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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. It?s very annoying but there are some medicines that should help. I?m not sure if I have hay fever (I suppose it?s some kind of allergic synthoms) but I?m allergic of dust insects and it?s horrible whenever I travel to the countryside or come back to the city. I take antistaminics lately when it happens to me and it works or at least makes it easier to carry on.
  2. Well, it?s just great! I didn?t know it existed... and unfortunately there are lots of hidden google feautures that are really good although in beta testing. I?ve just checked it out and it works perfectly for me.Thanks for advising it.
  3. I like Albus one?s more. Not for any technical reason really. I dont like how the first looks, maybe because it?s a photograph and it doesn?t help to make it real because you know water won?t do that effect in a human body. With the "comic" look you see that there?s the same lightning going on again and again (maybe there should be another frame to make it smoother) but you notice that is a drawing and you tend to accept it more naturally. Anyway I don?t understand... there?s nothing in that drawing that could be reffered with "Big Red". In fact black & blue are dominant. But my vote for Albus
  4. Humans are aggresive to humans, so when it comes to robot programmed by humans, of course they could be dangerous for humans. We kill each other so in the future robots will surely be used to kill. Sounds scary and apocaliptic but logical. In fact probably the main use for robots will be wars. It would be ok if there were robot wars... and no humans dying but poor countries won?t be able to afford those kind of mechanical troops and there will be lots of blood within metal and circuits.
  5. Uff, do they really need to replace it? If hotmail has one good thing is lots and lots of people with a msn.com or a hotmail.com account. Microsoft always wasting money for nothing... it seems that they don?t mind to lose money as long as they have so much.
  6. That?s true. You people do a great effort to keep these huge -and useful- forums alive and breathing.Our thanks it?s the least that you deserve.
  7. You?re a pagan! You should burn in hell In fact, I don?t care too much, religions aren?t something closed, the scrptures have lots of versions and interpretations. You say "like sci-fi movies"... you?re right, religions are a bit like that.
  8. Both ignoring and laughing are good alternatives to do with close-minded people. Confronting them it?s no use because surely they?re not clever enough to think about it although you give them good reasons. So you?d better forget about it although you are angry. Each person must have his own morality and you?re not going to change other?s one.
  9. Wii... well, it sounds a bit silly, but we?ll get used to it. Anyway the name doesn?t matter if the technology and games are good enough. About the children thing, I think Nintendo is always more focused in that kind of audience that other consoles. That example of Gameboy is good, probably it?ll happen the same with Wii.
  10. Hello. You?ll find a second (third?) home in Xisto I also would like to go to Japan one day...
  11. Alcohol is an excuse, yes. I think there are lots of people that don?t drink so much but act as if they were completely drunk only to have an excuse next day in case they fail... "I didn?t mean to... someone put something in my drink"
  12. Do you mean actual bands? I think Mastodon rules more than anyone else and they?re really impressive playing live. Don?t know the bands you name but Pig Destroyer, Amorphis, Pelican and Jesu (these two if you like ambient progressive metal) are good metal bands right now. I think Down are going to release new records soon and definitely Tool that are touring this summer to play the songs of their 10.000 Days. And the classics forever, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Pantera, Melvins...I don?t give you links sorry, but it?s only putting names on google.
  13. I like it. Perhaps too much space free on the right?
  14. I wouldn?t trust in such a suspicious website. If you read bellow, it?s part of bored.com , which doesn?t seem very serious, I guess.
  15. I use winamp regularly and sometimes foobar. I have installed Windows Media (anyway... can you uninstall it in Windows? ) but I don?t use it. Real Player only for formats that others don?t recognise.
  16. I don?t think so. We still don?t know about the limits (if there are) of the universe we know. Maybe it?s infinite... we don?t know, so it?s a waste of time to think about others right now. For me, a universe is all that exists so there?s no reason why should be two... if there were, would be two parts of the same universe. It?s confusing but I guess you know what I mean.
  17. Nobody is gonna tell you wether you are ready or not. I mean... some people will tell you, but you must do it on your own so just don?t ask. If you are 13 I think you?re too young but even this fact depends on cultures, countries, etc. You are biologically prepared but maybe not mentally. Anyway I?ll recommend to do it with someone you really love (I know it sounds topic but I guess you don?t want to remember all your life a person that means nothing to you) and using condom, of course.
  18. I get it through a friend who is a top computer nerd. I don?t know if he get it from another or what, but I remember that then very few people had one and you didn?t receive 100 invitations to give like nowadays so it was spreadingvery slowly. In fact I remember giving out all my invitations as soon as they provide me with them. I think it was a funny process to test the service.
  19. Less than 10 GB. 2GB it?s a lot, you know. Maybe because of competitors it will raise a little but in only one year I don?t think that it?ll increase too much. ?Maybe 5 GB? Don?t know, that?s my personal bet.
  20. Well, I choosed Google Earth because I find it awesome and original. It surprised me a lot when came out. But of course my most used feauture is Google Search, one of the absolute referents of Internet. Gmail is atill great and I don?t use the other too much (alerts, talk, mobile). I don?t like Google News because I customized my homesite with news containing words that I?m interested in, but it doesn?t let me choose only news from my country (i get lots from southamerican newspapers that I don?t really care about).
  21. Hahaha, this is funny. I think it?s not google fault, it?s because a large number of people puts links with the failure word pointing to tha page, so google bots match terms. There are lots of examples of googlebombing. I don?t know about english but in spanish there are lots relating to politicians, SGAE (kind of our RIAA), etc.
  22. I think that it?s true, too much hidden interests everywhere. But almost every little thing is moved by money so I?m not surprised. But extremes are not good, so you can be fat and you don?t have to feel guilty for that, but only worried if it takes health problems.
  23. Superior why? If you are christian you may think that christianity is superior but people with other religions won?t think the same. And agnostic people won?t even mind. So ?how can we quantify "superiority" in faith? ?Do we make the worldwide faith superiority elections?
  24. Well, I think there are lots of points in common in the three religions. In fact, from an atheist or agnostic point of view they all sound the same. And the most important thing it?s that the three are really ambiguous, so anyone can do an interested interpretation of what the scriptures say.But they exclude each other so, for me it?s like a war. Instead of three nations, three religions, they all want to conquer the world and be the only one, the only truth with nothing that can questionate this ideological supremacy. Maybe the God is the same, but the point is to say that "your" God is real and others aren?t.
  25. Ufff, too difficult, I've tried some combinations but I?m not able to pass level and use the new items. It seems that I?m going to spend tiem on this Funny game.
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