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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Luckily, some of us have mastered it already. You used the word "phase" as a type of change. This is actually "faze." I'm not bringing that up to be rude, it's just another word most people get confused with (and many don't even know "faze" is a word!). I think the reason I know so much about English is because I'm a writer. It's my job to know the difference between different words, different meanings, etc. and understand the proper placement of each. Random fact : Every letter in the English alphabet is silent in at least one word, ex. "climb" has a silent "b." And yes, you can actually go through and write the alphabet and come up with at least one word that has it silent. I did it a year or so ago as a fun experiment.
  2. "their support was a little rude..." Uhh.. That's enough for me to raise the red flag and say no. To me the support means more than the service does. I would accept worse service but with better support anyday.
  3. Wouldn't it be possible to easily write viruses in Java that work on both systems though? Based on my early Java programming learning it was stated that the best feature of the Java language is that it's the same on every operating system because it translates directly into machine code. Would this not mean that a Java virus written for Windows would also run the same on the Linux platform?
  4. My only reason for believing it is because if you search "adsense scam" or things like that "adsense not paying" you'll find a TON of websites where thousands of people have been "scammed" by the system. Someone even posted a way to get any site you want banned from it. By creating a script that goes to the site and refreshes and keeps clicking on all of the advertisements so they get banned for illegitimate clicks.
  5. I'm currently using Google Chrome for the first time. I guess I could say it rivals FireFox. I'm enjoying Chrome a lot more than FF though. Cleaner interface, more room, etc.
  6. I won't get it... I see a phone as being a utility to talk. This whole "let's text and share videos" thing is why people are getting in more wrecks now. It's why people are disrupting classes due to their phone going off, texting during class, etc.I think cell phones and their "progression" or "evolution" has been hurting us more than helping us.
  7. I'm confused... "the p-word" you mean visual content or just text?:)And it's awkward... That's why you *always* plan ahead of time and recheck things before giving or showing them to others!
  8. I would go with this method. It's probably the best bet because of how PDF's work. It will won't change the fact that people can just upload the file all over the internet so others can get it for free....
  9. I've found most students just aren't ready for college. Their parents are forcing them to go and they really want a break since they just got out of high school.On top of this is the completely different atmosphere. You are around different people, some much older, and it just doesn't feel the same. There are less rules and a lot more freedom, which causes you to stress the freedom.Along with this is the uncertainty of the future. "What if I spend my 4 years in college and still can't get the job I want? I will have wasted 4 years. So why even try?" and things like that.
  10. I don't believe Friday the 13th is unlucky, but that's because like 2/3 years my birthday falls on it (meaning every 2 out of 3). Nothing bad has happened yet (except for of course the dreaded aging process). If that counts as bad luck, it's definitely because of the day!
  11. Definitely true. Along with this we can't fully trust robots with other things either. Sometimes they break, sometimes they just malfunction, sometimes something else happens. And when a robot goes out of commission it's not always a 10 second fix. If it's irreparable at the time then other people will be needed to take its position to keep doing whatever the robot was doing. We won't ever be able to fully rely on robots.. Unless it's like Johnny 5 (from.. I forgot the name of the movie now)... But he was able to fix himself!
  12. Gotta go with The Big Bang Theory at this point. Awesome show. I laugh everytime I watch it.Prison Break was pretty good too but it ended... Same with Kyle XY. It's like all the best shows end.
  13. You resurrected this topic but it's an interesting subject.My view is that he did "love" little boys but at the same time his mentality was that of a younger boy. Therefore I feel he was acting as if he was one of them, not to "rape" them or anything but because he felt comfortable around them. Much like how teenage boys will sometimes (when you're good friends) walk around in boxers in front of each other or whatever. It's not about being in love, it's about being comfortable with who you're around.Afterall, we're all human.That's my take on the whole situation.
  14. Well almost everything is against Adsense's rules... I've heard of legitimate users who were making so much Adsense banned them.Then again, they could be those people who are in trouble for what they did and just lie about it... But it's been enough to keep me from trusting Adsense much.
  15. Just wanted to say thanks Anwiii, and when I get invites to give out (I'm not sure how the whole system works yet), I'll also toss some out for you if you want.
  16. This is a great idea. As for the "we don't own the GPS companies" statement, as far as I know the satellites are free-reign (meaning you are able to write your own programs to interface with them). I could definitely be wrong on this but that's my understanding. Otherwise wouldn't it be the government who owns them? (since NASA is the only one with the ability to send up rockets)Of course this requires the knowledge of *how* to interpret the interfacing and how to implement it, but regardless it is a great idea.The target audience would be travelers. I think it would be much helpful as you go around because there are a lot of places you will miss if you don't research ahead of time and if you are unable to find the "travel booklets" some places give away.
  17. Interesting systems here... I don't have texting on my phone and a lot of people on places like Craigslist want you to text them your number or whatever if you're interested in their product. Do you all think using one of these systems to text them our number would work as well?I can't personally test is as I don't have texting, .
  18. I don't read a lot of books so I just have one to contribute but if you haven't read "No Country for Old Men" it's a great book. Lots of gore, heh. Then again maybe I'm the only one into that kind of stuff, .Other than that I really can't think of any great books I've read.
  19. I like you already. Seems you're here for the community mostly. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask one of the moderators or myself. Although I don't know as much as some of them, I've been here for quite a while as well so I do know a lot, . And welcome!
  20. heh, probably the funniest one I've seen... Although disturbing (and if posting this is against the rules please just X it out or something)http://members.goatse.cx/ It should be down now... But I'm not going to try and see.Anyways, if you wanna know what it was, Google it. You should still be able to find the picture that used to be there.
  21. Well I wouldn't be as bothered as most of you. I'm primarily here for the knowledge I'm gaining from everyone, as well as the views on various things people have. Regardless as to how many posts are left, the stuff I've learned makes it well worth my time I have spent here. You honestly can't put a value on the amount of stuff you can learn here with minimal effort, not to mention the massive amount of help you can get. The issue is so many people are so stuck on the "I want free hosting and that's all" thing that they really don't realize the potential. Honestly I can only say about 30 people (probably less than that even) are here for the knowledge more than anything. And they make it well known. They're not people who post a few times in irrelevant topics just to get their MyCents up, they're people who genuinely want to learn, help others, and be a community. I know I got a little off topic with this post and I'm sorry, but you make it seem more like you just care about the MyCents than anything else. That's not what this community is about.
  22. Planning to go with AMD or Intel with the upgrade?
  23. I don't sleep nude... It's not due to the "feel" of it, it's more due to the dirtyness of it all. With clothes on you are keeping at least *some* of your skin cells from being spread all over your covers (blanket, sheet, bed, whatever) and thus you don't need to wash them nightly (or daily). If you are sleeping with nothing on you should be washing all of your covers every day or night.
  24. If you are going with a gaming computer the best are by far Alienware. There's no disputing that. This is if you want a "pre-made."If you want one that's custom and is made by a company Google it up. I've found places that will do some expensive builds. One I looked at had the following stats:64 GB ram8 TB HDD space2 Blue Ray burnersFOUR 3.6 GHZ quad core CPU's (that's a total of 16 3.6 ghz cores)FOUR 2 GB video cards (total of 8 GB's of video)And it would only *cough* cost $29,000On a more serious note, if you are going for a gaming PC and don't have issues with putting it together yourself your best bet is to hit up Frys Electronics (if you have one near you) or NewEgg. Both places often have great deals on various parts and then you can decide exactly where you want to spend a lot and where you don't.
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