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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Email support about it. It seems as if possibly your IP is banned from the server. It happens quite often due to using the wrong username/pass when trying to get into cpanel. Some find it annoying, others find it extremely good (it makes brute-forcing much, much harder as you would need a new IP every 5-10 tries).
  2. Looking unprofessional doesn't necessarily reflect people's view of something. There are plenty of businesses that thrive even though they aren't the best looking or the best thought out, solely because they have unique ideas. The look isn't what sells this site/service, it's the idea behind it.
  3. To argue against you I can claim God did in fact create all of those things. Rape = source of reproduction Murderers/Violence/Torture = population control Both of which are essential to our survival.
  4. I don't know anything about the coin really but if it has value now the value will only go up. Especially with older items. Because over time people lose or have theirs destroyed from various causes.Who knows, in 10 years it could be worth 50x what it is now!
  5. CMS are nice to a point but if the site is not going to be one with hundreds or thousands of pages it would be better to use a flat file system (.html's and stuff - like you would with Dreamweaver).To be honest even some larger sites are better flat file. CMS requires the use of PHP/SQL usually, which takes longer to load due to having to search for the information from a database to pull.For someone who is new I would definitely suggest going flat file. It's easier to customise because you aren't bound to "themes" and all of that (like "modules"), and you have full customisability for the entire site.As you get better and learn how to code/change codes that is when you would want to think about moving to a CMS (as you would have a better understanding as to what is going on).Plus, from my personal experiences, flat file systems are much, much easier to back up and restore! You just send them to the server, no needing to edit databases, upload them, ensure everything points to the right spot, etc.BTW, Welcome!
  6. rpgsearcherz


    Welcome to the site! When posting just keep in mind not to spam or copy content from elsewhere (this also includes posting something here and then posting it on your own website. Everything must be unique) and you will be good to go. As for the hosting, it is very easy to obtain. Any questions you have will usually be answered - assuming people notice the question and know the answer!
  7. I want to start off by saying "wow..." The amount of support Xisto has given me lately is more than I could have ever expected, especially considering I'm on the $1.95 a month plan!To explain the issue I had, my website all of a sudden stopped working. I and Xisto went back and forth through at least 30 emails trying to resolve the issue and they even went as far as explaining where the issue was coming from (but couldn't figure out how to fix it). They even went through the work to restore the site to where it was a couple days ago.It still didn't resolve the issue so I ended up wiping the website completely and starting from scratch (importing the information I needed) and now it works great.Regardless, they spent hours and hours helping me on an issue that most hosts would have just said "it's your problem" to. Afterall, it was an error in my site's code, not on their server.Whether the hosting was free or not, I would definitely recommend Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting to anyone else looking for hosting. Their actual care for customers is outstanding and I know of no other company that would treat their members the same.To support - Thanks again!
  8. Awesome, keep us up to date on what's going on. It could be an interesting project for sure, .
  9. Out of curiosity, your plan is to get a SVN server up on the normal (shared) web host, not on VPS or anything, right?If so, I would love to know how to do it as well (assuming it is even possible).Also, I am assuming if you could get SVN up and running then things like Teamspeak should be able to run as well...?
  10. The text at the bottom of the page is huge compared to the rest of the site. Really you should try to keep everything about equal.Aside from that, the layout seems fine. I didn't have any real issues.
  11. This is an interesting topic. I personally have never cloaked a page or really understood the reason for doing so. I never even took into consideration the fact that it keeps people from being able to copy the source.
  12. I haven't read the website for this yet as so far most "online storage space" sites lie about what they can and can not do.So for anyone who uses it, is this usable for backing up normal files? Say you have a 700 MB video, could you upload it there and then download it from other PC's? (or share the link with others so they can download it as well?)And if so, is there a bandwidth limitation/maximum times a file can be downloaded?
  13. I'm not sure if you guys are still having issues with Byethost but I signed up to an account with them about 5 days ago and have yet to have any issues. FTP and everything has been working perfectly fine so far.I don't use it extensively though, just for testing scripts and stuff before making them "live" on my real site (I already used all my SQL accounts so pretty much I'm just using Byethost for free SQL, lol)
  14. I would just like to see a darker theme.. Reading white pages too long starts to burn your eyes. Maybe I'm the only one who feels that way, I'm not sure, but just with almost the entire site being white or near-white, it's hard to stay on for extended periods.
  15. Does this mean the accounts have to remain "locked" together? I thought the requirement for both the forums and Xisto accounts being the same was just for the linking in the beginning...
  16. Monogynist is seen as being with the same person and being with nobody else. Most animals don't care who they are with, because sex isn't about "fun," it's about survival. A species can not survive without sex. As for the two animals, I'd have to look it up again. I don't count things like Praying Mantis as being monogynist (the male only has one mate, because the female bites the man's head off after intercourse). In terms of gay animals, dolphins are notorious for being gay. Dogs are a common one I've seen myself. Monkeys are pretty common as well. Actually, if you want a lot of great information, the Discovery Channel had like a 7 disc set solely about animal sexuality, explaining how different animals mate, how they choose their mate(s), etc. I'm pretty sure it was Discovery Channel that did it, but it may have been National Geographic. I just remember reading up about it a little 4-5 months ago.
  17. Google and Microsoft are two completely different companies with different goals.Microsoft makes gaming systems, OS's, PC programs, etc.Google is more into the online thing, with search engines, social networking, etc.Google also helps out many government programs like NASA and others, plus does a lot of stuff for "the people." I view Google as being more of a "you and me" type business, but then again, the owner is what, 25 or so now? (At least, the guy who created Google. I'm thinking he was younger than that... He was like 22 when Google became big).But will Google be Microsoft? No. The reason is simple : They are two completely different companies with two completely different views as to how things should work.
  18. Honestly I'm not sure about whether or not testimonials work. If you really think about it, they can be faked/forged anyways, and there are many sites that *do* do that (it's obvious when you see all the great reviews of the features and whatnot, and then buy the product and find out half of the reviews were praising things the item isn't even capable of doing).Like finding a testimonial that says:"This book was the best thing ever! It taught me how to make a website from scratch, including all of the coding and everything. It even went as far as to give step by step tutorials on customizing forums to fit in well with the website's theme!"And then you read the book itself and find out it's nothing but a link to google.com/search?free%website%tutorialsOr something like that.
  19. I drink a lot of water but not "as water." I prefer taste so I make tea and just drink that a lot. It tastes better and all, plus it has anti-oxidents in it, which is healthy for you.As for the post a long time ago stating that too much water can kill you, this is very true. There are numerous cases every year of people who literally "drown" themselves by drinking too much water.
  20. My favorite OS was Windows XP until a month or two ago when I made the switch to Linux (Ubuntu, to be exact).I've now changed to where I love Ubuntu more than I ever did Windows. The amount of free software for it, the speed of it, everything is better.The only issue I have at this point is the lack of ability to play most newer Windows based games (namely the MMORPG's). Due to that I am dual-booting XP but I use XP solely for my gaming that can not otherwise be done on Ubuntu.
  21. Rape, torture, violence, and homosexual behaviors exist in every other animal in the world, so why do people keep trying to put humans off on a higher pedestal?This also counts for this "monogynist" relationship thing the world tries to put on us. There are only 2-3 other animals in the world that are monogynist. This information is easily learned in both animal sexuality courses and sexual psychology courses.To Anwiii, it is highly suggested you read up more on government regulations and the reasons behind them. You will learn a lot (the easiest way to learn them is to take higher-level government classes and stuff like that so you learn more about where to find the information at. Don't trust the news.)
  22. Website creation is pretty easy... To answer your questions: 1) Should you wait until you learn how to script first? A) I would go with something like Dreamweaver, especially if you plan to do a lot of editing, page adding, etc. You can easily make a professional looking site with all the features you want, without the coding experience. It makes everything extremely easy to do. But the downside is it isn't free. Pretty much you have to decide what is important: time or money. Honestly buying Dreamweaver is probably "cheaper" than going through the time/effort/buying books to learn HTML and whatnot. Really your choice though. 2) Should you get the Logic package or go with unlimited? A) I would go with the Logic package, at least in the beginning. Until you have 100k+ people visiting your site a month or so I wouldn't see the reason to upgrade (or if you plan on hosting your own videos and whatnot on the site). If you are running an almost purely textual site you should be good to go with the cheapest package. (pictures I am counting in as textual because generally if you are not bogging down the site with them it shouldn't be an issue) BTW, if you want to share website ideas or anything you can run them by me via PM or whatever and I can give input.
  23. Ah, thanks a lot for that information guys. I've always just gone ahead and used case-sensitive naming for my sites because I noticed in the past "index.html" wouldn't load up as "Index.html"
  24. I disagree with that... With what I've seen so far the prices haven't gone down in years and so I doubt they will end up going down. Any website that has enough people to warrant higher costs due to bandwidth is clearly making enough money to pay for the costs anyways. And yes, that $1.5 mil a month was long ago. It has gone up considerably since then. Think about it : Hundreds of thousands of people downloading from their site 24/7... Even some game companies are now charging to download their client due to the bandwidth costs (Think Age of Conan... $3 for an account to download their BETA client, rofl)
  25. Personal will not allow you to get credit card payments, but has 0 fees. The other two have fees of like 30 cents + 4.6% of the amount being sent to you. If you aren't selling things on Ebay or anything it's best to go with personal due to no fees, but you do need to link a bank account to it in order to withdraw the funds (as far as I know - they do send checks too I think but I'm pretty sure you still need a bank account for verification)
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