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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Nobody is going to go to your house to check your address, specially when you can live in Egypt and sign for an account of a US hosting provider. So tell your parents not to worry. You can register in Xisto.com and all you have to do is post in this forum. I don?t think your parents will ave any problem because we are all polite people and talk about decent topics.
  2. Yeah, I don?t really see the point in this. If it were, say... 10 gigas or more, maybe, but nowadays almost everybody has a DVD recorder. And the meaning of backup copy seems to tell that you are saving something extremely important and you don?t want nobody to access it... nobody but you. Who knows what might happen if you put this on a public server...
  3. I have been like two years in Xisto and I?ve got suspended two or three times I think. One was because my computer crashed and I wasn?t able to post for a lot of days. The others I simply forgot. But it was easy to get back, find posts about thigs that everybody has an opinion (there are lots about politics, religion, etc) and try to get some credits above 4, 6 or 8 at least, to make sure that it won?t decrease until the script check them to bring your site back.
  4. Records, not songs. For example...Nirvana - NevermindSoundgarden - Superunknown Pixies - Surfer RosaRadiohead - The BendsQueens of the Stone Age - Rated RSonic Youth - SisterNine Inch Nails - The FragileWeezer - Weezer (Blue)The Clash - London CallingMetallica - Master of Puppets
  5. They look really good. Tell us more about them or post more if you have.
  6. Of course he?s a good fighter and he can kicks our asses, but he is hilarious. You don?t have jokes (or not so many) about other strong guys that make movies. His appearances on tv commercials were also ridiculous (I?m not american so I?m not sure if he still do these things). But at least it seems that he has some sense of humour.
  7. Some things I?ve done... first of all take some time to decide which metatags to include. Then submit it to a lot of search engines. There are sites that allow you to do it to lots of them at the same time but I suppose that is better to do it one by one and be sure that you don?t do it a lot of times in few days, because you can get banned or penalized.You also have to look what other simmilar sites have to offer, which will help you to improve yours. This is important because when you gently spam some related webs and forums you need to offer something new. Otherwise nobody will move. Exchange links with websites, but I recommend only exchanging with quality sites. Of course you?ll gain more popularity if you exchange with 500 webs but realize that probably 200 will die the next month, and other 200 will be of very poor quality so maybe it?s not and advantage to have associations with those.Finally, the best way to win popularity is quality. If people lov your site, you?ll get users because they?ll tell their friends, recommend your site in forums, blogs, etc. nd that?s the best way of promotion, when somebody external to the site does it.
  8. You can say:"Te has confundido de n?mero" or (being more polite) "Disculpe, se ha confundido usted de n?mero".The sentence that Plenoptic said is gramatically ok so surely that mexican dude won?t have any problem in understanding it but it sounds a bit weird anyway.
  9. I don?t know if they?ll get to a cure, but let?s admit that having AIDS nowadays is not so terrible nowadays. Of course is a dramatical situation but you have some life hope and I remember that only a decade ago if you caught AIDS you soon become terminal. So I think that following some medical instructions you can live long with it, but bthe real drama is that African people don?t have the meds and retrovirals to fight the disease. And that is the real shame in all of this, we've got knowledge but don?t let poor people benefit from it, letting them die instead. Pharmaceutical industry is a big mafia.
  10. Google is and always was my home page. I?ve thought sometimes to put my website, my email or something like that but finally I keep Google on it. Now I have it personalized with news I want, weather, and it?s easy to check if there are new gmails messages, although this feature is down every often lately.
  11. The idea is nice and direct. And I love the layout, really. So, good luck with it and keep it simple.
  12. Well, if Internet dissapeared, it would be really strange the first days, maybe even frustrating because I?d like to talk to friends that I?ve met all over the world... those realtionships will end, also my website and that would hurt.But if there had never been internet (never existed) I don?t think it would be a problem... I would spend my time at home just listening music, playing videogames, reading... and possibly I would go for a walk more often...
  13. I perfectly agree with brainless. There are so many wrong actions about Israel and nobody ever does anything. United States are friends of course, but European governments only say "mmm, that is wrong" and then do nothing but send food and money. As european I feel really ashamed. Of course the population need help, but it would be easier if someone stopped Israel, I think it?s high time. The same with United Nations, they never move a finger, just talk and talk and write dossiers... It seems that only because they suffered holocaust they?re allowed to do what they want and this is just not right. I wish I knew enough english to express myself better and further on this, because is one of the things in the world that causes me more frustration. Governments like Israel that use murder, make the terrorists look justified to kill.
  14. I?m really interested in podcasting right now. I downloaded Audacity but I?m not sure how to use it. I mean, I want to make a podcast which music, turning the songs on and down to speak and again to go to another song etc. But I?m not sure how to do it, since you can only save one track of voice or audio at the same time... there?s a tool called "envolvente" (I have the program in spanish, sorry) that I think might help to reduce volume gradually in some places, but I?m not able to figure out how it works exactly.I read lot of tutorials but they usually only say that you have to download the program and record what you want, as it were so easy... which makes me feel a little stupid. Can someone help me?
  15. The only thing is that you have to make sure to post here to keep your website up (which I suppose you already know). Don?t forget it, because later you can go to show your site to your teacher and find that you have run out of credits. That would be funny but embarrasing, hehe.
  16. Fisrt of all, you can?t compare those consoles, because some are 8 bits, some others 16 bit and Saturn I think it?s 32 bit... so the best console of these, technically, is Saturn, obviously. I Have chosen Supernes because it?s the one I had and played most. Games like Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Super Mario Kart... were really amazing. But I know NES was really influencing and you got a lot of classics there and I love it.And by the way, someone said that wish those old games were made on the newer systems... haven?t you heard about emulators? I play emulators much more than PC games.
  17. Probably Wii will beat the others. At least it?ll be a charismatic console thanks to the controller. PS3 will be more popular, specially in Europe I guess. But in the long term I know that Microsoft will win in the consoles battles because they don?t mind spending money and more money and they?ll try till they come with something better than the rest. I predict another monopoly for Mr gates.
  18. I would recommend Dreamweaver. Of course that it?ll put some rubbish in your code but much less than Frontpage and it?s an estandar. I mean, you?ll find lot of resources and tutorials to make websites in Dreamweaver so I think it?s the best option to learn making websites. You can also learn code and make it with notepad, which is the best option to make sure that the site only contents what you want, but you have to know html and css very well not to get confused and notepad won?t help you to locate errors. But it?s the best option if you have deep knowledge of web-design.
  19. Yeah, the Genelia word seems to pixelizate a little. And I also think a bakground would help. Apart from the design aspect, I would remove that "indian actress" because maybe we don?t know her but that doesn?t matter. Nobody would make a sig putting Nicole Kidmans face and "australian actress"... maybe you can try with something more figurative, more passional and not only descriptive.
  20. I?m confused. I was never good at maths but what?s the point of this? I mean... if there is a name for a number which is a 1 followed by 103 zeros... should be another with 33 zeros, 8 zeros, 3426899 zeros? I suppose there must be a logical reason for 103 zeros. If not, it?s completely dumb.
  21. Sprnknwn

    My Rap

    So, I don?t understand. ?You make a silly rap and you rate it 2 out of 10? So, what do you expect us to say, you already know that is awful. I could even give it a 3... there are so many raps ongs that are even worse than this...
  22. This is between hilarious and creepy. Time ago I heard about underwear that made your **bottom** look bigger and more "rounded". I thought it was stupid then but at least that was a case more simmilar to breasts. But this is incredibly silly. I mean if you go walking with a notorious bulge down therepeople will laugh at you more that feeling attracted. And most woman will probably feel scared of it because of the size and/or because you?ll look like a cheap gigol?. If someone really need this thing, probably it?s beacuse a mental problem, because it?s no use to show everybody how big your penis and testicles are.And... what would you do if you need to piss? I don?t think it?ll be so easy to unwrap it or whatever. I don?t see the future of this thing.
  23. Well, they really sund good. But not SO good to be better than that bunch of groups we have listed before. No way.
  24. I?ve only seen the movie. And it was cool... I mean, there was a lot of hilarious ideas that obviously came from the book but it?s not a really great great movie. Sometimes it reminded me of Monty Python?s humour and the Holy Grail movie. Not much, and not so good, but they share that kind of absurd humour. I hope to read the book some day and expect it to be far better than the movie. You know, some things are better when you have to imagine them than if you see them. I didn?t even know that there was five books, I supose the book is not so popular here. In fact, I started to read about it on the Internet.
  25. I don?t really see the point in making an operating system looks as if you were running in another OS. Anyway, the tutorial is Ok.
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