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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. lol, I rarely make posts here without knowing what I'm talking about before hand. If I don't know something I'll admit I don't know it, or admit it's a guess. Otherwise, if I don't know I will research ahead of time. That information actually amazed me though. So it seems blood type works like other genes. You can have two blonde parents that have an offspring with brown hair. So blood type seems to work the same way. I'm O-Neg but I think both of my parents are something else.
  2. It's pretty easy once you get an understanding of what you are doing. Both of these sites were made by using Joomla (my personal sites) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takeover.com/aion (Remove the space - I put it there to keep Google from indexing that address.) As for the Aion site, it helps show a lot more of Joomla's capabilities.
  3. I'm unsure about the registration costs in the past, but I do believe those are in fact different fields. Bandwidth may go down in the future or may not. I'm not quite understanding where this "bandwidth" comes from to begin with. My understanding is there is one overall provider who splits into subdivisions who splits again and they split and on and on until you get to the end-users(us). As for the charging for bandwidth, I definitely agree. The worst part is the charge was to download their client to BETA TEST THEIR game. It's not even like we were paying for the end-client. We were paying so we could test their stuff for them.. How that makes sense I still don't understand. BTW, I typo'd the cost. It was $5. I think the only reason people did it is because they did give us 10 days of "free play time" (which $15/3 = 5 so it was equal to 1/3 of a month) but regardless, their reasoning behind it is what I disagreed with.
  4. I really don't understand how a lot of those determine whether or not you are "normal," but I feel people who can't even spell a word as simple as "you're" aren't normal. It's not a long word, nor is it one that isn't commonly used. How people can misspell something so simple boggles my mind.
  5. The problem is most people don't understand what is going on and therefore won't stand up for themselves on it. "Ignorance is bliss." I've spoken to many people to get them to understand the changes and what is going to happen because of them. The most common response I get is along the lines of "no, because Obama wouldn't do that." And then you have a lot of people who listen to every word they hear on CNN, FOX, etc. and take it as being 100% true. These changes are going to go into effect because Americans (I know this is a generalization) are ignorant when it comes to government affairs. Most people either feel it wouldn't make a difference if they voted/said how they feel, or just don't know how to. They would rather wait until things are destroyed and then cry about how the changes they didn't want to stop ended up being destructive. It's sad that those of us who know what is going on are forced to sit on the back-burners because there is nothing we can do with such a small number of people.
  6. I think the idea is just another mistake being made. The government is now stepping into so many areas they shouldn't be. At the current rate they are going to end up taking over the entire economy and they will choose prices for everything, they will tell us where we can buy items from and how many we can buy, etc.Every step they take is one more towards losing all of our "freedoms."
  7. Hey all, I'm wondering what you think about a current work-in-progress I have, an Aion legion website.To give a little background, Aion is a new MMORPG and a legion is a guild/clan in the game.The address to the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takeover.com/aion(remove the space - it is there so Google does not index that address, as it will not be the address of the site forever)Some features of the site:The website and forums use a mixed userbase. Sign up on the website and you will automatically be logged in and signed up to the forums.Under the "Apply" section there is a small application that automatically posts your answers in the forums (the only way to make new threads in "Applications" is by using that application - normal topics are blocked - however you can reply to topics)There is a calendar where users can sign up to events (on the right side) - it tells the date, time, who is running the event, what game (in the case of a community), what type of event, etc.There are "Event" sections for posting recaps or whatever.Media section for videos/pictures to go.News section (Updates) for the legion.Recruitment area on the left so users can see what classes we are looking for and how high our need is.Poll for various legion decisions.Ventrilo status so you can see who is online.Member list - this is used for separating users into categories based on their ranks.I'm thinking about expanding the project into a multi-game website as well.Either way, please give input - what do you like or dislike? What would you change and why? Do you think the site looks good?(Note : The navigation bar will be changed, I'm just trying to figure out what order the links should be in)Thanks guys.
  8. Sometimes it seems like it takes much longer to edit. I think their system is set up dynamically (maybe saying 'every 1000 edits we will commit" or something like that).
  9. I would go with anything but the Iphone. I don't support Apple.Although I do agree that the Iphone has a lot of neat features.. *must.. move.. away...from...the...darkness*
  10. Not necessarily true... Here is a resource that shows otherwise: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Apparently if both parents are B their offspring will either be B or O.
  11. As far as I remember the Fantastico installer has a WYSIWYG editor in it. As for needing to keep posting to get credit, if you are a contributing member to the community it's not an issue anyways. I personally have enough hosting to keep both of my domains and all 3 of my sites up for at least 4 more years. I'm here solely because the input from members and my input to them is helpful. Even without any free hosting the community here would be beneficial to me. I've personally gained much knowledge I otherwise would not have had (without this community I wouldn't know as much as I do about web design, for example)
  12. You need to link your forum account with your Xisto - Web Hosting account. They must both use the same details (like email address) to link up properly. Afterwards, if I remember right there was like a 1 hour delay between it registering.
  13. If it is showing the battery as being charged even a little then it isn't the charger. An easier way to test whether or not the charger (and power supply) works is to remove the battery and plug the laptop into the wall to see if it turns on. If it does, both the charger and PSU are fine.
  14. Out of various pendrive brands I have yet to see a difference in quality or anything else. I would just go with whatever is cheaper.Some people are biased towards or against a company but so far it's made no difference in my experiences (and I use them often)
  15. Thanks for the list of a few places. Just to confirm, if we want to program something that inputs messages to either email, forums, or something like that (such as forms), php is the way to go, right? And php works with SQL? (like CMS's use php?)
  16. The problem is a lot of people make websites solely to "make money." They think that by making a new website about something people will be interested in they will become instant millionaires. I personally create mine solely for hobby. If they get anywhere, so-be-it. If they don't, they don't. Either way I learn from creating them so I win out either way.
  17. Positive blood means you have an "rh" antigen and no rh antibodies Negative blood means you have no rh antigen and do have the rh antibodies *Only* O negative can donate to *everyone*. O positive can not donate to O negative but O negative can donate to O positive. AB positive is the only universal recipient.
  18. Your verse "implies" what? You can't make a basis of what something means based on what was said thousands of years ago. And this is just considering the *Bible*. Things change meaning all the time (For example, up until recently - the word "gay" meant "happy." There was no alternate meaning for it). And you aren't considering any other religion if you believe that way, either. So again the basis has no true substance. Two huge flaws with your thoughts. (I can pull up hundreds of religious words that have changed over the past 40-50 years alone in meaning. The basis we use of what they mean is based on what they mean *today*, not necessarily their original meaning. And if we follow everything the Bible says, why is slavery illegal? The Bible actually *condones* slavery. And that was in the *old* meaning. Of course it's not as bad as the Qur'ān stating that if your wife disobeys you, you need to use physical force to get her back under control.) Every other animal in the world uses violence to get what they need (in a "wild," undomesticated setting), so why should humans be any different? This is yet another issue with "societal norms" today. Consider deer. The bucks will either fight, or in a lot of cases, kill one another in order to win over the doe. Rhinos do it, bulls do it, dogs do it, cats do it, lions do it, tigers do it... I could go on and on. Yet humans are yet again expected to separate themselves from every other species in the world and be something they are not meant to be. (For the record, in forensic psychology there is a lot of interesting information. For example, people who murder others have physically different brains than "normal" people. It is said, and is highly taken in as being true, that people do not have control over whether or not they are rapists, murderers, etc. because it is a *physical* alteration when they are born. This also goes to gay people.)
  19. A CMS takes the place of your website. More or less instead of using custom .html's and whatnot (index.html, xxxx.html, etc.) you will be using "index.php" to pull information from the database - it will pull *everything* from there pretty much - page names, information, etc. As for changing between the two, it's not really that hard. If you ever do you can just copy and paste all the information from all the pages of one into the pages of the other (assuming it's a small site).
  20. I ran into the same issue with an old laptop of mine, only it shows "full" when it's not. You charge it to 100% and then within 3-4 mins it's back at 0% again.To help keep the issue from recurring in the future, the first 2-3 charges need to be fully drained. More or less do this with the new battery/laptop:1) Charge battery fully2) Drain it FULLY - just leave the laptop on until it dies, then keep pressing power until it's fully dead3) Charge again4) Drain again5) Repeat one last timeMore or less batteries have internal "memory" that keeps track of how much energy they are able to hold. You need to train the memory in the beginning or else it will be less effective.
  21. I fully agree that where you end up in life is completely up to you. It is all based on what effort you are willing to put forward. Fail a million times and be a failure at something for 20+ years and if you keep at it you will succeed.There's actually a guy on Wall Street that had a documentary made of him (Can't think of his name ATM). He makes $1.5 billion a year in his pay check from an employer. The highest paid employee in the US. And up until he was in his late 20's he was doing nothing but driving a taxi cab. He just decided one day to mess around with stocks and learn how they work and he slowly worked his way up the ladder until he ended up in Wall Street.There are many success stories of people who started with nothing and are now popular/rich. Like Oprah or Dr. Phil. Both of them started poor.It is about persistence. The number of times you fail means nothing because it is all negated when you succeed one time.Kind of like the light bulb invention.. It took something like 1000+ tries to successfully create a light bulb. But Edison never gave up. He knew what he wanted and wasn't going to stop until he succeeded.
  22. On my dog tags it says I'm "O-Neg" so.. O Negative. And no, you can't have it, you vampire(s).
  23. With a database you also have to ensure the DB's are set up right and when a DB goes down you must fix it. I've yet to experience any issues where a normal file would not load due to some weird issue. And when you are getting thousands of hits a day a DB can be killed, causing you to need dedicated server(s) to handle the load. I personally use a CMS on everything because I add a lot of pages and it's less of a hassle, but I've found load time and everything else to be slower by doing so.
  24. I was basing it on the basis that most animals act as such. Not all animals (or near all) would have sex with a mop. And if they did, who is to say that isn't what's natural? People need to quit making their basis of what is "right" or "wrong" on what one person said hundreds of years ago and spread around to others. Just like the laws we have today. Most of them are not even against what God says is right or wrong. Which is exactly why there are laws I disregard daily. Just because they're "illegal" or because society says they are "wrong" doesn't mean they are. That's also one reason I used animals as a basis for comparison: they don't have laws and stuff like that to bound to. They do what they were naturally made to do. A fly flies around not because some guy said "you're a fly, therefore if you don't fly you are against our rules and regulations and will be jailed for not doing so," and instead it flies because that is what it was made to do. Nowhere was it stated that humans are to be monogynistic in nature or to be heterosexual. Those are completely man-made regulations and therefore, to me, can be completely written off. Note : I am hetero and I am monogynistic, but it has nothing to do with society and what it deems as "acceptable" behavior.
  25. Yeah... I explored the site there a little bit but their forums are a lot harder to navigate than the trap forums I see... Kind of helps explain why people choose trap instead.
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