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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. It depends on how much you have to spend.If you are looking for budget, go for MSIIf you are looking for "decent," go for HPIf you are looking for a little more expensive, DellIf you are looking for a decent gaming laptop, go QosimoIf you are looking for high end gaming, go Alienware or customSo really it depends on what your uses are, how much money you have to put into it, etc. Obviously the more expensive the laptop, the better it is (although not always the case).
  2. That's exactly how I feel. I don't really trust having everything that is meaningful to me out in an area where someone (and who knows who?!) can see it. I remember a while back when... I think it was ATT got hacked and the guy who did it sent them a list of 10,000 of their users' information including credit card numbers, maiden names, passwords, and everything else about them. Ever since then I've been a lot more wary about what I do online. Just because the people you are giving the information to are good people doesn't mean the hackers are.
  3. Well the problem with the flu is that right now there's two strains. Only one of which most people can get vaccinated for. The Swine Flu, although they are making it seem like a horrible disease, is actually no worse than the normal flu. In fact, according to studies it's not even as strong.The reason it was such a big deal is because there were no vaccinations for the Swine Flu yet, and as of right now they are way behind on getting them out. Therefore the issue isn't due to getting the shot, it's due to the number of people who haven't yet.Along with this, the flu is a live virus. It won't affect everyone the same. Everyone's body creates different antibodies for various things based on your immune system. So someone may get sick, another may feel drowsy, another may feel perfectly fine.
  4. Hmm, where I live at we have a lot of poisonous snakes and spiders. But that's because there's a lot of farms nearby so there's swamps and stuff.Really all animals are poisonous though, just some won't be able to inject you or your body can fight off the disease.
  5. Congrats on your domain! Now you can use the wonderful resources around here to learn more about web design or anything else you need, .
  6. As far as I know it can't read any of the Ext. formatted drives (even Ext3) but Linux can read the Windows formats (such as NTFS/Fat32). There were some programs that can supposedly read the Ext formats on Windows but I've yet to get any to work.
  7. I use NTFS solely because of the file size limit on FAT32. My understanding is that Fat32 is much more efficient though in terms of the way it works (as far as I know it works kind of like Linux does, where it doesn't get fragmented). That's what I read online a while back at least.
  8. I missed my flu shot this year (haven't gotten the chance to get it yet) and I had the flu. Along with this two of my three siblings, plus my mother also had the flu this year. None of us had our shots.This is the first year we've gotten it though. Every other year we got our shots on time.So your theory I feel is false. But then again I only know what happened to us.
  9. Good question. For that I would just use Paint to crop whatever you don't want in the picture. It's probably faster than other methods anyways.
  10. I've yet to find any that gave what I consider accurate results. I've ran so many analytics tools, visitor counters, etc. and every time they come up with very different answers. For that reason I can't really judge any tools because without knowing which ones are accurate there's no telling which ones to trust.
  11. Never ran into that issue before... Must just be where you're from, . The worst case I've seen in a movie theatre was the people who take their children with them and the children cry or whatever because they want their candy or they have to go to the bathroom or something like that.
  12. The first PS3 supported PS2 games and the newer ones (well as far as I know, all but the launch systems that were 60 GB's) don't. I don't understand why they would take *away* functionality when they already went through the work to embed it in the system.And it has nothing to do with the "phat vs. slim" model. This happened long before the slim model was released.
  13. I wasn't planning on upgrading anyways just because I already had a PSP but... Wow, no dual analog? That means games we already own won't be playable. No UMD slot? That means we can't even play the games we already bought?I think the whole thing is a terrible idea. It's like releasing a new PS3 and saying "If you purchased your game before November 1, 2009, they will be unplayable on this system. You must re-purchase any game you still wish to play."
  14. I also like thunderstorms and I like watching them but two years ago our house had a direct hit by lightning that blew our entire internal electric system out (all of our wires got fried and it was ~$2k to get them replaced). Aside from that I enjoy them. It smells really good outside during T-storms too,
  15. Above all else, I want a Ferrari Enzo. Nice car, expensive. What's not to like?
  16. What's the difference? I never understood what it really meant but a lot of hosts use that as a selling point. I assumed if it was enabled it would be safer for your site as there would be less exploitable openings or something.
  17. When you brought up chat lingo I expected to see "pwned" in there. It's the only butchered word I ever use. And I use it in real life too. But that's just because I'm awesome.
  18. I see what you mean now. So by cross platform it means it requires the Java platform to be installed but you are able to install Java on a broad range of mediums, not that the program itself is run on a broad range.
  19. Something to add on.. When you inquire make sure you are getting enough space and bandwidth too. Not enough of either of these will bottleneck your VPS or dedicated server.
  20. Well I find it hard to believe that even if it were possible people would push that far. Mostly because it would end up starting the destruction of humanity. Therefore those who caused the issue would be the same ones that are punished like the rest of us. Think about all of the "end of the world" videos there are. Where things are so chaotic everyone is killing everyone. If robots were to literally take over the work force we would have no other choice than to kill each other for food or other means of survival. It would be the inevitable end. This is why I don't believe it would ever go that far.
  21. If you hold left alt while using print screen it will only screen shot the active window. This is especially useful if you only want a certain window in your screenshot but don't feel like cropping it, .Not a lot of people know about that so thought I'd share.
  22. People don't even speak properly. To name a quote off the top of my head that people use out of place, it's "I could care less." Now think about it... If you could care less that means you actually have quite a bit of "care" about the subject/person/item/etc. In this case, how is it a derogatory term? Yet everyone uses it to be rude. The proper quote should be "I couldn't care less," meaning you care so little it's impossible to care any less. There are many more too. If I think of another I'll let you know.
  23. That's true to a point. There are many "hidden" ways to get viruses out though.There was a USB drive (1 GB) a while back that was recalled because when it was plugged into your PC it launched a virus automatically that would crash your PC and corrupt drivers and stuff. Someone got the virus onto the firmware before production started.
  24. Maybe it's a typo and they really meant 1700 minutes or something... But then again it puts up the red flag again... I don't trust companies with major typos on their site. It shows how unprofessional they are. I would research something like "pageplus scams" So far all I've found was positive, including this: http://www.prepaidreviews.com/pageplus.html 224 reviews, almost all 100% satisfied (almost 4/4 stars)
  25. Welcome! And Santa scares me. He's an old man with a beard... Who likes little boys to sit on his lap. After they tell him their deepest secrets (what they want for Christmas) he gives them candy.Wonder what the REAL story is behind it...
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