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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. That picture with the kid smiling and that... creature in the plastic box is really creepy. I hate it Fortunately it?s not true but... will we see it someday? Have fear, my friends... genpets can appear when you less expect them.
  2. mmm... but what will be your site about? I mean, templates aren't good or bad themselves, it depends on your needs.Anyway, it?s a simple template, and that?s good. I see a litle pixelation in the blue frame corners. And I suppose it?s better to switch the order of the three links (definitely Contact should be bellow). If you?re not good in coding maybe you could do it with flash, this layout is very flash-alike.
  3. I don?t consume energy drinks, they?re no good. The "cocaine" is appropiated because, although it doesn?t have any amount of that drug... are the results of energy drinks so different from real drugs? I don?t think so. In fact they?re like a new kind of light drugs more socially accepted. Just chemicals after all, that people have and then make sort of apologizes like "I am very busy", "I?m too stressed", "I need to sleep few hours"... well, if we didn?t live this way (for example leaving the exams to the last night) we wouldn?t have to force our organism to such extents. They?re no good, doctors don?t recommend energy drinks, they recommedn vitamins or something else but not these drinks.Anyway, If I would like some "cocaine", I?ll definitely go for the original.
  4. Well I think the most similar thing between Australia and America are that they?re very large countries with a lot of space and most people concentrated in some big cities. I don?t know but, apart for the different weather I suppose Australians should be more like English people. Maybe not much though but because of the Commonwealth... something must be. Mmm... do you drink tea? Here in Europe we don?t have news about Australia very often... it?s like they were in another world or nothing really interested happen. I suppose it?s because Australian politicians don?t have too much weight in international politics or they don?t make polemic speeches or whatever. I know it's bit of a sign of not having too much culture, but almost the only we know about Australia are kangaroos, surf, Sydney Opera House, Killye Minogue and some good rock bands I?d like to go one day and spend some months there.
  5. Really good but too much blur to my taste, so you cannot say what is he holding with the hand 8/10
  6. Great tutorial, I?ll definitely bookmark it so I know what the hell can I do with some of the cpanel features which always seemed odd to me. It?s like... you have lots of icons and you hardly know what the half of them are for. Thanks!
  7. I like it both with and without scanlines. As it is a header for a portfolio, I suppose that it must be seen with whatever it comes down to decide wether fits better with or without them. But I like the soft look and the font is interesting.
  8. Definitely it?s better to wait. Microsoft can promise the moon but who know how this will work really. Companies never announce tha bad sides of their products and this one surely will have some. I also think ipods are far too expensive for what they offer, but they have a solid backgrund and you know you can trust them.
  9. Your sigs are really good, I like most of them a lot. I?m sure you will find a lot of sig-making addicts here at Xisto. There are lots of competitions and sig requests.As for the website layout I also see it too much purple-pink to my taste. Graphically looks good but I also don?t like the font that you have used in the boxes. I find it a little confusing. To read "affiliates", "Sponsors" or... "Sport-whatever" it says bellow it?s a bit hard for me.
  10. Good luck with the site it seems a good resource. Now the complaints I don?t find the layout attractive. In fact the only thing I don?t like is the color. I would change so much green with more gray and/or white tones. You know, less aggressive, making the site more pleasant for visitors. Besides, the site banner is too big... why is there so much space free under the <php... on yellow?. You can reduce it to the half or make a new one like someone said.
  11. I don?t use any download manager (apart from mozilla one) right now. I used GEtright and I agree... I suppose that the fact that it download the file in parts, helps to make the download faster. I suppose its like it downloaded 3 or 4 files instead ofone and then, join them to conform the original, maybe. The best about ehem for me is the fact that you can pause downloads and continue them later.
  12. I think the same as the three people that answered you before. Starting from the beginning, you cannot make a site and put some minibanners on top. Do you want people visit your contents or you prefer them visiting hackthisite and firefox ones? In that place you should put a big banner of yourself, the title with the logo, etc. Every website is usually like that. You can either put those links at the bottom, left, right... even in a link dedicated page of your web, but not on top.Then definitely you should write an introduction of the site in the middle instead of than putting those four links that could be conveniently in a left box. Look for example hackthisite and you?ll see what I mean. Banner, introduction, links to own site on the left, links to partners down, etc.
  13. Hello, I'm thinking of moving my site in Xisto.com to Xisto - Web Hosting and I?d like advice on which plan fits best with my needs. I?ll try to explain the situation.I have a website in Xisto which runs good, everything?s ok, have no complaints with the service. But it has grown a lot lately and becoming more serious, starting to receive lots of visitors and even lots of spamming robots registering in the forums. I don?t know if it?s because of this or it?s the real visits that I'm getting but since March or April the site reached his bandwidth limit of 5 Gb. It stopped the last 2 or 3 months but this month the site has reached the limit again and sooner than ever... on 18 (three days ago). I just can?t be offline almost half a month since, like I said, the site is becoming something more serious. Although it?s not a business and I don?t want to earn money with it, it?s important for me so I?m thinking now on paid hosting to avoid this, although I never wanted to do this just because I didn't want to become something "pro". Well, I don?t want to bore you with my philosophic dilemmas. I'd like to check other hostings, but as I am happy with Xisto I want definitely to have Xisto - Web Hosting as one of my main options. Could you tell me which Xisto - Web Hosting plan fits best to me? I've checked the website but the fact that English is no my language (I can write but not easy to understand technical terms) and that I'm not too familiar to webhosting issues makes me ask you to help me. This is what I need more or less- Disk space: preferably no less than 300 mb and no more than 500.- Bandwidth: Let?s say 10 GB to be sure- Of course PHP and Mysql fully working, at least like in XistoAnd maybe it?ll be time to think of a first level domain (prices with and without domain)And another last question, could I transfer my Xisto site to Xisto - Web Hosting. I mean, automatic transferring.Thanks A LOT to any who read/reply me
  14. ?Are you sure that celebrities chek out myspace messages? I think famous people hasve people to do these things for them... maybe they reply you in the name of the celebrity, but I don?t see rockstars, actors or whatever replying to thousand of mails and myspace messages from fans.As for the "uglify"... I?m afraid that myspace only shows the idea of "beauty" that lot of people have. People with bad taste uglify it. But it?s true that the layout doesn?t help to make something cool and without ending in a complete mess.
  15. I agree, the background repetition hurts my eyes and you can?t read anything of the blue text when it?s above the white part of the background. And the black/red transition it?s too hard. This doesn?t look like a background really. I would recommend to change the font... I simply can?t stand Times New Roman in web design.Give it more format in general, and check colors, sizes, fonts and then you should put some "fake content" just to check how it would look with content. And then make the final changes.Plus, check browser compatibility, I see it slightly differente in IExplorar and Mozilla. Good Luck!
  16. Sorry ?what do you understand for dynamic? I thought that a dynamic signature was only one which changes between a few images of the same size. An animated gif to speak clearly. So I guess you?re talking about something differente because I don?t need anybody need php code to put an animated gif in his signature. ?Maybe you say something like... last.fm sigs?
  17. This is a great idea. I have post a lot of times thinking that i was going to get more (or less) credits so this would be a good way to measure which kind of posts you need to get credits being useful to the community.I see that there are some difficulties. My suggestion is to put in in the previsualization. When you preview your post it shows the number of credits you would earn. Then you can improve it or leave it that way. It would be cool and this way there won?t be no need to refresh the number constantly while you write.
  18. I just to try these things lot ago, just to try, before I get bored of lot of spam and realize that it?s faster and better to save money and buy one yourself. Anyway I don?t really need and Ipod... well I don?t think anybody need it. If anybody pay atention to these scams, they?ll dissapear and everything will be better.
  19. Whenever I tried to make a site letting dreamweaver take care of styles, it all finished being a real mess with lots of unnecesary code, so you finally have to go to the css and edit it manually to optimize your CSS. After having to do this a couple of times you realize that it?s more productive and you lose less time getting familiarized with the codes and writing them on your own (the same for html and php). But I suppose you need to experiment the other way first, it?s not easy to open a notepad and try to write codes which make sense for the first time.
  20. And these are good etiquette rules I believe.I thought at first that the proposal was interesting but it?s true that is too hard to control the referrals and it would be no good for the site to spam other forums.The same that you only ask for a voluntary link when you could place a big banner on top like most do. Good policy.
  21. Well, tk domains are getting more and more messy. Years ago it was really good for people with no founds to pay for a good domain or just for personal sites, testing, etc.Now when you enter a tk domain I think that a popup is showed... then you go to a black site with an advertisement of any type and you have to click the link to follow to your website (I?m not sure but maybe waiting a few seconds, it goes automatically). Finally yous ite is loaded but you have a black top frame (I think you can customize the colour) of dot.tk. Yes, it?s a bit tiring but don?t know, they say that with those domains you help the island o Toukelau, etc, etc. I would like to know to what extent is this true.If you follow steps, you shouldn?t have problems entering your site. Only that the redirection doesn?t make instantaneously. You have to wait a while (in any case, not more than an hour).
  22. Congratulations for this acquisition. Image uploaders are something that I use a lot... linking avatars, showing image to friends, post them on forums, it?s very useful. I?ve always used imageshack. I?ll bookmark this and try to use it in the future.It?s a really good way to make xisto a more integrated company, with different services. Good luck, I?m sure we will use I a lot in these forums too, to upload sigs, avatars, photos, etc.
  23. So, nobody can say "this is web 2.0 and that not", right? It?s a bit subjective I guess. By the way, what?s the meaning of AJAX?
  24. mmm... If you had enough wisdom to make other pages of your site, you should know how to make and index and put links on it. Anyway, I reccomend you to use Dreamweaver or other simmilar program (Frontpage also works) if you don´t know about html. Then you create a new file, you name it index.htm and you put links. Tthe symbol is usually a a chain, or you can find it in a menu, like insert>link or something like that. in any case, putting a link on html it´s as easy as this <a href="hello.htm">hello</a>This will show the word hello and clicking on it, you will go to the page hello.htm that should be in the same dir as the one in which you put the link. You can use also absolute links, with the entire path, for example <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; And if you want it on the side (right or left) you have lots of options, tables (the most simple), css, php includes or even frames (not reccomended).
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