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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. My favourites are Sony Ericssons. Because... well, I don?t know really, they?re cheap and with clean designs... and they work properly, at least mines.
  2. Mine it?s all black. I used to put some wallpapers but I got tired very soon and I didn?t want to be constantly changing it. And I think its more practical and clean.
  3. Only an advice. Probably you know how to pronounce that, but writing it should be "Tengo un ańo". I know that you probably don´t have that Ń letter in your keyboard but it´s funny because you´ve chosen a problematic word, because "ano" means "butt", so if you write "tengo unos anos" you mean exactly "I´ve got some butts". Also is without "s" because its singular (one), but for the rest of ages it´s said "ańos" with final "s".
  4. I?m not sure about what things spiritism really involves. I?ve tried ouija, "speaking" with spirits with a deck and some kind of psychophonies (for if it?s not the correct word, I?m referring to make a recording in some enchanted house or graveyard in which voices are heard)... but they were childish approachments to that. I don?t really believe... but I think spiritism, ocultism, etc are a good source for literature and scary stories. Because I don?t believe it?s funny, but I don?t understand people that are too much fascinated with parapsychology and this kind of things. I think everything has a scientific explanation.
  5. I agree completely with this. People tend to say "american" referring to people from the US and that means a great lack of respect for other people who also live in that continent. And I know that lot of people from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, etc gets really sick when they see that US people are referred with the "american" word. If someone said "europeans" only thinking about Germany and France... I would get a little angry. In fact someone could say that U.S. are even less american than other countries because there isn´t too much indigens there... In any case, learning a language is a great oportunity. I wish I had studied 5 languages in school instead of only two (apart from my native).
  6. I?d do what rvalkass and jlhaslip suggest. I don?t know any way to make it only with html.But only in case you aren?t familiar with php, notice that you won?t get the result of the includes simply by viewing your website from your HD. You need to have it hosted in a server that understands and execute php scripts, like this (Xisto).
  7. Casually, the other day was thinking (I don?t know why) about the oponent of Bush in last US elections. And I couldn?t remember... it was funny because I thought about Al Gore which was the previous one. So I think that Bush has gained international fame and nobody will forget about him never. Not for good things, of course, but... it seems that democrat candidats aren?t too charismatic.Anyway, I hope that in the next presidentials, Bush lose at last. Well, I don?t want somebody who is honest, nice, concienced, etc. But please, someone a little more clever, would be right.
  8. As any effect, doesn?t work well in every picture that you use... and I wouldn?t say that the result is cartoon-alike but it?s a good tip. Thanks for sharing it.Somebody should pick all these great PS tricks that people gently share in the forum and join them in a great effects tut. Some of them are so good...
  9. You?re right but it?s something we all have to deal with. You can?t control what people thinks about you, but try to think this way. If someones mislabel you, it?s his problem, and you shouldn?t care.
  10. So, here is what was missing in my post... I didn´t know that, or probably I knew but forgot. Thanks Anyway, a bloody celebration... although he was foolished, lots of children died. It´s not the best day to make pranks, I guess.
  11. mmm... if I had to choose, English, I suppose. But I already know it so don?t know. Apart from English, I like German and that?s why I?m learning it. It?s difficult because of the genres and other things. It?s much more complex than English and they tend to mix a lot of words just to make one bigger and incredibly hard to pronounce. Too much for my throat, but it sounds very strong and I like it.I don?t like languages which derivate from latin too much. Maybe it?s because my native language is spanish and it isn?t a big challenge to deal with Italian or Portuguese which are very simmilar. And we have catalan and gallego here that have few differences with spanish. And I don?t like how French sounds, just too sweet. But I definitely would like to learn Chinese. I find it very interesting because it?s a completely different culture, so I think it?s exciting. And in a more practical sense, the future is opened to people who knows Chinese... three days ago it reached the fourth position in the ranking of world?s most powerful countries. They?re above to rule the world And there are lots of them.
  12. Well, we don?t have April?s Fools Day here in Spain. But for what I know about it I think it?s more or less the same idea that we celebrate on 28th December between Christmas and New Years Day. This is supposed to remember the day king Herodes ordered to kill newborn babies in order to kill Jesuschrist that way, obviously without success. As long as these murdered babies were inocent, it?s called the Innocents Day or Holy Innocents. Maybe you also celebrate it and already know this... but I don?t know if you also make pranks on this day. Don?t ask me for the relation within a children massacre and joking, it seems a little contradictory... but it?s like that. By the way, it?s also an observed day, everybody works and that.
  13. Today by Smashing Pumpkins, The Day I Tried To Live by Soundgarden, Rape Me by Nirvana, Where is my mind? by Pixies, Undone-the sweater song by Weezer, etc, etc, etc. I can?t just choose one. By the way, I?m a rocker but I don?t like Harry Potter.
  14. Basically you have to enter the FTP with your username and password and domain name (for example ftp.yourself.trap17.com ).Then you go to www or public_html (it?s supposed to be the same). Find your zip file in your hard disk and double click it. It will be uploaded in your site. Then you should only need an hiperlink in your index.htm pointing to "msnicons.zip" or however your zip file is called.You say that you got this page... website.com/emoticons.zip/ Probably you have made a folder called emoticons.zip instead of uploading that file.
  15. Good poem. Definitely those seagulls doesn?t have bird flu I love the second line idea and how you express it.
  16. Oh, come on. English speakers have absolutely no right to vent about this. You born with a language that is understood almost worldwide and if you come to Spain and talk in english you?re going to be more or less understood. But try this when you are spanish and you go to an english-speaking country. No one is going to make the effort to understand you, unless you speak them in english (specially in UK). And well, I?m not gonna say that english is as much difficult as spanish because I see that we have a lot of verbal times and conjugations.That "we are in america" seems a bit prepotent... realize that there?s a world outside the U.S.Another thing is what you say about formal speaking. I?m not using "usted" in my daylife activity, but it?s very used in jobs in which you have to deal with public and treat them gently. But its not as used as for example in german (which I?m studying) that they use "Sie" instead of "du" a lot, unless they?re talking to a friend.
  17. I like it. It?s very clear and readable. Just the way every blog should be. In case you didn?t do what xJedix suggest about the calendar (which seems a great idea) I?d put recent on top, bacause I suppose that a blog visitor is more interested in articles than in knowing the day and month in he lives And, now that you have made a blog completely of your own, you should give that impression by replacing that Kenny from South Park image with an image, logotype, etc. that you have created. I think that it won?t be difficult, specially after doing that great job with codes.
  18. I think these kind of sites are goig more and more difficult and annoying each day. A banner around here, a confirmation code around there, wait a countdown, etc, choose free or premium download... what happened with the easy system of yousendit? upload, download and that?s all.Anyway I think there is a high rate of piracy downloads in megaupload but it?s like burning CDs, you know that a lot of people duplicate records, games, programs, etc but it?s not always that simple.
  19. It depends. For people that aren?t too much into computers, I suppose everyone that has some kind a passion related with that (a website, posting at forums, graphic design, playing games, chatting...) looks like a geek. But if you are one of this persons you don?t have to consider yourself a geek, because there would be almost more geeks than "ordinary" people. I suppose that if computers are your only hobby and you cannot have a conversation without talking about them... well, then you?ll probably are a geek.
  20. I?m confused about this topic. Is it just too old? Everybody have Gmail nowadays and I?ve never heard that thing of a mobile phone message and valid countries. And the weird thing is that the post seem to be started today...
  21. At first I didn?t like the old mac mouse... you know it?s a mess when you come from a two-button mouse, but you get used to it with time and it wasn?t so bad. I only hated the iMac mouses which were rounded and you didnt have enough space to catch them. When I read the title of this post I thought they had give up and go on with a normal mouse which would be a pitty because it would mean the end of a tradition. But the new mouse is even more strange... don?t know, maybe we are seeing the future in mouses. I suppose they have thought about the new model a lot... at least looks very smart. I want to test it.
  22. Yeah, I?ve had a power-surge twice and there was no warranty for me as long as they were not caused by a lightning of something like this. It?s considered your fault although it?s really a problem of the electric company or your installation that isn?t ok, etc. I hated when it happened, fortunately the most common damage is in the power supply and not the board.
  23. ?How can anybody say that the war is over when US soldiers are dying almost every day? I don?t have the stats but I think there must have been much more deads after Sadam was arrested. Only because Bush administration is full of stupid prepotent b*stards doesn?t mean that soldiers deserve to stay here to die, far away from friends and relatives.Islam hate US... yeah. And I suppose you can?t ask yourself if you are doing something wrong. I?m sure your government didn?t say that when gave money and weapons to the talibans in the USSR era. And after all, how are they supposed not to hate a country with friends like Israel that understands democracy the way they want and doesn?t care too much about human rights. And it?s just an example, there are lots.Returning to Iraq, it?s something incredible, the US started the whole thing only with that silly lie, just because they needed their dose of world domination after a period when they felt (maybe for the first time) far away from being untouchables. And now they say they have to stay in Iraq because if they go away it would be terror and violence... there is already terror and violence. Now, what will be the next? Iran?... I hope not but anyway... why don?t just mind your own things, mr. Bush and fiends? I?m sorry for those troops.
  24. Please, suggest me one or a couple!! I really want to start doing something with php. I know the basics and I have some friends that help me with that but I want some kind of useful guide to make it on my own. The problem of internet is that you find as much crap as useful resources and when you don´t know, you can´t see the difference. So it would be very nice if you tell me about some good spanish tutorials.
  25. But this is not completely true. I think you can configure your gmail account in your Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird, etc, because can be used as "pop mail". I don´t use it that way though, because I prefer to download emails from the site when I want, rather than in my own HD.
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