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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Cool. I didn?t know that you could do that with a php script. Thanks for showing it to us, maybe I?ll give it a try.
  2. I?m not supersticious so I don?t care about these coincidences. I don?t believe in Satan (nor in God) but anyway it?s funny because there are people who get really scared with these things. Fortunately for them, we won?t be alive when 2666 arrives And just think that not the whole world has the same chronology so... numbers don?t mean anything.
  3. If you?re saying this to all of us, Xisto members... then you are lucky. You have lots of friends
  4. It depends on people. There are people that doesn?t want to his/her mate to know too much about him/her. I mean, if you?re looking for superficial relationships, of course that when you pass the friend zone, you are not a good option because you know too much about the other and when it?s over, it?ll be a hard situation, because you will probably see each other everyday. So I think a lot of people wouldn?t want this.But if both are looking for true love, and feel it, I think there?s no problem. In fact I think it?s an advantage, although this case is not very probable. Other thing is that you see the other person like a friend just because he or she doesn?t attract you. This case there?s no way... maybe beauty is on the inside, but our eyes can?t see it.
  5. He is a completely stupid. Oh, he doesn?t care when South Park laughs at christians, jewish, muslims, whatever. It?s like "Hey, I?m from a f*ckin' Hollywood sect. Respect me" Well... you knew perfectly that South Park is just about laughing at everybody and everything, so it?s your turn. What a lack of sense of humor!
  6. I think they have a meaning, because although they can get very surrealistic, you cannot dream with something that you don?t know. I don?t remember my dreams usually but when I do, I realize that are about places, people, things I know, but often mixed together so the result is strange and sometimes scary. But this doesn?t mean that they are about things that will happen you in the future, advices, premonitions, etc... this is all science fiction.
  7. Another one for Saint Michael´s sig. The font is the point, very well elected. I don´t like the font in Albus´s one and I don´t see a reason why the final "E" ends out of the sig space, when there´s space before the "A" and between the two words. And I like sigs with less chromatic range, Saint Michael focuses on the white and blue contrast and I think it´s nicer. I also like the other sig but not the font.
  8. Well, you are saying that is not correct to use a man like this, but it?s not like stealing sperm to conceive a child. The man knows well what is going to happen, there?s a lesbian couple that wants a child and he is only a way to get it. I mean, you have to be stupid for doing this if you have a problem with what is going to happen. If you want a child, go ahead, adopt it or have it with your mate but giving your semen to a lesbian couple doesn?t seem the best way. You also say that how can lesbians do that when there are so many kids in orphanges. Yeah, lesbians could adopt, but heterosexual couples could also adopt and generally only do it when there?s no other way. People are so selfish that even in this we all want to have our own child and feel that belongs to us (which it?s not true, anyway).Finally... I hope that the idea of gay people to help the world to be less populated it?s a joke. Sounds like "oh... I?d like to have sex with girls but I?m soooo worried about population that I?ll have to do it with boys"... hilarious.
  9. Well, this is not very impressive but it?s still a new service (they don?t stop). And there?s the advantage with google new services that you can use them with your gmail account and pass, so it?s easy to attract people to check them out.
  10. I love swimming but I don?t like swimming pools too much. I prefer beaches a lot, so I swim mostly on summer (constantly) and spring. I don?t have a very polished style anyway, but I don?t get drown.
  11. I do think that Microsoft power will reach apocaliptic levels if anybody (justice, other OS, etc) stop them. Maybe it?s not something so inminent but who knows what kind of plans have Gates & friends for the world. I don?t want to be spyed in my own room without agreeing or even knowing it.
  12. Just tell them right now. Of course they will get angry and you will have to listen to their words but... they?re your parents, they just can?t let this happens without saying a word. They feel responsible of your failing and want you not to do the same again. If you tell the truth later, they?ll know that you have been hiding it and they will be even more mad.
  13. Although I accept the credit system, there?s one thing definitely not good about. I?m talking about holidays. Next week it?s "semana santa" here... I think english people call it easter or eastern... don?t know. Anyway, let?s talk about summer for example. Most people go out for a month or so and if you want your site to be safe, you need to make a great extra amount of posts before. And again, it?s very artificial because you don?t post because you want... you?re writing unnecessary things just no to get your account suspended.Maybe isn?t possible, but ?why not paralyze or ralentize the decreasing of post number on these holidays?
  14. Thanks jlhaslip, but it talks about bandwidth. Anyway my storage used is 48.82 out of 150.00 MB Should I PM Opaque?
  15. Hello, I have received mails during this weeek telling me that my website had reached 80% of its bandwidth limit. But I?ve checked it on cpanel and my stats are right now 813.99 / 5000 MB... and I?m working these days on the site, constantly uploading and testing things so I suppose that normally I wouldn?t use as much. But anyway it?s not near the limit and it?s definitely not around 80% so... what can I do? Am I doing something wrong? By the way, I haven?t experienced problems... I mean, the website hasn?t got down in any moment.The mail tells me to contact the system admin so here I am.
  16. I think I have too much mails... different purposes, fun, friends, work, my website, etc.1 on Gmail (very much used). Great service.3 on Lycos (very much used two of them... the other to avoid spam). Some tiny problems, but good service2 on Yahoo (not much used). Good service, no complaints.1 on hotmail (I used to use it for messenger, but fortunately I don?t use that evil?s tool anymore ) I got sick of almost daily mails from Hotmails promotions... a huge rate of the spam I received was directly from Microsoft.
  17. Have you sign in? Please, tell us what is like. Anyway I don´t think 1GB of storage is too much as long as there are mail accounts with more storage.
  18. I would go for something more clasical and evident... but I think it´s better; U2´s "one". "With or without you" can be another option.
  19. The answer to the first question is easy. You simply know when you love somebody... you may lie but you do know wether you feel love or jus desire for another person.The second is more difficult. You have to trust in the other person. You may mistake but it?s a risk that comes with love. Love would be less exciting without any surprise, I guess.
  20. I'm here for the free webhosting. I don?t have too much spare time so I sometimes enjoy posting in the forum and unfortunately others I come in just to maintain the credit count... but then always discover something interesting. I?m always to learn, here you can learn lot of things about graphics, computing, news, hybrid buses in fact you have a wide range of information in this forum.I think we all are a bit nerds... aren?t we?
  21. Thanks, I mean website banners, yes. My question came when I realized that in the links sections of websites, each one seems to use a different size. So, if you want to put your banner or minibanner here, and there and there, you must fit it to different sizes. I thought it would be easier if there were some standards, so I thought maybe there were already.I?ll check IAB sizes out. Thanks again.
  22. The best way, always when you?re asleep. You just won?t wake up and that?s all... a very sweet death indeed. Others could be a quick heart-attack (so as not to suffer) or a shot directly in a vital point. It?s violent but also a quick death without suffering.The worst way... being tortured and humiliated with pain.
  23. Well, my question is... I know that there is a standard size for a big banner (468 x 60, I think). But, are there other standards for smaller ones? I see them a lot of sizes, like for example 234 x 60 or 120 x 60 and I don?t know if there are some rules, etc. or it?s just a question of personal taste.So if there?s a reference list or something like that, please post it here.Thanks
  24. By the way, I have googled it and only receive one result on "paint.net" and doesn?t seem to be what I was supposed to be looking for.Explain yourself a bit, would you?
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