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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I would highly suggest going for diploma. Although both of them show that you achieved the goals, the diploma also shows that you went through the time and training. That counts for a lot more because of the dedication involved.Being able to count to 100 and sitting through weeks of a class that teaches you are two completely different things -- as a manager I would much rather have the person who has shown beyond a doubt that they put in the time and effort necessary; it shows that you would probably do the same in the workplace.
  2. I had never even heard about this until now. I think it is a ridiculous idea. Nukes (or really bombs in general) are made up of toxic substances. If one was to explode in the ocean the side-effect *would* be spreading the toxins around the ocean, killing not only more animals but causing a more permanent effect. Not to mention using weapons of that caliber would cause complications with the view that nukes are bad, and it would cause other countries that would otherwise not make them to want them for the "same reason." There are just way too many effects that would come from using a nuke. Most of them are negative. I do not see how it could help anyways -- I think what should be done is to scrape the oil off the top of the water so it could be used!
  3. This is a pretty neat post/link (the one for freemmorpgmaker). Although not quite what I'd be looking for in a MMORPG, the fact that you have source access is pretty neat -- it will definitely help with learning more about the coding of the games and stuff for adapting for a better game, .
  4. Wow, it's amazing how simple it is to make those types of effects. I've messed around with Photoshop in the past but there are just too many options and I do not know what most of them are.Is there any chance you know how to take a drawn picture (such as pencil sketches) and turn that into a digital image? I've tried based on tutorials but it never turns out very well because of the lines that were erased and things like that.
  5. I almost did not finish loading the website up. I was having internet problems when loading the site and after the redirect I assumed maybe the site had died for some reason (and it was rather depressing to think that Trap died).I do not really have any issues with the name change, although at the same time I do not quite understand it. If I remember right Xisto had a very important relevance to the admin (and as such is why he chose that name).
  6. We have a dog that is going through the puking thing as well. It eats literally everything and we can tell because the stuff it eats shows up in its feces (it's a rather large siberian husky). We have literally found balloons in the stool, underwear, paper, and other things. We just are not even sure what to do about it. We have sent it outside and it just starts finding and eating trash. We've punished it and it still does not stop.
  7. I know exactly where you are coming from. There are a lot of things I want to do as well and every time I start one I can't concentrate because the only thing on my mind is how much other stuff I still have to do and wondering whether or not I'm making the right choice with what I chose to work on.I've tried the time schedules as well to no avail. It is just hard to decide what is most important when everything has pretty equal importance, =/
  8. Haha, welcome to the world. People's first assumption when something does not seem "right" to them is to assume you are scamming them or otherwise screwing them over. I'm surprised the guy could afford a dog though -- considering he can not follow simple instructions or think on his own I'm guessing he has no job.If I created a new topic for every person I deal with that is like this, I'd be flooding the forums, lol.
  9. I am not seeing the point of this post. You're saying not to modify your system because you need a chip?First of all, all modern systems can use softmods (no cost) which can be reversed.Second of all, your view of it being illegal is wrong. It is against the manufacturer's TOS but it is not a crime -- it just means you void your warranty. When you purchase something like a game system you can destroy it in any way you please.Third, a lot of us use modded systems so we can back up our games and not destroy originals. Systems like the XBOX 360 are infamous for scratching discs (PS2's had the same problem in the past).But please do not post threads like this if you do not know what you are talking about.
  10. I consider web designers as being those who do the graphical stuff and the mental pictures. For example, they would be the ones to do the site layout and choose the graphics. I view the web developer as the one who puts everything together, does the coding, etc.Like if we were to take it in an analogy of a book, I would view the designer as the one who determines what the book is about and how long it should be, and the developer would do the cover/writing/etc.
  11. In upper-division physics courses you learn that time travel is both possible and is occurring. A direct example is when you go to the moon. If I remember right the time difference was 5 years on the moon is 3 days more on Earth (meaning if you spent 5 years there, 5 years and 3 days would pass here on Earth). I'm not 100% sure on those times but more or less the fact is that time is not linear. You can not go *back* or *forward* in time, though, you can only slow it down (just as you stated). So things like Back to the Future are impossible. What has happened has happened.
  12. I really dislike footers and usually remove them from my sites. I do not really know how to explain it but I just feel as if they are in the way (although I've never had a website that was not solely for a hobby -- I can see their uses for companies as they put important links there that the average reader would not need but advertisers and such would).I've noticed most of you seem to think the footers are good though. Do you think the lack of them causes any negative attention to be brought to the site? And what all should be on them?
  13. I've been having some of the same issues as you with 10.04. I have run 8.10, 9.04, etc. and this is the slowest one I've experienced (I'm on a 2.8 GHZ quad core with 8 GB of ram, 512 MB video card). In fact, my graphics are very choppy -- I can see splits when watching videos, even when they are stored on the HDD!The lack of GIMP is very depressing for me. Instead of that it seems they added the social networking stuff, which I don't use anyways.On a positive note, I do like that the installation has been simplified. No more having to customize anything -- just choose your location, install area, and let it go by itself.
  14. Hey guys, I'm wondering what books everyone here would recommend for learning C++ (I plan to learn the language and then move into DirectX API for games later). As for the size and/or cost of the book, it's not relevant.Right now I'm reading Principles and Practice using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup (who is, as far as I know, the creator of C++).It seems to be a pretty good book so far but I'm wondering where I should go from there (to go a little more in-depth.. I'm guessing intermediate level is where I'd want to go to).Thanks guys!
  15. This is a very good essay and it represents one of my views of cloning (your "bringing back the dinosaurs" is really the same thing). But I do have mixed feelings.On one hand, yes it is playing God. It is attempting to create new life from what is otherwise, well, dead (or in cloning, non-existent). In this sense, we have to look at the view that we have souls (which are given to us from God). In this, I would think that a cloned being would not have a soul -- what they would have, I have no idea. I just can not really see it as being a real being. I see it as being a kind of monster -- maybe one with no morals or something.But on the other hand, I also sometimes view it as being that God gave man the knowledge. In this sense I view it as being that God is the one giving us (as humans) the power to do that. Most of our foods are genetically engineered (most plants are, a lot of trees are, and even cows are genetically engineered to produce more meat/milk).So this is a very hard subject for me to really state how I feel. I guess I'm really half and half.About your fear of the dinosaurs escaping -- it would definitely happen. Money controls the world and I'm sure someone would front enough money to buy one of the dinosaurs to breed and use in wars.
  16. I laughed at the restraining order part. I do agree with you for the most part though. To the OP : You should do what feels right for you. Asking others for opinions is not the right way to go because every person is different. We have different desires, different views on things, etc. Society can not tell you what you should do -- you need to do what you feel is right. I know these posts are a little old but the information is still relevant.
  17. I'm guessing this is the right area to post this.I'm wondering how the posts are working now. It seems after about 8 posts, 3-4 did not actually show up (my maximum post count is still going down, and there were no errors, but they didn't show up). They were mostly in the VOICE section but I didn't see anything letting us know they need to be moderated or anything.Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong now or if the system is just a little slow.Thanks!
  18. I'm wondering how legitimate the statistics are. Anyone can claim anything.I find it a little weird that we would be using so much more than others in the world but maybe it relates to our way of life. I mean we pollute constantly -- we waste energy, etc. And why? Because we have the money to do so.I personally do what I can to lower the damage I am doing (enough that it does not affect my ability to live) but the simple fact is that most people don't. And they don't because it's not worth their time.Regardless, I think the statistics there are off because it says "per person," meaning even babies are included. If it was 7.1 gallons a day for the working-class I could understand that. I personally use about that to get to school during weekdays!
  19. Your experience with Acer sucks. I had something I feel is sort of similar, although a little different I guess.More or less I purchased a refurbished laptop and it was full of sticky stuff on the keys (such as someone had put tape over the keys and removed it and it was all full of residue). I called Acer technical support and emailed them (as I find it more efficient to do both) and was told since it was refurbished I would have to contact the refurbisher.I contact the refurbisher and am told since the laptop is not over 30 days old (which, the warranty only lasts 30 days anyways) I would have to return it to the store I purchased it from for a refund (or exchange). Going through all of these mediums literally took hours but it was resolved in the end.Now what bothers me about the situation is that Acer pretty much told me that no matter what problems I have with their system, if it's refurbished they won't deal with the questions (and I need to contact the refurbisher). The group it came from was very small -- I can't remember the name right now but it's a 4-5 person operation -- and they have limited knowledge of the issues aside from physical ones.I guess this is more of a warning than anything -- don't get refurbished Acer laptops!
  20. I completely understand where you're coming from in your theory but I disagree with it. You're completely right about the fact we have the ability to analyze and PC's do not (some would consider AI as "analyzing" but still it's not as powerful as the human brain), but you're missing a very important factor: Speed and ease of learning. Think about it like this (two scenarios, one for a human and one for a PC): Human For a human to learn something the following must happen: 1) They must somehow gain the knowledge (reading, hearing, seeing, feeling, etc. We have many ways we learn things) 2) They must then find a way to store the information -- short-term memory is very short, and it takes a lot of stimuli to translate into long-term memory. Due to this, 99% of what you learn is not retained 3) They must then find a way to recall the information. We've all been through that situation where you "remember" something but it's "on the tip of your tongue," right? That's because it's stored but you're unable to recall it. Computer Okay, now for a computer the steps are a little similar, but also different: 1) They must gain the information (by programming, of course) 2) They must store the information (this is done by clicking "save" and saving the information -- there is no long-term/short-term memory needed) 3) They need a way to recall the information (this is done by the OS, so all saved information can be read in one way or another). So in that sense the computers learn a lot faster than humans. Now to take it a step further: If a human wanted to learn to be proficient at 500 subjects, it would take more than one lifetime due to how long it takes to learn and commit memory. A computer, however, can have millions of people all submitting their information (or programming) together and has the ability to store all of it and recall all of it. Due to this, I say that computers are in fact smarter than humans, when you are talking about informational-knowledge. If you are talking about it in terms of "street-smarts," however, humans are due to our ability to analyze (as you stated as well). Of course, there is a computer (robot) smarter than humans. His name is Johnny Five (from the movie Short Circuit, ).
  21. By height requirement do you mean that even if you are looking at 2.5" or whatever drives they may still be different heights? I assumed that the 2.5" was the height of it. Also, when it comes to adding extra vibrations/heat, are there any ratings you can see that give that information? I never really considered those as being relevant but it would definitely explain why a lot of laptops come with 5400 RPM's instead of 7200+. It makes me a little happy I didn't get the 15k RPM HDD I was going to for an old PC of mine that was overheating at the time! Lastly, do you happen to know if SSD's emit a lot of heat? My understanding is they do not have any moving parts, so sound should be negligible, but would heat be a factor?
  22. I'm really liking all of the new upgrades (except things like voting + and - on posts, because so many people disregard it that it's worthless).I don't remember seeing quick-reply before either, so that is a very, very nice upgrade to me, .Edit : About the first post showing on every page (as the previous posters noted), that threw me off at first. For example, a thread would show "8 pages" but only show one post.
  23. When you say it needs to be asked at the forum if the issue has to do with anything other than downtime, would that mean if we can not access our site (such as being IP blocked -- as it's happened to me a few times in the past, or the site flat out being offline) then we can still use the support tickets for it?
  24. Hi all, I'm back, after a long time away.Some of you probably remember me, others probably won't. I've been tied up with real-life issues so I haven't even messed with any of my sites in a while or anything, and I fell behind here as well.Coming back I've noticed a lot of changes (such as the change to Xisto) to the forums. So far I think it's looking better than before!I also noticed the maximum number of posts per day, . Hopefully that will help curb some of the spam.So anyways, hi to all the people who have joined since I left, and same to those who have been here, .
  25. Wow, this is a weird situation. I just personally don't want to *think* about that time. I would rather it just come and go than to have it on my mind. Making a video would do nothing but send a constant reminder of what's to come.
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