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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. This sounds kind of interesting... I'm waiting for our batteries that run on air or something.A million times as much storage as a normal battery though? I find that quite hard to believe... That would make them extremely expensive because it would lower the demand for batteries and so the companies would need to charge more to break even or make a profit.
  2. I'd like a place where you can also turn those points into cash. I tried Megaupload but even with over 5000 downloads (legitimate) I only got 82 points...
  3. Ah, thanks for the information. Have you used any of the other programs as well or only AE? I know the Sony one and at least one other are "professional production" suites but I don't know the difference between them.
  4. My very favorite show was Prison Break, but that died, :PSecond favorite would be Carpoolers, also died..Third favorite is Scrubs, which died but is now back alive.It seems every show I like dies,
  5. The economy is changing to where you need a degree to work at a lot of places. Actually, MCDonald's, one of the easier to get a job at places... Around where I live they won't even hire you unless you are either currently in high school, currently in college, or have your college degree already.
  6. Nice site... Costs a bit though, .Do you think After Effects is better than other programs though? Like the Sony one.. I can't think of the name of it.. Or free programs?I've yet to find anywhere that really "compares" them to one another to tell which one is easier/has more features/etc.
  7. O.o, never heard of this "Softaculous." I'll check it out later. I've used Fantastico for a few things but I've noticed as well as you that they are out of date. I've just been doing my own installations of things.
  8. Reading and writing are completely different. The way at least PC roms work is as follows: When it comes to PC's the *only* difference so far in terms of compatibility has been with HD and BR because they are competing formats. I just don't see why they would use an inferior Rom for the PS3 (meaning one that could only read BR's since.. Well, you can't even buy one like that as far as I know).
  9. I feel privacy shouldn't be blocked in any way. I don't see the reason why we should allow a certain group of people (such as police) to get into our private lives when we can't go through theirs.It should be either equal or not at all. As humans we are all equal and should not be put into this whole "dominance" faze.
  10. If I remember right this is available but only with VPS/Dedicated packages. Both of those allow it because you install what you want. The shared hosting packages don't allow running your own scripts.
  11. That really doesn't look to bad, although a big question here is whether you are running it as a CMS (custom or whatever is irrelevant) or if you are going to run it as a flat-file system.
  12. Some would argue that the ones people don't notice are the ones that work the best. If people don't really notice something is an advertisement it may increase their chances of clicking on it. I, for example, dislike clicking on people's ads. If someone's site has a link that is relevant and seems to be part of the site I have a much greater chance of "checking it out" than if I can tell right off the bat that it's an advertisement.
  13. All I can really judge about it is what I can currently see. So I must say the colors really aren't that bad. I prefer a darker (such as blue) background than a white one because it's easier on the eyes (especially at night).When you have a more complete version (possibly already uploaded for more testing?) I'll be able to better evaluate it.
  14. I find the ads quite annoying as well. I completely agree that they draw your attention from what matters (the actual content) to the advertisements.At least a banner is in one spot, with the textual advertisements they are all over the place, sometimes 30+ on one page.
  15. I agree with you about gmail. Gmail is great for their spam protection and I just use them for email anyways so an "upgrade" would be irrelevant. I hop on, read email, and leave. I was at one point using pop3 as well so I wouldn't have to visit the site. That worked great but during reformats trying to import old emails into Microsoft Mail or whatever it's called, was horrible.
  16. Wow, that was a long post. My understanding is you were pretty much asking whether or not you can buy a domain, link it to a free host, and still get the xxx@yourname.com email addresses? If so, I'm pretty sure you can.Google, Yahoo, MSN all offer free email addresses based on your domain but (if I understand correctly) you can only link one service to the domain.Google gives like 100 free @yourdomain.com email addresses for free, and you get to choose what they are.Along with this, you can get domain forwarding so someone could send an email to "lawlejrlwejrkwlejrwe@yourdomain.com" and it would still forward it to your main box (with yourdomain being your domain address).Free/paid hosting is about nothing but the website itself. Emails and websites are separate.
  17. I like the Toshiba Qosimo's based on their specs but I don't know of anyone who has actually used one. I attempted to see a few in various Best Buys but they never seemed to have them in, either.Has anyone actually used one and has experience in the following areas:Keyboard - clunky or "normal?"Screen - pure visibility or is it one that has horrible pixelation and stuff?Speed - can it handle newer games?Customer Support - I've never purchased from Toshiba before so I have no experience at all with their support
  18. I'm not really understanding the description here. What is the difference overall?And in terms of the 3d, does this also insenuate that we will at some point have a 3d OS?
  19. It really depends on how many pictures you have then as well. For me, I don't have a lot of pictures up so there wouldn't be much use. I guess it's more geared to people who would normally have their walls completely covered with pictures (and even more that aren't up due to storage space) and want to have them in a more "compact" format. I could see it working for that use.
  20. ISP's can block anything they want to. It is up to you whether you continue using their service or not. As for mahesh, it could be that they are from another country. I didn't read their post but a lot of countries block certain sites. Actually, with the way the government is going right now in the US, we're soon going to be in the same boat.
  21. This is true but I prefer to let everything have its own database. It helps keep everything clean and organized. Like with forums/CMS I would use two databases instead of one. I guess if you did want to merge everything into one DB that would work though.. Wouldn't more calls to the same DB cause more lag while searching it? Or are all the DB's hosted together anyways so whether you use one or two they can still only hold X users at a time total?
  22. One would assume that because PS3 uses Blue-Ray, and generally BR players can also play DvD's, that the media wouldn't be an issue. That is really the only "hardware" part. The rest of it is based on the firmware. I don't think the size has anything to do with the capabilities. Maybe it was just a marketing gimmick.
  23. I never really understood why some play ps2 and others don't anyways. One would think they would make them all universal since the PS2 could play PSX games... Not to mention if they already made one backwards-compatible then they could transfer the firmware to the other systems.Maybe I'm just missing something and it's harder to implement it than I thought.
  24. This is actually an interesting idea but I think it's better to go with a pay-per-download basis instead. My issue with that is places like MegaUpload don't count all downloads. I've had things loaded 80k times and still only got credit for 40 (yes.. fourty, not fourty thousand)...I may try this out in the future just to see how well it really works.
  25. TDO is right.Keep in mind also that they will share the monthly bandwidth and whatnot. You were saying multiple CMS's for each domain. You are still only able to do a total of 5 (spanned across all the domains) without upgrading your hosting package.
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