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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Another language? I find this a little ridiculous. They should just improve on another (maybe C++ for example). I think the only way people would switch to a new language is if it really offered something new - but not just new, something that is a lot more helpful in the coding process, or allows easier syntax with the same control as the lower level languages.
  2. I run a custom PC. I don't really like Macs but it's mostly a personal reason I think. I just dislike Apple altogether.My parts are :E8400 (3.0 GHZ dual core)8800GT (512 MB video)2 GB non dual-channel ramP5N-MX motherboard (from Asus)550W PSU (some off-brand)It was a cheap build ($400 when I got it over a year ago - due to mail in rebates) and it works great. Very fast and handles any games without an issue.As for my Operating System of choice, XP. I can't stand Vista.
  3. Go with a laser printer. They are cheap in the long-run but expensive in the short-run. For example, a cartridge for a black-white printer can run $120 but for one that expensive you should get around 3500-5000 pages from it. Color ones will run around $80 per color plus black (so $320 for all four) but will do around 2500 black, 2000 yellow, cyan, and blue.So it depends on whether you are printing a lot or just a little. I prefer the laser ones due to cheap cost but then again I print a lot.
  4. I've known about this group for about a year now but... I don't feel I have the skills necessary to take part. I know basics of many programming languages but I don't know any solid enough to really be helpful to the software community.Although I'm wondering if the mentors could help with that. Through all the tutorials and classes I've taken on programming they always teach everything in the "this is the theory of how you will do it" type, not in the real-world type. For example, you will learn how to make arrays, but you won't learn how to implement those successfully into games or things like satellite-inclusion programs or anything. At the end of the day that stuff can only be learned through hands-on experience.
  5. I think before jumping into marketing and whatnot you first need to work on finding something you enjoy and then try to monetize that. You need something you're passionate about though or else you will end up ditching your project half-way through.Also, ensure you keep your job until it's off the ground and stable (the website). Not doing so is sure to put you out on the street (assuming you don't have enough money set aside).Other than that I think most peoples' ideas of "the best way to monetize websites" are old and outdated. You need a fresh, unique way to do it. If you can figure that out your business will be booming.
  6. I have issues with the colors. Something about dark websites turns me off. I prefer lighter colors.. Dark ones start to burn your eyes when you read them too much.
  7. This has got to be officially the most disturbing post I've seen on this site so far. And... I could use the money, but I wouldn't want to imagine my face mixed with a chimpanzee's... Talk about nightmares.
  8. Those are actually great. Keep up the work. Not often you see *good* logos. Most are just cropped pictures obtained elsewhere.
  9. My numbers are very accurate. The only difference I see is that I have more in my account than "earned" but that's just because I use(d) Xisto as well for posting (I think that was the other forum site? It's been a while). Aside from that everything is pretty straight.
  10. I'm guessing English is the language you're asking about. Read anything written by Americans. 99.9% (and this is not exaggerated) can't even distinguish the difference between easy things like "your" and "you're." It's ridiculous to me that so many people can't properly use English in the U.S. and what's even worse is that most don't even *want* to learn how to use it properly.
  11. Yoga is for both males and females. In fact, I was referred from my spineologist (or however it's spelled) to do yoga for my "physical education" requirements in college (My back is bad). And I am a male.I've started doing the basics but wow, a lot of it is rough.As for what it's for, it's to help you get more flexible. So use of it for gymnastics I could see, but it could also be used for a variety of other purposes (even football - due to balance).
  12. Wow, another GTA... Are these coming out every year or something? And October 29 seems like the same day the rest were released also...
  13. I'm not getting any emails stating that it has updated but it does seem to be.
  14. I don't really consider the prices when it comes to things. If I need it I get it via whatever means necessary. I'm not wasteful so I don't run into "I'd like this but I don't need it..."I don't think prices are what determine whether or not people will get most things, it's based on what is "socially acceptable." For example, although most people could get along with Linux fine for their uses, many people would still choose Windows solely because it's what they are used to and it's what's always advertised (I've never even seen a Linux commercial).Or take OpenOffice. Although it has MORE FEATURES than Microsoft Office, and it's FREE, people would generally rather use Microsoft's anyways because it's what most people use.This could also be related to the fact that if most people use something, that means it's easier to find help when you run into issues. If you walked into a computer shop where everyone uses Windows and you need help with Linux, your chances of getting help are much slimmer.So, I know I went a little off-topic there based on your scenario, but I believe these are very very similar, if not the same. It's not about the price, it's about what is "socially acceptable."
  15. Hey all, hopefully I'm not out of line for doing this and if I am please feel free to delete the topic.Anyways, I'm looking to sell extra copies of Warhammer Online (the MMORPG). I have three sealed copies left and am looking for $15 for the key only (emailed/PM'd) or $15 + shipping for the sealed copy.If anyone at all is interested feel free to let me know via PM.Thanks!(Note - that cost is per copy. Willing to drop the price a little if anyone wants all three. These are the games used to activate new accounts, not time cards.)
  16. It doesn't look too bad but it does feel a little empty.. Need some stuff along the outsides I think. I just hate loading pages that only take half the width of my screen, .
  17. They are a little slow but like the admin said, it's just slow due to the massive influx of users/posts/etc. it's trying to calculate for.
  18. The stupidest thing I've heard Christians say, (and I'm one of them), is that Evolution and dinosaurs could not possibly be fact due to not being in the Bible. Just because it's not in the Bible doesn't mean it didn't happen. And as for Evolution... Who's to say God didn't create evolution?
  19. I've had issues with Craigslist as of lately too. Actually they were both about web-design jobs. Two places were hiring a web designer so I created a professional site based on their requirements (they both seem to be website design companies, so it's not for them, it's for clients)... Both companies kept in contact with me for 24 hours and then dropped all contact after. I'm to the point of giving up with Craigslist altogether in terms of job searching. I've sent in multiple resumes to places nearby as well with absolutely no response. Some of them even keep re-posting that they're hiring, and still won't respond.
  20. I love you. Seriously. You hit the point of "hacking" dead-on. This whole "hacking your gmail account" isn't a hack. They use one of two methods - either a keylogger (which could be part of a trojan) or a dictionary-cracker (AKA. Bruteforcer). This is weak crap and wouldn't pass in the "hacker world." In terms of the software hacking, I've personally done both white-hat and black-hat. Did I do black-hat for reasons of destruction? No (although I have caused a lot of destruction...). I did it for knowledge. To me it's a game of cat-and-mouse. Think of it as being a sport. The people working to secure exploits/hacks are one team, hackers are another. The only difference is unlike sports you never know what the other side is going to toss out at you. Therefore it's an ever-evolving game. And I'm going to be brutally honest with you. If anyone claims they can "teach you how to hack," it's pure nonsense. Due to the pure nature of it all there's no way to teach another person. It is all in your mindset. I could teach you all day long how to crash someone's PC by sending them an MSN instant message and withdrawing their IP from that and forcing a falsified network to their PC using certain ports and protocols, but that's only one thing. Most of these people wanting to learn couldn't fathom how much information there is to be learned. If you want to learn, experiment. Read source code. Learn how programs operate, and learn how PC's operate. If your goal is to "hack" PC's through the internet (as opposed to intranet) then learn about the internet and how it works.
  21. Yeah, the quality of posts is somewhat dragging as of lately. More often than not people are either posting the same things that were already hosted or are asking the same question multiple times in different ways for the sole purpose of getting their MyCents. It's a little depressing how people always try to take advantage of good things. That's why a lot of great ideas fail - because of people trying to exploit them.
  22. When Bush was in office it wasn't purely Republican. He therefore made no rules, Congress did. Obama, on the other hand, is in an almost (or completely) democratic setup. If he says something, Congress automatically agrees. This is one of the reasons pure Republican/pure Democratic government causes issues. It smashes the whole "checks and balances" thing.
  23. Out of curiosity.. You say mistake 2 was meeting her. What happened? Sorry, I've really gotta know this now!
  24. I haven't used that type of site but I understand the dynamics behind it.It more or less breaks down the whole "looks" barrier and helps you to get to know people better for who they are rather than how they look. People's biggest argument against it is that people can "front" or act like someone they're not. If you met me in real life I could front even easier than online, because I can adapt my image to be someone I'm not as well. So I don't understand why people fear this whole "you never really know them." You don't know anyone in real life either. No matter who they are or how long you've "known" them. There are things they lie about, there are things they change, etc.It's just part of life.
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