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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Can't tell you anything until there is a link available to click.Bbcodes are used on this forum to add a link.
  2. jlhaslip


    Welcome, glad to have you here, but we would really like it if you lost the 'l33t5p34k' and used full english sentences and correct grammar on the Forum. Lots of good tutorials and smart people here to make friends with, discuss issues, assist with any computer (or other) problems, etcetera. Introductions are a place to tell us something about yourself, your interests and hobbies so we can get to know you a little. Other than that, enjoy the place, and turn off the lights on your way out. Thanks.
  3. jlhaslip


    Downloads for Ubuntu 9.04 came available just last week. Keep us posted on your progress and ask any questions you might have about Ubuntu specifically or Linux generally. There are a few Linux users around.
  4. VLC has not disappointed me on any format I have used it with.Ubuntu 7.04 to 9.04
  5. Welcome to the Xisto.Really unfair question to Poll the membership about. The nature of the Credit system is such that Mycents are awarded on Content, not number of posts. Tutorials and quality, informative posts earn more and so the post count for good posters will be less than the average member.Of course, we could use their answers to weed out the Spammers :
  6. There is a download site for the pdf version of a book that describes the learning of Ubuntu and Linux for beginers, although more experienced users could also learn from the book. LINK Yes, the PDF version is free, in keeping with the Open Souce / GNU philosophy. Grab a copy today!
  7. Using Firefox, Edit > Preferences > Privacy > Private Data > check the box and set the Settings to delete Cookies and / or other information.
  8. Or maybe this one might be a better start. Already has the right column there. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yes, I'm thinking that there needs to be something 'flex' in the layout. What happens to someone viewing in a 800px wide monitor? There are still loads of them around. Fixing the left hand side to 800px and then adding the right column will be a challenge. Why the 800px width on the left? Where is the Flash going? Can you use a fixed width on the right and the left is the balance?
  9. Check this out for a starting point: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ *I think* that will work as a 'template' for your design. Header and Footer fixed. I can alter (I think) the content to go full width and have a second div beside the existing content. Be back in a flash.
  10. How wide is the sidebar? Are you wanting the Header and Footer to be 'fixed position' so the centre content scroll independently of them?
  11. Welcome Fractured.Logic. Nice to have you here at the Xisto. We are always keen to have knowledgeable folks hanging around.The GFX crew isn't really active lately, but that is always subject to change as various members display more interest. I'd be keen on seeing some of your work, whether digital or images of non-digital stuff.As for advancing your html/css or even php/mysql, there are some well informed members, so post up a Topic in the correct Forums any time and someone will assist you.And be sure to register at Xisto - Support.com to earn your mycents and xistodollars for Hosting. use the same email as you used here on the Forum so the earned mycents are awarded correctly (or use my email address if you wish ).See you around, and Happy Earth Day to you.
  12. Standard (default) format for Ubuntu 8.10 is ext3.I have heard that 9.04 *may* have the capability of ext4 as an option, but I can't confirm that. New 9.04 will be available tomorrow... Yippee!
  13. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  14. Not sure about the custom php.ini files, i have no need for them, so the thought never crossed my mind.What specific questions do you have about the ini files and which settings do you need the php.ini file for? Remembering that certain settings are what-they-are due to the shared nature of the servers, and that the settings are very liberal compared to most free web hosts, which specific settings are you looking at needing changed?A phpinfo might answer your questions.
  15. The IBM / Sun deal fell apart last month.Good to see another deal coming together. Hope Sun continues supporting Open Office, too.
  16. Welcome to the "trap". Check out the link in my siggy that explains the name and its history.Interesting reading.Forums are no problem on your Xisto account. Lots of them are running on Member accounts.And you are responsible for the content of your site, so be careful about copyrights, etc. Make it clear that illegal content on the site is reason for closing your account. Having said that, (because I had to), the content posted onto your Forum and its ownership must be Legal, due to the insistence of the Xisto Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. What that means is that you can not post up a previously copyrighted article without the copyright holder's consent. Most Literary works allow for small quotes for review and criticism, just don't post up an entire book and claim it to be your own work when it isn't.Good to have you here, see you around.
  17. SSI means Server-side Includes?I don't run phpbb any more, (an AEF guy here), but the Xisto does function well for any packages currently available in the phpbb/smf/mybb/AEF realms.It runs Joomla/mambo/drupal, etc, in fact, those and many other softwares are available from the fantastico installer in the Cpanel.
  18. Also, to add something to the previous post, the image must be in an "ico" format. To convert an existing image to an .ico, use this link or google favicon generator for other available services. Some Image software is also able to save as ico, but not all of them do so.
  19. Oh boy, another Canuck on the Forum... There are a few of us... Glad to have another one here to wave the flag. What part of the Country are you in? I was raised in S. Ontario, moved to Alberta and now live in BC. In the Rockies, actually, not the left coast of Vancouverland.Hope to see you around. Enjoy!
  20. Just curious, but could you please comment on why the AEF Forum software was not chosen? I am involved in the AEF Software as a Universal Moderator on the Forums and do some Project Coding, etc. on the package. It would be good if you could please provide some feedback on the reasons why you did not select that package. Did you download and install or otherwise test any version? What was it lacking? Are you aware that it includes: A built-in shoutbox? News Rotator script? Ajaxed PM system? UTF-8 Character set? Built-in Ad space on the Header and Footer? Easily Themed? Multi language support? Secure... it has never been Haxored due to any AEF shortcomings? I would be grateful for your comments on the AEF package. Thanks.
  21. When you say that IE 'breaks' the page, or the Search input, what exactly does it do (or not do)?Sorry, but I don't have IE6 or IE7 to check the page with.
  22. First thing would be to define the Database and the Tables in the Database.Is that done yet?
  23. The Pirate Bay Bitorrent site owners were found guilty of aiding and abbetting copyright infringements by a Swedish Court. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Wonder if or when the thousand of other sites will be charged? Although the Courts have found them guilty, the site is still up and running according to the posted news article. I haven't checked to confirm that. Hope this whole issue gets resolved soon.
  24. Start by reading the Xisto readme link, and then read the Xisto Topic about the New Credit System 3.0
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