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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. I agree, I?m completely against animated gifs in websites and those two flaming torches on both sides... it reminds me of ancient times, when Internet was beggining and everybody used gifs just to make a "funny" site. I also wouldnt give it so much width because in high resolutions the lines of text are going to be too long. The rest is ok.6.5/10
  2. Well done! Really, it?s impressive. Myspace is such a mess that I couldn?t believe seeing the demo that this was a myspace profile indeed. I didn?t even know that myspace was SO customizable.I wish people had better taste and tried to make cleaner layouts just like the one you?ve done or simply use them.
  3. One thing that I recently discovered about BluRay discs (notice that is NOT blueray) is that they had to change the name because blue, as the name of a color, could not be registered comercially, or at least in some countries. As for the format itself I don?t care much right now... let?s see if it becomes a standard or not.
  4. I don?t dislike them but I think the general weakest point are the fonts that don?t seem to match with any of the sigs. This is really obvious to me. Some of them are confusing, specially the last darker ones and the one about Spiderman it took me a while to realize that it was Spidermans's ?arm? what we see there. The third looks too blurry. The ones I like most ares second and fourth.Overall... 7/10
  5. I don?t want to know it, what is ok because I think there would never exist anything that predicts our future. Because future is the juxtaposition of too many things, some prepared, some casual and we just can?t know that we are gonna die if we catch this train or the next. And it?s ok this way, because if you knew that a marked day you are going to die you will pass the rest of your life anxious and stressed thinking that time is running out instead of just living like you want to.
  6. I couldn?t do it... I?m so nervous, I can?t stop doing things. But I also think Buddhism is interesting and those monks are really special people. I don?t think it is difficult to find tips in your own country, if Buddhism is so popular but I agree, there must be lots of sites in google about this, because it?s a mistery how they achieve power by relaxing.
  7. I didn?t know it, I think it?s risky to have your personal info available for everybody. That's why you always have to read the small print and not only click next next next when you register a domain.
  8. I never had any game console (I had computers, MSX, then Amiga), but the first console I played was an old Atari 1600 (or was it 2600? I don?t remember). Young people today can?t just imagine what it was to play with those plain squared sprites, with those rigid joysticks... and it was so cool. Now people complain whenever they see a polygon in a game... I feel old.
  9. I don?t know what you mean. This formula is not new, so where?s the revolutionary thing about it in year 2007? If there's a way of aplying it to bodybuilding you should say it and if you don?t know you shouldn't have posted anything. Anyway congratulations for being smart.
  10. I?m also impressed that you?ve done the background. The render fits great in. The only thing I like a bit less is the text. "Privatmadnez2" looks too sharp for me although I admit that it goes with the robotical theme. i?d try to make it more like a part of the whole. For the rest of the text, I would separate in three lines, using the comas.8/10
  11. Toad for me... anyway there are 3 or 4 votes and it still reads "zero" in all character options...
  12. I like the song... not so awesome like the 9 minutes of Jesus of Suburbia but it?s more of the classical Green Day style that they have always done well.Yes.. the wallpaper. I really like it and I have to agree with most here that the brown frame surrounding the musicians doesn?t fit really well. If you want to do that, maybe you could try using a red similar to the heart-grenade or a green like the flag stripes just to see if the result is more natural.Maybe you could send it to a fansite for people to download it, I think it?s quite good8/10
  13. I like absence of colour (black) because it just fit well with all the rest. Always look elegant, shocking and I?m a bit pessimist also so maybe it is related too. I also love dark red, not tending to orange please, more like the blood colour, because of his raw and vivid tones and blue, in this case it has to be very very dark, almost black or really bright almost white. I don?t like the typical blue. Anyway the blue in a clear sky always seems awesome. To me this colour means cleanliness and purity and I love it for that.
  14. My favourite media player is by far VideoLan (VLC) to play video and winamp for music. I think I use Winamp just because it?s a classic and I can?t stand WindowsMedia. And VLC, to me looks like the best options because you don?t have to worry about downloading codec packs that interfere with other codecs you previously installed, etc, etc, etc. It really annoys me the fact that you have to install a lot of media players if you want to play videos of all types.
  15. Is there something especial about this? I mean, your account is the same and people who want one could have get one million invites just asking for them to friends, forums, etc.I have tried that link and it seems that I can sign up this way also from Spain. I?m not going to make an account because I don?t want another but I don?t think it will appear an error at the end, considering that the form is in spanish...
  16. I don?t understand this. It?s supposed to be ironic? Otherwise I don?t get it. If you have had this "great" idea of getting money for free, don?t be stupid sharing it because others could copy it (oh, yes, I?m setting right now my own begging site ).EDIT: Sorry, I?ve just noticed that he was talking about that URL. Well, I don?t think they?ll make rich of this but I?m sure that they?ll earn some money, because people sometime is like that. Some may think that is funny and will give them some money. By the way, the web looks horrible to me.
  17. I have never tried these traffic generation programs and I would never do because I think the visits you get are for nothing if people is not really interested on your site. I suppose that is good for people with useless websites whon only want their advertises to be seen and earn money that way, but not if your web is seriously based in your contents.
  18. I love it. The one I like most is the blue/white one because there are some parts that are a bit lost with the black background and I suppose that these colours fit better in this forum for example. But I like the three of them, the yellow one the second and the red is whick I like less, but cool anyway.
  19. But if you turn images off you would lost a lot of visual information, I wouldn?t do this unless it was imperative to get to read pages... and I?m not sure that it still exist so slow connections.
  20. I don?t see a big problem in this apart than the fact that is weird to see this as a "tutorial". It?s simply a trick. I mean all of us have done something like this in our lives, like getting on a bus or train without paying. It?s the same, maybe it?s not right but nobody is losing a fortune with this (and nobody's earning it). Can?t you see that if this wasn't a really good business (with all the hackers that may be) it wouldn?t exist? You?re paying the same for a coke that only falls from a machine as in a bar (and lots more than in a supermarket), so buying it a wage is saved. I think vending is a very lucrative business indeed. And if you think, I guess all of us have inserted coins in machines that they simply ate them without giving anything (arcades, phones, drink/food machines...) and sometimes there are nobody to ask for your money back.I don?t share the opinion that is their fault for not having a proper mechanism but hey, if we all were so ethical they could simply put the cokes in a row and then you go, pick one, leave your money, and that?s all (and of course the one that comes after you is not going to pick the money you left ). But we're not, no matter how hard you try to believe that you?re 100% honest. Humans like things for free, it?s so simply as that.
  21. I won?t upgrade unless it is necessary for work purposes or something like that. I?m sure that my machine is not fast enough for Windows Vista Requirements. Anyway I?m tired of Microsoft operating systems and I?m not going to do the beta testing for them (because I?m sure there will be lots of bugs like in XP and they will have to launch a service pack soon).
  22. This update really looks worthy. The forum look has changed a lot (the most important change since I know the forums and it?s been years since then) and I suppose there are lots of new features which we have to discover little by little. At first sight it?s a bit weird especially for those subforum lists. I like the overall look.Fortunately I didn?t post the last few days but those who have lost valuable posts, think that your "sacrifice" is in benefit of the community.
  23. I've got another question related to this. Is it possible to get the differente frames of an already made and compressed gif file?Thanks
  24. It is supposed to be scary that China reach so much power to break US satellites. Well, I?m not?that scared because United States are doing what they want for years. Of course China could do terrible things with their weapons but US and their allies aren't worried about this, in fact the only drama here is that someone else could beat a country which believes to be the best in the world, symbol of justice and freedom, a country who proudly claims that everything their government does is right and if others don?t agree then they?re dangerous terrorists and maniacs. It?s time to wake up. As I said maybe China are an evil country but it has to be really evil to win in that aspect. At least I guess we will get some interesting strategy games, but I suppose certain people love this state of god-alike world domination coming from the US.By the way I never understood why nuclear power is good in a few hands but when another country develops it seems so terrible. Why don't developed countries disarm then? Why in some hands they're suppose to be defensive and in others offensive? And most important... how can people trust it?
  25. Although I haven?t proved SMF, I?d recommend phpBB because you will always find a way to suit the design to your needs as there are so much templates, modifications and even tutorials to customize it by yourself if you need to. It?s free and there?s a huge community of users who could help you. I just can?t wait the final 3 version to be released.
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