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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Your message was too long, didn't want to quote it all. Anyways, I understand exactly what you mean. Even reading the stories ourselves there are many, many contradictions. But since man did in fact write the Bible, nobody knows if maybe they are just two views of the same situation. In fact, you could see a car wreck and 5 different people who all watched it from the beginning to the end could all come up with different conclusions as to what happened and how it happened. None of them are technically "wrong," they just all have different interpretations. The same thing could happen with the Bible. Along with this, *my* biggest issue is that the Bible was translated from Hebrew (I think?) to another language and then again and again. Even reading *Spanish* (of which millions of people speak Spanish) you can come up with different translations. And that's just from ONE language to another. Hebrew is one of the least spoken, and it being translated from one language to another just jumbles up the meanings a lot. One view as to what the Bible says is that it's not "literal," it's "liberal." (meaning don't take everything in it word-for-word, take it in as parables - spelling?) When it really comes down to it, it's all about faith and nothing else. Being that none of us can personally talk to whoever wrote the various books, none of us can confirm whether things are true, false, or the people were just delusional. I'm Christian, and I believe. But I still disagree with people who try to "prove" that God exists when in fact there is no real proof. I believe because I do. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm right, nor does it mean I'm wrong. As for some of the "special events" that happened in the Bible, we went through some of them in our religion class. I don't have my notes on them near me right now but one I remember well was the "raining of fish." This could be attributed to a hurricane picking up the fish and tossing them miles away. Another is the disappearance of the moon. This could have just been an eclipse. There are many other things that were seen as being "proof," yet almost everything could be explained by what we see all the time now through science. Honestly, I see both sides pretty equally (whether there is or is not a God). I believe there is one just because life itself is something even science can not create. Yes, it can "clone," but that is not the creation of life. It is the manipulation of the cells that grow.
  2. As weird as it is, like I said in my last post, Win 7 is actually faster than XP. Try it out if you get the chance, you'll probably be amazed like I was. I actually spent weeks researching it because it didn't make sense to me how it was "faster" but after trying it, it really is (on crappy PC's even).
  3. Redirection is bad because technically you are giving everyone a web address that is not the actual address. Redirection cloaks your site with whatever the redirection address is (if there is one). More or less think of it this way: You just got a new car and you want people to look at it. So you have two choices. You can either send them to look at *your* car or you can send them elsewhere and have someone there tell them where your car really is. This is how redirection works. It's clear one is more efficient than the other, and Google/others would much rather have the more direct approach.
  4. My personal recommendation is go to Windows 7.I've been against Vista since it was still in Alpha/Beta stages. It has always given issues and has always been a resource hog to me.Even with only 2 gb's of 800 mhz ram I am able to run Windows 7 *faster* than I was XP. When gaming, I'm finding Win 7 to be much better/faster as well. There are actually high-end games I can play on higher settings with 7 than I can with XP.I was scrolling through options and whatnot and it seems Win 7 just has better memory management, plus better caching and other things.Until I see something to force me back away from 7, I'm sticking with it. With Vista I couldn't last more than 12 hours without getting aggravated and doing rollbacks to XP again.
  5. It would work the same way if my idea worked properly. You could do anything you want: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.nameless.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.nameless.co.cc/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Etc . and you should be able to link up unlimited domains to the site. The more I think about it, I think you can even link them up without doing subdomains if you wanted. There should be settings in Cpanel to just link up more domains.I think .co.cc is redirection though, in which case it's irrelevant since all it does is "refresh" with your site in the browser after.
  6. I believe there are a lot of people who are on SSI/Disability that shouldn't be as well. There are many people who pop up and say "Oh, they said I can get my life paid for because of xxx problem, so there's no reason for me to even try to do anything now!" I think only certain *provable* things should be covered.
  7. It all depends on the host. Some hosts require you let them "own" the domain and you rent it from them, others give you full rights. For example, with T17 you can even get a domain here and get your hosting elsewhere and they will still allow you to use your domain there (I don't condone this, obviously. It's more or less to better illustrate the point that you have *full* control over your domain). As for your other questions: DNS is "Dynamic Name Server" and works like this: You type in an address, say https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl If you look at the bottom of your screen (or you can use "ping" to ping the address) you will see numbers in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX These numbers are the *true* website address. In fact, you can load any website by using just those numbers. What the nameserver does is automatically update those numbers everytime you type in the domain (meaning everytime you type https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl it will auto update with the right address for the site). When you change hosts but keep your domain, you are essentially just changing the numbers in which your domain will automatically update afterwards so people can use the same domain name as previously. FTP is "File Transport Protocol/File Transfer Protocol." This is your way of uploading files to the server. No matter if you are using a CMS (Content Management System) or flat-file system (nothing but .html's linked together) you will have files there. These must be transferred to the new server to keep your existing settings. SQL must also be transferred because this contains any articles (For CMS), posts/threads/users/etc. (for forums). Otherwise you will be starting from scratch. As for how hard it is to move servers, it's a little confusing at first. Once you understand what you're doing it's very easy because then you'll know what files to change each time, how to change them, and how to update everything as needed.
  8. You can post just about anything here is long as it's not illegal and/or stolen work. You can even quote anything you want as long as it's in quote markers. But I'm not quite understanding your question; are you asking if we could help you figure out things that would mesh in well with your desired theme or what?
  9. There are many times in the Christian Bible where even God told people to fight back. To make it a shorter story, it goes like this: You can't keep letting people walk over you because at some point you have to say enough is enough and stand up for yourself. At those points in the Bible, God gave the weaker people (the ones he wanted to protect themselves) the power to dominate their opponents. Kind of like the kid always being bullied at school and one day he stands up and beats the hell out of everyone. The "evil" is being attributed to "Satan." This is why there is, has been, and always will be a battle between good and evil. Where there is good there is also evil. Those who say "there can't be anything evil in Heaven though!" need to re-look at how Satan became the "devil" in the first place.
  10. I thought about changing over to designing but then I decided I would much rather it just be a hobby. I've actually had a few people offering to buy sites created by me but I just don't feel as if my skills are "up to the challenge" yet. If anyone is interested in how I personally learn, it's due to manipulation. My ability to create things from scratch is minute, solely because I've never really taken classes or anything on how to program/design. But by reading code I can usually split things off into smaller sections and test based on that (by splitting them I can change things and see how everything reacts). Between that and Google I've yet to run into a problem I couldn't resolve. I have a lot more self-satisfaction out of self-learning than I do from being taught by others. It just helps me feel like I am successful. By having others "teach" you, you're a parrot. By learning on your own, you're evolving mentally. This isn't to say asking questions is bad; quite the opposite. In fact, "The masters of a subject are those who have the capability to teach others." (That's paraphrased, but pretty much it.) Of course others will have different views based on personal desires and all, but those are mine.
  11. The issue is, like I posted in another thread, cracking/hacking is a cat-and-mouse game. No matter how smart you are, someone is always smarter. The reason there are more exploits/etc. on IE is because more people use it than anything else. There's no point in "cracking/hacking" something most people don't use anyways. I'm sure if FireFox ever gets to become the more mainstream browser there will be a lot more exploits being hunted/found.
  12. Thanks a lot for that information! I went ahead and made a personal list with these for future reference. I've heard of the few with the high-end requirements (which, sadly, as of right now I don't meet their criteria) but buysellads I've never even heard of.
  13. Hmm... I'm really not sure how the domain transferring works, as my only actual domain has been through Trap and they give full rights to it. As long as the domain provider allows you to change the nameservers yourself I don't think there would be an issue. The new host you go to should supply the information (it will be listed as "NS1 and NS2" for Nameserver 1 and Nameserver 2). You would set those to the IP's set forth by the new host, and then in Cpanel you would lock in those domains (there are options in Cpanel for subdomains/domain parking/etc.). About losing domains, I've heard of many people who have. I think it was GoDaddy that was doing the $1.99 domain registrations and then after the first year they were charging $30 for renewals and if you didn't pay it they would still keep your domain registered but under their name to keep you from going to competitors to get a cheaper one. I'm not 100% sure if that was the company but there was a huge deal about it a while back. All of my domain transfers were from one free host to another (usually due to SQL issues of one sort or another). Honestly ever since I came to Trap I've had to do no transfers aside from between my two sites (I run "beta" sites on one hosting account and the live site on the other. It helps me iron out issues and all before I release the updates. So for those I never need to change domains or anything, just transfer the data/SQL tables and import them.).
  14. I won't even rule out the theory of the Big Bang. A scientific theory is much different than that we come up with. Theories are proven to the best of their ability and are scientifically tested many times by hundreds of scientists who *all* come up with the same exact results every time.Now, my view of the theory is that it could in fact be possible. Does that rule out God? No, to me it still doesn't. Even if there was one mass of land and it exploded, there had to be something that put the mass there *and* exploded it. Again, this to me is God's doing.There are so many theories out there and people keep taking things completely out of context.For the record, the theory of evolution never stated that we came from monkeys. This is something others who disagree with the theory made up so they could put it down as being inaccurate. Darwin never said anything about monkeys. All he stated is that we are evolving.Look at what evolution is. It's the act of growing and/or changing. As you sit here reading this you are growing (your hair is growing, nails are growing, etc.) therefore even in the 2 minutes it took to read all of this you have in fact evolved.The only people who write science off as being "anti-God" are those who are unable to think for themselves and/or read what was actually said.In fact, some of the scientists who confirmed the theory of Evolution makes sense are... Christian. Yes, there are many scientists who are religious.
  15. Out of curiosity, which CPM ads do you run? I've yet to find any as of lately that actually pay or anything. I think they would be a better fit for my sites though if I were to find one.
  16. Well my issue is more to the effect of that I don't have a way to really monetize my site. They are more hobby based than anything (like clan websites for gaming and things like that).
  17. I still remember when a 32 MB thumb drive was so expensive I couldn't afford one. Actually, I found a receipt not too long ago from a 128 MB Compact Flash card I bought (About 4-5 years ago) that was $139.99 Now you can get 32 GB ones for under $50, heh.
  18. I agree that Wordpress is probably the best SEO-based CMS there is. I personally use Joomla but that's because I haven't explored Wordpress enough to customize it to my needs.I've been able to do everything I need in Joomla pretty easily, but might give WP another try when I get enough time to actually explore it.
  19. This story is pretty old to be honest. Sure, the public is just finding out about this but consider the following:Satellites were originally created by... Yes, hackers. The first satellite sent up with NASA was actually created by a group of teenagers/young adults who were hacking technology to make it better.So to say only "high up officials" can get into satellites is ignorance.On another note, anything someone is able to make, someone else can crack. There is yet to be even one thing (whether it be a code, a program, a piece of hardware, or anything else) that nobody was able to crack. At the end of the day, if you know how to do something someone else can probably figure it out too.In fact, reverse engineering software is (at least to me) easier than writing it from scratch. If I was told to write a program to send a file to a certain IP using a certain protocol I would have issues. If I was to look at the source from a pre-made (say, BitTorrent) I would then be able to see what signals they are sending out and what they do, making it much easier for me to complete the task.Back to the topic about cell phones, read up on Kevin Mitnick. A while back (what was it, 80's I think?) he and a friend were able to even able to listen to phone calls by altering the frequency of their phone. By doing so they could listen in on any cell phone conversation with no traces it was being done. And this was using normal tools, no software to "spy" on you or anything.
  20. If you want a free MMORPG that's "free roaming" try Runes of Magic. Based on what you are looking for it seems like a pretty decent match. It's not an "RPG" like "let me go play alone and talk to NPC's," and instead has things like sieging with other players, raiding, etc.If you are not into the MMORPG world I would highly suggest checking out Dungeon Siege. It's been a while since I played it but it was a great game. Large map, interesting play style, etc. Plus you can play it online if you want.Note that DS is not free, but it's near free (shouldn't cost more than a couple dollars).
  21. I feel that the best template is the one you make yourself. Use other's templates to learn how things are done (the effects you want) but overall try to customize them to how you want them to be.As for whether to go with a free or paid template... Really just depends on exactly what you want. There are many free templates that would work for most users but there are also many paid ones that would as well.
  22. Wow.. One TB on a thumbdrive... I thought the biggest one so far is like 16 GB's!I love thumbdrives because they have no moving parts, but at the same time I've heard of some of them "losing" information easily. I don't really know if I would trust one with a full TB of my information on it (unless it was like a backup or something).
  23. To me nuclear weapons are just there for war... War is inevitable. Anyone who is highly religious should know even the Bible speaks of wars. To me, they are just "necessary evils."And as you learn in physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For there to be good, there must be bad.About using the nuclear energy for "good" purposes... I will admit I'm very light on the subject. I just don't know enough about it other than that it is dangerous when not disposed of properly. I feel as long as people know what they are doing, and as long as it is helping us, it's fine.
  24. I agree with the redirects but you could also set up subdomains that load up the main website page and just link the new domains to that one.Not sure how to explain better but here is my theory behind it:Let's assume your site is http://www.nameless.com/ and you want http://www.nameless.co.cc/ and nameless.co.nrYou would take nameless.com and set it as your main domainCreate two subdomains and have them load up the main page (I think this would be done by using the .htaccess file)Link the domains you wish to use (the .co.cc and .co.nr) each to one of the subdomains.I'm not 100% sure if this would work as I've never tried, but it seems like it would.As for the .htaccess you would tell each subdomain that the "index" was in /../index.htmlOr whatever your main page is. This would tell it to go out one folder and then load up that index.
  25. I've done many transfers from one server to another. The main thing boils down to whether you are using a CMS site or flat file. I've dealt with both.If you are doing flat file it's extremely easy. Just download the files and upload them to the new host. Everything will work just as it did before.For CMS you need to get all of the files downloaded, backup the SQL databases, create new databases on the new host, import the SQL information, and then you need to go through the configuration files for your CMS/Forums/ETC. and change your login information to the new stuff (generally the IP will still just be localhost, default IP). After this you are done and everything should be a clone of your previous site, .It's pretty easy once you understand how the SQL works. It took me a while to completely understand it but now I can do a clone within minutes after I get everything transferred.
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