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Everything posted by wild20

  1. Will someone place a banner on your website for about two weeks for 10-12 credits? It is a banner that advertises a forum and hosting support forum. It is an offwhite with blue letters. Make an offer. If you don't think two weeks is fair. Then say what you do think is fair. OIr how many credits you would prefer. Thanks.
  2. That is awesome. Like the "new" technology of putting designs on CD. It would be great for other things to. They need to make a etcher for glass. That would be cool. But I wonder if this would pay for itself. It would have to be cheaper than stickers in order for people to be interested in it. But it just cool they can do it.
  3. That may be so. But we are pretty evenly matched. I am going for the Seattle SeaHawks. That is our states team and I am going for them! I can tell you this. I will be watching that game to the very end! I wouldn't miss it for the world. The SH will be out in full force too. they have earned there way there. We have been a joke for years now. o hopefully, if we are lucky, we will win.
  4. OpaQue, you have too much much time on your hands. Ever tried any of this? Might be entertaining actually. I will try out that blow dryer one No just kidding. Man, the things people come up with. I would say that someone, or something* have too much time on their hands.I was reading another where you could pay for your dinner with pennies and when in college, glue your shoes to the ceiling and when your room-mate comes in, site there on the ground holding your head . Hey nice stuff OpaQue.
  5. No no! It is an ad exchange. You sign up with your email, and put your ad using a form. Then other people signup with their email, and put their ad on. So you get newsletter each day with a whole bunch of ads on it. It is like a surf traffic exchange, only you view ads, and other people view ads. Does anyone know of any?
  6. I figured this should be in FIR rather than sports. Since this is the first Information report of this. If you don't agree, then please move.Admins, Mods, and fellow Forum Members. It gives me the greatest pleasure to tell you, and to let you know, that The Seattle Sea-Hawks WILL be going to the super bowl! After great struggles through the year, and many obstacles. The Seattle See Hawks have earned this honor. Let me tell you the details.The Seattle Sea Hawks won the game tonight at 34-SH; 14-CP. This will be the first time in the Super Bowl and they will be playing game number fourty. I can say without hesitation that is largely due to team member Hassleback. (I hope I spelled that right) The game was incredible, and one could say we stomped all over them. But that wouldn't be kind. So, ending this, I can say GO SEA HAWKS! Notice from serverph: sports forum it is. moving from FIR
  7. I believe, and this is a big assumption, but they are un-stoppable. There are two teams, the Panthers, and the Sea-Hawks. Both are good teams. Our team, the SH, were really bad these past few years and now they may be going to the Super Bowl. It is very cool so tune in to the game today, at 3:30pm Pacific time.I was turned into a Sea-Hawks fan overnight. Just because they were really bad and now they decide to go for the Super Bowl. I am quite happy!
  8. Okay thanks guys. This helps a lot. I will try it. I don't even know what the file is, but the computer works fine still. I just would like to know because I don't know what the file is. The Operating System is actually a 95 Windows.
  9. wild20


    Hi and welcome. In a little while, you will be greeted by a lot of people from Trap. Trap offers great hosting. The forums are friendly and the people are really nice.Spam is not welcome here, so you should try to be spam free If you need any help, both mods and members will be happy to help. so if you need anything, just give us a holler.In order to get good credits, you should try to make longer posts that are about what the title and description says. The better you describe a topic in title and description, the more credits you get. That is about it. Welcome aboard and glad to have you.
  10. This IS not a real debate, but may turn into one. The language should remain clean. Also to mods, I know there is a lot of quoted material, but I think it should be balanced enough to not be considered spam. I also think I got all the quotes in place, if I didn't, then please fix it. Thank you and enjoy. Ever wondered whether or not the Ten Commandments still apply to YOU today? Remember that verse that says that the Law was nailed to the Cross? It is a nice verse, but is not the Law you are thinking about. This is the old law that existed for the Israelites. Here is what part of it says: Quite a long law. But this is only a portion of it. It is a strict law that actually played a part in the Israelites salvation. Most don't give it a second thought to this law. It also consisted of the various feasts that were supposed to be celebrated. The reason for this law is actually listed in the Bible. It says: But you might be asking, "How do you know this isn't the Ten Commandments?". Well now, I have several reasons. Remember when Jesus talked with the Pharisees? With the Harlot, and other instances, the problem concerned Moses' law which said that the woman should die. The Pharisees were testing Jesus, trying to find a cause to convict him. Almost never were the Ten Commandments an item of discussion. The law that was against them was Moses' old law. Under this law, you had to slay a lamb for salvation, and follow a tight guideline that was also associated with this sacrificial law. Another reason is that it says "Ordinances". There was actually a list of other ordinances hanging on the Ark of the Covenant. Giving more reason to see that the law that was abolished was the old Law of Moses. But yet another point. This applies to two situations of which both will be discussed shortly. This is talking about a law that involves sacrifices. Again, the old law. You can see it is not difficult to see that. The old law was abolished for two reasons: 1. Jesus was now in place of the lamb and we needed only grace through Him now. 2. Faith, Grace, and Mercy are now in place of this law. The old law only acted as a temporary system of which the sins of man could be forgiven and grace received. Also, see Exodus 13. This shows more of the "old" law that was part of salvation. But now we come to the point, if the old law was abolished, then what becomes of the Ten Commandments? They are still here as a guide. Why? We need the Ten Commandments. Why? You are asking a lot of questions aren't you? Here is why. Without the Ten Commandments, you do not know if you are sinning. It is a matter of opinion and our sinning is therefore subject to scrutiny to anyone with an opinion can decide what sinning is. If God decided the Ten Commandments were no longer needed, then He was actually saying that it was okay to go out and kill and steal, to worship someone other than Him, and to commit adultery. The question I now ask is, would He do this? No! The Bible says that all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We come back around to what is sinning. Again, then the Ten Commandments are needed. We can then ask another question. Which one is needed for salvation? The old law and the Ten Commandments? Just the Ten, or just the old law? You can live without the old law. Here is why: 1. The slain lamb represented Christ. This means that we no longer need to sacrifice to God for our sins, they are paid for through Christ. 2. The other laws? There were different feasts and laws. Examples: A. Passover. The Jews were suppose to celebrate this because it was a reminder of the time the Angel passed over them that had the blood of the Lamb on the door, once again symbolizing the fact that those with Christ now have death (sin) pass over and they are protected. B. Feast of Tabernacles. This was also a reminder of the time where God brought the Israelites out of Egypt. 3. This means that this was fulfilled because it was part of the "old" law. The feasts, the rituals. Even in the Bible where it talks about sabbath(s) (note to the "s"), it was actually part of the rituals and feasts. The ceremonial law. How do I know? In Lev 23:39 it talks about sabbaths. They are actual sabbaths. The feast was to start on or end on a Sabbath. Count the days. Let us say the feast started on Sunday. There would have just been a sabbath, and then count off seven days and you end on another sabbath. Eight days total for the sabbaths, and seven for the feast. The day the feast ended on was a "High-Holy" day. Like a double Sabbath. You can live without these feasts and rituals and still have salvation. They were all fulfilled in Christ. But the Ten Commandments, you are lost without them. Here is why: 1. You need them to tell whether you are sinning. 2. They are like a mirror. 3. Jesus said, if you love me, then keep my commandments. Commandments are what? Well we have several things here. Jesus said, the two greatest Commandments are Love the Lord with all your heart, and Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself (paraphrased). So: A. Jesus then said that on these two hang all the law and prophets. We have several things here. The question originally asked was, what is the greatest commandment in the LAW. Make note of this for you will need it for future references. Remember what the law was? It was the law AND ordinances. And the question was, IN the law. This means several things which you already know. The Israelites were required to keep the Ten Commandments as well as Moses' old law. B. Did you know that Jesus was actually making a summary of the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments are about loving God, and the last six,.. about loving fellow man. Check it out! You will see. 4. So we need the Commandments of God because they about loving Him and fellow man. The two greatest Commandments. Now what is Moses Law? Well it is the one abolished. It was a curse and was against them. Why? Let us find out. This is why. It was forgiveness of sins. It was needed. There was a sin offering, a sacrifice. Atonement day where the priest went in to the Holiest place of the tabernacle in behalf of the Israelites. But on to others. You need to read through Leviticus seven in order to see all the law. But I will show you the basics of why the law was against us before Christ. Again, the old law. The ordinance of the law. Now here is why it is against us. The law of Moses actually stated that sinners who committed certain sins were to be killed. If you were a Harlot, you were supposed to be killed. Remember that woman brought before Jesus. It was obvious of what the priests wanted to do, and it also mentions, according to the law of moses, which means that this was a part of the old law. It was very serious. But then we have a text that says that the Israelites were required to keep both the Ten Commandments and the Ordinances. Showing that all this was actually needed for salvation through faith, which was supplied by the old law: Pretty simple actually. And finally, let us come to the point. You saw how the Law of Moses is different than the Ten Commandments. And now here is the last authority on what was being fulfilled. Not the Ten Commandments: This finally proves the fact that it is the Law of Moses, not the Ten Commandments, that were fulfilled. Quite simple actually. So coming back around, you have to understand that the Ten Commandments was a part of the old law in the fact that both were to be observed and why it says the Commandments IN the law, or Moses' law. But we need two more texts. One is about why the law was so against us before Christ. It talks about the stoning of people. This was as it was with the Harlot. You should be able to see that from the passage: Now however, a sinner such as this can turn their life around and not be stoned because Moses' law, or the "old" law, is not needed. So we have Christ now. But still need the Ten Commandments to mirror our actions. The last verse with this topic is the one that shows why we no longer need Moses' Law: Acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.And there you are. You can see why this is the law that was fulfilled from the previous texts, and this is why it is no longer needed. We are justified by Christ. You see the old was there to justify the people of Israel because they did not have Christ. Now I put you through all this. And I have found a "short-cut", if you will, that also shows that the Commandments of God will always be standing. These are the last verses in the Bible mentioning the Ten Commandments. Here they are: Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.Now what are the Commandments? They are not the old law, we already set them apart. They are either: 1. The Ten Commandments, or, 2. The two greatest Commandments 3. Or both. Which is it? Number three would be correct. This is not a specific number; it is just "the commandments". Even if it was the two greatest, they still summarize the Ten and if you read, it says if you love Me, then you will keep My Commandments. Well He already mentioned the two, so it is therefore the Ten. Ending this article with the conclusion that the Ten Commandments are still valid, being able to be used as a mirror to check our actions and make sure they are in harmony with God's plan. ENDING STATEMENT: Friends, many people say that they are free from the Ten Commandments because they are no longer valid. Still others say that God doesn't care what we do, that we are saved by Grace and Faith alone and that the Ten Commandments are something to be disregarded (under the same statements) because following them is ultimately,...Legalistic. Although it is true that we are saved by grace and faith is also needed, following the Ten Commandments is not legalistic. It says in the scriptures, if you love Me, then you will keep my commandments. Might I also add that it also say that Faith without works is dead. We need to keep this in mind folks. Although the Ten Commandments are something that many people say is not needed, maybe you, after reading this article, could be the one to enlighten them. Thank you for reading. Notice from snlildude87: You are only allowed 10 quote blocks or else they will not print. Weird.
  11. Yes, there have been many sightings of these creatures. Whether they are real or not, who knows. The evidence is very compelling, but there are SO many hoaxes out there, it is hard to tell. One thing that is of interest is the scientific studies though. Where they actually set up camera's and seemingly "find" Bigfoot. But never really get close enough to make out more than a big figure walking through the forest.I think that Bigfoot is really just a hoax, aside from a family story, all others could be stories told to carry on the possibility of a creature gapping the bridge to evolution. Which is also a big hoax.
  12. I think OpaQue just answered that post guys. I know people who have used 90% of their mail by storing stuff on it. I highly doubt that it would be running out. Besides, why would it just be you targeted at having almost all you mail space used up while others stil had plenty. Thanks OpaQue.
  13. It just depends for me. I prefer to read the whole thing. But if it has about ten pages, then no, I don't read through all the posts. It also depends on what the topic is. If it is a debate, then I try to skim through most of the posts to be well armed. Otherwise, you look wierd coming into it not knowing what is being discussed at that time. A post like this, I read the first page. Maybe read the second, but not often. But yeah, to directly answer the question, most of the time I do read all of it.
  14. IF THIS DOES NOT GO HERE, THEN PLEASE MOVE!I would like to know if there are any free emailing services where you have ads sent to your email and you can add your ad so other people can view it or if you know where I can put an ad and view others in exchange then list them. If you know of ANY, say so here. They need to be free as well. I am not interested in making money, just getting my ad around. Please list them here and don't spam! Thanks!
  15. No, I think this is a good forum to put it in. But as far as your ban, I would PM jlhaslip or KuBi. They will check out what is going on. I don't think it is a permanent thing. They might have forgot.
  16. Hey there Tillo. What's up? Nice to see you on the forums. Sorry about the other members. They should be here by now saying hi. Welcome to the forums though. I always say that Trap supplies all your hosting AND posting needs :(Everyone is super friendly. Spam is our enemy, but with our fine mods, it doesn't stand a chance. The AS is really cool if you like gaming against other people, but it is hard to keep up :(If you need help, PM a mod or member, we are both here to help and when you get to know about the forums, you can help too. Well hey have a good day and enjoy your stay!
  17. I had one of those scandisk errors on my computer. It found a problem and said it would clean the disk, but to make an undo disk. I put in a floppy disk (don't say it), and then had it put on an undo in case it messed up something. It said I could use the TYPE command to view the files that it needed to remove/clean. What is the TYPE command.
  18. Here is my view on it. I am a Christian. I believe in Intelligent Design. But here is the problem I see with this. It is nothing more than a clever way to keep out trouble. We all know what the basis is. They mean God. And they made it so the teachers are teaching it without actually mentioning His name.For me, if they cannot mention God's name, than why teach Intelligent Design at all? It was a way to sneak God into schools. Nothing wrong with that. I think that kids, if they choose, should be able to pray in school and if they wish, attend Bible classes. Not force it down their throat, make it ellective. What we are doing here is seperating god, from the designer of the universe. Instead of bringing Him back with the teaching of Intelligent Design, we are actually pushing Him farther away than ever.Bush's intentions were great, but it is not going to work the same way in my opinion. What next, kids are allowed to pray to an Intelligent designer but not God!? That is what I see it coming to.
  19. Perfect. Thank you Tyssen. That is what I needed. It was getting a little annoying to see my url as the text. As you can see, I need to learn some more PHP. Thanks again.
  20. May I suggest an idea here? Have Cerebral Stasis, if he wishes, close this account and have 40 credits added to his credits. This way it will make it so he can use the credits on HIS account. Otherwise he just has an account sitting doing nothing unless he wants another site.
  21. Umm. Okay. Let me clarify a little. I don't want to change the actual title of my site. Just a banner. Have any of you seen the "Blix" theme? That is what I am using, and the way it works is so that the main banner with your theme has your url on it. I want to change that url on that banner to my own custom title. So is it possible to just change: <div id="header"><div id="headerimg"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1></div></div> To: <div id="header"><div id="headerimg"> <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('What ever I want'); ?></a></h1></div></div> Is that possible with PHP? Just put in what you want instead of the command? I would give you the url to take a look, but it is down right now. Tell me if you need the header code, I can post it and you can take a look if you want. Thanks in advance. Oh, I am using version 2.0 and my url is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But it may be down right now for the moment. What is on the banner is the url, and you can click on it and it goes back to the main page. I want to change that url to my own title without changing the name of the whole site. [note-jlhaslip]Merged[/note]
  22. Thanks Jim for the modded title.Do you know where I could find where that info is Tyssen? Is it under wp-content? That is where I get lost. The header banner is what I want to change, I know where to do that, but I want to edit the text on it. It is displaying my url and the link to it. I want to change it to a title.
  23. Okay, here is the story. I set up wordpress on my site. I know nothing about PHP and need help. I need to know where the url and title info is stored. I checked in the header PHP file, and all I saw was: <title><?php bloginfo('name'); wp_title(); ?></title>And<div id="header"> <h1><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1></div> <!-- /header --> Where is the URL and Title stores in PHP. I would like to be able to edit them. I found everything else and get the BASIC idea. But PHP is very complex it seems. Could you help me out guys? Thanks! Notice from jlhaslip: Altered Topic Title to better describe the topic
  24. True cometolife. But I also believe that if you feel God calling and just say, "God, I want you in my life, but just don't know if you are really out there, sjow me the way", I believe He will. The main problem with people who don't believe is because they don't believe He exists. Which is the first problem. Like I said, religion isn't about a denomination, it is about a faith,a dn I believe that faith is the Christian faith. Obviously a religion, but one that we believe to be true because it is the only one that actually can explain itself.I think that there is also a difference than believing and actually doing it. For instance, I can preach all day about God's saving love, but I am lost in vain if I don't believe it.Listen guys, religion isn't somethingwe want to cram down your throat. But if you knew of a cure that would save so many people's lives, then you would proclaim it. And that is what we are doing, sharing are religion with you. And like I said, you can accept it, or you don't. It is up to you.
  25. I liked it. It was simple, but had enough space to create a good page. Freewebs.com has one problem. I have had a lot of trouble uploading with them. Besides that they are fine. My rating would probably be six out of ten because of some poor service.
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