need to use two Operating Systems, so double work for you, double updates, double scanning and etc. :angel:
  7. In Lithuanian it would be:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - Linksmų Kalėdų ir Laimingų Naujųjų metųIn Latvian it would be:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un laimīgu Jauno gadu:(
  8. I think it's wrong, but people who are homosexual, be it, but why do they want to show that, to make parades on the street, they usually like to get in trouble themselves and say that they are getting discriminated, I'm not talking about everyone, but there are people like that.. Some of them live on provocations, which I don't like, it seems that they like to be beaten up and later like to yell, as if they don't have anything else to do, why not just be a different human being with some differences and live.My friend, which does not really like homosexuals and has a t-shirt which say "blue color is not nice" or something like that, two gays came to him and started to fight, one of them were filming, my friend punched those guys, but the next day police called and those gays showed the movie, but quite photoshoped it or whatever you can call it, they cut some stuff and he got in trouble, so what a f*ck?
  9. I will say my favourite pets, but not animals, as I really like most of animals which looks nice! Especially I like to watch some documentaries where they are shown, but anyways, about pets. I used to like cats, but since I got my dog, I don't like cats, I prefer dogs. Also, I used to have a chinchilla, and they are quite cute, lab rats are also fun, but it's a pity they live only 2-3 years..
  10. I saw a documentary movie recently called Home, it's 2009 movie, well I got a little mad about it, as most of what was said seems to be facts, but also those there "lies", based on who knows what, even global warming are politics and money For people who really believe in the global warming stuff, I suggest to read these articles, they are really great, well most of them, because some are quite simple: http://www.ourcivilisation.com/aginatur/moregw.htm After reading this, you'll know that global warming and all the things they say on TV and News are not so scary afterwards.
  11. Well, if we are talking about TV and not Cinema, then the latest movie I saw is just recently, called Fatal Error, it a movie from 1999, which wasn't to good nor to bad, I just didn't know what to watch
  12. I voted for Gmail as the best webmail and email service for me too ans I see that everyone here until my post did the same! \o/I tried other services and most of them didn't satisfy my needs, usually gmail is online and working and it's really very fast! I used to prefer email clients, but for some years now I don't, as webmail has more advantages than email clients, which was opposite lets say 5-7 years ago.
  13. I didn't use it to much, as I usually don't need any recovery, but I tried it and I think it might be good, as Recuva is from the same developers who created CCleaner and Defraggler, you can download it here: /recuva
  14. Well, maybe there is a point to use Windows without IE, but some people might get lost, that there is no browser, those who were using IE will try to find it, those who didn't won't have problems, but how can I download Firefox, Opera, Safari without having a browser? Windows might just ask if you want to install IE? but if my computer is still not connected to the Internet? the setup needs to be somewhere on the DVD? And as it been said, to configure a router you need to be able to go to or something like that.. To install drivers you need to go to the hardware page for downloading latest drivers. So it seems a bit stupid.
  15. I agree that frames were something for the old days, when most of people couldn't use PHP or other programming/scripting languages for their sites, having frames for menus, sidebars was a logical way to do it, to not include all the same stuff in the html. I know some sites still use frames, but it's a matter of habit, because people who used them in the past quite often, still might use them, because they think it's ok, same with using tables in html, new users which learn html today usually use CSS, I personally still use tables if I want to and I just need a result and not a "better" html structure, the main thing it works on most browsers, where using only divs and CSS does not work as I want to on some browsers..
  16. Quatrux

    Safari 4

    For years now I'm using Opera as my main browser, but since Firefox 3, when it got faster, I am using it too, I've made it my default browser, that all links in chats and documents would be opened with Firefox, as I don't know what I might see there and in Opera I have all the tabs open I usually need for work, studies and myself. I also search using Opera so it also usually has lots of tabs, which with time I just close.And as somebody mentioned, I use Chrome and IE8 for testing purposes.. Just downloaded Safari 4 for Windows and will try it! As I know google team is porting Google chrome on Linux? So they are porting the GUI or Webkit? Never read to much about it, Webkit is almost the same as KHTML, for testing it's almost the same as Konqueror. :PWow, I like that Safari on Windows now has the Look and Feel for Windows, not as the previous versions I was using which had a GUI for Mac OS It's really great and looks quite like Chrome and Safari 4 with Opera 10 seems to validate with Acid3 test by 100/100
  17. Just tried it and looks quite nice, but still I have a habit to just use google, even though for some years now I don't even like google search results, as usually the results on the first page aren't what I'm searching for, it's a big site which just has those keywords and lots of links to it, sometimes I find something what I need on the second or even third page, if earlier websites there spamming with keywords, now they spam with links and get "better" page rank. :(The results on Bing and Google on some keywords are quite the same.
  18. Quatrux


    I also use Defraggler and as I remember I found out about it on these forums, but just in a different topic, it's really a great tool and is much better than Windows default tool to defragment partitions. I usually defragment once in two months, or if after analyze my partition is at least 18% fragmented.About creating partitions.. Yeas, I agree I've done it lots of times and using lots of partitions, one partition is just for Windows C: and I usually don't put anything there anymore, because it usually needs a defrag much more than other partitions, I use another partition for Programs/Software like the same Defraggler.. Another partition for my Media, like Pictures, Music, Videos which is the largest and it usually does not have anything what could fragmentate it to fast. Also like most of you I have Swap partition, but it's only 8 GB, I use Temp folders, put lots of Temp, Config directories there, some downloads and files which usually gets deleted, written and so on.. I usually download files there from Skype, if somebody sends a photo or some document and later delete it or move to a place it belongs.. Also I have another Partition for torrents and DC++ downloads where usually I clean up, do lots of deletes and so on..At my house, I and my brother have A Homeserver, to which our computers are connected and it has a HDD of 500 GB, which is quite full of Music, Documents, Videos, Backups which we share, you can watch videos straight form it, listen to music and so on, so it's really comfortable, and it is quite quiet, and in a small room there no one can see or hear it
  19. This is one of the funniest things I've read recently :(I remember watching MiB, that lots of celebrities were aliens and it was funny, but that's just for fun, I think he was just a human as most of us, just that he was not n ordinary human. Even though I never liked him to much, still it's a pity he died. Now it's a popular thing to write/talk about in the news on TV, Internet and even in newspapers, radio etc. Lots of people think of lots of things, to believe in something is hard, I myself see lots of things that on the news people lie, lots of articles lie, I was in number of events, and when reading about those events, truth is somewhere else, they write about to make a scandal or something, even though nothing really happened there and so on, journalism Today "sucks" :DMost of so called "journalists" on the Internet can't even write fluently, I also could be a journalist and write with mistakes, just would need to make up some story
  20. Well, I liked the idea of Yordan to do something with traffic-lights, so my initial idea was to do something with them, I searched the web for some images of roads and etc. and later I found out that I will have some problems with traffic-lights as they need to show both sides on a map, but initially I liked the idea of something with roads and a car, so I did the same idea I thought of by reading Yordan's post, except I did it using road signs, if somebody is interested here is a link to a google translated version of it: dev.quatrux.net/DI/DI.php DI stands for AI in my language, as you can see I did it using only with some PHP and mostly Javascript with HTML+CSS, Javascript is not optimized to much, but it does the work good, it runs on Opera, Safari/Chrome and IE8 really fast, but on Windows Firefox it's quite 4 times slower.. on Linux Firefox it is as fast as on Opera, don't know why.. Also it does not work as it should on IE6 or IE7 as I been said by some of my friends. I found some sdl/flash games and took some screenshots, created a map using Gimp from those screenshots, found some images on google and altered them with Gimp to suit my needs in this little thing, it also should play a sound when driving of a motor engine starting up, as it's a WAV file.. How to use it: Just select from the combobox to select a destination and on the map using your mouse click once for A point and next for B point, you'll see the best available path to go, when 2 points are selected you can click Drive and should hear a sound and a moving car by the best/fastest path, it's using the path-finding algorithm of A* Also, the main point is the road signs, when you click on a road sign with a mouse you'll be able to place it on the map roads, the STOP sign will make the car stop before the sign for 1 second, the sign with PEOPLE will make the car drive slower than usually and the sign with WORKERS will close the road at that square, so the car will need to find another best path to not go through the closed road if it's possible, thats the whole idea of this AI even if you can call it AI By the way, when putting road signs, to comeback to choosing destination, select from the bottom combobox. Furthermore, some text wasn't translated by google, and the Alert messages are also in my mother tongue Lithuanian, so just push Ok ;] Map coordinates are just XY values, the Grid mode is just for fun and the territory mode justs shows R for Road, T for Terrain and C for Closed road. ;] Well, thats about all to control it By the way, at the beginning it may not work very fluently, as the images load or the sound needs time to load, after some usage, several clicks and a refresh everything seems to work as it should.
  21. I installed IE8 after it's release and even though I don't use it, but it works quite good, is much better than ie6 and even improved since ie7, as it now is passing the acid2 test, but of course it does not pass acid3 test, but it's really much better than earlier versions. ;]
  22. I guess it's enough to put the .htaccess file in you root directory of subdomain.example.com so whenever someone goes to any resource in example.com/subdomain/ he will get redirected to the same resource through the subdomain.example.com
  23. I'm also experiencing those called Deja vu, it's really creepy, but also sometimes I like that I'm experiencing them, it makes me feel strange that everything is not so simple ;] Usually I just think that at some moment it seems that it already happens, I just think that it was a dream, I already done this moment in a dream, but I just fool myself, and usually am surprised for several more moments and later forget about it, but I like the feeling if it does not happen to often.
  24. Well, leave the programming to me, as it's not the main thing, I know how to accomplish things, but I just can't think of anything what could be having some AI in a little program, all I need are ideas and if I like them, I will do them.. My friend has thought to create a program, which finds the best/shortest path from a labyrinth, which is simple and brilliant, but I can't think of anything like that yet
  25. size is the real size of file in bytes, like if you have a text file with 3 ANSI letters, it will use 3 bytes and it's size will be 3 bytes, but size on disk is different, it's the size that file takes being stored on that HDD, so size on disk usually depends on the Hard disk drive, on the file system used FAT, NTFS, SFS, FFS and etc.Imagine a hard drive made from blocks/clusters with it's own sizes, so 3 bytes will take up lets say ~4.00 KB on your Hard drive, the more small files, the more it takes space on your drive and it all depends on the file system you're using.. Bigger files will usually take the same space.. Also imagine, you have C:/ partition on Windows, you checked the check-box to compress your files on that partition to save some space, so a text file having size 280 KB will be compressed on your hard drive and will take about 79 KB on disk, less than the original one, as it's compressed, but you don't even feel that as everything is very fast, you think it's a simple text file.To determine the real space, I usually suggest to .TAR or .ZIP (without compression or at least fastest method) lots of small files and only then put it on your USB key to transfer, you'll know for sure, as usually NTFS is used on HDD and on USB Keys it's only FAT32 ;]
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