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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Hmm... I would choose FireFox over Internet Explorer except for the fact that FF seems to use Java. I've noticed the ram taken up by the browser is huge compared to that of IE.I would much rather have a FF but without the Java. Something more lightweight.My issue with IE is that most of the exploits on websites work on IE as that's what they're designed for...TBH it's kind of like a Linux Vs. Windows question. Both have their positives, both have their negatives.
  2. I could never be atheist because it just doesn't make sense to me. I understand the theory that we all came from a one-celled organism ("evolution") but that still does not state where this cell came from. To me, even if evolution is correct, God is the one who put that cell here.To take it even farther, the Bible never states a year people were added to the planet. It in no way claims there were no dinosaurs before us, meaning sure, the earth could really be billions of years old.In terms of the ice age, again, the Bible never states it as being false.The issue with history is it can only give so many details, and the Bible also gives so many details. Between the two of these you have to form your own faith, and I feel neither one of the two is really contradicting each other. They could both be talking about two different times.Because, let's face it. Who's to say God didn't create dinosaurs and then decide later to wipe them and create humans as well?(Note : I'm not saying religion is right, nor that science is right. These are my *beliefs* and you are free to have your own.)
  3. The best laptop brand is really hard to decide. It depends on what you are looking for.From my personal experience, if you are talking about mid brand or so (not things like Alien) there are two brands I would consider more than any others.They are Dell and HP. But both for different reasons.I would choose HP because their customer service is outstanding. I've had many issues with their PC's but they have never had a problem with assisting me in resolving whatever was wrong. In fact, they even help with issues from 3rd party supplies that aren't even theirs!For Dell, they make awesome gaming laptops (although I'm not sure if they are meant for gaming...). I do have issues with their customer support but my understanding is they have their rules to "protect" people. (For example, if you purchase a used laptop from someone and do not have the personal information they signed up with, you will be unable to transfer the warrantee to your name).When it comes to deciding between the two I usually go with HP solely due to their help and all. They don't even care if your warrantee is out - they will still help with issues.
  4. Uh... I haven't even noticed it. To be honest if this wasn't brought up I wouldn't have known about it to begin with. So to me, I say leave it as is if you want, .
  5. Making a website should be about things you enjoy and nothing else. No site made it big because they wanted "to earn money."Google was made by a college student for searching for files on his school's network. He was then hosting the search on their network and they forced him to remove it, in which he then made it available for others. Google grew by word-of-mouth and was not planned to.Myspace was created for a few students at a school, not for the world. Again, it grew by word of mouth but was not planned to do so.There are hundreds of other sites that made it to where they earn millions but that was not their plan. What you need to do is figure out exactly what you like and then go from there. If it gets big, yay. If it doesn't, it doesn't.Don't listen to those people who say "We can show you how to make millions off your website!"If they could, they would not be sharing the information. They would be making those websites and earning the millions instead.And no matter whether your project goes good or bad, never say it was a waste of time. You learn from it. Life is about learning and evolving mentally. So regardless as to if you make a cent or not you still won in the end.I have personally made a lot of websites (a few you've seen posted in the website reviews section probably). None of these have made any money because I haven't really tried to monetize any of them. The point of me making them is that I am learning from them and every site is much better than the last. I do it for fun, nothing else.
  6. I check mine... Well.. NeverSo far I've had thousands of impressions but 0 clicks. So at least for me it's not an issue. I'll be removing Adsense soon anyways.As for MyCents.. I don't watch that either. I have enough for both of my domains and hosting for another 7 years already. I'm here because I want to be. No other reason.
  7. I fully believe that the illegals *will* get health care under the reform. They are already getting a lot of benefits people don't know about. Some cities (Dallas, TX, for example) even hosts areas for them to find work at.I don't have any issues at all with "foreigners" being in the US. My issue is that everyone should be treated equally. If they come here to work, let them. If they are here to leech, kick them out.By the same token, I feel lazy Americans (although that classifies most of our classification) should also be kicked out.National health care is going to hurt the system more than help it. All it's doing is saying "Hey people.. If you don't want to work but still want great care, that's fine! We'll let our hard-working citizens do all the work for you!"The rich people got rich because they *wanted* to and put forth the work to earn it. The only thing holding others back from making millions is their lack of dedication or desire.So I don't believe those of us who work for what we have should be forced to give it to others (Illegals or not) who are too lazy to.
  8. It does have spelling dictionaries. As for it adding things to "known words" lists, you can disable that.
  9. Your guess is wrong. It's more of a "relevant to almost everyone" whether you are part of this site or not. And what do you mean by the white background? I think you went to clantakeover.com instead of clantakeover.com/aion The first one I ditched long ago when I quit running clans/alliances in games. The second one is the experimental one.
  10. You guys resurrected a topic over 2 years old...Anyways, the purpose of traffic generating sites back then was for CPM ads. CPM is very rare now but at one point you could put 5-6 programs on one page generating $5-6 CPM each (meaning $30+ for every 1000 visitors).And this was with 0 clicks. CPM is by impression, or flat out "If 1000 visitors see this page you will earn $X"They are rare now (if you even find one) since they are not as efficient as CPC ads (cost per click).
  11. Not leading a legion/trying to get members. Just having fun, . I'm in another legion but as I said before, the leader says if we use it he pretty much wants full control over it, so we won't even be using it for that legion, lol. I'm preparing to reveal another site soon that is going to be full-fledged and I think would be relevant to *many* people here (it's not related to gaming, that's the only hint I'll give). As for the legion site, I'll mess with it some more when I get extra time. And thanks for the reviews guys, but I need to know what you hate about the site (if anything), . Constructive criticism goes a long ways for me because it keeps me from making mistakes that drive people away. (As for "making the game into a website," I assume you mean the background and colors - make them relevant to the game... I can do that so it'll be one of the first priorities when I get back to working on the site again)
  12. I didn't know different countries had different rules, so I was making all of my comments based on the US. As for credit card payments for me, I've had many sent to me and I always had to deny them because the only choice was to upgrade to receive them. And I had never accepted one before, so I guess that's another country-dependent rule.
  13. My username is from back in 8th grade when I was working with someone else to create a website for Final Fantasy 9... We didn't really get anywhere on it, but in the process of looking for a name we came up with "rpgsearcherz" (or I did... Hence why I use the name now, ).It more or less stands for "RPG (role playing game) Researchers"But it's unique so it's easy to get usernames with it rather than having to go with name2838042342 or whatever.My original username was Raptor, which comes from the old Dos game Raptor (overhead flying game where you destroy things)
  14. Those are weird issues you guys have. I find OpenOffice to be better than any other editing program out there, whether it be for powerpoints, word, or spreadsheets.I've never had an issue with speed and I often (2-3x a month) have to type up 100-150 word documents.As for excel... I use it for in-depth calculations for various games (calculating things like stats/item costs/etc.) on a normal basis.As for PowerPoint, I often need to use it for school.And I've yet to have an issue, .It may just be your PC's. Keep in mind OpenOffice uses Java, therefore it is a ram hog.
  15. Almost every Apple product (well, as far as I've seen EVERY product they sell) has a competitor out there with not only more features but also a cheaper price. From the Iphone to the Ipod to the Imac to anything else they sell, there is better. The thing you are paying for is the brand name. It's just like getting a $10,000 T-Shirt because it says "Ralph Lauren" instead of a $1 from a sale. The only difference is the name, not the quality (generally... Some clothes are cheaply made... But in general).
  16. To answer the question about them holding funds, not that I've seen. I've had money pass through my account for the past 4 or so years and have never even been asked to upgrade. About Kontera... By donations I meant literally donations, like where you put up a link on your site that says "Donate here!" and it sets up recurring billing. You can accept normal donations (where they input the amount sent every time they donate), just not recurring (where it automatically charges them monthly). Kontera is just a normal payment, so you don't need to upgrade.
  17. If you go with a subdomain first (such as the trap one), ensure you do not post your direct website link anywhere. Do it like I did my test one (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takeover.com/aion). Always put a space there or something. Otherwise Google will index your subdomain first, and getting everything changed over to your new one is a huge hassle.Google hates duplicate information, and once your link is everywhere you either lose all those "backlinks" (which boost your popularity - aka page rank) or you stay with your subdomain.
  18. Well the biggest thing to keep in mind regarding aliens is that if they are there and they come here to destroy us, we are doomed.For an alien to get to Earth shows they are clearly smarter than us (and more advanced, otherwise we would have found them first). If we were to do anything to try to hurt them they would wipe us out if they wanted.Now if we found them first, it may be different (as we would be the more technologically advanced group).What it all boils down to is who is smarter. Because it would be a world vs. world battle, it's all about the technology and nothing else (and obviously technology requires brains).
  19. Still too much work - converting.. I like being able to toss on songs in any format (whether it's WMA, MP3, OGG, MIDI, or anything else) and it play them all without any issues. Or for video you can do .avi, .wmv, .quicktime (forgot the actual filetype), .rm, or anything else you want. I just feel with Apple you are *paying* to limit yourself.
  20. Also keep in mind that it may be a couple days until your hosting is fully activated. They have to check your account to ensure you are not spamming the forums or anything.
  21. I missed this post previously as I didn't follow along with the topic, but... He does have some truth. The Bible does not talk about creating religions/denominations, nor does it speak about going to Church. Ask your pastor or whoever about that and even they can confirm it. What God (through Jesus) does say, however, is that you should praise him, along with other people if you deem it necessary (meaning you are not forced to, it is like saying "Well you can have your birthday with family, or alone. Either one is fine"). But about being born a sinner, I completely disagree. What about people who die during their birth? You are making the assumption that they automatically go to Hell. Through many religious people the common consensus I've come up with is that "When you are born you are not a sinner, because you do not know otherwise. Until you learn about God and his powers, you are not held accountable for the ignorance of it. Because, afterall, how can you possibly be on God's side if you have never even heard of him?" (I paraphrased that, and it is meant more or less for people in areas where there is no religion spoken of at all.) Because otherwise, anyone who has never heard of God would automatically be damned. Would that not be against what God wants? He wants everyone to have the knowledge of his presence and to follow him. I'm sure he would not do things to purposely damn people. Just keep in mind this is a compilation of my opinions and others'. At the end of the day, none of us know the truth. Only God does. And on that note, I'm dropping out of this conversation now.
  22. I don't see why people would buy an Ipod. You are forced (at least is my understanding) to use only DRM-protected media from the Ipod store or whatever it is. And you can't just toss on any videos you want.The best media player I had so far was the Vision:M. It would play *any* audio/video files, and you could convert as much of it as you wanted into an external hard drive. It also had a microphone for recording your own stuff, plus built in AM/FM radio with the ability to pause or record the radio as it streamed.There was a picture viewer as well but I never used it.I just see the Ipods as a more expensive, yet inferior, product.Even the Zune has more features than Ipods, although still less than the Vision:M.
  23. Neither. He spent no money on stuff - the only things he bought were a set of drums and stuff like that needed for his band. Starting at 17, working and earning say 15k a year (a little over 1k a month) or so it's easy. By 20 that's 45k. By 23 that's 90k. By 26 that's 135k. Living at home with 0 expenses for food/living/etc. is great. Estimate $65-70k for a house, and then $25k for a new car, and you've still got money left over. This is why I don't understand why so many people want to move out of home at 18-19. They put *themselves* into debt. (BTW, doctors would still be in debt at that point due to school costs. If you started college at 18 you wouldn't even get out of medical school until 26-27, and at that point - unless you were previously rich - you would be 200k+ in debt)
  24. Animals can "rape" each other too, but religiously there is no "Heaven" or "Hell" for them. So if rape is a sin, wouldn't that mean animals would also have a Hell because they can sin against God just as we can? Either that, or rape isn't a sin and you won't go to Hell for it. The laws/rules against rape are just another "society said it's wrong" thing, but does that make it wrong? Again, it's up to each person on their own. As for it being "pleasurable," plenty of Biblically wrong things are : destroying your body by eating way too much (God says your body is his temple and not to destroy it, but if eating a lot of junk food is fun... Wait, isn't that a sin then? One that God wants us to do because he made it fun to begin with? And non-domesticated animals don't over-eat, so clearly it's only "fun" for us.) Another is drinking alcohol. The effects it causes on your body are far worse than the short-term effects people often use in their arguments. And drinking is fun, right? But wait... Again it's destroying God's temple (your body), so that makes it a sin. Therefore you can't use the argument that it is "fun" to justify whether or not God wants people to do things. There are plenty of fun things God disagrees with. (And the Bible says nothing about rape being wrong, by the way. The only real sex it talks about is "Man shall not lie with man, nor with beast" and then the talks about men sleeping with women and the woman having a child. Aside from that, there is no other talk)
  25. To answer the questions...1) Personal accounts can not receive credit card/automatic donations. Only transfers from people's banks or their Paypal balances.2) Premiere accounts can receive *any* payment but charge 30 cents + 4.6% (?) of the amount being sent to you as "fees."For Kontera and things like that, personal is the best as you will keep 100% of the money. Premiere is for stores/ebay sellers/etc.And you can't downgrade once you've upgraded the account.
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