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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. MySQL is not the BEST in my opinion, it's widely used, but it has it's problems, minor ones which sum up and gets quite annoying, databases which aren't free or open source like Oracle are much more powerful. For example, in MySQL you still can't do NOW() by default on a DATETIME data type, which on MSSQL, Oracle is possible for a long time, on MySQL you need to choose Timestamp and etc. which some people don't want to do, why us a timestamp when you can use DATE, DATETIME.
  2. I prefer dogs, even though they need more attention, thats the main thing, cats sometimes just are to stupid, sometimes not, it really depends, but if you have a smart fun dog, it's much better in my opinion, and if you can't handle it, rather don't get it, because why do you want a pet if you don't want to give any attention to it?Personally, I always see on TV that dogs drink water from toilet, personally here in Europe, I've never heard or seen something like that happening, I don't any dogs which could do that, maybe you forget to give him water and he finds it there? or maybe we have different style toilets, because our toilets water is at the bottom of the toilet. :DHaving a pet needs responsibility, thats why I don't like little kids with pets, those children just pisses of pets, so it's much better to have a dog, when you don't have children or they're are grown up a little.
  3. Seems there are really lots of anti virus topics on both Xisto and Xisto and I guess on all other forums as well. As always I'll repeat myself, personally I don't know which is best, but I would recommend this:if you can pay, get NOD32 if you can't pay use Avast, home edition which is free. :mellow:The best way is not to use any antivirus and don't get in trouble in the first place, by opening unknown files, but of course it's your risk, those "nude-paris-hilton.exe" - you really want to open it, don't you? :PSpyware is much more annoying as it's easier to catch it..
  4. I personally very dislike the interface of Yahoo mail, it's just terrible, Gmail interface of webmail is much better while using and besides those things with large inbox, most of us don't need to much space anyways..Also, hotmail is much slower and requires more traffic/bandwidth than Gmail, but it's quite nice, even though I don't use it.
  5. I don't know about USA, but in my country we also express time like "it's five past three" and etc. were are different ways of telling 14:30, 14:45, 14:55, 15:10 and etc. I guess it's depends on how you used to get it, sometimes I myself don't get it, if someone says me what is the time, very fast. :DHow can in USA you say 3:24 PM ? or etc.
  6. Quatrux

    The Sims!

    When Sims appeared it really go very popular? wasn't it the best selling game in some year? Even though the best part for me was to build the house and not play it, my brothers wife and kids really enjoyed to play it, they were playing it and playing. The Sims has really a great idea for a game, I never played newer versions, the last time I played it was like 3 years ago.
  7. I learnt html years ago, just by looking at web source and trying to create a website, at that time were weren't so much tutorials for it, but when I got through all the elements in html in some references, tags and etc. it all got quite clear, using html was quite simple, even though at that time I used to use FONT and CENTER tags, but now usually CSS+HTML does all the stuff I need and where needed Javascript, even AJAX.
  8. As I'm not a designer nor I want to be one, I just do simple graphics, whenever I need, so I also use a free alternative GIMP and I'm quite satisfied with it, especially because now more and more people are using it and there are lots of tutorials for it now how to get one or another effect, lots of things in Photoshop can be done on Gimp, even though I noticed that Gimp is not moving forward for the past two years, even though it's updating, there's nothing really new.
  9. I generally believe that space has some affect on us, planets, moons, stars and other stuff, I am talking in perspective of physics, even though it's not fully understandable nor did I read about it to much, but I believe that something happens to us while it's night or day, full moon or etc. due to gravity and other effects, so I guess I generally believe in astrology, but I don't believe in most of our current astrologers, all those witches and stuff who can tell a lot about you, it's all for the money and it's in some way their work, some people are confused, sometimes going to get to know about you just gives you some positive emotions, on which you rely.Even though it seems that those persons really sometimes do some amazing stuff, same for magicians, but personally I think it's only tricks, psychology and nothing more, even though it may look amazing. Also horoscopes, they are written generally to fit everyone, and when you read it, you generally think about yourself and imagine things, create things in your head and you think it's amazing, there are lets say lots of scorpions, they all are reading the same horoscope for that day, most of them imagines quite different things, but I also think that sometimes it fun just to read them, because of boredom..Also, if some witch will say "you're going to die on 2045" you'll think about that all your live and you really might do it, or lets even worse she will say "You'll never have a happy live with love or a women" so generally if you will believe in it, it might be true if you'll always remember it, because if you'll think that *BLEEP* she told you, you may really never be happy, because when you'll be, you won't think you're happy, something like that, the idea is quite clear, it all depends on the person himself.
  10. I also thought it means that the last poster in the topic? hmm but it really can be like last poster on the bulletin board or maybe last poster in sub/forum? ;] Even though I don't even know why logically last poster of the thread/topic could get more revenue than posters above his post.. whats the point? Maybe it's just easy to get the last poster id or something, better than random I guess.
  11. Can you show a link to this game or something, that it would be easier to find it?
  12. Well, how does he do it? it seems that he does not post so much to gain 13 dollars instantly, heh, as strange as it may sound, somehow his myCents doesn't update? I just get 1$ and it updates to less than 100 myCents value and thats all, I noticed that his didn't update for over a week? ;] just keeps popping in ;]
  13. In fact, turning your computer on and off ever 30 minutes or even every 2 hours is bad for your computer, it's much better to lets say turn it on and leave it on if you're going just somewhere and will be back soon, after some hours.. same with restarting, restarting your computer is also affecting your hardware, do it lots of times and it will brake..Hard disks has some kind of limit, it can turn off and on, same for the motherboard, as I read it's much healthier for your PC to always be on if the temperatures on it is quite cool, I mean don't leave a computer in a middle of a game which needs lots of resources always..Same with electric simple lamp, it has a limit how much times it can be turned on and off and a limit for how long it will give light.. same with computers, even though that limit is very huge for most modern computers if you take good care of them, it's not like after 200 restarts you'll have problems.. I personally try to turn off my computer only when I go sleeping or away for some days, when I know I'll be away for more than 8 hours..Of course turning off your computer saves some energy and you'll need to pay less, so it also depends on how much money you posses, even though having a laptop consumes/safes energy, I guess same with LCD monitors, because CRT or Plasma needs more energy to work.
  14. In my country everyone is using the 24 hours system, which is quite easy to understand, as AM and PM is more like an English thing, it stands for Ante Meridian and Post Meridian or "before the meridian" and "after the meridian", the Meridian being the Greenwich Prime Meridian. Until America instituted time zones.So in a different language you would have different letters which would be quite strange, using the 24 hours system is like a suitable for most of the countries as everyone can understand it, even though the clocks show and we write 5 PM as 17:00 we usually say: "it's 5 evening" even though in my language it sounds quite clearer, I mean the word evening.. or lets say 7 AM will be 7:00 but we say: "it's 7 in the morning" something like that, or usually we just say 5 o'clock and if you know that it's day/evening, then you know that it's PM and can't be so early in the morning.. I find 24 hour system more suitable, but for example it's quite easy to spell if you're speaking English and just say 5 PM, 7 AM, as you don't need lots of words to make people understand what's the time.Also I know some people say 600 (six hundred) and it refers to 0600 to 6 AM to 18:00 o'clock I guess ;]
  15. A lot of people told me and usually talk that S.T.A.L.K.E.R is one of the best games they've played, but personally I never really played it, maybe when I'll get some time I'll need to start playing it too..
  16. I couldn't list the best games as most of the games I played were really good, even though most of the games I played there just normal and even bad, as I am more of a retro gamer and played lots of Amiga games which is also available as DOS games, but I'll try to make a list of games I remember, but the numbering does not affect which one is best:Reunion (by Amnesty design)UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka XCOM)CivilizationColonizationFreecivSettlersDune 2Hitman I and IIIDoomWormsAll the series of Monkey Island, especially I & IISimon the sorcererBeneath a steel skyQueen of Amazon JungleIndiana Jones in the fate of AtlantisSyndicateFlashbackCannon FodderSim CityLabyrinth of TimeMystNapalmWarcraftAge of EmpiresSuperforgRuff and TumbleStarcraftMedal of HonourF.E.A.RCall of DutyCommand & ConquerIn fact, I could go on and on, I played much more point and click games, I really enjoy adventure games and have lots of them, especially old ones which works with Amiga emulators and ScummVM, but just can't have the time to play them and besides, I now usually use a walktrough, that it would be faster, which isn't so enjoyable.
  17. I seem to be using the latest version of Firefox and I don't have any problems with using flash player, I can browse youtube.com or see some sites using flash and it works as it used to work.. I never had any trouble using flash on Windows.To add, some people said that Opera had some issues with flash player, but I also never had any trouble using flash on Windows with Opera since the 7 version.. maybe it's different on Linux.
  18. I played both, Starcraft quite a lot of times and Age of Empires, except for the newest one if it's out I don't even know, but these games in my opinion both are very good, I can't say which one is better for me, they both brought me lots of joy while playing
  19. I also noticed, that some bigger revenue for me only comes when I post on the forums, when I'm away for several days, the revenue at kontera drops, while posting on the forums quite actively it rises quite a lot
  20. Ultra ISO as I know is not a free application, you need to buy it, even though it's not so expensive, I remember I tried the trial version some time or some years ago.. it's only ~30$ to buy it though, even though you can find and use free software for burning your CDs.
  21. Google chrome feels quite fast as it is using a really good engine, webkit, the same Safari is using and almost the same khtml is, because webkit is based on khtml and khtml is the engine Konqueror on Linux is used which is really a very fast browser with this kind of features..Google chrome is fast because it has nothing, now features except a simple GUI and Webkit as it's engine to parse html, css and javascript and plugins.But I think that Opera with it's new engine is one of the fastest browser, tests never really work, because on different computers they differ, but Opera has so much features all in one and it really is fast, Firefox on the other hand is fast when browsing, it's startup is quite slow loading, but with all the addons it has really lots of features we need and don't need
  22. Astahost and Xisto are separate hosting services, but it's almost the same thing, it works the same way, you need to post on the forums and get myCents to your Xisto panel and pay for hosting with it.In fact, by registering on Xisto and Xisto with the same email, you can post on both forums and get myCents from both of them, just you'll have different myEarnings as it's separate services, but your balance will be updating in Xisto client panel from both forums. :mellow:You'll see myCents popping in and turning into $$$ when you'll post more and be active on the forums by making new topics and posting replays.
  23. Well, I learnt how to use computers by my self, with no classes or etc. I just tried that and that and it seems to do that and that, with time I learnt quite a lot, a good source for everything I learnt to use is Internet, different tutorials and etc. I learnt HTML also by viewing source, by reading and trying to do something, same with all languages..Of course, when I got into university, things like C, C++ was taught to me, but I also used the Internet to make my knowledge a bit advanced, even though those lectures helped me to understand some things.. On computer, I think I can learn almost anything, just it needs time, I couldn't learn another lets say foreign language by myself, due to maybe I don't need it, but if I would go to Germany, I would learn the basics of German language and not like in school, that I learnt it for 6 years and don't know anything Even though I already know how to speak 3 languages.. it's really enough for me..I also could learn lets say for driving exam by myself, but stuff like maths is better to be taught by somebody at lectures or some class.
  24. I use my computer for most of the stuff, as I'm studying engineering informatics, I need to use it for studies, to do different projects, and tasks for different modules, but firstly:I use my computer for browsing the web, reading news, watching videos, reading some articles and of course posting on forums and watching some pictures online :DI use my computer to chat with my friends and people I know, by instant messaging software like Pidgin, Skype and on IRC using xChat.. Usually know I use Skype.. sometimes I even do a video call and talk.I use my computer for my work, to create websites, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL, even though I know and tried some much more languages like C, C++, C# and even Assembly..Well I use it to watch videos/movies and listen to music, I'm using it for everything !!!
  25. I used to smoke when I was younger, just because I didn't have what to do or maybe also due to my surrounding, most of my friends smoke, some people at the places I worked smoked, so it really makes you relax, but with time I stopped smoking, just because of the smell, I really always hated the smell, tried to ash my hands whenever I could, besides here cigarettes prices has risen 200% so it's also is much more expensive to smoke..I don't smoke for over 1.5 years, didn't try any cigarettes and I feel fine, I don't feel so addicted that I want nicotine or something, I just wanted to quit and I did quite smoking and I thought why the hell I did in the first place? Some of my friends does not smoke too, some smoke, but I just don't care to much as long as it's not in a car or a room I'm sitting, I don't understand people smoking in indoor places..
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