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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Nice, even though it could redirect to Xisto Client Panel for Version 3 of Credit System, I think that would be a better solution, even though this one is good too
  2. Yeah those exist, I remember we had a module in the university where we were taught DOS and UNIX at first semester, started with DOS and how Windows is booting and learnt about things which weren't so interesting about DOS, some theory/history and some commands and some files and how it all works, about UNIX also the same, just that more was told about it's commands and differences between DOS and UNIX, but practically the homeworks or whatever they were called needed to be done with BAT/CMD files and also with REGINA REXX :mellow:It was a very easy module in the first semester, but I think not for everyone.
  3. I also really liked Hitman series, it's really great to play those spy/stealth games.. Even though best I liked Hitman 1 and Hitman 2, later versions didn't pic me up to play further.. If you liked Hitman and Thief, even though I never played Thief, but my friend said that it's really good, you could also try these games: No one Lives Forever 2 @ http://www.gamespot.com/pc/ Or also try Project IGI: I'm going In @ http://www.gamespot.com/pc/
  4. really a great move from Microsoft, because the codecs you usually needed for audio/video files there in packs, but it still was a bit annoying to not being able to play some files, even though I think it won't play all the files, but making us to not use Quick Time or as I use Quick Time Alternative is great.
  5. I used to get such emails too, they really look quite as from Paypal, but it's just phising scam to get your money, I think they succeeded to get some money out of it.
  6. Windows 7 seems to be much better and people are just talking about that, the bad thing is that we all spend money for Vista, no we again going to buy Windows 7 after it's released, even though I again will be waiting at least for Service Pack 1 after it's initial release, well it will depend if it'll ever needed it, but I think it will really have one some time.
  7. You could touch some javascript, to know how things work with javascript on a website, learning DOM and etc. Just start with some tutorial, know the basics, you could easily then use jQuery and all the plugins written for this javascript framework. Of course, if you'll need it.
  8. I guess people who were using TPB if it gets shutdown as said before all those people would move to other trackers..It's the same as lets say when in the city there's 1000 of Shops/Malls/Supermarkets/etc... One gets closed, everyone move to a different shop, they don't stop shopping and hanging out.
  9. Opera is the best for me, using it since version 7 and it was always stable for me, I'm using Vista and Opera and have no problems using. Also, am waiting for the final Opera10 release, even though I'm happy with version 9.. I don;t use IE anymore, as Windows updates on Vista comes through the control panel..So basically, I use Opera as my main browser with all the tabs I need, but my default browser is Firefox 3, whenever I push on a link on some chat or document, I make Firefox to open it, because usually those are only temporary links, so I guess I use both, mainly Opera though.
  10. I like to watch sports, especially World championships, Euro-leagues and Olympics, both Summer and Winter.. All the rest sports, I usually don't have the will to watch it.Anyway, from the voting list I only like skiing, even though with such winters in my country, it's usually only a month you can do it, sometimes a week in all the 3 months of winter.. I sometimes ride my bicycle in summer, but do not skate :DTo talk about other sports, I like football (no the American one, but European also known as soccer I guess) as I played a lot of it being a teenager, even though I played a lot of basketball too, but with time my friends did grow up taller than me and I couldn't play as good as I used to, so I didn't really play it for years now :DI also am going to the gym, weight lifting is quite fun, even though I used to go regularly, but sometimes I made yearly periods of not going there, maybe because I'm lazy.
  11. Google chrome is good that it's minimalistic and that it's using Webkit engine, I can test my pages on Windows without needing to use Safari.. I think it's not bad that it's so minimalistic, if you want something more powerful, get Opera or Firefox if we are talking about Windows, both browsers are good. But personally, I also don't browse with Chrome as I'm very happy with Opera. As for someone talking about blocking ads with Google chrome, you don't need no addons to block those ads, you can just install Privoxy, use the default settings and use it in Google chrome as a proxy by writing http proxy with port 8118 and you'll never see any ads again. I'm using it for 6 years now, maybe even longer and I never had any problems with ads, unless I want to see them. If you already use a proxy in the network setup on your browser, you can just use Privoxy and in Privoxy you can point to your proxy and it will work like a charm. http://www.privoxy.org/
  12. I'm quite a retro gamer, even though I usually years ago played with my Amiga, but those games also have DOS versions on Windows/PCI could start with lets say these games, the order does not say anything, as I really liked lots of old games..UFO Enemy Unknown (aka XCOM Enemy Defense), Reunion (from Amnesty Design), Civilization I and II, Sim city, Settlers I and II, Beneath a Steel Sky, Monkey Island I and II, Queen of Amazon Jungle, Simone the Sorcerer I and II, Myst, Labyrinth of Time, Wings, Dune II, Syndicate..Oh, I seem that I could go on and on, as I played it so much when I was 8-14 years old and I still prefer old games, even though I play some non-DOS games too now.
  13. Well, I wouldn't like to be immortal, as I think I would be pissed off with live, even though being invisible would be quite cool for me too, I could go anywhere and listen or see everything, which would really be anti-privacy for everyone else :DWhat I would really like, is to see very good, I mean to see far far away and to see like a microscope,e even though I don't know how I would control that, but I couldn't abuse it to much and wouldn't bring chaos to the world
  14. As I know, he is already warned and he couldn't get hosting or his domain because of that warning. I agree that sometimes he does not know what he is talking about, he posts just to post something, like some random sentence generator from above posts and topic title.
  15. Viruses are in cracks, keygens, no-cd stuff usually, which from my point always should be avoided as there are alternative open-source/free software for almost everything now, but for example downloading mp3 music, mov, avi videos you have to be very stupid to get a virus, by opening some kind of an exe file which should be a movie, or downloading movies which are 32 kb in size. Or opening some exe file you don't know near a movie in the same directory.
  16. I remember, it was so strange that almost in one week everyone I knew in class, in yard, all the kids got a tamaguci (aka digipet) and in class everyone were taking care of it, feeding, healing and so on.. teacher did not like it, the sounds and etc. But the not so fun part that after 12-24 days the digipet died for almost everyone and with time the fashion has gone quite fast, even playing and buying/exchanging Caps and Yo-Yos have lasted longer in my country
  17. I saw something on Discovery channel, that in Japan they have succeeded to make wireless energy transmitting, they've done some tests and charged a mobile phone with success without any wires/cables to it. The main story on that show on Discovery was Solar plants on earth where getting energy to it from space satellites and that they continue to work on it, even though there's lots of disadvantages yet.For example, how to securely connect and use that power as it could be hacked, also I don't know about how it would be safe for human health. I don't see it coming yet, but maybe in the future.. And the idea of wireless energy/electricity as you call it is quite an old idea, I remember I saw about it in some old movie about space maybe from the year 1950-60
  18. I think it's just desire, in my opinion, if it's nothing serious, just enjoy it, but don't do anything, as for someone it may look strange and you can loose respect from the mom and maybe even from the friend, so just enjoy it, but try to find another girl, I guess it's temporary crush for you, you spent time with her, you see her and stuff you like her.. as usually younger people like more mature "hot" girls, with time they look at younger, near their age, later at younger younger than themself :DYes, I would also like to see the picture, even though it's so strange too, we would see what's your taste though
  19. The way I do it, is I SELECT the last sorting method to a session, for example if he is browsing the Gallery by date ascending, SELECT all the IDs to s $_SESSION and you'll have an array of position IDs there, it might be 2,3,4,6,8,1,6 and whatever, if he changes the sorting to lets say alphabetical/by category, reselect the position IDs to that session array.The bad side about this is if new pictures appear in real time (somebody uploads them), you won't see them in the next, previous links of the gallery. [so for this to not happen, you always need to do a SELECT to get positioning and another SELECT to get your data in every request]it looks something like this:Gallery_images tablefield_ID, field_Data, Date_uploaded1, something1, 2009-02-012, something2, 2009-02-023, something3, 2009-02-03SELECT field_ID From Gallery_images ORDER BY Date_uploaded ASC;You'll get an array with values: $Array = {1,2,3}so when you'll be seeing picture nr2, you'll know that the next one is 3 the previous one is 1 and so on..When you'll change the ORDER BY to something else, you'll lets say get $Array = {2,1,3}so when you'll be seeing picture nr1, you'll know that the next one is 3 and the previous one is 2..I think you got the idea? ;]And to continue, when you know positioning in current request for printing the links to next/previous, get your Picture Data by SELECT * From `Gallery_images` WHERE `field_ID` = '2'; // to Select picture nr2 for example.. and show it..
  20. Well, the IQ tests I believe are quite accurate, even though there's a difference every-time you take the test, different tests, on those online, but those offline when it takes you at least 1-6 hours to do, basically what I want to say is that if you'll take some IQ tests ~1000 times, you'll have an average to some kind of number, so the difference of taking it 3 times or 1000 times, if everything was without cheating wouldn't and shouldn't be to much different if the tests were good enough.I took IQ test in my mother tongue offline, on paper, I got 128, I also tried some online, which didn't need so much time and they were in English, not my language, as I remember, some were 142 and some were 121. It also depends on the mood, but generally IQ tests can tell a lot about how smart you are, how you think, how you memorize things and how you calculate in your mind, how you imagine things and how you think, IQ tests has nothing to do with information in my opinion, one can know a lot about programming and computers, other can know a lot about history, and even somebody can know lots about biology, knowledge has nothing to do with being smart (even though it does, but knowing something what others doesn't know doesn't make you smarter, you might not know what he knows, or have less experience in something he has)In my opinion, normal people have IQ from 90-140, having less makes you less smarter, having more makes you a little bit smarter, but people are generally smart, someone can learn something in two hours, for somebody else it may take 2 days, but they both will know it and usually they both will forget it after a while
  21. Well, with my mobile phone I usually use it for calling and writing sms/mms, but I also sometimes listen to mp3, because it has 2 GB of flash memory, I can put some albums there and the quality is really good, even though I bought an mp3 player sometime ago which is even better and now I can save some energy on my cell phone. Also with my phone I take pictures if I don't have a camera near me, usually it's something what happens around me.. I also can record videos with it, but the quality isn't to good, unless putting on youtube or something like that, I also sometimes record a sound if being with my friends, but very rarely as this function isn't interesting anymore at this time, thats about all I use in my mobile, I have Java games, I tried Java apps, browsing Internet with Opera mini, Skype and other software, but I don't do it frequently, at first it was fun, but usually to university, at home and at work I bring my laptop, so using the phone and GPRS isn't necessary for me. ;]
  22. Linux is good if you don't want to pay for your OS, usually the problem is most of people are used to Windows and some people don't even understand that there can be something different, so if you have Linux and somebody will want to use your computer, a friend or something, he might not find IE or something like that :DI personally am using Vista and OpenSUSE, I started using Vista only about half year back, Home Premium version and to tell the truth it's quite stable and as I have 4 GB of RAM there is no issue with memory for me, I gave virtual memory only 512 MB as I remember, due to some application seems to require Virtual memory, especially games, even though you have plenty of RAM.When I got my laptop with Vista, I removed it and installed XP, XP couldn't handle 4 GB of RAM, due to my architecture is 32 bit, so I only could use 3 GB, same with OpenSUSE, even though it's quite enough for me, XP when loaded takes less than 1 GB, where Vista takes over 1 GB So after a while using XP I moved to Vista, better drivers for it on my laptop and everything works, the battery manager, speed up manager and function keys, where on XP they didn't. On Vista I removed some things to fit my needs, I never liked the sidebar and etc. Problem with Vista, is that it can't run some older software, which doesn't seem to work.
  23. I was/am a fan of South Park, I really like South Park as it always has an Idea and most of those ideas are really good, they usually know everything I usually I agree with everything they show, what is shocking that they can really make you laugh from the truth! I mostly liked South park from season 1 to season 10, later it just become more boring to watch, even though in some situations it was also really funny, but not as much as it was in previous seasons !!!I also like Family guy, even though I started to like it more since the season 3 to season 6, now they just show something, I just watch it, because I have nothing else to do, but some series are really funny, I like to laugh, even though I guess it's even more funny to Americans, because sometimes I don't know all the situations or celebrities they recall :DSo I vote for South park to be more funny for me, family guy would be the third, because in fact I really liked Futurama, if we are talking about animated comedy.. Simpsons is something I liked years ago though, I don't even watch the new episodes, even though as I understand they're showing it on TV on my country channels too, I turn it off or if I can I watch.. saw several episodes, but anyway, nothing special anymore.To add something.. American dad for me was really awful, I couldn't watch it further, saw the first 4 episodes and I just don't want to waste my time on it..
  24. My first messenger was Pidgin, at that time it was called GAIM, but it changed its name some time ago and got better, I really like to use it and always did for ICQ, AIM, MSN and Yahoo, even though it can connect to some other protocols too, I've been using Jabber, but I forgot my password, since then I just don't use it.. Anyway, I didn't talk there with anyone except my brother who also had/has an jabber account. :DPidgin is really to use, I never really used all those messengers separately, I just had this program since the beginning.
  25. I disagree with the idea that they should make blank CDs and DVD cost even more to make profit for somebody, as I know I pay more for every blank CD, DVD.. 3% more which I don't like, besides usually people download a movie, watch it and delete it after some time.. I understand to buy a good audio CD and have the original is cool, but I don't find the logic, to buy a DVD movie, watch the movie and never watch it again.. Going to the cinema is much better, but they don't show as much as you can choose from DVDs, besides in most other countries, you can't find lots of DVD movies which you can find online.
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