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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Baniboy, have you tried to post this issue on any other Forum that is Linux related?I would suggest ubuntuforums.org for example. Lots of people there that might be able to assist you.
  2. Might want to wait for a week or two until the new version is available. I have heard that April 23rd (or was it April 26th?) is the release date for Ubuntu 9.04 (9 being the year and 04 being April). Looking forward to the new version. I'll likely download an upgrade from 8.10 off the net and order the CD as a backup version.
  3. That small partition that is showing as Free, may be the Linux Swap partition, which you will not be able to access.The OS uses it for RAM and Page overflows. Even with a lot of RAM, you still require a Swap partition which Linux uses when the RAM is full.
  4. The regular members are all missed from time to time. Everyone has a life outside the Xisto, and absences happen.I've been known to miss a few days myself when my work schedule takes me out of town or I get too busy. Or when a power failure takes out the service. Happens a couple times a year in this rural area I live in. No big deal.
  5. mm22,There are several 'versions' of sNews CMS that are not 'official' releases. Wander around their forum site to get a feel for many of the Mods that are available. The most popular combined Mods are available as 'packages' if you know where to look. Let me know if you need any more information. I hang out there once in awhile and know most of the packages.
  6. Check in the TUTORIAL Section here on the Xisto. There are several Login/Logout scripts available.Be sure to find one using Sessions to allow you to keep track of their logged-in status from page to page. The Login data needs to be passed from page to page unless you want them to Login on each and every page. Each page needs to begin with the session_start function.Cookies should be considered, too. Cookies allow the Login to persist from session to session, but are less secure because the Cookie information is stored on the Client's computer and are more easily 'spoofed'. Critical security information should not be used in Cookies. For instance, Usernames and passwords (even encrypted) are not good information to store in cookies.Is that the sort of information you needed?
  7. Sorry to hear about the Western Union issue with the new and old ISP.Did the change save you any money? Are you still on dial-up?And most importantly, will you be here more regular now?Good to see you back in the Forum.
  8. Moderators can not access the Hosting Account information or Database. You need to continue this discussion with the Account Support personnel at Xisto - Support.com by replying to your previously created Ticket. https://support.xisto.com/supporttickets.php
  9. There are instances in the past when the User (you) had to submit a ticket to Xisto - Support.com for this same issue. Something about the IP being banned for excessive attempts to log-in. No idea why it happens, but it does.
  10. Ash, Posting this error report here on the Forum is just another sample of you spamming the Boards with crap.SUBMIT A TICKET to Xisto - Support.com for errors about the Forum Software.-closed-
  11. I was using Firefox, so you would need to check in the IE files to see if they would require changing as well. I am on a Linux box, so IE is not available for me to check.
  12. In Firefox, Edit > Preferences > Security > Passwords > Show Passwords will take you to a list of your saved Passwords.Look for the subdomain.trap17.com password identified with the ":2082" port identification and "(cpanel)" included in the URL.
  13. try changing the template.css #header {margin:0;padding:0 0 6px;} to see if you like the reduced height of the Header. I like the shorter version.
  14. The GD Library works fine. Here is a link to one Tutorial that uses it: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45058-a-simple-php-captcha-image-validation/ And BuffaloHELP also has a Tutorial about creating Images with a text overlay, but I didn't post a link to that one. I also use the GD library for Captcha images on a CMS I run. No issues there. I would be interested in seeing the script that requires the library and possibly we could test it on our sites. Thanks.
  15. Nice Blog design. Only thing I might alter is the top margin and padding for the Header to shorten the height and get the top line to be placed onto the background header image. The height (as it is) uses too much valuable space above the fold. That is a small issue, don't sweat it.And no dates on the Blog entries?
  16. It can take several months to get out of the Google "sandbox" and as suggested, keep promoting your site via Signature links, attract new visitors, and most of all... add unique content. Google will find you and the site will show up eventually.Another trick would be to add Google Adsense to the Forum pages if possible. Then Google will definitely know about you.
  17. Try the phpbb EASYMOD for Mod installation. Although I *think* there is a new version of it available for phpbb3. Not really sure. And the trouble is that the Mod needs to be designed for the auto install feature, too, but phpbb3 is supposed to have an auto-install feature.
  18. Happy Trapday to the big guy. And many more to follow....
  19. Ummm... you really can't have a webpage without (x)html. Html is the 'language' used to supply content to a web site.Css is used to style that content. Php ang Sql are used to adjust the content automagcally depending on the selections made by the User. Wysiwyg Editors and Dreamweaver are simply tools to prvide the html coding without actually writing the html.Since you don't have the time to learn all that stuff, I suggest you use a Wysiwyg editor, although you will need to learn how to use the Editor, it will likely be quicker than learning html/css. But they write really bad code, so expect to have issues with the code.
  20. For now, try removing those rules to see if the images appear on the site.And check the .htaccess file being used on the localhost copy and compare it to the 'live' site. Were the Image rules added by the site Cpanel Hotlink widget?
  21. Well, just a guess on my part, but most of the 'critical' Power users would have an emergency or stand-by power supply.Hospitals, NORAD, and the bulk of the Internet Data Centres would all have the potential to be 'off the grid', so to speak. At least short term. Internet users? Well, that is another issue...
  22. Welcome to the Xisto. The Best Free Hosting Plan on the Planet.Looking forward to seeing you around the Forums. If there are any questions you need answered, please review the Xisto Readme file and failing a satisfactory answer there, please start a Topic in the appropriate Forum. Thanks.
  23. On the Xisto Hosting system, Databases need to be created using the Mysql Wizard and THEN the database selected in phpmyadmin for creating the tables.Due to security on a Shared Hosting System, phpmyadmin is not able to actually create a Database as you would be allowed to on your own Server. It is a two step process.Create the Database in Mysql and then use the SQL file in phpmyadmin to build the tables, add rows, etc. The critical step is to create the DB in MYSQL first. Add the Tables using phpmyadmin or a Script.
  24. The connection portion of the script uses the DB-name. The Query portion of the script uses a Table name.The Database contains Tables. Tables contain Rows. Rows contain columns.Is the "reg" a Database or a Table?
  25. Indeed, the car is small, but I like where it is going.. economical, fuel efficient, eco-friendly???Did anyone catch the GM product on Yahoo! the other day? PUMA? a two-seater designed for Urban travel. looks like a Stroller, sort of
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