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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. This won't answer the question directly, but one thing I do for downloads and Torrents: Start them up just as you are going to bed at night and let them run over-night. Zero impact on the daily activity. Downside is that it may take a night or two for large files, depending on the swarm size, availability of Peers, etc.
  2. The DB name doesn't matter, really, since you need to add the name to the login configuration for opening the database.A name such as 'registration' is fine, but might be too long. Remember that the DB name on the Xisto prefixes the user-name, so try to keep the name under 8 characters and add the prefix. ie: in the config file, the dbname for me would become 'jlhaslip_login' if I called it 'login'. The collation has to do with the nature of the stored data. The Default collation recognizes most of the Latin-based languages (English, Italian, etc) I would recommend using UTF-8 since it recognizes all the international characters. Say, for example, a member from Brazil wants to register, then UTF-8 would recognize their input from their Brazilian keyboard complete with accents. I just took a look and the SQL file for the tables is using latin1 for its collation. That would work fine. This is the connection portion of the file named db.php. Complete the information using the above as a guideline. (no, it will not work on my actual account ) This file is 'required' each and everytime you access the database and caused the DB to be opened using the correct information. Hope this helps. Post back if you need anything more.
  3. Wordpress is popular for Blogging, but I have never used it, so i can not comment on its suitability for your needs.sNewscms.com offers another CMS system that is ideally suited to the needs of a Blogger that either wants to modify the code or requires an easily themable Blog. Really flexible design and getting better all the time.
  4. Check it out. No release date given, but expect this game soon to hit the market. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. How were you running Linux? off a Live CD? I have no problem running the WiFi card on my Laptop, but I can't recall the Brand.Check out System > Administration > Hardware Drivers for an automatic Driver detection script that will indicate if the Driver is a non-free, non-open source Driver that can be installed. Worked for me.
  6. Trying to research the Skype WiFi Phones for purchase as a gift and would like to know if anyone has tried them?What Models were you using? What range did you get? Any Battery issues or connection issues I should know about?I'm looking for the one where you do not require your computer and can connect through a Wireless Router any place that you receive a signal. Internet Cafe or at a friend's house as well as at your own router, if you see what I mean.
  7. Please follow the rules on Sig Requests forund at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29833-rules-read-this-before-making-a-sigbanner-request-rules-regulations-update/. Denied for now. not enough posts made yet.
  8. Using the Glob function, read all the lies with a .txt file extension into an array and inside the foreach loop, read the first 4 lines of the file into a buffer. Add the Buffer into an array. Reverse the array, per your request. Print (echo) the multi dimensional array using <hr> tags as dividers between the arrays and not printing blank elements. <?phpecho '<h2>Test of the Text File Read script</h2>';echo '<hr />';echo'<p>Each file contains the same number of lines as its name</p>';echo'<p>For testing purposes, some files contain extra lines</p>';echo'<p>Only the first 4 lines (max) are printed, per the sript request</p>';echo'<p>Blank lines are not printed</p>';echo '<hr />';foreach (glob("*.txt") as $filename) { $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); if ($handle) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { $buffer[] = fgets($handle, 4096); } $array[] = $buffer; $buffer = ''; fclose($handle); }}$arr = array_reverse($array);foreach ($arr as $arrs) {foreach ($arrs as $key => $value){ if (!empty($value)) { echo "$value <br />"; }}echo '<hr />';}echo '-- 30 -- ';?>Download Sample Files here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, including this script. Sample files contain the same number of lines as its filename, ie: file 'one' has 1 line and file 'six' has 6 lines. Output is as follows: {seems to not cut and paste the hr output} Hope this is what you wanted. Post back if you need any more.
  9. What are the file extension types that contain the data?
  10. Do you have a Mail Server installed?Can you send an email from a script other that the one giving you trouble?
  11. I like the site. Nice clean layout. Not a distracting colour. Simplicity of layout and content is professional.As a Source for potential employers to check out the work you have done, I would suggest that you check the pages for typos (spelling mistakes) like the word 'w'ackward should be 'b'ackward [or reverse?] and remove the gaming note from the page if the purpose of the site is to attract employers and serve as a professional resume. Not that there is anything wrong with Gaming, but it does not add to the professional nature of the site, IMHO.And lose the shoutbox, too. Same reason.
  12. Got room in there for a graphic for each of the Softwares? Like the Default Ubuntu Drop-downs. Graphical interfaces are so "web 2.0"...
  13. I wonder if the Google page is recent?I'm thinking April 1st?
  14. I have never "met" another Xisto member except on-line. As for scheduling, I usually am on-line first thing in the morning and in the evening since I (usually) work during the day. Once in a while I am without a job, so I will be on-line more often during the day as well. Often I sign-on to the Trap, check for PM's, Reports, etc and handle them according to the need. Then I will leave the window open and go to another tab for other work or browsing, so I am signed-on, but unavailable for immediate assistance.Often I will leave the tab open for an hour or more without checking in to review things.
  15. Right before they re-booted, I wonder if they did a rm -rf /spam ?Maybe that is why we haven't seen SM around much since the re-boot?
  16. There is the Linux Application Rythmbox (or Songbird from the Mozilla crowd) that offers the same (similar) features.I prefer Rythmbox, myself, but Songbird works well also.What flavour of Linux? I would suggest Ubuntu 8.10 as a first version for people coming to the dark side from Windows.
  17. The absolute best method to avoid the emails from being marked as Spam is to have the receiving party "white-list" the sender.The method for doing this varies with email clients, but essentially, the receiver needs to add the sender's email address into their list of addresses.Some clients work better at detecting Spam than others, so mention this to the people you are emailing.
  18. The url has been "masked" to avoid Google from finding it, but it may take some time for their cache of pages to stop its presentation on a search.No idea how long it will still be available through Google.
  19. Under the OLD Credit system, when you cancelled your Hosting account, your credits were reset to zero.Not sure what will happen under Credit System 3.0. Maybe you should submit a ticket to ask the powers that be.
  20. Correct about Opaque, as far as I am aware, he is the Sole Owner of the xisto group of companies and works hard to continue improving the compnies. Witness the recent changes.I am Canadian and fell into the Xisto on the recommendation of another member when the free host we were using went off the map. Mayank and I were acquainted via another Forum that was post to Host. When it failed, we came here.We found Saint_Michael in a Spamination machine and kept him for a Mascot. :)All the others have their own story to tell.
  21. Any idea how many zip drives it took to get the backup down before they re-booted?:)Good one...
  22. For Linux users, there is an application named 'Baskets' that does a similar thing but on your Desktop.Cut and paste "notes", snippets, links, images into a "basket" you have defined. Baskets can be categorized, contain sub-baskets, and lots of other features. It is similar to the Evernotes application used on Windows.Download and install from the repositories. I have it running in Ubuntu 8.10. Works great. I track all the spammers and their warnings/posts, etc. It keeps quite detailed notes effortlessly. Cut and paste to the basket and a Macro issues the Warning to their account automagically.
  23. Look in the Announcements Forum for all the information you need to know about the Credit System.It is a relatively new system that got installed last Fall and has been running fairly well for abut 4 or 5 months now. It seems to be working well and correctly to date.If there are specific questions that you need answered, please let us know.
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