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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Hey, I got youe shout late. Send your request by PM, please.

  2. Set your default font-color in the body rule. body { font-color: #cccccc; }If you need/want a certain section to change from the default, add another rule. div#section p.hello { font-color: #c845d7; } *edit* and the < style > </style> tags belong in the head of the page.
  3. It appears that you can have quite a selection available to you. Notice that this link gives a list of all the CPU's available that fit the Mother Board you currently have. http://www.gigabyte.tw/Support/Motherb=2314%23anchor_os However, be sure to check on the right hand column to ensure the CPU is not "n/a" (not available). It looks like the limiting factor is the FSB speed max at 1066. There are not faster FSB's available for that board. Looks like you can not go to a 45nm CPU either. But the 65nm CPU'S with a 1066 FSB should be plenty quick. There is also a memory selection page that supplies a PDF for the memory sets that they have checked out as working with that combination and the best is 1 Gig cards at DDR2 - 800, which would be fairly good.
  4. either Xisto - Domains or Xisto. Not sure, but try the Xisto first.
  5. Warning level adjusted. See if that works now. Might need to request a Support ticket at https://support.xisto.com/
  6. bk2070 is correct. It requires an Admin to intervene for the user name change. I have left a comment on their Profile and requested the chage.Welcome to the Xisto. Where are you in Canada? I am in BC. The Rockies, actually. Near lake Louise, Alberta. Just inside the BC border.
  7. I will place a request to have an Admin alter your Username. I assume that you want it changed to plastkstar?

    without the second 's'?

  8. flashy, Good job. Check out this page at php.net for an even better approach to the random array selection. http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.array-rand.php Should be able to use it instead of your code. Using the in-built php functions are typically faster and less demanding on the server. <?php // Simply add more onto $text = array( 'hello', 'goodbye', 'morning', 'i like cheese' ); echo $text[array_rand( $text )];?>
  9. Here is a link to a Xisto Tutorial for using javascript to do a Quotation Rotator script. It would not be difficult to write using php either, but, I do not have time (or a need) to modify the script into php right now. http://forums.xisto.com/search.html&ate=quote+script See if this will work for you. Chqnge the Array to include the quotations and see if you can get it working using JS. Post back if you have any difficulties.
  10. I am not sure of the date of the decision, but the Canadian Justice System has confirmed that Torrent sites are NOT illegal, so Torrent downloading in Canada continues. The CRIA was defeated by their previous success in placing a 'tax' on blanks cd's, tapes, etc, so the Courts actually allow torrents. They liken the sharing of torrents to allowing Photocopiers in Libraries. It is not the torrenting that is illegal, but the intended use of the files once received. Providing they are used for private viewing and do not violate the terms of the copyright with respect to public presentations, etc, they are allowed. Since I am Canadian, I would like to Torrent a poarticular file from Demonoid.com, but it seems that I need an invitation to get those files. Unfortunately, the particular files I want/need are unique to Demonoid, so this invitation is urgently required. My ratio is good, always seeding my downloads, and I promise not to disappoint the invitation supplier. Thanks.
  11. Or this should work: $body = "We have received the following information:\n\n"; foreach($fields as $a => $b){ $body .= sprintf("%20s: %s\n",$b,stripslashes($_REQUEST[$a])); }
  12. Welcome to the Xisto. Glad to have new members. Each member brings new experiences and information. Please don't be bashful about sharing the information you are strongest in, except no spamming allowed, thanks. Please be sure to review the Xisto readme file. Link is in my siggy.
  13. another thing about the script which could (should) be changed is the use of the REQUEST super-global.The Form used to supply the information is using one of either then POST or GET method. This page should therefore be dealing with the GET or POST array instead of the REQUEST array. Security would be best if you used the POST method. Harder to spoof.
  14. You have a nice start to a decent web page design there.Take the advise from above and run with the suggestions. And GIMP does all the graphics I need to do. No need to spend the money on Photoshop if you don't need it.
  15. The warnings you have received are stopping the MyCents from being posted to your account.Work on improving your Posting ability and a Mod will review the Warnings and reduce them when the Mod sees that you have overcome the difficulties you required the warnings for.
  16. Exactly as stated above. Also, the 'recurring' charges can be set to Monthly or Annual. The effective monthly rate is somewhat reduced if you select the Annual basis, but it requires a decent stock of Xistodollars which will take a fair amount of Posting. Or a Paypal account.
  17. I would be tempted to do it differently than the above suggestion.Use a full auto increment id for the entry, then a Date field for the year and then a combination Date-id field as the 'key' for the entry.From past experience with a large Equipment Database, I suggest to you that having the "inventory number" be significant to the particular inventory item is not a good choice to make. Particularly if you attempt to limit the digits in an Inventory number. Trust me.You are better off assigning the atomic parts and building up from there.Example: Database contains: Id, Group number, Category number, size, colour, date and other identifying informationCreate another element in the Database to define the identifying number based on the sub-parts, ie: grp-cat-IdForcing an auto-incrementing number will cause havoc at some point. Auto-incrementing ID's are best left to the machine/software to deal with.
  18. Well, my version of Ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 has only failed me when I do something I should not do, like use sudo to modify stuff I *think* I understood, but the effect is to whack some config settings someplace. Have had to remove or reset some configuration files a couple of times then re-install from the Universe or Multiverse, but that is far less work than a full Operating System re-install. As a whole, I have far fewer difficulties with Linux than I ever did with Windows. Don't miss the Blue Screens at all, and no anti-Virus protection required to slow the box down ... I am sold on Linux, for sure. Looking forward to the April 9.04 release soon.
  19. https://www.google.ca/search?q=favicon+codelient=firefox-a Add this to your page, in the head section: <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://http://www.yourdomain.com/name_of_icon.ico;And upload the favicon to your site. If you need to create the favicon, there are generators available in Google.
  20. I'll post a sample of a code I use as soon as I find it in my account. Hold on a second or 12.*edit*check for the file resource being available by adding this line before you do the write. /***************************************************************************write the information to a flat (text) file as a fallback storage method**************************************************************************** */if ( $f_name && $l_name && $email && $body) { $file_name = "message_data.txt"; $handle = @fopen($file_name, "a"); if (!$handle) { echo "File Handle Not Available For Use"; exit; } $body = strip_tags(str_replace( "\r" , ' ' , $body )); $body = str_replace( "\n" , ' ' , $body ); $body = str_replace( "\'" , '&' , $body ); $body = str_replace( "\"" , '&' , $body ); $message_string = $date . ' , ' . $name . ' , ' . $email . ',' . $body . ',' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n"; fwrite($handle, $message_string); //close the open file prior to ending fclose($handle); Notice that I strip the newlines and returns from the data and place one at the end of the string? That might be the solution, too.Post back if it fails to fix the issue.
  21. You might want to discuss this issue with a Guidance Counsellor at the school. or maybe the School Nurse. They may be able to direct you towards a solution.
  22. As noted above, there is code missing from the tail end of the script and we need to see it all, please.Also, can you post the full error message, for instance, what line is it complaining about. Thanks.
  23. Sky, Quit spamming this Topic. Go to Xisto - Support to resolve the issue. Do Not reply in here again unless it is to request this Topic be marked "resolved".
  24. E107 is a content management system. It is written with php/mysql as are Joomla, drupal, etc.It can also be used as a Portal for your site. And it works here at the Xisto Hosting accounts, too, but is not very popular, for whatever reason.
  25. Xisto Support is the place to take this issue, not the Boards.This has nothing to do with the Xisto Forums. Your Hosting account is a separate issue.And refrain from the 'spoiler' technique, thanks.
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