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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Not so much... I wish I had I have one of 200 GB but partitioned in four. I don?t think it?s a problem to fill one terabyte... just without burning cds or dvds for a while, everybody can do it
  2. Right now, Lagwagon - "Alien 8" from the album Double Plaidinum. Before it, "Funeral" a great record of the canadians (I think) Arcade Fire.
  3. Well, I like dark blue, but I prefer worn out jeans, because they go well with my look, a little grunge alike. I dont like them black (maybe a little decoloured to gray are alright), but if I was a heavy metal I?d use them, hehe.
  4. In this case, there?s no html... is a movie (or more than one) as you said. Probably this site is combining flash with php or other dinamic languages to update with the news, etc, but no html, I think. Anyway it?s not the kind of site that you should try for the first time. You have to learn first the basics of flash, the frames, interpolations, scenes, clips, etc.You can do an entire flash site in one movie (swf), but you can also work with scenes or with the loadmovie command, putting a movie in the background, and others first, etc. It?s up to you.Flash sites are cool, but they take a lot of time and remember that some people might not see them if don?t have the plugin, etc.There must be a lot of tutorials, but I prefer not to give you any because I didn?t learn that way and don?t know if they really works. Maybe someone else would help.
  5. Anyway, those sites that host illegal mp3 usually replace them with new albums periodically, so if you hotlink those files, you?ll discover that they had dissapeared soon.Maybe you could put just a link to the site, not to an especific mp3 or record. But I don?t know if this breaks the TOS also... probably it does.
  6. I don?t like their music too much, although I respect them more than a lot of commercial hip-hop and r&b artists. And their singles are good to party.
  7. Not a curious story. I simply went to a store and bought it But I only bought the CPU because I had the printer, scanner, monitor, etc from another.
  8. I don?t think that you can considered old with 21 years. Adult? Mature? responsible? It depends, but definitely not old.I?m 24 and I still consider myself young... not a teenager, of course, but anyway I know a lot of people of my age that really haven?t stopped acting like a teenager. Now the next frontier seems to be 30, but I know that I will think that I?m still young when I am 34, hehe. It?s all relative.
  9. Only two guys out of 30 without glasses in your class? That?s a terrible statistic, I see there will be nobody without glasses in some years By the way, the fact of needing glasses is not only a question of reading or using computers a lot. I think there?s much more of a genetical component. I know people that are constantly playing videogames and surfing the Internet and they have better eye-health than me. damm...I realized that I needed glasses when I started having trouble in class to read teachers exercises (in high school). Soon I noticed that I didn?t see clear enough and things were a bit blurred at a distance. At the moment I can live with this, maybe if it increases I will think about surgery.I do wear glasses and I don?t think girls prefer boys without them. There are also fashionable glasses and in the last years looking nerdy it?s not so bad. By the way I wear black framed glasses, and I am not a computing fanatic. I had another more common but I decided to change my look a bit about two months ago.
  10. This kind of games are really funny, I haven?t played this because I don?t have too much time to play right now but Theme Park was my addiction for a period of time.?Anyway, anybody knows what was the first title of the "Tycoon" saga? I remember Railroad Tycoon a lot of years ago, like more than a decade, but I don?t even know if it was the first.
  11. ?So it?s legal although somebody is using google search engine and basically removing the google logo? Pretty strange...And how are you going to make money? People won?t use your customized google only because your logo looks cooler. ?Am I wrong?
  12. Absolutely no resolutions I?m not going to give up smoking, because I don?t smoke. I?m not going to go to the gym because I don?t need to. I?m not gonna be a better person because I believe I am better yet than most people around... mmmm... my resolution could be to have a higher level of hosting credits in the forum, hehe.
  13. Sprnknwn


    Yeah, your situation its familiar to me, it used to happen a lot to me when I was younger. But you?ll learn to ignore them. If you think that those people who laugh at you are really your friends, then try to explain them how bad you feel about it. As for what wariorpk says... I also joke with my friends but everybody notice when it?s a joke and when someone is despising you.
  14. Well, if that person is so special for you, then it?ll be a bit dissapointing to give her a lyric or sing something that you haven?t written. Rap lyrics are like poems (well, more modern and direct but you?ve got the idea)... and if you want that girl to fall in love with you, just do it yourself... otherwise, she will be tricked.Anyway, those topics are so common that I think there must be tons of rap songs about love, destiny and being together Try something more original.
  15. I think human beatboxing it?s really a modern way of doing music. There are great artists of this like Rahzel from The Roots and it?s incredible what they can get only with the mouth and throat.
  16. For me it?s Quake, but I think is mostly because I played Quake Saga more than Unreal.
  17. In my opinion God (all gods, not talking only about the christian one) is an invention of the human race to have some security that there?s someone who controls everything and finally will make good things for people that acts good and terrible things for the bad people, heretics, etc.It?s also an instrument used by the religions to fear the population. Well, you have to love this God because if you don?t you?ll go to hell and suffer, etc. I don?t understand people who thinks that they?re blessed by God when things go well... because they don?t blame on him when things go bad... they think that they had done something wrong instead.Without any intention of being rude, for me it?s a bit ridiculous to be subordinated to a concept that no one can prove that exists. Anyway, I hope some believers here will agree with me that is better to be agnostic than a fake-believer. And unfortunately there are lots of this kind, people who say proudly to love God but don?t respect other humans.
  18. I also studied two yeras of latin and knew this in part, but of course not with so much information. There were ten months and July and August were inserted later because of emperor?s desires... a bit of egocentrism here, I think I love to know details about ancient culture and mithology, so thanks for those links.
  19. Congratulations to Opaque and all the mods and people in the forums. It?s not a surprise for me that this is becoming bigger and bigger. It?s what happens when an offer is so good.
  20. Of course people who don?t smoke can get ugly and older, and all of that. There are lots of genetical, metabolical and environmental factorsOnly because driving can result in your death doesn?t mean that people who doesn?t drive don?t die. PS: I don?t smoke cigaretes because they taste awfully. I couldn?t get addicted to that.
  21. Well, anyway, the last Korn record isn´t so bad... "take a look in the mirror" was definitely worse than this "See You on the Other Side". But I think Head lost his. Have you seen his website, http://buxup.co.uk/ ? It´s totally hilarious.
  22. Yeah, there are great advances in data and audiovisual storage and reproduction but I don?t really see the point in things evolving so fast... it?s only business, whenever we are used to the new standard, another comes in. It?s very frustrating. And in most cases when two technologies are in competition, doesn?t win the best. Only the one with more money-support behind.
  23. Great news, I think google will come with something definitely better than Microsoft, although the years of experience of the last one. Besides, it?s proved that Microsoft needs a competitor to copy their features in later editions of their softwares.
  24. Please, remove that animation That kind of "bullets" are irreal, too big for that shotgun and they don?t follow a natural direction. The bullets don?t come from the inside and don?t even dissapear, they stop at the end of the sig And there?s no explosion.
  25. Although google is a really great service I wont?pay. I mean, nobody wants to pay for something that has been free over the years. If this was possible, then it would be possible for another company to make something simillar and free again. So definitely no, I won?t pay for it.
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