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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Because you want to escape from reality, studies, work, problems, etc. Or because you want to socialize, meet new people, strangers that you won?t talk to unless you?re a bit out of your mind. Or you want to have fun and you have to dance at that terrible music that sound in a disco that you don?t like, just to no get asleep.Besides, alcohol, as any other drug, can help creativity. I?m not making an apologise of drinking alcohol but I have to admit that sometimes you get through some deep thoughts when you are drunk. Maybe because you get free of society taboos.The only bad thin about alcohol it?s the awful sensation the next day... but I know persons that hardly ever suffer from it.
  2. Oh, I?m looking forward to watch it, but there it?s not in my country at the moment. I don?t expect it to be wonderful, but surely it?ll maintain the level of the other two parts. So, best than most of Marvel heroes movies.
  3. Hahaha, it sounds ridiculous... that idea of faster when you are on the mood and slower when you?re down. I suppose that the idea will be to play cheerful songs when you are happy, and sad ones when you are that way. But it doesn?t make much sense, I like to play myself what I want and I don?t want anybody or anything deciding it for me. And what about if I?m a little weird and I want to listen to happy music to stop a depression? I see no future in this.
  4. Mmmm.. maybe you should type a list of bad conducts using mysql that can harm Xisto. Because there may be people doing things wrong without knowing it. I read here that massive mails are a problem, for example... but I suppose there are lots more. If there was a list saying "don?t do this and that" you (admins) could ban users that make wrong uses of mysql... well, maybe after one warning. I mean, just to say "you did that wrong and you were warned about it, so your hosting is terminated".
  5. Yeah, it sounds interesting. I?ll probably check it out.
  6. Well, it?s year 2006 and we all know what microsoft has to offer. A brand new mix of ripped features off Mac Os and Linux... it?s always the same. They never innovate a thing... so it?s another obvious update of their operating system, each time more based on image and less in real usability.
  7. But you have to make this email account, isn?t it? I mean... it?s not something that generates automatically when you receive the hosting... only to know if I?m supposed to have one (which I don?t think but...).
  8. The "What is...?" subforum is to explain something to each others, not to ask. People usually get confused about it... maybe we should change the name, but if you read the explanation bellow it says I don´t have a technical explanation but I know that is when you receive an e-mail for example from a bank and it says that you have to confirm your personal information because of "any stupid excuse". So you click on the link and you´re asked for your information, which you´re giving to a person that obviously is not anybody of your bank. So they´re able to enter in your account and pick up your money. I have received a lot of emails of that kind and I think you can´t be too clever if you get caught with a trick like that. So I suppose phising is used for every action with the idea of trick other people to get a benefit. The word says it all in fact, like "fishing" for humans...
  9. Building and setting up a website is a tough work and don?t expect that anybody help you at such a point (maybe you?ll find somebody but it?s difficult). You can obtain here a lot of help, answers, tips... but you have to do it yourself. If not, then you?re not going to be able to solve any problem that may happen later and you cannot be depending on others forever.Just try, experiment and follow tutorials... even here in these forums there are lots of problems already solved and tutorials from the most basic thing to professional levels. Good luck.
  10. I like a lot of those bands... music are very important in my life too, but I think your tastes are more "mainstream" oriented. It?s not bad though after all, maybe you?re still too young.Welcome!
  11. Well, moderators are not policemen. They do this for free and of course they have their own lives. If we all use the report button there?ll be no problem. Anyway it?s not "so" bad to have two topics about the same thing... I mean, nobody?s gonna die from that. Just report it and wait.
  12. So, this is to make a list of Xisto sites or something? It?s a great idea. But I also don?t know what is that "reciprocal" thing... and I suppose no one knows (besides Opaque) because the only two links are Xisto and Xisto ones.
  13. Thanks for the review. I Still survive with Windows media Player 9 and don?t want to change it because I use it only for few things. Normally I Use Winamp or VLC.
  14. One thing that I hate from myspace is the way you have to work to customize your profile... It could be just as difficult as web design or just as easy as a panel... or templates. But no... you make your space and then you have to search how to change your colour, fonts, etc. because nobody tells you. And it?s so surrealistic as inserting code in a box where you?re supossed to enter information about yourself. As it became so popular people began to make programs to customize it. Some of them are good, somo other crap. Also there should be a limit on image sizes, because a lot of spaces look awful just because there?s a huge image or banner that someone put it into his comment. And it?s annoying that you can put lots of music videos, because sometimes there are 3 or 4 sounds going at the same time in the same site... and it really sucks.Mix this and you?ll get tons of rubbish in myspace profiles designs (well, also in comments, but that?s not myspace fault).
  15. Well, I also find Harry Potter very childish. It?s not because it?s fantasy... it?s because J.K. Rowling wrote the books for children... yes they are good stuff, but it doesn?t mean that they?re the best kind of book that an adult may read. I think they proved that literature can still be an option in the era of videogames and that?s good but I don?t enjoy reading them... not to talk about the films. So not dumb, only for younger people than me.
  16. It?s great but a website of this kind is going to be very big... I mean, difficult to handle. You really need filtering, otherwise visitors are going to be lost. Great job there.
  17. Well, I don?t know how people can be so simple just thinking that the world turns around their beliefs and lack of experiences.Of course animals have homosexual tendencies. If you deny this, then your "facts" aren?t worth at all. You must be blind.If you say that gay love is a false feeling without having experimented it, another person can say that God doesn?t exist because he hasn?t see him. Well, in fact the latter afirmation seems to be more accurate and scientific. So... is every relationship between a man and a woman due to "real feelings"? Don?t think so. Gay people can feel love and also sexual attraction, just like any other hetero couple.
  18. I really don?t like signatures which show that information of the users. There are lot of people that don?t understand how it works and feel as if you were stolen his private information. But it?s still ok, only that I wouldn?t use them.
  19. Well, the site is impressive. To be honest I entered before reading your lines saying that it was created by you and I thought it was kind of official website. Graphics are amazing, music and sound effects is surrounding and even the load times are enjoyable.You have the right to feel proud of it.
  20. It?s a good tutorial as a first step. But I also think that it would be great to make more elaborated smileys with some movement.Good job, anyway
  21. Oh, I like the idea. For music fanatics like me, there are lots of old videos and performances being uploaded each day. And is great for funny stuff too... those videos of the crazy german kid are driving me crazy.
  22. To me, looks stupid to change an anthem into another language or "rythm" and even more stupid to be upset about it. Imagine that everybody writes his own anthem... mexicans, irish, italians, cubans, afromericans from here and there... totally useless. There are better ways to feel part of a country. Anyway anthems suck.
  23. Oh, cool. Yesterday I was just thinking about why there was no shoutbox. I haven?t noticed any problem.
  24. I suppose this is a temporary sql downtime. Probably because some kind of flood or spamming. Probably in an hour or so databases will come back (I hope). It had happened before but it?s been months since the last time something similar ocurred. I mean, it doesn?t happen often...Oh, in fact they?re back already
  25. Well, I?ve always found a bit ridiculous that "censorship" in the forums. Because you now, if you don?t throw some 4 letter words it?s like you?re not being natural, you?re forced to be too polite or to talk like a 5 year old child. I?m not saying that we must talk only with curse words and slang but as he said, you cannot complain with passion without any of these expressions. It just doesn?t look real. Of course you can say the same with other words but, believe me, others won?t understand you so well. As a non-english speaker (I mean, not native) I have to say that the first english word we learn is... well, I guess you know. And if I listen records and watch movies in english are constantly saying F--- so, why not in a forum?I mean, it?s weird but if it?s for the kids, it?s allright. Anyway. kids know these words don?t they?
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