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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. There are some beautiful ones there, but if I have to choose one, I?ll go with Edgecoc?s one. I think it?s one of the most symbolic and it reveals perfectly well the colours of autumn, with those pinky reds and colourful browns. The fonts could be better though. I also like kilew?s winter and delivi?s summer.
  2. I?ve just added to myspace group and I am also noticing how many hindi people there are But we have a great mix here in Xisto so soon it won?t be so evident. I think i?m the second european to join.
  3. I?ve been saying this for months. Hopefully we?ll have finally post count on entertainment forum.
  4. Just google for it and you´ll find. Here´s what I Found looking for "max payne 2 OST tracklist".
  5. żIn which language is it? (Masti) I didin´t know that word. It´s ok, but you only have an image at the moment. None of the links are working. I also like the idea of changing the order of the words. masti Design is more natural and easy to pronounce but if you have bought the domain yet...
  6. I like it too. If you don?t need more, it?s a very good and simple layout, which means two times good. But I hope you won?t write in latin.
  7. I don?t think life is a conspiracy but there are powers that might make your life look like a conspiracy. Governments, multinationals, etc. And those forces won?t let you get more clever because they don?t want you to use more than 10% of your brain capacity. I?m pesimistic about this, I don?t think we will get over this boundary because our society is more oriented to things that simply entertain us, so we don?t have to think too much. I can?t imagine in our days a genious like Leonardo Davinci for example.And yes, this thread could be a philosophic question without solution.
  8. Don?t know about fingerprints but I have seen that there are some pubs here in Spain (so I suppose that there must be lots of them in other countries) that insert you a microchip under the skin in the back or in the shoulder maybe, not sure. And you pay that way. I think people is stupid to have a chip implanted that is only used to pay drinks in a disco. And what if the next month the butchery starts using a different microchip, and so does the hairdresser... you?ll end filled with useless microchips in every part of your body. Ridiculous.
  9. Yeah, it?s true. The explanations are amazing... I don?t know how they do to categorize songs but yes, you click on the "why" button and some scientific-alike explanation appears about simmilar high-pitched sounds or whatever
  10. Thanks, it?s basic but I appreciate it, since the ones I?ve done are just made by copying and replacing things. Hopefully this will help me to understand things.
  11. When I get angry, rock always helps me. You need something straight ahead and with some message that you can identify with. Grunge music helped me a lot when I was a teenager and it seems like I didn?t belong to this world and suicide looked liked the best option. Nowadays I feel the same but it doesn?t bother me too much. Ramones are my favourite band when I need to change my mood. The fact is that you?ll have to live with all those wrong things that you see around because you aren?t able to change the world. Of course you can change some things, but at a very low level. It?s hard because if you exteriorize your anger, things will go wrong but if you save it for yourself, it will eat you from the inside and you?ll feel awfully and depressed. It seems that you are fed up with living in the city... I suggest you to go outisde for a period of time, not necessary to another country but if you go to another country, don?t go to a nother big city (or at least find a more civilizated one).
  12. What can we do people that want a girl not only beautiful but also a bit clever and more interested in deeper movies with some message and not films made for easy-crying? Should we travel to Mars?Anyway you say "and enjoy it". Do you think that getting embarrased in front of their friends is something to enjoy? If you do things like that, you?ll expect more than "non-sexual romance". PS: I guess you forgot Pretty Woman
  13. Yes the song is good but... you must be kiding. It doesn?t seem like Eminem is the most spiritual person in the world (not even in the music industry and not even in rap). I hate how popular Eminem got just making simple rhymes, easy humor, four letter words and most important... being white... Yeah, I guess we wouldn?t be talking about him if he were black. And it?s ridiculous to talk about him like the best rap artist or whatever. The best blonde rap artist, maybe It?s just a child that have grown old and is still obsessed with the same teenager ideas. By the way, I?m not black, not even american, but I think there?s much more in hip-hop than figures like Eminem. I don?t dislike his music, but just for fun.
  14. I?m not sure about this. Seriously, I don?t mind. I can?t remember myself using paint so a few more functions would not change too much this fact. And I suppose they?re not going to beat photoshop so I don?t know. Maybe if they did some kind of website-oriented-Paint with basic and quick functions, it will be good.
  15. My favourite sport for playing is football (soccer, not american football). I love swimming and cycling. I like volleyball a lot and rugby is interesting but too hard. Baseball is cool for playing but I get bored when I see it on TV. The same with tennis.Least favourite maybe basket... I?m not tall enough to compete in this, anyway. But seen on Tv is really espectacular I don?t know what is Lacrosse...
  16. Good work, Opaque. I?m sure you can?t do better than you actually do. Xisto is the best evidence. So we will understand any inconvenient that may come from those new projects that surely will make good for the community.And I didn?t know about that little time of sleeping. That?s not healthy... just relax a bit.
  17. Oh, I never knew that the credit system recognizes language. So if you mispell words, probably they?re not counted?. Well, there?s another reason to try to write properly. May I know what other languages do it recognize, just to satisfy my curiosity?
  18. This game must be amazing. I love this saga, one of the funniest Nintendo games in the latest console era along with Mario Karts. It?s a laughter in multiplayer and with all those characters would be even more great.
  19. I usually look for music, rock bands, etc. And for cities, travels, etc. Computing things also and a bit of design and web design although here I find s lot of resources about it. I search in spanish and english. There are things that I know that I?m not going to be able to find in my language, so I go on with english... I don?t have too much problems. If I can chat in a forum, I suppose I can read and understand more or less. Lately I search a lot on wikipedia... it?s becoing the best resource on the web and I also contribute when I am able.And no, I don?t look for "sex",
  20. I don?t like the design too much. The google cleanliness is one of the reasons why I prefer it. Better white thatn yellow and blue.
  21. Squeletdance are very cool and it surley has a lot of programming work behind. Spectacular, indeed. But the other has also a lot of patient work and it?s very funny, especially to people who know how is it to work with flash. Very different, love both of them.
  22. Definitely, our world would be better without religion. But there?s nothing we can do about it now. Faith can?t be fight, because is not tangible. Anyway I?m not sure if it could be possible even if the world started again... human race started too soon to believe in gods and supersticions, so probably it?s something inherent to us. I don?t believe in god, but probably if I were living in a cave and hunting animals to eat... don?t know but maybe I would start thinking in a higher being that could help me to survive and that provides with me sun and rain. Science should have ended with religion but it wasn?t like that, unfortunatly so now the power that science provide us and the deep convictions of faith, combined to make terrible wars.Religion was made to control. That?s right. So, ?do you want to be controlled?kasm, don?t write in bold. You?re not supposed to have the supreme truth by making your post more visible than others.
  23. I just thought while reading that it must be a rap. Looks good, but it?s hard to imagine with a rythm. I know that rap is highly based on lyrics but for me music is tune, not only urban poetry. I need to hear something.
  24. I didn?t know about spreadsheets. I suppose they are in beta testing. Google do things slowly but this way they make sure that when they launch the final version it?ll be almost perfect. ?The first step to their office-alike suite that they said they?ll launch online? I just can?t wait, google always surprise me.
  25. I think it?s not an easy election but it can?t be so hard. Seriously, it?s very unlikely that you?re in a love triangle so deep that you love both of them and both of them love you equally. Maybe you could put them separately in simmilar situations to see how they behave so as to know who are really interested for you, or who is most interested at least. But first think about yourself. ?Do you love both of them or just love one and you don?t want to hurt the other? You have to choose, life is hard. Unless you?re really open-minded people and you could be a threesome. Uh, that?s even more unlikely, I guess.
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