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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Ah, I'm seeing where you come from now.I do have a hard time trusting other sites with my information, especially if it takes time out of my day.. Just because of the massive number of sites that just "give up." People keep hitting hard points, even if just a little snag, and completely ditch everything because of it.There have been many sites that had a lot of potential as of lately but because their owners decided "eh, this was a little hard, I'm done" they fall through. It's sad.So I wouldn't really judge this site as being good or bad until they show how persistent they are in terms of keeping it growing and running.
  2. The thread here is out of date but the information isn't. And I have something worthwhile to add to it:I've recently gotten back into the programming phase. My two compilers of choice are Visual C++ Express and DevC++. But overall I'm finding DevC++ to be a better choice. It's smaller and all of the programs can be run on other PC's without the need of .net being installed on them (the framework).Although, in terms of writing long programs I find Visual C++ to be a much better choice because of how it organizes/color codes/blocks off codes. The syntax between VC++ and Dev are different so one thing I've been doing lately is writing my Dev code in VC++. This allows me to still have the great code-viewing pleasures of VC++. They won't compile in that though, so when I am ready to test my program I just copy/paste it back into DevC++ again for compiling/debugging.Overall, though, especially if you plan to share your program with others, I would highly suggest using DevC++ for it. Less hassles on their end.
  3. I didn't visit the site but my understanding is they are just another directory where you can submit articles to. I guess I'm wrong on that...
  4. This has nothing to do with "earning" anything. This is solely to gain more traffic. They are two completely different types of sites.
  5. Yeah, I'm not understanding why everyone is in a huge rush anyways... So what if it's delayed? Back with the old system (where you got credits instead of MyCents) it could take a few days to get a reply back to even let you know if you were accepted or denied for your hosting. And during that time you still had to stay active on the forums to ensure your credits weren't lost.The admins have things they need to do too. They can't visit every post to chat with people.About tickets.. When 15000 people send in a ticket about the same exact problem, I would also start ignoring them. There is absolutely no reason to reply to every member one-by-one to say "We know." over and over.
  6. Could set up a maximum number of PM's over X period of time. Kind of like what they do with gaming to keep the bots and farmers from spamming everyone to death with messages.
  7. Based on the last picture, it seems very plain but everyone has to start somewhere. The fact you did it completely on your own gives you credit in my eyes. Therefore it gives you a foundation to create a better one in the future.Keep up the good work!
  8. Not sure what you would need cookies for but you can copy those as well. I'm not sure the exact folder, just "Search" for "Cookies" on your PC. It should show the folder's location. As for favorites they are in X:/Documents and Settings/YourUser/Favorites I'm on Windows 7 so I can't verify that information is correct but I am 100% sure it's in your user/favorites.
  9. When I was doing it one of the games was $40, one was $15, and one was $5, lol... So even with a $19 discount (15 euros) it wouldn't make a difference.Unless maybe the issue was that I was on the US games instead of the Euro side?
  10. This is a great story and it seems like you really did have a lot of hardships in getting everything to where it is today. Hopefully things are going much better on your end now as I would love for the service to keep running as great as it has so far.Thanks for your dedication, and the moderator's/admin's caring here is one of the reasons I stick around all the time.
  11. Eh, I don't really pay attention to my phone. I just pick it up when it's ringing (assuming I wish to speak to whoever is calling) so for me the price isn't worth the "awe factor" of it.
  12. At the moment I'm a full-time student and I do web-design on the side for experience purposes. I find programming/web-design to be a great way to enhance your thinking skills. Tons of problem solving.At the moment I've even mixed the two together. I'm designing a website that teaches how to program. From a newbie point of view. So far it's going great but I'm thinking about seeing if anyone else wants to go in it with me and work on another language (I am focusing on C++ right now).
  13. I doubt there's an issue with MyCents. It's just a delay. Quit worrying about it. As for spam, I've gotten spam but not in PM's, in email... Mostly "my father is the so and so of xxx country and has $10 million he gave me but I can't accept it so I want to transfer it to your bank account. Please give me all of your personal information and your bank account information so I can transfer your $10 million immediately. I chose you because I think you're special." types, lol. And of course, that was a paraphrase. Theirs are always full of typos/grammar errors.
  14. I must be missing something. When I added the games to buy it came up as $60...Is this dead already or is there a promotional code or something?
  15. Please do update us. I'm a little too lazy to go read through feeds just to try and decipher the information I need from them. Honestly I don't think there is anything important we need on the moon (aside from the lunar gravitational force or whatever)... Oh, have they spotted the man in the moon yet? XD
  16. I think that would be good too but as far as I know there are programs that bypass captcha by automatically reading the characters on it. I'm not really sure how this would help us (I understand the theory behind it, but whether or not it would ring true is uncertain).I guess it couldn't hurt to try though. If it didn't help, it could be removed.
  17. I think watching movies and directing them are two completely different things. You may have the best ideas in the world but if you are unable to convey said ideas to others your ideas will never come true. Along with this, you need to have more than just an idea - you need a dream. You need to understand all aspects of the movies, understand budgets and how they affect you, and everything else. There's just a lot more to it than most people know about.
  18. Really that wouldn't be necessary but thanks for the offer. When/if I get the time to run another gaming clan again I'll need a design central to the game being played (or games). The site isn't for money-making or anything so popularity isn't an issue, I just make them for our clan(s).
  19. You can put in the second HDD to your PC and then copy and paste the information from the 40 to your 500 oryou can use an external HDD enclosure for the 500 (or the 40) and copy the information like that.In terms of cloning an entire HDD including the OS, I don't think that's possible due to how bootloaders and whatnot are stored.
  20. I haven't really done anything with the site in quite a while. The site was for a gaming clan which I no longer run. Due to school I just don't have the time to be a full-time leader anymore. Along with this I have a perfect design ready to be rolled out when/if I get the time to lead another clan. As of right now it's just not worth swapping because it won't be used anyways.
  21. Your IP gives your ISP's location. Using people skills you can then obtain the address, name, and phone number of the client as well. You would be amazed at what all you can do with just an IP address, as well as how easy they are to obtain.
  22. I don't. I just buy books and take classes in school to learn what I can't figure out. As for my own personal tutorials, they are being written in C++ since it's the more "accepted" method when it comes to companies/game programming/etc.
  23. *Anything* can be cracked. But a lot less people would care if it was just ads in return for a free program. It's more of a "well, I'm giving nothing but I'm getting something" mentality. Although there are ads it's still free.
  24. Yeah, I always thought "parking" was like where you pretty much wildcard the site so everything goes to that domain regardless of what was typed, like http://ww2.yourname.com/ would still lead to your main site.
  25. It's not about being "smart." North Korea would kill themselves if it meant they could take down us as well. Much like Muslims, North Korea views the US as "devils" that must be destroyed at all costs. It's all religious wars.
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