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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I would think so, but make it a part of your submission to the Support team over at Xisto - Support.com.I do not suggest you change your email without their assistance. The Email on the Forum and the Xisto - Support database are connected for the purpose of the Credit System 3.0. This question is best answered by the Support Team.
  2. My interpretation is that the Member wants the "current selected " item to be displayed differently. When you are on the Home page, style the 'Home' link differently. There rseveal ways to do that. Create a style for a class named ".current" and apply the style to the link in question. How to determine the current link? Depends on whether you are using a server-side script. Can you let us know if you have a php page going on there? or HTML only? *edit* Here is a link explaining how to do it in HTML only pages. https://csscreator.com/topic/css-current-page-nav-link-highlight
  3. http://www.anelectron.com/downloads/ Check out AEF Forum Software
  4. Yes, the file may not belong to you. Let me explain.When an auto-install script adds a file, the 'User' that the script runs under is a generic user on the Server. If the file in question was created by this user, then you are not the 'owner' and cannot modify the permissions. You need to write a script that modifies those file permissions so that it is the 'owner' of the files making the modifications.I have (at least *had*) a script to do just that. I'll have a look for it and let you know if it is available.
  5. Indeed, life is full of surprises.I have managed to put the garden in this year after 'screening' the dirt and removing eight wheelbarrows of rocks. The place we live on is on the side of a mountain in the Rockies. I know where the name comes from now. :lol:All the usual suspects were planted. Zuccini, beans, carrots, radishes, lettuce, potatos, and soon to follow, tomatos. It still is not warm enough for them yet, but getting close.
  6. Please simply use the Report system to advise the Moderators of 'suspicious' Topics or Postings.building a list here may only cause other Members to be jealous of your activities. :lol:Also, using the Report system announces the Report to all Mods, so you will get a faster response to the action.
  7. Windows i7 is an Operating System. It has nothing to do with the Cores on the chipset running i7.The Processor has the cores in it. The i7 Operating System 'manages' multiple core chipsets.
  8. Look in the Error logs or in the Last Visitors Log to see if you can find the IP they are using then Ban that IP address.Might work.
  9. Tenshi, Here is a link to the Rule/Guidelines for Sig Requests : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29833-rules-read-this-before-making-a-sigbanner-request-rules-regulations-update/ Please review the pinned topic and then Edit your Request to include the information you require. Thanks.
  10. anwii, a regular logged-in member does not see the ads. The ads display only to guests. The reason is so that you do not click on your own ads by mistake and it saves your account at kontera from getting banned. So you will not see any Kontera ads unless you 'logout' from the Xisto.
  11. An accountant, eh?Only thing I remember from an Accounting course I once took is the Debits go on the left, and Credits on the right.Guess it would be the other way around in Ozzieland. :lol:Any particular parts of the Accountancy trade that you like the most? Tax, Audit??? Not enough 'outdoors' in Accounting for me.Welcome to the Trap,, and check out those links posted up there. See ya around.
  12. Now I want a Safari for Linux... :lol:It looks like they have borrowed the Compiz 'wall' and Desktop manager from the Linux Compiz application. Next they'll have a 'cube' as well.Looking forward to that. Nice stuff.
  13. First, create a Database and a user on the Server using the installed method, ie: mysql wizard from the Cpanel (or equal).Localhost: Export the Database using phpmyadmin and the SQL tab. This will create an SQL file which containss all the Database structure and contents in a text file.Server-side: Import the Database using the phpmyadmin SQL tab. Check and double-check that the Database name/user/password and the prefix is correctly written. Some Web Hosts require specific names, prefixes, etc for the DB Server. Check your Account information.Also, I am not familiar with the Joomla software, but you might need to tweak some settings. Often the URL and path information is maintained inside the Database for finding specific folders, etcetera, so you might need to alter some of the information inside the DB using phpmyadmin so that the folders/files can be found by the server-side version.
  14. Use that query inside the phpmyadmin SQL tab to see what results are generated.
  15. Google Sandbox is how they handle new Domains and such. There is a period where they will index the site, but not necessarily include it in the Search Results for the pages onto the Google Searchs. They wait to see how the content behaves. Is there new stuff added regularly? Is the content valid? or a duplicate from elsewhere? How committed are the site owners to providing updates, etc?After a couple of months, when the content is built up and good enough, with no 'SEO infractions', they will start to include the site in their results. Kinda like an apprenticeship program. you need to show that you are serious about the site. And, by the way, there are methods to speed up the 'sandbox' process, but those lessons can come later. Get the site built and then we will expound on the SEO side of things.
  16. If you read the Xisto Readme file, Item #6 under the Terms of Service for the Forums, it clearly states that "illegal" material shall not be presented on the Forum. This would also deal with Warez sites or links to Warez sites, or links to Warez downloads. And being a n00bie has nothing to do with whether your opinion matters any more or less than the more experienced users. The Terms of Service for the Forums applies to all users. The Acceptable Use Policy is more geared towards the use of the Web Hosting, but the same philosophy applies there. This is Shared Hosting, so any activities outside the Law is subject to penalty which would include shutting down the Server, so please be careful about posting any links to 'questionable' material, or Hosting any of the Warez you *may* find laying around.The users here are (overall) very web savvy. The Members know which links are 'questionable' and it is their duty to maintain a clean Forum site by using the Report button. If you have any concerns, let the Mod Team know abut the doubtful links and we will investigate them further, applying the guidelines found in the Xisto Readme to the Forum's advantage, and that includes the advantage of each and every user here, new or old. I hope this explains things well enough for you and others to understand why the Mods and Admins are so diligent about protecting the Forum content. We use the Hosting as well, and really don't need the Server off the radar. Any questions about any postings or shouts should be brought to the attention of tha Moderators immediately. Let us deal with the Members involved. Do not confront them directly. That is not good for a cohesive community. We get paid (sort of) to do that on your behalf (sort of). Thanks. *edit* And that Virus thing??? I run Linux, so bring it on...
  17. You might want to have a look at xUbuntu for the small RAM you are using there. Not sure on the specifics, but apparently it runs on less powerful machines okay. It loads a bunch of software with it, too, reducing the amount of work (learning curve) for a beginner Linux user.
  18. My vote is based on never having been to the digitalpoint forums. I'm going to head over there and have a look right now.
  19. jlhaslip


    Google Adsense policies are available at https://support.google.com/adsense/ As for competitive Ads, they state that the presense of other ads on the page can not be presented in a format similar to google ads. There is a link to their Mobile ad service at the bottom of that page as well.
  20. The best way to attract attention to a girl is to be open and honest with them. Just be yourself. Don't try to be something which you are not. Long term, this works to your advantage. And be considerate of them. Treat them as you would want to be treated, in a fair manner, as an equal. They will appreciate that if they are worth being noticed by.
  21. TheDistubedOne has some really good points there. Their advise is pretty solid, however, something to consider would be that most 'Commercial' sites, (which yours would be), should have its own domain name. It looks far more professional instead of running off of a sub-domain of the Xisto. Having said that, I would consider applying for a Xisto sub-domain to start off with to get the design work done and the bugs worked out. The Logic Plan has loads of space and bandwidth for a beginning site, with a couple of Databases included (if I recall) and upgrades are 1) cheap 2) easily arranged 3) handled quickly by placing a Support Ticket at Xisto - Support. Once you have the design working and have enough credits to purchase the Domain, go for it and ideally this would be available before the launch of the site to the Public. Don't forget that Google uses a 'sandbox' for new Domains, so the sooner you get it up and running, the better off for the Search engines. In reality, you are getting close to the point where you should be able to score both a Hosting plan and a Domain at the same time. And, as always, good luck with that...
  22. Have you tried the Ubuntuforums.org site? They support the x-windows via xunbubtu and there may be someone over there that could assist you. https://ubuntuforums.org/ *edit* By the way, what OS are you running?
  23. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  24. No, the forum is "up" and running, but there seems to be an issue with the Forum Time system and the Server time, or something. Posts earlier in the day were off by some 7 or 8 hours, and then the clock was re-set, so they are taking priority over the new posts because of the time stamp on the topics/posts, (or something like that).I have not had any connection issues, so I can't elaborate on your specific notices.
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