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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Have a look at cutepdf as a convertor to PDF format for anything that you can send to a printer.I have no clue how to create an image from pdf except to take screenshots.
  2. I have never done it, but a friend has changed her email and it all worked out fine.You can do that where the Domain is registered, I believe.
  3. Ummm! There were calculators in the 70's... trust me. I was there.hey rejected, welcome back. Good to see you after a whole year... Things have changed a bit. The new Credit system mostly. Some of the members are new, but there are still some old-timers around. SM is back on Mod duty. We have had a few people come and go, but the place is still a beehive at times.Hope your year at school was good.
  4. I prefer Mountain Dew...Not big on any of the "cola" products, Coke, Pepsi,etc, but an ocasional Dr pepper is okay.
  5. How about a new intake Manifold and a 4 barrel Carb kit? Can you find one of them that will boost the performance level?Maybe re-curving the distributor to play with the timing sequences for a bigger bang? That might do it.Yea, a V6 can be made to work better than stock, but it takes some doing. And the gas mileage isn't going to be the same, that's for sure.
  6. Trappists are those Monk dudes... we prefer to be called Trappers... like the old fashioned way to get a nice coat... :DEnjoy your visit to the Xisto, make some good posts and Hosting will be yours in a flash.Be sure to read the Xisto readme, obey the guidelines found there, and most of all, have fun, enjoy meeting all the rest of the members.
  7. Images can be placed into the public_html Folder, or a sub-folder under public_html, like public_html/images/, for example.There are several ways to get them uploaded.1. The cpanel file manager2. An FTP client from your computer3. Using the FTP account on your Hosting4. Using a Browser based solution like Fireftp in FirefoxOnly thing would be to make sure the file has been saved in a web-compatible format such as jpeg, gif, png,etc.Most "raw" formats are not web-compatible.
  8. What Operating System? Windows?If so, download and install a Trial copy of NOD 32 anti-virus. Guaranteed to find out what's going on inside your PC. And stop it.About $40.USD per year, but worth every cent.
  9. You need to configure the ADSL connection. My system requires that I find and install a proprietary Driver. System > Administration > Hardware Drivers should do it for you.
  10. Welcome to the Xisto.Indeed, a pretty sweet deal here. Make a few decent posts and a few more per month to get some pretty fair Free Hosting.I'm sure you won't be disappointed. And lots of helpful folks here on the Forums to answer any questions.
  11. Indeed, this should be a seperate thread, and after the issue is resolved, it can be moved.Check the Login.php file and remove all the spaces from the first line before the <?php token. See if that works.
  12. Server Upgrade happening Saturday.
  13. Most unfortunately, the Servers are slow all the way around for the last couple of days. I am certain that Opaque and the Server Tech's are working on figuring it out.Please be patient. A solution should be forthcoming soon. Thanks.
  14. Can they sneak the border up about 300 miles in the Western States for the benefit of those of us living above the 49th parallel?:Dthat would be good... The Canadian Weather Service have links to the Radar results, but not nearly like the Google pages. Can't wait for the Canucks to get this happening.
  15. Safe Mod is off by default, and I do not suggest changing that setting. You can check your Account settings by saving the following code snippet to a file with a php extension and browsing to the filename. <?php phpinfo();?>
  16. Maybe if the Routers were far enough apart to make a difference, like, one on the moon, another on mars, where the in-transit time for the wireless signal is large, but to have two routers in the same building, the lag for send/receive is so small that it would not be (concievably) useful. Interesting concept, though.
  17. The "www" is a redirect to the "public_html" folder and is quite unnecessary anyways. You can do without it, in fact it is preferred by some to not use it.
  18. If you are on a Windows system, make sure you have disabled IIS if it is on the system you are running.Also, make sure to Start the Wamp/Xampp Server. That is a common error, too.
  19. Just wondering if the Domain in question is already parked or an Add-on Domain at a Trap/Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting account?The Domain Name Server information might be getting in the way if the Domain name is already pointed to Xisto or another of the Xisto Servers.Definitely submit a ticket.
  20. The other thing you need to consider is the value and purpose of restricting the pages according to whether the client is 'signed on' and logged-in to the site. You might be shooting yourself in the foot by arbitrarily restricting access to the best part of the site you are offering.For many sites that don't allow for much 'interaction' with the client, the Log-in system is wasted. Consider that if you block the juicy stuff, the random Google client will look elsewhere for the information. On the other hand, if you serve up 'personalized information, then the Log-in is the way to go.
  21. I would smooth-out the top curve leading from the Windows Logo to the search box. With bit less of a hump near between the heading and the search box.It doesn't look 'organic' with the steep change in slope you have presently.Otherwise, it looks good. I can see it as a Forum Template.
  22. Check the Tutorial Section for a couple of different methods to do the Login/Register scripting. Have a look at this one. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/64255-creating-a-custom-php-login-script/ I haven't tried it, but reading through the code it looks like it would work. It uses Cookies to remember Members, too, so the next time they visit, *poof* they get privileges. Should be good to go.
  23. There are 100 ways to stop Image theft and 101 ways to do it. Disable right-click does not work to stop Image theft. A simple "save page as" will capture even the background images if you know how to do that. The idea is to stop the viewers from wanting to save the image, ie: watermarking them as suggested above. You can find a batch watermarking software and keep the already marked images on your site, probably the best thing for minimizing the Server loads, or Watermark them as they are called to display, like BuffaloHELP's script does. This saves you from forgetting to place the watermark on individual images prior to uploading.
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