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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. checking something out herelook at the time of this post
  2. Hey, Elevenmil, how are you doing?Long time, no see... Welcome back to the Mother Ship... :PThere have been a few changes, maybe you noticed?
  3. Welcome, good to have a DB expert around. I might have to draw upon your expertise soon... lol.Lots of good resources here at the Xisto. Enjoy.
  4. I have received one already, thanks.
  5. I can't argue with the idea that Education is a positive step towards a reduction in Population growth, both in the education level of the population, and also in the area of Birth Control in the Third World countries. However, I can argue against the thought that the Population of the Earth must continue to expand. The Planet has a 'carrying capacity' and we are (arguably) near the limit of the ability of the Earth to sustain what population we have. It has been noted in academic papers that should the entire population of the Earth achieve the North American standard of living, we would require 4 planets to provide the natural resources for that life style for all the population we currently have. Those statistics are not recent, so perhaps 5 planets might be required now. Population must go down while the average standard of living is increasing. Or, the average standard of living must be brought under control to the point where all the goods and services being provided to the affluent societies needs to be re-directed to the Third world and providing a better standard of living there. North Americans need to adjust their lifestyles to allow for the more equitable sharing of the Earth's resources. Bikes instead of SUV's, walking instead of driving, eating less red meat allows for more grains for humans, less pollution and the list goes on. A more sustainable form of energy would be a good start. Hydro Carbons are not going to last forever, and the reserves we have today will run out, no question about that. What will be the alternative? I don't know, but it better happen quickly, or human civilization as we know it is doomed to fail. Look around and notice the global conflicts over resources happening today. Oil wars in the Middle East id just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Get ready for the day when other resources start ot become scarce and watch for even more conflicts.
  6. Firefox : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Opera : http://www.opera.com/computer/windows Chrome : https://www.google.com/chrome/ Google is your friend.
  7. Sounds like a decent concept. I'm in.I know html/css/php and 'some' js.
  8. that link is a FAIL.when will you be setting it up on the Xisto?
  9. Something like a Menubar or Header/Footer? Check out php "includes" which will grab a file (html/php/text, etc) and plunk it into the calling page. *wait* check the tutorials here on the Xisto... start with this one, maybe: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35271-templating-system-using-php-includes-building-a-dynamic-site-using-includes-and-flat-files/
  10. Name changes require Admin assistance. Start a topic here in the Misc Request section and an Admin will look after it for you.
  11. Welcome to the Xisto.It looks like Ash has covered the basics.Enjoy.
  12. You start earning 'mycents' once you register at Xisto - Support.com/billing/ odr what ever the link is, but the mycents do not display until after 5 posts and the script runs successfully. depending on Server load, that can be anywhere from 2 to 6 hours after your posts are completed.The mycents system is solid, (third version of the Credit system). The hosting is better than most paid hots out there as well. Some pretty good html/css coders around, so ask any questions in the sub-forum for the topic you need assistance with.Glad to see you here, stay active and you will enjoy the experience.
  13. Had a minute tonight and worked on this for you. <?php/*+--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Kel-F's PHP IP Logger| ========================================| by Kel-F| Š Š2009 Central-Gaming.net| http://central-gaming.net| ========================================| Website: http://central-gaming.net| Email: kel_flamson@hotmail.com| License: Exclusive for Central-Gaming.net.+---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/function logIP() {$ipLog="./log/ip_log.html"; // permission to write world required$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];$from = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // added Browser information$date = date ("l dS \of F Y h:i:s A"); // required escape backslash$log = fopen($ipLog, "a+");if (fputs($log, "Logged IP address: $ip - Date : $date - Using : $from\n")) { fclose($log); return true; // if successful write } else { return false; // if write not successful }}if (logIp()) { echo 'Logged'; } else { echo 'Not Logged'; }?>See the notes. Not sure if it was just the configuration i am running locally, but permisions for the txt (html) file needed to be set to world write. (0777) Also, added the User Agent to the log file. Added the if condition to return a boolean from the function. Results are as per: Logged IP address: - Date : Wednesday 29th of April 2009 11:10:14 PM - Using : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10Logged IP address: - Date : Wednesday 29th of April 2009 11:10:16 PM - Using : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10Logged IP address: - Date : Wednesday 29th of April 2009 11:10:17 PM - Using : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10Tested working in Firefox 3.0.10 and Opera 9.64. Local XAMPP is current Apache2 / php5 similar to the Xisto.
  14. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  15. I like the picture, Polaroid?


  16. jlhaslip


    Check over at the UbuntuForums.org site. There might be a solution there. Can you fire up Ubuntu using a Live CD? What Model of Dell Laptop? What Video system are you running? There was a Intel chip giving problems for 9.04 nd they blacklisted the card.
  17. try: $log=fopen($ipLog, 'a+');instead of : $log=fopen("$ipLog", "a+");
  18. If a WAMP install includes a copy of phpmyadmin, simply export the database as an SQL file then use the SQL file to Import the data into your Trap Database.Phpmyadmin is a very handy tool.
  19. Good answer, but I think it should be pointed out that each user has a different ".default" setting in Firefox. This allows you to have several Profiles.
  20. Indeed, welcome to the Xisto. Nice place to hang your hat. Meet some nice folks, learn some stuff, and share what you already know.Good links up there to read before you get too involved in posting. See you around.
  21. Likely the first "software" could be considered to be the complier that translated Assembler into machine code.Before Assembler and such, the machines needed to be coded by running wires from connection to connection. The computers took up rooms the size of small High School gymnasiums, had their own heating and cooling systems, a protected electrical system and 24 hour guards. Their power was awesome (at the time), but could not run a wrist watch today. So, my vote would be that the first real software was the stuff that allowed code to be written in 'symbolic machine language' like Assembler. And, as noted, there were more than one of them. I am calling it Assembler, but a compiler that transfered data from a (somewhat) human-readable form to the machine Binary code would be what I am referring to.
  22. He turned into a pumpkin...*wait*Make that a Bumpkin...:PIndeed, vegetables are good that way. healthy, good for the *fibre*, cleans you out, and *voila* weight is down.One thing about going to the Gym and exercising. In reality, your "weight" may not reduce, but your "pant size" will. In the past, I had a long, slow winter and gained a waist size, so started swimming and jogging. A couple months later, I was back into the same pant size, but hadn't lost a single pound. Muscle weights more than fat tissue, so by exercising, I lost the extra volume, turning it into muscle with no net loss of body weight. interesting.
  23. For the benefit of the Firefox users that are also using the HTML validator, they "fixed" a bug that causes it to fail in Firefox 3.09. I was confused and befuddled when the Add-on crashed on me since a recent upgrade to ubuntu 9.04 and thought that the OS was failing, but it turns out to be Firefox's latest release that was causing the issue. That's what I get for upgraded both Firefox and Ubuntu on the same day without testing each one separately. Upgrades can be found here for all versions that the extension is available for.
  24. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Imagine being 100years old, and active enough to go to the main field of a baseball game. Looks pretty good for an old guy. Imagine all that he has seen in his life. From a time when automobiles were young to seeing a man land on the Moon, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, and many in between. What a life it must have been.
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