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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Nice tutorial. Mirc is complicated for some people and there are lots of features that are not easy to use. A tutorial on file transferring via xdcc or fserve could be interesting. I use that but I don?t know very well how it works really.
  2. I think there is a post already about this topic, but anyway... I?m not sure of what is the best MMORPG, because it would be really a hard job to try them all and compare. I like SilkRoad, because I play it... if I played another I?d like another I suppose. I mean I don?t habve enough time to play hundreds of online games to say which is the best. These days I?m playing to simple game that is about being a rockstar, forming a band, fame, etc. called Popomundo. Graphics are inexistent but it?s cool and catchy... it?s called Popomundo.
  3. Yes, it?s very logical indeed and a really clever way to maintain a hosting service. This way I suppose that we all get something. We get a great server and Xisto the money to keep this alive. But I don?t think this could work for a big business. I mean I don?t know if someone gets many benefits from this (I don?t really care as long as I have hosting) but in that case I don?t think that these benefits would be too big. Big hosting enterprises only seek money and they wouldn?t offer free quality webhosting only for a couple of posts. For me that?s what makes Xisto special.
  4. I have a bluetooth mobile phone but I don?t really use it very often. Only to share some photos and stuff like that with friends.But I found very useful the explanation, especially the origin of the name... a viking king, hehe It isn?t so strange if Ericsson developed it (it?s a brand from Sweden, I think).
  5. Mmmm... today I uploaded a file to rapidshare.de and only after having uploaded it, they told me that I must register (for free) if I wanted the link. At first I was a little angry because I thought that my file was going to be lost but I registered and it was there. Anyway I think that is not fair. I mean, it?s your server do what you want, make it free, with registration or paying, but don?t let me think that I can upload a file and then force me to register if I want to get the link, because you?re making me lose my time. Sorry, I know that is not Megaupload but I think it is a enough related thing to put here.
  6. It?s hard to face something like this, but that?s life, unfortunately. You know that in some way, he?ll be always with you.Rest In Peace, Derek.
  7. Nice tutorial. I?ll definitely bookmark it, maybe it?ll be useful in the near future. Thanks.
  8. I like the first more. The brushing looks better and I like the colourful result. The second is plain but also a bit weird... that face without hair. Anyway, I?m not a great fan of this band, but I must say that Dawiss put "Evenescense" instead of "Evanescence". And I don?t like the font too much. But the whole is great, especially if you did the drawing.
  9. There are lots of alternatives to oil. Lots. But unfortunately multionationals rule the world and they?re not going to change their energy plans as long as petrol is such a great source of income. We all need it so we are going to pay more and more till we won?t have money to eat. I?m wishing that oil resources end soon but I suppose there are still a lot of decades left. So technology doesn?t have nothing to do with it, we have technology and ideas but not intentions to change something that make some people wealthy.
  10. Another browser poll? Firefox, as ever since it?s there. Yeah, I?m another one anti-Miscrosoft dude. Not only they are bloody rich, their products are miserably bad and always late copying what their competitors have to offer.
  11. It?s not just a nice tutorial, it?s vital. I find hotlinking completely necessary. I am a truly believer of freedom of information in internet and I don?t mind people pick my images (or texts) and publish them everywhere, but at least take some time to save it and set it up in your own server... it?s such bad education, to steal contents and also bandwidth, having something completely for free just by stealing it.I have the hotlink protection activated in Cpanel... a really helpful feature.
  12. My best wishes to him, familiar and friends. I hope he?ll survive and with the less damage possible. Something seems to be wrong when things like this happen specially to good hearted people. It?s easy to say "be strong" but we can?t really put on your situation right now, although we had lived similar experiences.
  13. The idea is good, but I think Xisto admins have a lot of work and they?re too busy to set up and maintain a server which surely would be soon overloaded. It would envolve a lot of problems related with piracy, copyright issues, etc. And I don?t want the hosting to close for that reasons. I don?t think it?s possible to make this.
  14. I should say that I was really happy, excited and that... but it?s not true, indeed. I had moved from web hosting to web hosting and every of them seeemed to be fraudulent, or quikly gone, or simply not serious. So I came here just to try luck... I noticed the credit system and I thought that it was a fresh idea so I tried. When I get the approval I was like "well, let?s give it a chance". It was when days, weeks and months passed, when I realized that this was a great choice. And I?m getting happier and happier as time pass and Xisto proves to be a great hosting.
  15. Well, they have just created it So maybe they´ll put some ads in a few days. Otherwise there´s no viability in this, unless somebody wants to give something not only for free, but losing money. Anyway it seems a good option, I would try it if I hadn´t a Xisto account with total freedom to manage my phpBB (which I don´t think you can on onlysay). By the way I find the typo horrible.
  16. Meditation one is really cool, indeed. Good choice, but I found almost all of them very good. I love the Apocalypse, Got GM? and halo, the first three and the others are still ok.
  17. Yes, it?s a disgrace and is one more step to the end of cycling credibility. No child will want to be like those idols that only win because they have received her dose. Tour de France is now a big shame, although they tried to cut with these practices, they failed miserably.I?m also sorry for northamericans because their last two cycling stars were a completely fraud and it?s sad that people like that are representing a country. Yes, I also think that Amstrong took some kind of drugs but don?t get me wrong. I?m spanish and I am sure that Indurain did the same... and Ulrich probably, and all a lot others.
  18. I think the tutorial is perfectly ok, he?s only giving information. Some people will find it very useful. Then you can act like you want. For me it?s not illegal if you own the DVD but if you think so, just don?t follow the steps. If you want to see it in your phone I suppose you need lots of space (which in most phones you won?t have).
  19. Not knowing about these two models particularly, it?s a known fact that Nokias have a great durability... I think they resist more than other brands' ones. But they are the most expensive also. I have used Sony Ericsson and I could say that they?re one of the best brands after Nokia, and the interface usually is very simple, quick to use and effective.
  20. Sprnknwn

    I Hate Greenday!

    It really seems to me reading the conversation that the only problem with Green Day is that they?re so popular right now and their songs are listened by a lot of people outside the "rock music". In my opinion is just a question of not getting obsessed with any band. I listen lots of music and I follow Green Day from almost their begginings and I suppose that?s why I like them more because I?ve seen them grow and I was really surprised that they did American Idiot (which I maintain that is a great record). But I?m not obsessed, I listen to Mars Volta, Queens of the Stone Age, Mogwai, Dresden Dolls, Pearl Jam, Arcade Fire, Wolfmother... I don?t think I?ve heard Green Day in the last six months just because I?ve got so many things to listen that I hardly get bored of anything. In fact, if I didn?t like GD, I won?t lose time hating them when there?s so much music around me. Who cares about kids who follow GD and dress fashionably and make up? Let them grow and they?ll change.PS: i haven?t heard that mash up, but I heard one Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Wonderwall of Oasis which is funny.
  21. My advice is to make the sig with lees height (so, less sky), put boozker a little bigger (so as to see clearly the B and the R), to make the blue more pale and less uniform and to pretende that the sun is on one side (left or right). That way you?ll manage the brightness so as to give the image more realism. A typical ray of light filtering between the grass like interfering the camera would look beautiful, I think.
  22. Well explained NDPA. Only a question... are you going to give me the credits you have earned for such a big post? I?m only joking, of course, hehe (but if you will... ).In fact I didn?t know that someone can give credits to another one but it?s a good idea. This way I suppose that you can maintain somedbody else?s hosting while he is on holiday and when they get back he can do the same for you.RTFM!, the new Xisto slogan
  23. For example...1. The Simpsons2. Six Feet Under3. Twin Peaks4. The Office5. House
  24. Yes, the site loads fast but you have to wait while all the images of the layout appear and the distribution of your site changes. I personally would try something more minimalistic and with less marquees. You?ll get faster more attractive, friendly and better looking website.
  25. I see some ignorance here. Transgenders are not about being straight, homosexual or other sexual orientation. They are girls or boys (depending on what they know they are) trapped in the wrong body. A boy with a girl body will also like girls, because HE IS a boy. I suppose they can also be homosexual, so he will feel like a boy and like other boys although his body is a girl one.And for people who wanted everybody to be "normal" or whatever, you need to be more tollerant. Transgenders don?t have any fault... nature made them this way. Blame them? for what? do you really care so much? do they make you harm?And homosexuals are a different thing but they were also born like that. You can?t make a straight boy love another boy, right? So, you can?t make a gay boy love a girl. It?s not so difficult to understand, I think.
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