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Everything posted by wild20

  1. No problem E-Sector. Now I understand what you meant Mayank. I was a bit confused when you said there was no WYSIWYG. Anyway, glad to be of service.But I still don't know about PHP. It would make sense that you could rename it, but then again it is a html editor. Maybe it would work. I don't know, good luck.
  2. You put credits in the bank. You can't put any in until you have 30 credits and you can deposit anything over thirty. Once you get to thirty again, you can't deposit any more. From the bank, you can award credits, to people you like, or if they have done something taht they asked credits for. It's, you know, the bank. And you write checks out, kind of.I don't know anything else about credit systems though.
  3. It looks awesome to me. Google was leading the way for a while. No one else challenged it. Then of course Microsoft's Live! came into play and this just heats up all the other email services and it all works out toward our advantage Soon we'll have paid level email for free!All are competing. I would love to test it, but of course, they have to invite you. so I will just wait. Great topic though by the way.
  4. Oh man, only mods are saying hello. C'mon guys where is your welcome and friendly spirit?! I will say hi. Hello Mav3rick and welcome to The Forums at Xisto, where all your hosting and posting needs are taken care of ;)I would first like to say that we are probably (or in my humble opinion) one of the fastest growing free hosting places out there, as far as quality and forum hosting is concerned.If you need anything at all, both these two fine moderators (among others), and members will be glad to help. So if you need help, just give us a holler. Like Mayank said, quality pays. Posts that contain a smily or simple fragmented sentences are not taken as well as expected here. So remember to keep that good post quality spirit. Anyway, just wanted to say welcome, Merry Christmas, happy Holidays, and enjoy your stay!
  5. Actually Mayank there is in trap's cpanel service. Go to your file manager, and click your www folder, from there go and click on the file you want. Click on the link in the option bar that says "HTML Editor". That is your WYSIWYG. How you do taht with PHP I don't know, but there still is a WYSIWYG editor in there. Did you mean not at all Mayank, or not for PHP? Hope that cleared things up a bit.
  6. I am glad you agree. And although I don't agree with the use of drugs for the fun of it, I do think they have beneficial elements to some forms of cancers and other disease. And you are doing a great service to your country by not driving messed up. Just my thoughts on it. Nice poem by the way. It shows that you can pay even if you are not the one who is messed up and driving. Just another reason why drinking and doing drugs while driving is bad for both you and others in your way.
  7. I would go for osmething you are interested in. Not always practical, but always right Maybe a game, a TV. You can get nice ones these days. You could do a new computer games like a simulator if you are that type of guy. Like someone said, computer upgrading is always the right choice.I myself would do something like an electronic device. Maybe an Ipod, Radio, CD player? There is a lot out there. Maybe go sometime and check out what they have, then report back? Just a thought. Good luck.
  8. Well, that is pretty incredible. Soon they will have books stored in little deviced that are as thin as paper and who knows what else? Thenology does wonders. What I can't imagine is them fitting a Tv screen in something as small as a piece of paper. That to me is the thing that takes the cake. Watching Tv from a piece of paper. And taking it and unrolling it from you're pocket! Yes, there is almost nothing they cannot do these days.And think, they could use this for so much. For spy technology, you can communicate with other spies in a territory with a small piece of paper. Maybe even cameras that can roll up. Yeah, this has possibilities.
  9. So far I have had no problems with Myspace. Myspace provides free ways to link up with your friends to chat and stay in touch. The only thing wrong is the Intimate dating ads which are NOT family friendly.For me, you can only expect so much for free, unless it's trap, then it's pretty good But I am satisified mainly with it. I mean, with so many members you can't expect to have NO problems can you. But as far as I feel, about it, it is the best you can get without paying. Remember money will always seem to get you a step further, whether, it's Myspace, a hosting company, or something else in life. (Xisto is not included in "normal" hosting companies, it is exceptional)
  10. You are just asking for consroversy aren't you? Well, I think the medicinal properties of it are okay, but thts it. I think that if you derive the good stuff from it, fine. But don't let people buy it and drive all messed up and crashing and killing everybody. That is my take on it and I think this is a valuable find.
  11. wild20

    The Weather Man

    I once heard that if you believe in the weather man, you believe in Santa lol. I think that a lot of weathermen are good and are very accurate. But your typical channel 7 news weatherman doesn't exactly predict the weather accurately very often.The Farmers Almanac is a pretty good weather predicter, but it is very sketchy and never precise. However, NOAA, is incredible predicting to the pinpoint of precision. When I have the time, I am on their website looking at their predictions. Hehe, but yeah, for the most part, they aren't that good.
  12. Hmm. I don't know about a new ocean. I suppose it could happen. Our luck it will open into a mega vocano No, but I may become something other than an ocean. Fissures often time have magma somewhere below the surface. Just depends on if it continues to get deeper. It would be cool though, a new ocean. Think, a million years from now we get to name a new ocean. From pond, to lake, to sea, and then ocean. Oh well, maybe they will come out with an amazing anti-aging cream
  13. I don't care what I get. I know my parents love me. And remember guys that it is not what you get that counts. The very fact that they're getting you something should show they love you. Besides, some times parents go through tight times.I don't know what I am getting. But my parents always get something I like. I am just thankful I am able to spend it with my family. Have a merry Christmas all
  14. This is a nice way to start the new year. Gathering around and talking and having a Merry Trap-mas. I guess I will start out be saying all that I am thankful for. I know, pretty traditional.-I have a wonderful family, a wonderful life, and something that I am happy to live for, the main thing surrounding Christmas as a matter of fact. Jesus. As blessed as I am, I have one thing that will never leave a happy place in my heart. And that is the fact that there is family members who won't be able to celebrate Christmas this year. I am sure we have all lost a loved one at one time or another. But the memories stay alive, no matter where I go or what I do. I know many other people won't have someone close to them with them this Christmas. Kind of turned into a sad post So on to other matters.-I hope and pray the wars will end soon and that peace will come again soon to this troubled world. You have to admit, the wars, the problems, the lives that are wrenched and torn each day, it all takes it's toll. I also hope that our troops will be safe in Iraq, and that the countries who are in trouble, like the ones that have been having bad earthquakes, will also soon find themselves in a time where a little joy can creep in.-Life on the Internet has taken a turn this year. I am the proud admin of a new forum, which is cool. I also found this year the wonders of different scripts. Such as javascript, a little CGI, ect. I know, a little belated on that.-To finish it all off, I hope that all of us can find that Christmas cheer that sometimes seems to escape us. And that we will touch someone's life this next year in a way that no one could have imagined. One of the greatest gifts of Christmas is the fact that we should have friends and family gathering together and spending time together as well. I hope you all have both a happy Christmas, and a happy Trap-mas Notice from BuffaloHELP: Credits to transfer : 2
  15. They all sound great to me. Thanks for the tips. You are right, shortcut's make it so you have more time and aren't so stressed. May I add afew of my own? It is very important to keep your cool and you MUST be flexible as well. If your not, it proves to your boss that if something goes wrong, you are going to handle it badly and with a temper too. It makes you MUCH less important than the person who does keep their cool. It will be beneficial to keep your cool also because it earns you a reputation as a realiable person to consult when something needs to be done in a hurry or under stress. Think promotion here :PAlso, remember that work ethic and always kep a good mental attitude. Be cheerful and look on the bright side. Thanks for the topic, it's a good one.
  16. I hope the ake their licenses away. I doubt it though. They're stars, the police can't be too strict. Give me a break. You break the law, you pay, simple as that.But for some reason if you are a movie star and celebrity, you seem to get a "break" and are not have such a bad penalty. Wierd, they must have been doing it together. At the same time?! Oh well, serves 'em right. Just wish it were a stricter punishment. Great, now I am mad. Anyway, thanks for the news.
  17. I saw it. They also have a sports car. They are waterproof on the bottom and you just drive into the water. I am not sure if they have folding tires, I am sure some do. But they do have a prop on the back for propulsion. They are supposed to go about 30-35 in water.I think they should create a combo sub too. No serious. You go get a license and it has special cpabilities for sonar and a radar to see whats above you. Technology is going bust. I am sure they have quite a number of things that are beyond our imagination. Great topic though. Just reafirms what I saw a while back.
  18. I use a whole bunch. There a lot of good ones out there, but some really take the cake. My favorite's:Gmail30Gigs which provides an amazing 30GB of space! (I just got it, it's awesome).I also actively use:YahooMyspace emailYahoo has too many ads, but Myspace is to complicated to get at, signing in and all. And you can't just use it, it is only for friends. 30Gigs is awesome, but it doesn't load independantly like gmail which makes it slower as you wait for the whole page. One of the people I know got Microsoft's new email to compete with gmail. It also loads within a page like gmail making it very fast. but it also has more features than gmail too. And I have to admit, if it weren't so much hassle getting the hotmail, and than requesting the other, it would be cool and I would get it. Sorry my post on this is so long
  19. Oh boy is this heating up. But as some people pointed out. You are doing the same as shooting the baby after it's born, right? I mean, it still doesn't know what is happening. How then can you say abortion, that is the same thing, is okay. What about the child's rights?! I think you should think about that too.
  20. I am tempted to say, strap yourself to you're bed and stay there for a few months, but you could never do it anyway. You should try something to occupy your time. Get into a very busy sport or take up something that requires you to be around almost all day and makes you too tired at night to do anything else. If you don't have a job or are not tied up, go to a camp some where. Here in the U.S. the forest service offer free room and board in exchange for working all day. And trust me, that work would keep you very busy.The key is to keep very busy. Remember, it is a habit, or your health. You have to take your pick. Stick to it man. Good luck and I will be cheering for you.
  21. I say that it will take them longer. They are barely able to keep themsleves alive, let alone put a manned station on the moon, or space, or where ever!Of course, it would be great if they could. But we need to think about the bigger picture here and start thinking about Mars, don't you think? I mean stop puttering around here in the inner planets, go for the big prize. Go for Mars. Now, I don't think we will make a successful mission to mars and back. I think some one will get hurt or killed, but if you are going to go for it, then go BIG! But no, seriously, I think a space or colony on the moon would be great. I just think that it is wasting to much time here closer to home.
  22. Hello Andrew. Welcome aboard to Xisto, the best hosting on the net! You will find many young people on the forums. And as always, I like to welcome all the new people. There are a few things I would like to tell you, I tell this to all the new members.When you get hosting (if you get it), Then you WILL need to KEEP posting in order to maintain you credits. This way, your acount isn't suspended. One credits equals one day and on a good post you can get anywhere from 1-2 credits.If you need ANYTHING at all, both mods and members will be more than happy to help you. Just PM someone, or, if there are a lot of people online, just shout the question in the shout box.Tell you what, I have done enough talking so enjoy your stay here, welcome to the ranks, and remember, Xisto is the best.
  23. I would be so mad! I have a few online friends, I have met all in person since I don't just communicate for fun unless it has to do with something related to my websites or something. But I guess it can be a pain. I know that things are harder when you have online friends then when you have real friends because you can't just call them up or talk to them in person and say that what someone said about you is not true.I would talk to your online friends and explain that some friends were over at your house and were messing around with it when they shouldn't have. I can imagine your online friends weren't too happy when they got those messages. Good luck with your friends, both online friends and "real" friends.
  24. Yes, be more explainitory. I don't know what you are talking about. If you could tell us what you were doing and what you have tried so far, we may be better able to understand what is going on.It sounds almost like you have an internal error in your computer or maybe even the webpage has a code. Also, did you try Ctrl+Alt+Delete and try closing the program that way? Sorry I can't help right now. Just give more info. Thanks.
  25. Not bad. Better than I could do. I don't know how you guys do it. I personally like them as I don't have that "fine" taste for sigs :)I would make a sig that is a little brighter though. Just because the ones you made are pretty dark, if you know what I mean. As long as they are clean and are bright (not bright as in pink, but you know, not dark), but not too complicated, I like them.
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