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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Looks like this has turned into a debate anyway as you can see. Even moved ;)So are you saying that World War II was caused by religion? No!Moldboy:Well now, if it said that the earth is flat with rounded edges, okay then. But does it? No! It says circle. Is a plate or bowl a circle? No. If it meant that it would say half circle or sphere. And:Are you saying that I am going to stop believing in God? Remember faith and evidence can co-exist. I have to say that there is nothing wrong that showing God does exist.ciroxyz:You perception of Christmas is obviously messed up. It is about giving and not getting. No matter what religion you are! It sounds you are more voicing your opinion rather than ours.Another thing, although there are many gods, the actual God, is different from the others. He is alive and living, He does not live on earth or in temples, He doesn't accept offerings andfood given to Him, He just wants our lives so He can save our souls, and He one and doesn't need people to take care of Him and is almighty and Holy and just in everything. These are the decisive features characterizing God apart from others and showing that He is the true God. All the others are pagan. The Bible doesn't contridict science, rather, science contridicts the Bible and when it does, it is ALWAYS a theory unable to be proven. But known stuff and FACTS, never ever go against the Bible.
  2. Right Cmat and Plenoptic. There is such a thing as tolerance. We all have a right to our own religion. Like I said, the Nazis didn't and they made a big mistake and it cost many people their lives. Remember what I said, the Bible says we can't kill. But the problem is some Christians don't follow that.Just like plenoptic said. Romans killed Christians, and even Christians persecuted Christians. Like the Roman Catholics in the middle ages and the Protestants. Not that it makes it right, because it doesn't, and Christians make mistakes too. That is where God's saving grace and Jesus' death on the cross comes into play.
  3. I love this question. Listen guys. We humans don't have the reasoning ability needed to make a perfect world. You don't kill no matter what. That is why Jews were killed, because Hitler thought he should kill them. He should have taken another look at the Bible! There are always those who would rather have no laws than any at all. We are by nature a sinful creature. We have the naturally sinful nature of lust, hate, anger, and even murder. We can not make judgements on our own.But there is good news guys. And that is we have a God that knows a lot more than we do. He is perfect and therefore knows exactly what our needs are and what we should and shouldn't do. Where do we find this? In the Bible. He gave us a lot of commandments and some rules and guidlines that if everyone followed, we would have a perfect world.If we followed them, we would have a perfect world. There would be no murder, or criminals. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. But we can still follow God's rules to know what is right and wrong. If you follow them, you can't go wrong. This is because they were made to protect us. That is how to tell what if what you are doing is right or wrong. It is like a mirror that mirrors your actions and judges to see if what you are doing is right. Look at the Ten Commandments, and you will know if what you are doing is right or wrong. I promise you it!
  4. You forget one thing though Niloc. Let us say that the Bible had been written by someone else. If it was and is not credible, it would still have been put together around the middle ages. Meaning? That whoever wrote what ahead of their time since the early midle age beliefs were still focused on the fact that the world was round, that air was weightless, and that there were only a few thousand stars.No one without either advanced hidden technology for that day, or super natural guidance would have had the oppurtunity to get ALL of the theories right the very first time they were written down. Thereby in itself backing the Bible as a feature that was guided by something more then just man's imagination. It was inspired, and Christians believe, by God.By examining both the age that the Bible was written in, (The Bible was written before 1200 ad since the early churches already had parts of the Bible. But interestingly enough it was put together in 1611 in the complete Bible we now have today) and the fact that beliefs even up to the 1400s were contrary to what a book written before then had, we can very well believe that the Bible is true.
  5. Please move if needed, there still isn?t a RELIGION forum and I could not find any relevant topics coinciding with this! Boy, is this consroversial, but I wrote it a while back and thought I would post it Some things are beyond our comprehension folks. Things that we will never understand. There are journeys we take in our life that cause us to have mixed feelings, beliefs, and ultimately, big differences between us. We feel as though we are a small part of a vast universe in its travels. We have seen the shame, the evil, and the unjustness. Many doubt that there is a God, many people know there is, but refuse to accept Him. I have myself rejected a loving God. Though I didn?t know it at the time. Raised in a Christian family, I have always believed in God. I took it by faith, and still do. But some people can never believe in something, if they cannot see the evidence, or even the object itself. Forum members, today, I am going to bring you the truth and facts, the evidence, if you will, that shows there IS a God. Let us start. Evolutionist?s viewpoint: The evolutionist believes that the world began when a ?Big Bang? caused an instantaneous creation of the universe. But wait, there is more. You see we weren?t here yet. We were just organisms in the ocean. What we were before that, I have no idea probably sludge or something. But let?s move on. We evolved, slowly through a process of selection until we started to be perfected, with the fit surviving. Strange huh? Now, with evolutions theory, we will soon become perfect. But there are some flaws. The flaws: Evolution says that the organism needs only enough brain or knowledge to become smart. For instance, we are evolved enough that we can do math and other problems, as well as retain knowledge well. The earlier civilizations, by evolution?s standards, were dumb. But here we meet a conflict. An evolutionist took an Indian never in contact with the civilized world, and gave him the best education. In 10 years, he was a world-class scholar. See a problem? There is. The Indian should have never of been advanced enough to be so smart. Here we meet the first problem. But we meet even more going back farther. You see, we find a mysterious link that seems to be missing. Suspicious? Why, yes, yes it is. But we will still find more problems, you see. We find a point in time where we were dumb, and were still meeting the needs we required to stay alive. May I ask why we have knowledge today to have technologically advanced minds, but other animals don?t. If there is a chance for anything to become an intelligent being, than why don?t we see more? Why just us? No answers? But more then that, evolution claims we evolved, working our way up in the ?system? until we are here today. If we came from fish, why did we come from them? And if we did, why are fish still here if they are inferior. After all, fish get eaten, we don?t, the fish shouldn?t be here right now, we should have stomped them out through ?natural selection?. You see, evolution is just a theory. Science is a fact. I see evolution taught in all sorts of ways, but always in schools. Especially in public schools, but especially in science class. But why when science is out of comprehension and cannot be proven? Like I said, just a theory. Now lets look at some more arguments for God. We start with: A creationist?s viewpoint: We believe that God created the earth in six days, taking the seventh to rest, as it says in the Bible. There was nothing before earth. He created the heavens and the earth. This includes the universe. No Big Bang. We believe that God is the intelligent designer behind it all. Why? Because we can see from history that there were people, they came from somewhere. And that God is the one who made us, besides there are miracles out there. What else could it be? But the most influencing reason is because we know that Jesus died for us. Ancient records show it. And, if you look, the Bible showed scientific principles before they were even known. We know the Bible existed for many years before accurate scientific principles even came out. Let me show you some, What backs it: These are some scientific principles the Bible talked about before they were known to be true. An ancient belief was that all stars were the same. But the Bible says different: Another was that air was weightless. Really, we know differently now and we can also see that the Bible says differently: Another belief was that mountains were only on earth, I mean, no one went down that far. They thought there were monsters down there. But Jonah, when he was disobedient to God, was swallowed by a fish, and he got to know what was down there, and here is his account: And again we had the belief that the earth was flat. But again the Bible had the answer: And believe it or not guys, there was also a belief that there were six thousand stars. But again, the bible had the answer: And finally, if you are getting sick of all the quote tags, we have one more. People didn?t know that there was a water cycle. They didn?t know where it came from. But wait, it?s a bird, it?s a plane, NO, it?s the Bible to the rescue! Can you believe that!? The Bible had it all along. If only we had heeded it. You see guys, God is greater then we, He created this earth, I think He knows how it works. When you put together a bike, by the time you are done, you know how it works. It just blows my mind guys! You know guys, there is just a great example I love to use. Suppose you found a watch, it was sitting on a rock, the first you would ask is not, where did the rock come from, you would ask, where did the watch come from. Apparently, the watch did not get there on it?s own. It must have had some designer. However, what about the rock? Where did it come from? It didn?t get there on its own as you can imagine. But the first thing you would think is, it?s been there forever. But I know differently. ?Something? happened. No, I am not trying to freak you out, but something had to happen in order for it to get there, but back to the watch. Let me propose to you, that the watch was there all along to, it just developed there, all by itself. Now most people would find this ludicrous. But why? Okay fine, I will change that to, it evolved from a tree. Now I would be on my way to a metal institution. You see, if I told you that we came from a fish, it is quite believable. Now, why couldn?t we come from a tree? These arguments may seem dumb, but its all evidence that evolution is another theory that can?t be proven because it isn?t practical, nor is it right. I know it sounds like I am tearing down evolution a lot, but that is because I am. I give arguments on both sides to prove the case. Any people willing to discuss, I am not getting into any debates, or else I would have posted it there. No, I want a discussion. If you want to get into an argument, then fine, I like a minor debate, but nothing big guys. Okay? And please keep your calm during high-tension discussions. Thanks guys!
  6. It isn't bad. I like the wood backround, but it gets kind of boring in my opinion. Also, the button styles are not my particular favorite. I know, it sounds like I am criticizing a lot, but I actually like it over all. Just some minor tweaks would make it perfect.Also, I would suggest something besides a forum. Maybe a homepage too. Then people could know what is new, and you wouldn't have just a forum. Just my comments. But good job on the overall design
  7. This is serious! Thanks for the update. I am lucky I do not use Microsoft word for the creation of webpages. Think of the people who are literally giving out there information. Where you found this, I have no idea but it is a good piece of critical personal security.It seems strange though that Microsoft word would create a source that allows hackers to get into it. A hackers haven obviously. They should re-do it as soon as possible so thta people don't get identity theft.I know some people use Microsoft word because it is easier to upload and create templates. But never in my life would I think that hackers just love this way It is just a good thing you posted this. Pass it on guys! Thanks again.
  8. These guys beat me to it. But what they said is basically it. But with the bandwidth Xisto gives you, unless you have a lot of music, videos, or games, you should almost never go over that amount. If you are just using it for purposes such as a blog or research papers and articles, you will stay well within your allotment unless you are getting masses of visitors each month. So don't worry
  9. Hi and welcome to Xisto. Trust me, there is no better place for hosting than here I believe taht you will find the services provided more then suitable to meet your needs for website design.If you need anything at all, both Moderators and Members will be more than happy to help. Just ask away.It is really easy to get credits. Just remember to post longer and high quality posts. You get a lot more credits that way. Remember though that once you get hosting, you have to keep posting. Other wise, once your credits go down to -30, your acount is deleted. Well hey, enjoy your stay and have a good day
  10. Okay thanks Golden. Hey I tried to access the forums but they still are not up so I can see them. Why is that? I tried both your regular domain name and your forum domain name (/forum) but I still can't see it. Just tell me when I can type in the url and see it, and I am right there helping to put it back up Nice that you got the hosting for free. That is a tidy sum to save
  11. I figured you would post here Joshua. Never fails to share his faith. Glad to see someone else is doing it too. Having been on for a while either. I think Joshua is right though. Just believing in God is not enough. You must accept Him into your life and let His changing love take hold, from there, it may not always be a walk in the roses, but you will always have a higher power guiding you if you let Him.Faith is the next most important element in believing in God. If you believe He exists, you already have a little bit of faith. The next part is growing on that faith. Just like Joshua said, even the Devil and his angels believe there is a God.
  12. What?! Where did you hear that Corzel? You get a lot more credits per post for that. Unless of course you are not posting good posts. You can get two credits a post. I got package two with only 20 posts.A good post that has a lot to do with the title and description (contains a lot of the words in the title in the post) , and more then 400 characters can get about two-three credits. As of the finishing of this sentence, this post is 467 Characters long. This will get about one and a half credits.
  13. Hehe. Yeah. I can cook. Not really elaborate meals. But you know. Spaghetti is something I can get by on, rammen noodles, pancakes, cake. If it is a recipe, I could do it. As long as it isn't to complicated. I like to cook things that are fast. Does fruit count? No, really, I can bake a little too. So yeah, I can do a little cooking.My speciality is actually eating, not cooking, but you know, no pain, no gain. Happy cooking one and all.
  14. I am proud to say I have never had any drugs. No alcohol, no smoking, no drugs. Nothing! I think it is nad for you. You get lung cancer from smoking, alcohol kills brain cells, and drugs decrease your body's ability to function properly and causes damage to your brain and smetimes your lungs as well. No, it just isn't worth it and I am cheering for anyone who is trying to stop or hasn't had drugs.
  15. You post to get credits. Plan one, contains less space then plan two. But plan 1 only needs ten credits. Where as plan two needs 30 credits. I always suggest plan two.When you get the credits you need, you go to the "FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS" forum and request your hosting using the application. They will review your request and almost never turn anyone down. And that is how you get your hosting, space, bandwidth, and all.
  16. Obviously a dangerous virus. You could be blamed for spamming too. I dislike viruses (I wonder why). The worst I think is malware because it causes your operating system to lose function. Thanks for the alert. I hope they come out with a good anti virues for it. I mean, spread by a click, that is bad. You usually have to click and open the attachment. Oh well, thanks for the alert. I will be watching out for this one.
  17. This is truly an incredible find. They say that you can even hide them in LED lights! What is the world coming to?! This is a great topic and the article is well researched, with pictures, and contains wonderful information on how to find cameras. I may just have to try this out ;)What just really bugs me is that it is a breach of our privacy and rights. You can hide these things in anything that has a hole the size of a pinhead. Even in bathroom vents! I can tell you right now, I will be a lot more on the lookout for cameras
  18. Yeah, yeah. I get the hint. I will talk to him about it. Hey, if it is realiable, then it is worth a try. But it's up to him. Thanks. He should be getting on sometime today.
  19. He died over tea! Bet that is a lawsuit Wow, didn't know you could drown over a cup. I don't think you can. It usually takes a lot of liquid in there. With a cup, the lungs could still function and take in air because there is still space. I mean, he may get short of breath, and cough a lot, but you could get it out. Strange. It would be great if you could get a link. That seems like a suspicious death to me.
  20. They make money because people pay to have their ads on the mail and then they pay people to view it. Either that or it has a code in it and the advertisers pay per view. It is actually a good way to get traffic. But you probably pay a lot to have an ad there. But think. Pay to have an ad on an email, and people will get paid to view it and maybe they will like it and click on it.
  21. Yes, I believe in God. In His existence, and in His power. He is real, I know it. God has always been here, forever. It is hard to explain, but the Bible says God is unchanging past, present, and future. So, yeah, I am a Christian. Proud of it too ;)Hey this is a great topic, but I am not sure if it should be in here.
  22. Goldenarrow (mxweb root admin) did. They lost the whole forum and don't have any backup files it seems, which means we must re-construct the forum. This is a big pain. Go somewhere else? Thats not a bad idea. Wish there was a realiable hoster out there. So if anyone works there, contact goldenarrow.
  23. Because he is the root admin of a forum that is down because of them. Their servers failed. How do I know? I am an admin there, and spend a lot of time getting it ready for hosting which we will soon offer. They are the biggest problem right now. It will be easy to get the forums back up since I have all the forum order written out and saved. But we can't very well proceed without the forum up again.See our problem? It is very frusterating! So if you know anyone, please get them to reply here. It is holding us up. Thanks.
  24. I was mentioned! Thanks Mayank. My two cents? The rules here are great. I think that anyone who is a mod or admin in a forum would understand. Why? Because I am admin a one and I understand that it is important to make rules. Although rules vary from forum to forum, there are a few that are obsolutely needed and those are respect for others (no language or disrepect for the opposite or even same gender), and good quality posts. What am I barking at? Rules are there for a reason and although not everyone agrees with them, that doesn't make a rule bad.The stricter rules here are for a very good reason. We have a lot of members and other forums that I have been to seem to have fewer rules when they are smaller. By having stricter rules, it controls the over all forum members easier. Not that it "scares" you, but you realize it is serious and not to mess with the rules. When the Moderators enforce these rules closly, the new people will less likely break rules. Besides it also makes the forums a more enjoyable place. And I think these fine folks are doing a fine job :PI am not pointed at anyone, but I am just saying that rules are rules and here for a purpose. Rules are not created to make your stay unenjoyable, they are to make it more pleasurable. I am satisfied with everything here. Cheers for Xisto!
  25. wild20


    Hi there Megahalo.Buffalo, you know us too well. Yup we are all over here saying hi Welcome to "The Forums at Xisto"! The best place on earth for hosting. If you need anything, as I always say Mods and Members will be glad to help, so just yell.Remember, quality posts, pays. So the longer and better quality they are, naturally the more credits you get. The army system is great, and when I played it, it could keep you entertained pretty well. Enjoy your stay!
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