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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. I need to chek out the new Head Automatica?s album. Decadence was really good. I like some emocore things but there are hundreds of bands doing the same. Boring.
  2. Probably you have a lot of them but you don?t notice (which is good luck, anyway). The other way it would be too much luck... like if you had been touched by God or something.
  3. Definitely too wide. There?s no need for you to make a site that doesn?t fit in 1024 resolutions. Simply reduce the 3 columns, you don?t need so much space to display your contents. And reduce the banners with only a little bar or something more discret.
  4. I agree with the "Toni" thing. I haven?t realized that it was Tom after I read the first comment. I find very good and original, different to all those typical sigs with anime characters, heroes, etc.
  5. Both kids and older people play games and RPGs of course, the same. But you won?t see too many old people (I mean above 35) playing games because it?s something they haven?t grown with. It?s only logical. But for the rest I suppose that you play a game if you like it and you find it funny... if a game is oriented to mature people, with puzzles that a child mind possibly can not deal with, children will get bored of it. And if it?s too easy, some older people will find it very simple. But anyone can play them.
  6. I?m getting addicted to Silk Road.It?s in the list with screenshots (the first) but nobody has said anything about it. It?s really catching and highly playable. It is based on the ancient chinese empire (the map is supposed to grow in the future) and not only fight and kill monsters but trading is also very important. The graphics are pretty good, looks so professional that I suspect that maybe in the future the game will not be free. The only problem is that there are lots of people, sometimes too many, and the servers get crowded soon, although they implement new ones as connected population grow.I played Planeshift which is more free and amateur, but it was too limited and you get sick of killing rats to sell their eyes.
  7. In fact I don?t consider myself a "punk". I listen lots of music, mostly rock and alternative bands. No matter if it?s harder, softer, faster or slower as long as the songs are good. And I like both known bands and underground ones. For example the previous AFI record, Sing the Sorrow was pretty good and I still have to check the last. I don?t mind if they appear on MTV, they look fashionable or whatever as long as their music says something good to me.But anyway, I think there?s nothing in present punk at the level of the Ramones, Stooges or The Clash. And I hate when some people confuse punk-rock with trends like emocore (there are some good emo bands but as long as there are hundreds of them, 90% sucks). I talk about bands that wear a Misfits t-shirt and believe that they?re so punk...
  8. Not 100% sure but I think that if you want more than the 5 gigabytes bandwidth that Xisto.com offers you have to change to a paid hosting in Xisto - Web Hosting or other partner site. I also would like that the bandwidth were more flexible, as long as you use it only for your site visits and not to put big files to download, etc. But it would be too good to be true. :rolleyes:I?m seeing that in Xisto - Web Hosting there?s a plan with 99,9 gb of bandwidth. Not sure if it?s enough for you.
  9. Just hate how people believe that the troops must stay in Irak to protect civilians, to guard peace, etc. Yes, In Irak there?s killing, terror, stealing, raping and all those things... that happen worlwide. Oh, but in Africa they don?t have oil, what a pity for them, that they will never get "help" from good americans like Bush and his crew. There will be no "peace" in Irak probably never and definitely not if the soldiers stay because population is too divided. I would say that it?s their problem but the irresponsible incursions of US and allies have led to this situation and now there?s no Sadam but things are even more compicated.
  10. I think it?ll be good, even though it has that terrible childish name. Nintendo stuff is funny and I want to explore the posibilities of that joystick/pad/whatever.
  11. If we didn?t like this service, we won?t be here, don?t you think? Welcome. Now you?re trapped.
  12. Well, it depends on what do you mean with punk (hardcore). You mean Ramones and The Clash? or Refused and Fugazi? or My Chemical Romance and that kind of neo-emo wannabes? By the way, I like Green Day. They?re not punk but they?re a good band. Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, etc, etc, simply sucks.
  13. I don?t know if my server is gamma but my site is also down, html and sql. Be patient, I?m sure It?ll recover soon as it?s common (the quick recovery, not the downtime ).
  14. I think youtube is the best video community right now and that?s the reason why it?s experiencing a great growing, similar to what we have seen in myspace before. I didn?t know about youtube one day and the other there I was, watching lot of videos of jokes, music, trailers, etc. And there are ways to download them, so it?s cool.
  15. Great job! Very cool layout indeed. The only thing that doesn?t convince me too much are the letters in blue in the buttons. They look a little confusing with the black border... maybe with more space between them, would look better to me. It?s funny that you?ve chosen Xisto theme to make this layout. They could use it, the only problem is that the one that is now is really good.
  16. I?m not very keen on that kind of games but I think that Habbo is better. Anyway, as everyone says, you spend lots of precious time doing nothing and one day you get tired and realize how much time you have lost playing a childish game that leads to nothing productive.
  17. One vote to Saint Michael. Although it´s a confusing sig, I like it much more than the first three. The one from itsmyard has a good-looking background but I´m not sure that the figure fits. 2nd and 3rd are too simple. Agentb´s one is cool but maybe too much bright.
  18. I also see it unnecessary. Maybe some of use won?t use it, but Microsoft usually gets their targets. Maybe wma is not so popular, but wmv for example, is like an standard... not so popular like avi or mpg but it?s very common indeed.
  19. I suppose it?s darkness and demons because it talks about "fallen" heroes and not regular heroes. So, all it?s relative and maybe darkness and demons are better than light and gods for some people. Maybe.
  20. Well, I didnt know it is swedish, but thepiratebay is a very popular site. I have used it only a couple of tiomes because I don?t use torrents too much. Not because torrents are bad. If you download a torrent when it?s active, the speed rate will be awesome. But seeds are not there forever... so you must be fast sometimes.I don?t think North Korea really cares about what the US say about them. Not in the nuclear thing and even less in piracy.
  21. Definitely, we?ll have to give it a try but I don?t know... if it?s really new and good, it would be the first time that Microsoft develops something on his own. Windows Media Video format has become popular, so I suppose this will be also.
  22. Me. I never saw the point in giving credits for talking about computers, websites or videogames and not for talking about movies or music. Not everybody with a website must be a computer nerd. And nobody´s gonna get a large amount of credits just by saying "congratulations" and "good job". The credit systems works well and incentivate people not to make one liners.
  23. Well, Microsoft it?s like the devil in the multinational business... so I don?t know if Google could some day act so bad and get the same reputation, but if they don?t stop growing, things could turn black. You know, power corrupts.
  24. Typos are usually made. Well, the most frequent kind of typos I make in english are just because this is not my native language, but I am almost obsesed with good ortography in spanish. It?s something very common in these days with internet and sms that people are starting to write awfully, not to talk about the spelling... so I think we must be careful if we don?t want our languages to become extinct as we know them.
  25. Here in Spain there is a ban... but it hardly appplies. Policemen don?t bother about these kind of "little faults". I think it?s because if they have to pursuit each driver that uses mobile phone, unfortunately they will be all the day doing only this.So there is a law for nothing... this happens constantly.The problem is that people is so addicted to mobile phones that they can?t stop just for minutes... I mean, 10 years ago we didn?t have them and we were not so bad. They?re not "so" necessary, we can live without them.
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