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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I assume that Canada would be handled the same as the United States since it is so similar to the USA in development?It would be a pity to miss out on the release party.Boy, 2009 looks exciting for Microsoft with Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 looking to be released this year. Wonder if they will be launched together?
  2. Of course, you could head over to http://www.cssplay.co.uk/ for grab a CSS version of Standard Compliant Drop Downs.
  3. The least expensive package is around $1.05 per month. You should be good to go.go to the billing Centre and order your package. It takes about 12 hours (I think) to receive the activation email.Select "Order" from the left hand menu.
  4. Why do you need a Windows Hosting package? Theat would use a Windows Server. It has nothing to do with the operating System you have at home.Most hosting services use Apache Servers and they are quite dependable. Most accounts here at the Trap are on Apache/Linux accounts. What is it that you are doing that requires a Windows Server?
  5. Read this Yahoo! News report. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A Trillion Dollars is a whole lot of money! I hope it works to do as they think it will. Not just the United States is bothered by this Recession. It affects the entire world. God Speed with the recovery plan.
  6. I doubt that Hotmail would send you an email asking for your password and junk.Consider it as Spam and delete it. Do not reply...
  7. Nice enough layout. I would find something (public service announcements?) to place in the left hand column so it matches the right hand side for height. Too much white space wasted above the fold.and I didn't understand a single word!!!
  8. I say SM should be BANNED!


  9. Go to https://support.xisto.com/ and register an account there. Submit a Support Ticket. By registering at https://support.xisto.com/, you will follow the guidelines found in the Credit System 3.0 Announcement available in my siggy.
  10. Currently re-reading "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, a novel based on the philosophy of different Economic systems. It supports Ayn Rand's view of the foundations of capitalism and its survival even though it is being battered by a flood of altruism, which is the cause of the modern world's collapse. This philisophical view became the study of objectivism and a dissertation of the morality of Capitalism.Quite boring, unless you have an interest in the Topic.
  11. Most likely the extra $10.00 comes from your previous activity over at the Xisto forums. I have an account there as well. The two are separate. Let's say you earned $10.00 XistoDollars there, and $5.00 here. Each forum would show the amounts earned per above, but, the Billing account adds them together to determine the available Xistodollars earned. Less your invoiced amounts, of course. Post a few more. It takes 5 posts minimum to show your Mycents, and also, there is a lag of a few hours before they display.
  12. Okay, you have the WAMP installed, but you also need to Start the Server. I use XAMPP, not WAMP, but I'm sure that the Server needs to be started. Some Operating Systems can be configured to start the Server on OS startup, but I am running Linux, and can not remember the procedure for setting that up in Windows. Also, if the file hello.php is inside a folder named hello, the Access to that would become Notice the folder name 'hello' in there...
  13. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Worth listening to...
  14. Or is this caused by Sarah Palin firing a Highway patroller? :PCan you see it from her house?
  15. You might need to use the html <object> tag instead of an embed tag http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/objects.html See also the Flash Satay method described at http://alistapart.com/article/flashsatay
  16. The key difference between a Parked Domain and an Add-on Domain is where the source of the files points to.Parked Domains point to the Account root, so the Parked Domain presents the same pages/files as the Account root.Add-on Domains get pointed to a particular folder of the Account. So, if you need/want different information provided on a second (or third) Domain, use an Add-on Domain. Simple.
  17. I know that this link works as an effective captcha. Try it and let us know if you have any issues with it. We will be able to assit you further if you use this and it fails. It was written by one of our moderators and it works fine. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45058-a-simple-php-captcha-image-validation/ All the best.
  18. I don't know about that... He is good, but not good enough to knock Google off the Interwebz... I wonder if some heads will roll on this on.... good excuse to thin out the crowd over at Google HQ during the recession, maybe?
  19. Can you post some more code, please.A couple of lines before and after the one you have posted already. Thanks.
  20. what's so funny about that site?We all need to believe in something, and I believe I'll have another Beer...
  21. welcome to the trap

  22. Fixed. Found an extra 'l' in the 'htmll' for the link ... My Bad!!!
  23. I am in Canada, too, and it is still illegal to download music, whether it is Canadian, or not, from a Server in Canada, or not.Unless you pay the freight by buying the CD, it is not legal to download music, AFAIK.
  24. Look in my signature for links to the new Credit System 3.0And register at the Billing Centre.
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