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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. AVG gives off a lot less "false positives" than others. Just because NOD32 "saved" you doesn't mean it wasn't just a false positive. There are hundreds of safe programs that log as virii in some AV's and not in others. It really doesn't prove much.
  2. Well people fall for this stuff all the time. A recent one I got via postal mail said the following (paraphrased): 1) You won $50 million in the (so and so) lottery. 2) In order to claim your $50 million you must transfer $1500 to xxx bank account to show you are the real recipient 3) After the $1500 has been wired they will then wire your $50 million to your account Another one I saw had the same three steps but the reason for #2 was to "Pay for transactional fees on the money." Any smart person would clearly see that if there was really $50 million then they could just withdraw the $1500 from that amount instead of charging you. Even in the real lottery it doesn't work like that. The only time you pay money on real lottery winnings is when you are paying the IRS at the end of the fiscal year. You don't pay anything to release your winnings.
  3. This is wayyyyyyy out of date, . You couldn't see the old design because I already moved everything over to a new one. Between the time I posted this thread and now there have been a total of four full reconstructions of the site. Thanks though.
  4. Prisons in the US are also better than how a lot of people live.Free foodFree livingFree CABLEFree learning (classes)Free gymFree medicalFree dentalWhat's there not to love?It's sad that we treat murderers and stuff with a better life than most of us have.
  5. I was about to post something near this as well. Only mine goes like this: "We are giving him a Nobel Peace Prize for destroying our country? So far everything he is doing has more negatives than positives associated with them. The people who don't understand what's going on really need to quit listening to the media and *read* the changes he is enacting. It's all in pure text, black and white. There is no "oh, you think it has negatives?" No, I *know* for a *fact* it does. Read the damned laws they're passing."
  6. I love these types of scams. Only morons would fall for them.I quit reading the letter after I noticed 20 grammar errors, such as "we don't have enough proves."Not to mention they incorrectly mention the FBI numerous times.This, my friends, is why people need to learn proper grammar and spelling. By understanding how the English language works you can *easily* classify this email as a scam. It's not even *close* to being professional.
  7. He said he wants to learn computer programming like C#, C++, etc., not web programming (like PHP). Two very different things. To answer his last question, Basic is the easiest. And then VB, then C#, then C++, etc. but that's all based solely on their syntax. It's all really up to the user. You may find that you can memorize a 10 digit number easier than 10 random letters. But someone else may find the opposite true. Therefore what is "easiest" for one person is not "easiest" for everyone. I personally find C++ the easiest because I can comprehend what it's doing and why it's doing it.
  8. This is a good point... Their sales loss due to piracy is probably what brought on the ad-supported versions. This is because ad-supported can't really be "pirated" and therefore they are making money off the advertisements from *everyone* who uses their program. Not to mention you could previously get an older version of the software and just never upgrade it. This would also be decreased revenue for them. But with ad-supported every user = more money. I'm just wondering how well the ads will play out in terms of their profit.
  9. My vote is to do one of the following:Use no AntivirusorUse AVGAVG is very lightweight and has the capabilities of the more "mainstream" Antivirus programs.I personally don't use one because I don't go around downloading everything I can find. Therefore, I don't get virii.
  10. Heh, I applied at Best Buy and got an interview... I showed I know my stuff in both sales and about PC's but I've never worked retail before. Never got a call back afterwards so I asked if they could give pointers as to what I did wrong in the interview to not get a position. Their reason was "When I said I wasn't interested in the computer right now, you didn't try to market me a store credit card. Maybe I couldn't buy it yet because I didn't have the money and the credit card would have given 0% interest so I could purchase it." (paraphrased but that's the gist of it). According to the manager that's *all* I did wrong. Sadly even when I go to Best Buy I've never been asked about a credit card, so I didn't know anything about that. Learned from that interview though, I guess, .
  11. Yeah, this is something I've been taking into consideration with the site I'm making. I'm starting it out even more detailed than Basic. And after each small segment of a tutorial (like text input/output) there is a sample program showing it in action. After that, there is also a quiz to help understand whether or not you are comprehending the information, and the source code for the quiz answer is linked to it so you can refer to it if you are having issues with anything. So far the site is coming along great, it just takes a long time to get everything written for it. I'm writing it, editing it, writing more, editing again, doing the source codes and compiling to ensure they work as expected, then reviewing the information yet again to make sure everything is right.
  12. I think those would be questions better suited to the program creators... There are just too many factors for us who have not used it to know how it works.In terms of the FTP I think I can answer that though. It should give the IP and a username/pass to set it up. Auto uploads though? No idea about that one.
  13. Quality of Facebook would probably be better. With the translating robot there are so many issues. In most languages there aren't "direct translations" available from one thing to another. For example, in Spanish to English saying "I'm 20" would be "I have 20 years." Two very different statements and they could also be interepreted differently as well.
  14. NASA is like the IRS and other places (like the USPS). They aren't government agencies but they are treated as such. All three of those places have immense power in terms of both civil and government areas yet they are all separated from the government. It really doesn't make sense to me but that's how it is.For the record, the FBI also used to have very little power. Something happened to make them one of the top anti-terrorism and whatnot in the US and gave them the ability to enforce laws in other countries.
  15. Basic is by far the easiest.I'm personally learning and teaching C++ at the moment. Actually I may have a source to help you learn soon, . I'm working on a site already (putting up in-depth articles) on C++ from the newbie standpoint through the expert (game-creation and whatnot) information. It isn't like those books that just toss a lot of stuff at you and hope you can derive what's happening from the source. I'm detailing everything step by step.If you have any interest in it at all I can share the link with you via PM while I work on it. It's not ready for release yet and won't be for a while as I'm waiting until it is in a very solid state first.Regardless, if you're interested and want to learn C++ it can be a great source. If nothing else, maybe your input can help me figure out what I'm doing right/wrong on it, unclear points, etc.
  16. Hah, I wouldn't quite go that far but I do think being destructive is the wrong way to "learn." Especially considering with man-made things (cars, buildings, what have you) things can be replaced, but with the moon the damage that's done is done.
  17. I dislike RS because even if you have only downloaded a small file there's still a delay before downloading another. It's even worse when you get disconnected in the middle of a download and not only do you have to start it over again but you also have to wait for another delay.
  18. Sadly I still find OpenOffice to be a better choice. Compatible with all of MS's formats and in a free-ware setting. No advertisements either.Microsoft really needs to break down at some point and drop into the open-source settings like some others have.
  19. Never heard of this. Wonder what happens if the rockets end up shattering through the moon instead of just colliding with it, o.O. We could have another one of the "oh, we didn't know it was that powerful!" moments.
  20. If your kid has been masturbating maybe that third eye will take up for the blind one, XD And on a serious note, a lot of things claim to get "xx" effectiveness even though the end-products don't. And it's legal as long as they own ONE that can do whatever they claim it can do. For example, you can market laptops as lasting 5 hours even though they only last 3, as long as the display model you have really does last 5 hours. So they can *claim* it holds 1 million times as much energy and it only hold 300x or whatever more (which I still think is way off) and it would be allowed.
  21. You may be able to get a faster reply by submitting a ticket.
  22. That helps to explain why I never saw it before. The last time I really went in-depth in one of my Cpanels was back around April or so.
  23. By scripts I meant things like FFMPEG and others like it. I wasn't thinking about Perl scripts or anything (unless you meant also programs like FFMPEG?) I was also thinking along the lines of like Teamspeak and whatnot. I guess those are more of "programs" but really they run from scripts too.
  24. Aion and Command and Conquer Renegade for me right now. Gotta get my FPS kills out everyday and the MMORPG is more of a "long-term" game.
  25. This is a great document in terms of explaining what spyware is and how it works. I didn't read the whole thing as I already know most of it but for anyone who doesn't understand the whole concept behind spyware (I get asked often "what is spyware?" - a lot of people don't even know what is going on in their PC's) this is a great eye-opener.
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