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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Looks good but... a website that only loads on Explorer? Oh, that?s a bad way to start.
  2. It?s really creepy, poor cat. I saw one simmilar case a month ago, but less dramatic. In a spanish village, a lamb was born with 3 eyes and two mouths (only one functional)... It was supposed to die minutes after having born. But it?s alive and has become like a local attraction because of that deformity. At least this kind of disgrace brought something good because otherwise, would have been sacrificed to eat its flesh and now everybody loves that lamb.
  3. I don?t think Opera will grow too much in number of users because if there?s an alternative to Internet Explorer right now, that is Firefox and it?s a tough battle against the rich giant. I don?t know if Opera is better than Firefox but I?m sure that both of them are a lot faster and smarter that IE. Maybe Opera only needs more publicity and more users willing to spread its use by putting banners and ads in their websites, etc.
  4. Although there are things that you can avoid, you never know what will you encounter if you take another path. So maybe trying to escape of something you end up worse. It?s an interesting idea but only for science fiction, it might be scary if all of us were constantly travelling into the past.
  5. Yes, nobody know how google really works so if you have submitted your website properly it should appear one of these days, but just don?t obsess with that idea and follow with your site?s improves. I guess thera are millions of pages being submitted every day and it?s a slow process for the robots to take all that information and index it.
  6. I don?t know if the meaning of "ethic" has so much to do with hard-working and that. I mean, if someone doesn?t want to do the homework it?s his problem... I don?t really care. He?s only harming himself. Anyway if kids are so less motivated there must be a society problem or the teachers don?t do their work well (which I don?t think it?s true). In my country I see that a lot of kids want to be like their idols. And I don?t mean professional people who have made theirselves. I mean football (soccer) players which make commercials, top-models, singers and even worse, people who enter Big Brother or other realities such as American Idol (but our equivalent). Most of them are people earning lots of money for doing almost nothing, and young people see it and think "Studies are no use, work are no use, I wanna live like that". And that?s very sad.
  7. I?ve already tried googlepages and I think it?s a good service although very limited. Definitely it?s not what most people here would need, because it?s very simple and in Xisto a lot of people is interested in php. But You can use decent templates to make a basic website in ac opuple of minutes so I think it?s going to be another success for google, because everybody want to have a website and there are lots of people that don?t know anything about html or even how does an FTP program works.
  8. I wanna try it. I?ve entered the list so I hope to try it in a fe days/weeks/months... Of course it?s nothing compared to what we have here in Xisto. Only 100 mbs and no PHP, mySQL, etc. But it?s in a beta phase, I?m sure that the space will rise as it happened with Gmail. Anyway if it offers pre-made templates and stylesheets and it looks cool enough, it?ll be a great chance for people who doesn?t know anything about web design... and that?s a wide target.It seems that Google is involved in so many projects at the same time that you never know what will be the next movement.
  9. The flash intro is very cool, although a bit disturbing after a while. I don?t like the counter, I think that is not a common feature of professional websites. I don?t care how many people have visited a website before me.The website itself looks good, great background, but the text may be a little boring, yes. It?s cool anyway, but it can be improved.
  10. I would like to visit scandinavian countries... Norway, Finland and Sweden. Don?t know, we have a very good weather here and I wouldn?t change it for anything but there?s something with the cold climate, a different kind of thinking, different costumes, mentality... it attracts me a lot. And of course I want to see the fiords (or fjords). This summer I?m going to travel around mid Europe France, Benelux, Germany... but I?m afraid the northest country that I?ll visit is Denmark, which still will be great.Japan also should be very interesting.
  11. I agree with the last opinion. Herbal cigarettes are no use... maybe as some kind of placebo if you believe it, but nothing you can trust in really. The addiction is too hard.
  12. It?s sad but you shouldn?t illustrate muslim people with situations like that. I guess you haven?t met millions of muslims in your life... maybe there are other jew restaurants with stupid owners, and a muslim has suffered the same as you.
  13. It sounds good. Maybe I?ll give it a try... but I suppose it?ll end in a lot of clonic websites...
  14. Too expensive only for being fashionable. It?s cool but I wouldn?t pay so much for it when there are other options. And I don?t really need so much space.
  15. This will be a great advance in file availability. No matter in which computer you work, your documents will be there... cool. I can?t wait to use it.
  16. It?s funny and interesting but I had already seen it. Our brain works curiously.For me spellings are important, at least when I?m chatting with a friend that has the same native language as me (spanish). I mean, it?s a great eyeache when you see something badly written, because if you don?t know your own language then... well, you?re dumb... It?s like "what the hell did you do in school?" "Don?t you read?"One thing I?m a bit intrigued is about the fact that it seems that americans (or all english-speakers, don?t know) find it difficult to spell. At least that?s what I guess after seeing all those spelling competitions in schools. Maybe english is more difficult to spell? We never do that...
  17. Those names come from greek. Latin usually doesn?t make use of the letter "k".
  18. Unfortunately we will not see the end of the world. I say unfortunately because it might seem scary but being one of the last humans over the earth and watch everything as it comes to an end. The best on fireworks, Like REM said... it?s the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine By the way all those satanic ideas are really stupid.
  19. It?s prep the same as posh? And it?s only a term for girls or there are prep boys also? I thought "poser" was something different. Someone who acts as if he or she belongs to a "scene" only to be cool, like "emo", "gothic", etc.Anyway I think those preps (if I understood well in which consists) are superficial and often a bit silly people. Not to offend, but the last comment is a prove of this because says that if you?re not a prep, it?s that you are a loser. Preps might have fashionable clothes and rich daddies, and that doesn?t mean anything apart than the fact that their life is easier than the rest of the kids. But sooner or later these people will face the truth and discover that their expensive clothes don?t mean that they?re any special.
  20. Some of them are vey curious... having clinophobia must be awful. I suppose a person which suffers from it refuses to go to bed, so he must be tired and weak all day. Sounds funny but I guess it isn?t at all.And that fear of evil clowns, hahaha, very funny. They must have red or seen "It". Could be Pennywisephobia
  21. I always thought that the credit count is too low, but I accept it gladly because if you don?t like the system, go find another server. Anyway it would be wonderful if you raised. Sometimes I also feel like if I were saying nothing really interesting just to make a proper paragraph and not just a one liner, when only one line could synthesize what I wanted to say. Not just for the credits, to be polite too, because it?s said that one-liners are not very welcome. And if a lot of people do the same, it?s no good for the forum, more words, but the same content...
  22. I don?t blog because I don?t like it. I think most people that blog doesn?t have interesting things to say and this means that Internet is growing with intrascendent contents. The tool is good, but it depends on what each one do with it. Some blogs are like a written reality show... and that looks awful to me. No utility=Useless=ThrashBut there are other people that use them to write poetry, post their artistic works, give some info about something which they know a lot... in those cases is ok, but I have to say that I spend a lot of time surfing and I don?t visit any blog regularly and I do visit a lot of forums and websites...
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