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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. Really? Today? It?s strange that they don?t put a special banner to celebrate these eight years... maybe they?ll wait till they?re ten years old.In any case, eight years being the most trusted search engine... ad I wish them 8 years more, at least.
  2. So pigeons rank our websites... that explains a lot of things...
  3. Probably they?re doing some update. When I noticed that my site was down, I came to the forum and I had to log in again, so probably they have updated something.I hope it?ll back soon.
  4. Thanks, I really needed information about this... I saw it and I knew more or less what it was but not completely. It can be used in forums I think ?maybe also here in Xisto?. Somobody posted long ago a RSS reader that google has. It?s funny that it attends to "Really Simple Syndication", which doesn?t sound too technic, like most terms like this. Now what I don?t really know is what is exactly XML.
  5. Dumb and useless indeed. Better luck next time.
  6. I like them all, specially the Spiderman one. The PSP one is really good, but you should work in giving the console more 3d aspect.Great job
  7. If it was possible, I think it would be intereting to be frozen when you are old and wake up 1000 years in the future, to explore the new things. We all have grown with science fiction movies and dream with a future of flying cars, teletransports, virtual reality, incredible gadgets, robots who loook like humans, no more petrol, ice melting, the rebellion of the machines... So it would be cool if we could just see for a while how many of these things come true. I mean, we could get frozen, waken up in 1000 years, get frozen again, waken up in another 1000 more, etc. And you can freeze your crush too although probably love and sex will change also in 1000 years.
  8. Giving advice on what program to use does not violate any law. We are not saying "you should try this to download copyrighted stuff", every person makes his own use of the p2p. I use Azureus. I never have had any problem with it and I think is reliable. But I´m afraid they want to convert it in some kind of suite with a lot of features that probably will slow down the performance. They made me a poll a couple of months ago in which there were some stupid questions about if we use messenger, myspace and things like those. Maybe if you say the reason why don´t you like Bitspirit and Azureus we could help you much better.
  9. Right now I have a Motorola. I?m happy with it (it has bluetooth and also miniUSB which I find very useful) but I find the menu system and the interfaz a little tricky. Without realizing it, you find that the phone is connecting to wap or things like that, you have to be careful. Before, I had a Sony Ericsson and I liked it more. It was easier to use and you spent less time going to the point. I haven?t used Nokia, I think they?re too expensive for what I want a cell phone (basically talk and SMS).
  10. Thanks. The Hoverbox Image Gallery is very interesting itself but the changes you?ve made arepretty good and improve the results. I want to make use of this, maybe I?ll do a little website with a few images to check it out.
  11. When I saw that F2 thing I was like "that can?t be so easy". Anyway it?s not so difficult, I did it but I don?t remember how right now. If I?m not wrong there must be and old tutorial about using a favicon in your website here in these forums. Just use the forum search and you should find it.Of course you can do it with your Xisto account.
  12. I think this is going to work awfully even in XP. Probably it will need a really fast machine to run properly. They should make a dinamic browser, like Firefox or Opera, but a lot of people uses Explorer just because it comes with Windows so Microsoft doesn?t need to worry. They can release an awful browser and people will use it anyway just because don?t know others or whatever. I only expect another mix of features of other browsers with a worse interface and slower running.
  13. Open photoshop (or the gimp) and make a new file with the size you want for the banner (the space it will fill fit in your forum). If you don?t know how to use it, just experiment or do something basic. Later you can replace it with some better version of the banner. But if you want to do it soon just to place something in your forum juts pick the Font tool, write the title, change the font style and adjust the size to what you want, etc. Choose colour combinations related to the ones you have in your forum?s design, etc.Good luck and show us the results. Lot of people here can help you to improve in graphic design questions.
  14. It?s the same as ever. It?s notice because it?s apple and it?s ipod and both brands are "cool". Every company that builds portable mp3 devices do the same, minituarization and more and more space on hard disk. The fact is that right now Apple is living off the Ipod thing exclusively and that?s a bit sad.I like ipods but I don?t understand nor share the ipod fever, I prefer something with the same features and much less price although not so "stylish".
  15. I don?t think it will be a problem. Some people tried to spread real panic with the Y2K effect and then nothing happened, at least nothing important. And that time people started to think and talk about that problem not too much time before and almost everything ws fixed so I think that if we are right now on 2006, it?s even easier to make sure that there won?t be nothing wrong when the date comes.I must admit that I was really dissapointed when nothing happened in year 2000. I was not waiting for the end of the world, but I expected a little chaos at least. And nothing, another year change, as boring as the rest.
  16. I think this is gonna be really revolutionary, I want to try it as soon as possible. Hope it works well and so we will get rid of MS Office in the near future, but I suppose it will last a time until this system can be perfect because it will need really fast and stable servers, not to lost your information in the net.
  17. I cant?s see it right now, which is strange because my own Xisto site is ok.
  18. I like the overall result, but I think it could be better if the background colours were more different to the character?s ones. It leads to a confusing sensation. Besides, I supose that you could find a font that suits more with the mummy thing, more creepy or whatever, not so plain and perfect.7.5 out of 10
  19. Uhm... you all seem to know what is Orkut and how it works. I guess it?s a community, sort of Myspace, but I don?t know what?s so great about it. ?Could you explain me what is the difference? It seems to work with gmail... but you need an extra invitation to join? ?It?s still beta testing or something?Thanks
  20. Seriously, its been years since the last time I used Yahoo as a search engine. So I suppose it has advanced a lot and who knows, I can?t say 100% that Google is better. But I am used to Google and his cleanliness and I don?t see myself using another search engine. Probably if someone developed a good one that were not part of a big enterprise (something like wikipedia for example) and it were good enough, I would try it. But I don?t want to replace Google with a Yahoo, Msn or whatever.
  21. What I don?t know is how these sites are still up. I mean, let?s face it, most users of this websites use them to share commercial files, there are lot of music albums in megaupload, rapidshare, sendspace, etc. I can?t understand how nobody try to close them. There are lost of forums in which all you have to do is ask for an album and somebody puts it in 5 minutes for you and others to download. It?s even replacing p2ps at some point... not completely but it?s still relevant.
  22. No one knows. Most people say that there must be others but I think in some way this is like the existence of God. Most people have to believe in something and I think it?s the same with this... we have to beleive that there are others because we know that the universe is enormous and it would be scary if we were the only beings. We think that there are so much planets that there must be somebody else. But we can?t even imagine how these new "people" would be if they existed. Maybe we couldn?t see them or hear them... maybe they?re not even solid bodies. Or maybe they are green little persons with antennas but I don?t think we?ll live to see other life forms.
  23. I?m not very keen on these things but my main reaction was to think that this must be impossible... to connect console to console from different sides of the earth, as you well said. But anyway, I don?t know really, that?s what my common sense thinks and might be wrong.
  24. Well, let?s see. I don?t like rc-talk.net at all. It sounds as a business or a telephone line for some lucrative thing. rc-help.net it?s alright. Probably it?s the best in my opinion. It?s easy to remember, with "help" word you are offering something in which people can trust. I think that focuses atention.As for rc-help.info, it?s ok. Bu tI don?t know I don?t like infos... for some strange reason when I see info I think in information like in some official place that offers free info, about tourism for example. And if it?s not something like that it seems a bit tricky.
  25. It sounds really futuristic, almost ci-fi I?d like to see it, it?s a strange concept. And yes, it also sounds rather expensive... but it?s all a question of time, I guess. In a decade we probably will be using this technology all the time.
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