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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. I don?t care about my teacher?s privacy. I?m not studying right now but if I think... I never cared about it. It?s like that saying that says that you have to separate provate life from work... the same with school.Anyway I knew that some of them went out at night in bars and discos... even though some of them were priests I don?t wanna start here a discuss about this but it?s true. And I still don?t mind.
  2. Totally Hoax. Gmail is not going backwards. Don?t believe every mail that you receive.
  3. The words Microsoft and "things not too polished" are always joint. They?ll never create something good at the first time. I?d never buy something of Microsoft unless it is on sale an enough amount of time to be sure that there are people that have suffered the bugs and M$ have had time to fix them. What Am I saying? I wouldn?t buy anyway.
  4. Well, some people have to be like 8 or 9 hours a day sitting in front of the computer and then at night at home do it again for a while (or watch Tv that it?s not too different). Computer it?s not gonna kill you but you should do other things, outdoors, specially while you are still a student. Maybe in some years you won?t be able to. You should worry more about your sight than your figure or physical health.
  5. Yes, there is a connection error right now, but I?m sure it?ll fix soon. You haven?t lost your dbs.
  6. I get really overwhelmed by technology advances. So much info... Maybe too expensive nowadays, but wait a couple of years and who knows, maybe each one of us have one of these units.
  7. You should go to Tools>Accounts>Add Newchoose POP3 and the enter your account infoUSER INFOName:UserMail Address:user@domain.comSERVER INFOIncoming: mail.domain.orgOutgoing: mail.domain.orSESSION START INFOUsername: user@domain.comPassword **** (your pass) (tick to remember pass)PS: Don?t search for the things literally, because my Outlook 2003 version is in spanish and I?m translating it more or less... hope it helps you.
  8. I think I know why are you confused. There are thos spiders of search engines that cros your site looking forn information to index it, and they are good, at least if you want your site to be more popular, which is the most common. But there are other spiders or bots (i?m not sure about the difference between those two terms, if is there any) that also scan sites searching for personal information that someone can use in a bad way. For example looking for e-mail adresses to add them to spam lists.
  9. Yeah, those things are stupid... just like zodiac signs and that... ?how is supposed to determine your sexual life the first letter of a name that you didn?t choose? Illogical, but something with which we can joke.My letter is "R" and I am... "turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body"? I wish I was so rational... but I tend to fall in love with people that acts just nice and looks nice to me. There?s no brain in relationships, I think.
  10. It?s really cool, very "pop", indeed. So it?s a good name for it. Very creative, love the scissors idea and the lines to cut from. Maybe too much graphic and too little content, but this is a poor comment, because the design is really brilliant. And the moka colour it?s ok. I?ve seen some of your previous designs before and I really think you have very good ideas combining graphics with websites, blogs, etc.
  11. Although I?m not an Intel fan, I think the logo was the best thing about it. It?s well known all around the world, so I think it made a pretty good job for a company that hasn?t a lot of years in the business. But I suppose it was getting old... maybe too classical, and that?s not a great thing for a company about computing and technology.The new looks good but I?m not sure if it has enough personality to replace the previous one.
  12. Well, before I get to Xisto I experienced something simillar with another hosting. It was free, wit only a text add in the site but it soon dissapeared. It beggined with total lack of support in the forums and finally the sites were deleted without any information.When we say how good is Xisto we are not saying it as fanatics. We are most users with previous experiences and we know that anybody offers this.perfect free...
  13. ?Why all those jokes about Chuck Norris? ?Is he so relevant in the States? His movies, TV advertisements and Walker Texas Ranger are stupidly hilarious but not so much. And the statements aren?t funny at all. You know, maybe there are 100 there, but anyone could invent another 100 and they will neither be funny.
  14. Any flu virus that a chicken might have, it should dissapear with the heat of cooking. So, unless you eat chicken alive and raw, I don?t think there is any problem. The cases of dead humans did not eat those birds, they were in contact with them, specially in farms, etc.I think the world is getting a bit paranoid with this. There is a possible outbreak, but it?s also possible that not much happen. At least I?m not on panic.
  15. I would change the font (that Times looks weak in a black background). I wouldn?t make use of underlining and you have some duplicated things... if you have a box of "Site News" you don?t need a cell of "New Features". And you should rewrite the table structure in html or at least with Dreamweaver, because it?s confusing and it doesn?t adjust well.I think I?ll like the content of your site.
  16. Although I?m not english, I would say "one one z z" because if a friend of yours don?t understand that he must write "11" and not "oneone" is that he isn?t too clever. Anyway I would say "one one (in numbers)" or whatever if I see that he?s not understanding me or has any doubt about it.
  17. It doesn?t convince me at all. It?s good, but could be better. I agree with some of snildudes?s suggestions. It?s too dark and monochromatic and the gradients seem artificially placed. And you need a banner as you have just said. In fact I think that those letters at the top ruin the whole site.These things are for me the most urgent, and don?t worry about combining colours, it?s just a question of trying. Surely you end up with a lot of color schemes that you would like to use in your site. Good luck.
  18. Well, it depends on multiple factors. For example, dark layouts are usually more aggresive, obscure, mysterious... so they?re probably going to attract the people more at first sight. But with repeated visits that perception will lost and all that those visitors will appreciate is that the site is unaccesible and they?ll find difficulty in reading it. So dark layouts are good when you want to impact, for example a website about rock music or about noir films (you?re not gonna make it light yellow ). Specially for forums, light designs are more welcoming, and people (talking in general) will find it easier to read and post. And of course if you are making a corporate website, you need to offer a sensation of clearness and transparency.And it often happens that age determines these preferences. Usually younger people tend to like darker things, black, deep red, purple, etc. And when you grow up you begin to appreciate usefulness, clarity, although the aspect isn?t so impressive.
  19. Good layout, simple and plain, I like it. Just try to use the same fonts and sizes. I see some arial and some times and different sizes in pieces of text that should have the same style.
  20. The result looks very good, but maybe it won?t result with a color photograph. If you remember how you did it, just tell it here ok? I?m even lazier than you
  21. I hope gmail follows his great evolution in the future, listening to the users and improving the weakest points of their service. This is good for everyone, google users will be satisfied and other mail provider?s users will benefit from the effort that these services will have to make in order to be a decent rival.
  22. It?s for real and I can see that each summer gets hotter and hotter... and the weather is going crazy... the differences between seasons are getting softer, and natural disasters attack us suddenly. I think it?s a real problem but it?s not so new... we?ve been knowing this for a lot of years and people and governments say "oh, yes, this is terrible, blahblahblah..." but not much is being done about it, apart from the Kyoto Protocol... which is not supported by the United States, so it?s not going to make too much difference. So my opinion would be between the two first options... something must be done, but I?m afraid it?s getting late for the planet.
  23. Great advance! I needed this feature I tend to make posts and then I read myself and it looks very stupid most of the times, because I use words that don?t really exist or I mispell or whatever. I thought it was impossible to do because of the credits count, but at last is here!
  24. Oh... I?ve noticed this post right now... I wish I have seen it before and now I would have my .be domain instead the .tk that is getting more and more annoying.Weel, I hope there will be more chances like this
  25. What an amazing site! I?m trying it right now and it?s very useful, and doesn?t seem to use so much bandwidth (comparing to other simmilar radios based on recommendations). It?s amazing how it gives you proper reasons why the songs are simmilar.Thanks a lot for the link.
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