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Everything posted by Sprnknwn

  1. I'm not christian, but Happy Easter to all, I'm not against it. At least it's almost a week of holidays.
  2. It's useful for begginers, sure. There are lots of people who wants to start with php and don't know where to begin because there are so much tutorials for advanced programmers...
  3. I'm not a big Iron Maiden fan (because there is an Eddie, isn't it?). Sorry this time I don't really like any of them. I think the one above is ruined with that artificial fire fonts. And that mix of freaks... I don't like it. I do like the background which is a gif but very elegant and subtle. The one bellow is ugly but I suppose this is how it has to be and I think it's more creepy.One vote to Saint Michael's then.
  4. More or less the same, ocassionally sql errors and the "No Input File specified" when I try to login to phpmyadmin. And I have some issues with the dates, it seems that all the dates before the fix have gone one day backwards...
  5. I agree, some explanation on what these extension do would be helpful and some valoration, because I suppose that there are some which do the same things and probably one is better than the rest.
  6. It doesn?t sound bad that idea of encouraging people to put a link to Xisto... But anyway imagine that you get one credit a day for having a banner. Most people could put the banner and then they wouldn't have to post in the forums so the forums will probably die slowly. Maybe two credits in a week or something like that, so you are not able to maintain hosting without posting.
  7. I get an Apache and Cpanel page. I suppose that my server was Gamma too. If it is because there was a problem in the old hd, it's alright. Let's be patient. I don't tjink we'll lost anything but anyway I'm lucky because I made a backup two days ago.
  8. I don't know if it's by choice and I'm sure it is not a profession. I mean, if you are educated from child to do something, you probably will end doing it, because there is no other life for you except that. You are living only to get to that specific moment in which you must blow yourself with everybody near. Or so they have told you... I mean, you're trained as f you were in the army but you're trained to die and kill before you even know how they're manipulating you. So probably is a mixture of the frustration of seeing their countries being attacked by occident and the inability of escape to the fate someone has written for them beforehand.
  9. Male cook? The only difference between male and women at cooking is that women traditionally were educated to cook. Now it?s not like that anymore (I hope). So it's not that you don't have the right gender to cook, it's only tat you have to learn and practice. If you only know how to fry, you would then get only fried recipes? That's crazy and your stomach would tell...
  10. Don't know about the rest but I don't feel veganism is a fanatic way of life at all. I am always open to ways of life that don't base or even face social conventions and this one does. And it makes me sad that the main text in a topic called "Vegan Diet" talks really about what it should be called "Why not to follow a vegan diet". By the way, 6 posts... cool. Probably when I get to live on my own I will try a vegan diet (maybe I'll start a vegetarian one first but I'd like to try the vegan one) but not looking for a healthier state. If I can get at least equally healthy and no animals have to die (with more or less suffering) to keep me alive, it would be worthy, isn?t it?. And I?m not interested much in spirituality issues, by the way.
  11. Nothing special. I love music and I love a Seattle band called Soundgarden (I hope you know them, grunge era) and specially the record "Superunknown". Under the influence of another record, Primal Scream's Xtrmntr (consonants for exterminator) I did it with Superunknown so it resulted Sprnknwn. It was not intended to be a long lasting nick, I think I pick it for the first time to play Counterstrike or something like that... but in the end it has became my nick everywhere. So it means nothing but rock music fans usually recognize it and ask me about it so it?s ok. Sometimes I think it?s stupid and plan to change it but then I don't really care
  12. For me the first and most important task of a moderator is to behave correctly and politely, to make the forums a good place to stay, where users fell comfortable. And of course when you act as another user (posting) you should be a model of behaviour, because you have some authority and if you do something wrong, then it seems to the rest of the users as if that conduct is allowed. The indispensable quality of a moderator must be a well developed common sense which must be applied always.The more "physical" tasks are erasing, moving, editing posts if necessary (you should not abuse on your powers) and always according with the rules of the forums if there are ones. You have to be careful and try not to be favorable to anyone because others would complain about it. You have both to warn and help users to move along the forums.Yo say that you're going to moderate two forums. I don?t know how many people will be there (so I don?t know how much work) but you should have time to do your tasks properly, even more if you're the only moderator. I don?t think that advertising the forum and that things are really moderator tasks. Of course if you like the forums you are probably going to tell people to enter, but for me it's not an obligation of the mod. If you?re not the admin probably you can be the link between users complains, questions, etc and the administrators. Anyway it depends on the kind of implication that the admins want from his mod. If you're also the admin, then you should do everything, because no one is going to do it for you, of course.
  13. Oh my god! I think this is completely out of the question and it surprises me how many people voted yes... are we crazy or what? Would you give rights to your computer? To your stereo? To your mobile phone? Robots don?t exist although men create them and of course they are not living beings so it?s completely stupid to even think that they should be respected as humans or animals. Of course if we make a robot that is like a human, so it can suffer and hurt, we should respect it... or him but it would be irresponsible if we get to do this. Robots are supposed to be stronger than humans and being more effective in their tasks. And having no feelings help, so I hope we will never see robots with feelings, only in science fiction movies. Or at least I rather be dead before that happens.
  14. Although I find the design really good I?m not sure that the dark blue banner goes so well with the content part. I think you could work a bit more on the banner. And you should remove that "progress" animated gif because it gives the impression that the site is not loaded, as it's the same thing that appears in Firefox while loading a site. Anyway looks promising and professional alike. I also agree that the categories could easily be divided in different works (designing, developing, etc). Good luck with it. I?m using Firefox and looks ok.
  15. I think that for small graphic works it?s better to use Fireworks because Photoshop takes a while to load and maybe you'll spend more time waiting for it than doing what you really want to do (if it's something fast like cropping a picture or resizing, adding a little text, etc). I really think that Photoshop is better for a more professional use but domestic tasks can be easily done with Fireworks obtaining great results and you'll find it easier to deal with. In Photoshop you get frequent errors when you want to make something that it?s not possible and I suppose it?s good but that get on my nerves sometimes. Anyway I must say that I was used to Freehand before, a program which I love, so for me Fireworks it's easier because it?s vector oriented. But we'll have to see what happens, if there will be new editions of both programs or there will be a better one instead.
  16. For me this has no real meaning. Women here usually celebrate this day going to restaurants in groups and things like this. So I guess that in the end it?s like Mother's or Father's Day or even Christmas. Some business get a benefit from it, stores or restaurants, whatever. So, for most people it's alright, but they don't care about ideals that it's supposed to represent.With this I'm not saying that women don't work as hard and well as men, of course they do. But I think it?s pointless to celebrate it. With things like these for me they're saying "although we are women, we work" and this "although" means that some of them still don't see themselves as valuable as men. And that's wrong. I think that the big fights are over and now feminism should work in normalizing women situation as workers and not emphasizing the differences with days like this. The only fight should be workers together struggling for their collective rights.
  17. If these are minimal resources, you must make great things at home. It?s true that the white/pink duality seems a bit weird. I love the glowing white ones, maybe with the pink ones in a softer colour... I don?t know. But really good anyway.
  18. Welcome, I think this is a very friendly forum and you can learn lot of things with it, especiall related to computers and graphic design but not only this. And also you can get free quality webhosting so nothing to lose and lots to gain. As he said, just follow a basic rules (being nice and polite is half the way) of conduct.See you around.
  19. Although I don?t know Inbox.com I prefer Gmail because with the email account come a lot of features and utilities that you can use in a integrated way. Having a Gmail account is like having an internet suite and of course the email service is awesome, I don't need nothing more.
  20. I think this guy have found a formula and is going to make books and books and books talking about the same things: religion, history, conspirations, puzzles and codes. I think there are millions of book that are more worth reading that these but they seem to entertain people so much... but I think they don?t look so good to people who read books frequently.
  21. MetalGear, art (and so graphic design) works this way. Sometimes you may want to "lose" something to get a final result that is in your mind.For diagonal I think that you should make the same but in a 2px X 2px square and paint black only the top left and down right or viceversa. Or maybe you want more distance. Anyway for these things I recommend to pick a piece of paper and draw it so you can see if the pixels draw the sequence that you are seeking.
  22. Wow, 61 credits. I think I?ve never had so many. A good lifesaver. Good luck with exams by the way.
  23. This is really interesting, I'll definitely give it a try. I have dictionary.com in my firefox search bar, but I didn?t know it had a translator also. Cool, because Google Translator does not offer the best results.
  24. If you hate those two, Opera is not the only but the other reliable option. I use Firefox and I find it quicker than Explorer but in these things each one tells the story like he sees it.
  25. There are some really good advices here, but some awful also... I think it?s clear that he wants to gain mass and not fat. Well who knows, but anyway, advicing to eat fast-food everyday it?s like leading someone to a slow suicide.Sometimes fighting against metabolism is a lost battle... you have to be too constant and have the time to do it everyday. Me myself I tried to gain weight years ago because I am thin no matter what I do (I think it's my nerves) but finally I decided it was better for me to be happy with it than spending time doing exercises to gain muscle and drinking those protein milkshakes that tasted awful and my stomach didn?t seem to like. And I?m happy now, because I know people that started wanting to gain some pounds and ended near vigorexic.
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