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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. I don?t know if you should impeach them... and I don?t even know much about this process. What I see is that Bush is getting really boring... well, he was always bloody stupid but at least you could laugh of him, because almost every declaration was a bit surrealist. I suppose a lot of people from US voted him because he looks like a man in a crowd, like your neighbour (anyway I hope the north american intelligence level is far above this), someone which you can identify with. I know that iraquis and afghans never found it funny... but at least he was the joker of the world during some months. Now we hardly see him on TV (in Europe or at least in Spain) I suppose there are some more important news than his stupidities.So I think he have to go, why would anyone want a dumb president and boring besides?
  2. I also think there?s too much text... sometimes you can?t have everything... a large phrase and a clearly readable But the Avalon solution looks beautiful I think, well contrasted, there?s absolutely no problem in reading it. I would try to do the text smaller, until it begins to result unreadable, because I think it takes too much space in the whole of the sig.
  3. That link adds an extra http:// that leads you to the wrong page. Try: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It´s like a fake porn site isn´t it? It´s funny but not so much, maybe because I don´t understand the joke with the manatee.
  4. Trap17 is working perfectly well and most times the sites are down or the mysql doesn't work or whatever it?s because there's some kind of update going on. So I also think that we don't need everything up to date as long as things works well. The admins only have to worry that things don't get completely obsolete, but not more of that.I mean most of the times something goes wrong and I enter here and read that servers are down because something is being updated I ask myself if updating was really necessary. And I guess it was, but I think the admins criteria is enough to do this, I don?t want my site down a couple of hours every night.
  5. Well, what Dez said makes sense. When you are new... well, it seems really hard to collect 30 points (you can do it with 10 but I think it?s a waste if you want to get the upgrade later) to get the hosting, we all know. But hey, to know if there are certain scripts or features, there are the same forums, so you can ask everything you need and the users will tell you for sure. Also the admins and mods but I suppose you?d prefer the user point of view (although most mods are users also).Anyway I suppose that one of the keys to success of a free host like this is that they don?t give the hosting automatically, because that way this will be overloaded and which is worse, full of users that don?t really want to make a site, only that arrived here one day, saw that this was free and asked for an account. With these steps to get it, I think it?s more secure and people not so interested in hosting will go away.
  6. Oh, this sounds really sci-fi. I would like to see it, but I suppose there will be a though struggle between scientists and other experts. I mean, this is similar to genetic engineering and involves a lot of ethical questions not easy to solve. I hope this won?t lead us to a catastrophic future like in most science fiction movies.
  7. Yes, thanks for reporting. I?d just seen that error in cpanel and I was a little worried about it.
  8. Coran and the Bible are equally extremists... so much and so less extremists as the man who read them and his interpretations (i mean it?s in each one?s eyes). Both religions have that expansive element and the aim to have their own religion ruling the world because of course, they?re right and their God cannot be wrong. They both preach peace between men but are willing to make 1000 wars to reach it. The only thing that could make (right now) cristianism a bit more pacific or moderate is the fact that (some) governments don?t let the Church disturb the political actions and the relationship between countries.
  9. Well, I doubted where to put this... I didn?t find any better subforum than Simulation. Move if necessary. I want to talk you about Popomundo (http://www.popmundo.com/), a swedish online game from the same developers of Hattrick (the football manager). You start in a city that you choose and you have to interact with people (like in Sims but in a very schematic way), find friends, love, etc, ask people to join your band or join others' projects. To progress you have to do many things, learn skills, music skills like playing your instrument, sing, dance, etc. Then you can make world tours, release records, film video clips, appear on the radio.It?s growing really fast, they?re implementing new cities constantly. They put a new city when they have a new translation, so if your country doesn?t have a city in the game, just contact with the devs, offering yourself to translate the game to your language (if necessary) and there you go. Each city have some distinctive places, like in real life, with photographs and that. But notice that it?s a plain game, a music manager with some social aspect if you want... but you don?t move a character around the world, you simply come and go by clicking on menus in a very simple way.I have to say that, although the game is oriented to music, is getting more and more complex and you can be photographer, doctor, lawyer, scientist, engineer, well lots of things. I admit that I don?t like that too much, because I joined because it was a game about building a rock star career and not to worry about every single thing that happen in the real world At first the game looks very basic and maybe a bit silly, but you get addicted, because the first days you don?t have much things to do and there are lots of menus that overwhelm you a bit. But soon you?ll need your daily dose (it?s not necessary to dedicate more than 5-10 minutes a day). Some thing which it?s really good it?s that the rules are not completely clear. I mean, there are lots of circumstances in which you?re not sure of what will happen if you do something (there are lots of rumors in the forums, some of them true, some not) because the help section it?s a bit... open to interpretations but that mystery is alright at the end.Oh, the game is for free, but if you become a VIP member you?ll have some advantages like being able to buy locals... being a businessman, and some others.
  10. I haven?t played it (I don?t like football... (soccer)) but there are lots of people crazy with it here in Spain... It?s really popular. I suppose it is not very famous in the US, but in Europe it?s really big. I find it funny that being only a strategy manager it?s almost as famous as arcades with last generation graphics like FIFA or ProEvolution.
  11. This could simply mean that those users of your site have an unstable router or connection and it stops in the middle of a download so the file doesn?t download completely and although a zip is saved on their HD then it?s impossible to open.
  12. I don?t see that pixelation effect that TeeCee6 says. In fact, what I see it?s a kind of grain like in a canvas. I like the effect, maybe a bit monotonous and it seems that the face is melting with that it, burning or whatever. Anyway I like it most in the small size. Good job.
  13. There?s not much to say about these two, because there are no banner, no links, boxes or whatever... this does not give much idea of the final appearance of the website. I like the second much more (the frames of first seem too weak)... but I think the space reserved to the banner is too much and I don?t like that irregularity. The left brown starts upper than the righ part. Unless you put there something that justify this, I don?t see the point.
  14. I think this would be possible but highly unlikely. There should be a world wide alliance of digital terrorism or something like that. Lots of people to crash all the big servers in the world and none of them failing in that task. And seriously I don?t think there are so many people who hate Internet... I mean. not enough to do this. And anyway, there would be really difficult for them to communicate and set the attack at the very same time without using internet... so I guess people who would do that, will never want to destroy Internet. I mean, most people that hate Internet in the world is supposed to not use it very much... so... ?how could they hack anything without even knowing how to search on google? Not very easy uh? By the way, I haven?t heard about digital doomsday but its only name sounds scary.
  15. Any improvement in space is welcome, but I doubt if we really need this nowadays. I think a DVD has enough storage for our general purposes. I suppose this will be great for large files but I don?t know if I want or need lots of films or thousands of records into one blue ray.And I?ll wait till one of them, Blue Ray or HD-DVD sets like an estandar... it could be a waste of money to buy some device of one of these formats right now.
  16. To my taste they look very proffessional. But maybe you should add text because in the background parts there are lots of free almost monochromatic space. also think teh first is the best because it fills that space with the laser sword. Looks cool.
  17. Congratulations. I?m amazed of how I entered Xisto being much skeptic about it because of past experiences and it?s been years now since I?m here and happy. I have tried to find other similar hostings for other web purposes and I haven?t find something so good (I mean, free, ad-less and with total control of your configuration, which is really hard to find in free hostings). So I?m glad you?re happy too with your hosting, because we all gain.
  18. More great news from Microsoft. I suppose his little things are part of their plans of weaken their competitors. Instead of steady fight by comparing their products (it?s no strange, because they will lose that way) their strategy is creating conflicts with programs and applications so users with no idea will think that everything that don?t get on well with Windows is bad and have to be avoided or deleted.
  19. Basically, I think the footer takes a lot of unnecessary space and there?s more space than needed from title to the main square. The text should begin at the top of this square because it wouldn?t interfere with the slightly pictured cloud. There are lot of dead space from the title to where the text begins. Not much more, I find it brilliant in other aspects.
  20. Well, pics don?t work, but anyway great tutorial for we people who don?t know a word about making sigs.
  21. Oh, it?s funny how almost everybody seem to like the same characters. Me too For me Scorpion and Sub-Zero were like the night and the day, good and evil (I don?t really know about the story, maybe they were both bad or good). I love them both for the ninja appearance, with that mask that didn?t let them show their real faces... the mystery factor I guess. Sub-zero because I love blue and ice... and characters with those colours... don?t know, always seem to be good ones.And Scorpion because he seems bloody cruel. Definitely in a videogame with lots of gore like Mortal Kombat, Scorpion seems like a good choice to beat your oponents showing no mercy.Rayden was cool too. I can?t even remember the fatalities... it was such a long time ago, maybe I should play nowadays with an emu and see how it has grown old.
  22. Well, it would be great if we all could have a dedicated server of our own, just to make sure our site is always online and under your control, etc. but seems quite like a utopia. As for setting up a business on webhosting I wouldn?t do it, there are lots of competitors and you should make a strong (and maybe spending lots of money) promotion for people to know you and then trust you enough to choose your dedicated server hosting.
  23. I know it may seem a not much empatic advice, but... why don?t you just call him?. You have the rest of your life to regret it. Anyway he called you back, so he want to talk with you. And in the worst case, if the thing doesn?t work, you don?t live in the same city so you won?t have to see each other again if you don?t want to.
  24. I think in the first one you have the perfect image to use effects. It?sn only a figure and you have room for giving it shade or whatever. I don?t like that you put Savage in one side with one orientation and Garden in the opposite. It takes tiem for people who doesn?t know the band to recognise that this is the singer of a banda called Savage Garden.In the second it?s more difficult as there are three people and no obscure background like in the first. And it?s a promo pic, so it doesn?t have the "magic" of a live show. I would make these spots more aggresive, dirtier maybe, because Goo Goo Dolls is more a rock band than Savage Garden, for example.
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