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Everything posted by wild20

  1. The Bible was written by men, but was inspried and guided by God. If there was something in there that shouldn't be, then it wouldn't be in the Bible. The reason that people die is because of sin. Sin came from Satan. Well, you might ask why God just doesn't kill satan now? Satan made the accusation that God was unfair, and that he could do a better job himself. So basically, God let him try his luck on our planet when we sinned. If God killed him now, satan would have proved that God was unfair. That is why there is death, satan is showing how "good" of job he is doing you could say. He knows he can't win, but he also knows it hurts God when someone dies and is not saved, so satan has the plan to bring down as many people with him as he can. That is basically what is happening.It is not God's fault. He allows things to happen, but it shows us that nothing on earth is forever, that we need to get ready for Christ's second coming, and that satan is not the guy to side with. It also shows us the pain of sin.Ao)K-General:Let me tell you something, the prophecies told in the bible are coming true. It won't hurt to believe in God if He is not real, but it will cost you your etenal life if you doubt and don't believe. Christ died for us, so many people doubt it. Remember that only the people with the faith of a child will be in heaven.
  2. I like the number seven. It is mentioned in the Bible a lot and seems to be based around a lot of things. God rested on the seventh day, Joshua had to march around the city of Jerico seven times and then blew their ram horns. I mean, seven is great! And that is why I choose seven as a lucky number, (if I had one).
  3. I am just glad they are not changing are names we already have. It's kind of dumb. Oh well. Thanks for the info. I wish the company would at least compromise. Then it wouldn't effect so many people. Hey keep us updated Mayank if anything changes. Thanks again.
  4. Hey X-Zone! How things going? Welcome to the wonderful, delightful, but yet not over doing it, Xisto forums! I believe you will find this to be one of the best hosts out there. I never knew the wonders of Cpanel until I used it and found that there is more to life than just a file manager. This is a great hosting, its up most of the time. Every thing here is great. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a member or mod. We are here to help.Remember though, that after you have hosting, you need to mantain your credits to keep it. A good one paragraph long post will get you 1-2 credits, or days. So its not hard to keep it up. It is worth it for the hosting and friendly people anyway. Well, have a good day, welcome aboard, and enjoy your stay
  5. wild20


    But you seal the potential of that baby by killing it. It would be better for a child to have the chance, than none at all.America is home of the free, but it is also founded on God and the basis of Christian morals. This does not include killing baby's because:1. You made that stupid decision, or2. Because you were raped. Like I said, the child will have a better chance in a adoptive home.And like I said before, you can have the choice to change the situation your in. You don't have to die horribly, you don't have to stay with an abusive husband, you don't have to keep a baby. You can always make the circumstances better. But by aborting the baby, you just make it worse.
  6. NO! there is no such thing. It is sad that so many people think that this is real. It is not. The bible states very clearly that ghosts do NOT exist. Look is up for yourselves people. It clearly says in Also in Somehow I don't hear, "Your dead reletives will come back to haunt you". That is because they won't. The devil and his angels are perfectly good at impersonating anything or anyone. And that is why I don't believe in ghosts, they don't exist. It is just another one of the devils tricks.
  7. Why do I believe in God? The answer is simple. The question you have has been asked by thousands for years and years. Let me explain to you why. Why not? Is there something that worries you about the fact that there may be someone more intelligent than you who created you and loves you so much that an extraordinary man came and died for your very sins which you create and commit each day? Is something holding you back. Maybe you think that believing in God is legalism and legalistic. Its not. God gave us Commandments to protect us. It says in Your life in Christ reflects that you are a Christian, that is why we should keep the Ten Commandments. Christians love God for what He did for them. He created us, then gave us His own Son to die for us because we were so bad. See something wrong there? God paid for us twice. The second reason I believe in God is because I know He exists. He gave us a bible to live by, and common sense to keep us going. He is as real as my fingers typing on the board right now. People think you can avoid God by hiding, by saying He doesn't exist. We are lost and sinners, we all have to pay a penalty. But God payed the penalty for us, and He did it with His own Son. Take a good look at yourself. Take a look at your fingers, your arms. Tell me how they got there? Thats why I believe in God, they didn't come from no where. God calls to each of us, He has a plan. You can't avoid it. Each of us is a priceless treasure that shouldn't be lost. But instead we waste our lives in futile attempts to sustain ourselves. It may be drugs, it may be another addiction, like gambling, smoking, drinking alcohol. Why? We always have a feeling of needing, of belonging you could say. But I find that God fills that wonderfully. This is why I believe in God. He is there, and I want to be with Him forever someday. The end of the world will be according to what the prophetic book, Revelation talks about. Then the unsaved will be judged, and stand before God.
  8. wild20


    I'm sorry to hear that Emma. But the baby could have been given up for adoption. We don't always know about why things like this happen. But would ending the child's life have been a better decision. She may have killed her husband, but that was a bad choice on her part. Divorce would have been an option if things were realy that bad.I don't think you realize the potential she could have had. Every baby has the potential. When it grows older, it makes the coice of who she/he wants to become. The potential is always destroyed by a parent who couldn't even give the chance of adoption to that baby.I just think you would rather have a child that brings back bad memories destroyed and removed from the face of the earth huh? Even if it had great potential, you would rather see it die! Is that it? Give children a chance, many families can't have children of their own.
  9. wild20


    So let me get this straight, you believe that just because a woman was raped, or made the very STUPID decision to have a intimate relationship while being unmarried is costing baby's their lives. But of course, its okay, as long as its a little baby right?! Quite interesting, you couldn't support the killing of a four year old or even a week old infant, but you can support one when its still in the mother! What you are accepting, is the fact that something that has breathed air before, is not a living being. Would you support it if you knew that some abortions suck the brains out, while the baby tries to scream inside! Tell me, what do you have to support your guys' claims? Would some of you kill your kids if they were to much trouble or brought back some painful memories? No! But of course there is nothing wrong with a baby. I could rant all day about quotes "Pro-Choice". But what we should really be thinking about is there real name. Which probably involves the word death.I know this is a little over the top, but why then can you people support it? The innocent children that could have become something great! Something wonderful, special, all taken away with a choice that killed them. Anything that has a heart beat and a brain is alive. Some people aren't willing to accept that. This is just my opinion. But one that I feel needs to be shared by a lot more people. Support the killing all you want, but as for me, I will have nothing to do with it and will fight against it as long as I live!
  10. It all depends on the usage for me. If you are talking about a computer mouse, then the proper term for several of them would be, mouses. I have ten computer mouses. I have mice in my house. See the difference. If you want to be picky, then mice is fine for either one. But I don't like to use mouses for the animal, it sounds like a two year old. But clearly a fascinating topic I agree
  11. wild20


    I totally agree BRad. It clearly says in the bible that we shouldn't kill. How is that any different now? People believe that just because something is totally developed they can say they can kill it. Abortion was never meant to be. People just use it as an excuse to get rid of their ungodly and bad decisions and choices. I am with you on this one. I will continue to follow this. Thanks,-Wild20
  12. Thanks mithshark, you have given me valuable information. I have been trying as hard as possible to follow this story. I like biology and as a chicken owner who free ranges, I like to be kept up to date. TamiFlu is the only medication that can save your life. Death from bird flu is usualy suffocation, when blood and fluid collects in the lungs. It is very dangerous, as noted. Pharmacies have already sold 7times as much as they usually sell in one whole year! And its only October. States have been stockpiling TamiFlu as well from what I hear.As you probably know, this bird flu spreads quickly, it went from turkey to Europe practically over night. Another problem we might face is the wide spread food shortages. Farmers all over will probably shut down and prices will skyrocket. Gas will be extrememly hard to get.I hope I could be of some encouragment No, the fact is, its not good. And no matter how people laugh at you, stock up at least 1-2 months of food, and be prepared. Its your best bet folks.
  13. Thanks guys for the free resources, I am downloading it right now! I do believe that it will come in useful. I like these editors because they are usually user frienly and easy to use and run, unlike other programs that take a while to load. This one features real time updates as you edit! At least that is what is says. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks Buffalo. I wish I could have developed my own script and stuff. But in order for the user to not have to use their own email account, I guess I will be looking at some free form generators. Thanks for your help again. I will be sure to check out all the possibilities. See you around.
  15. This is great, but I have a site that doesn't have cgiemail. Is there a way to hook up an html code with cgi to make it so it will send info to you without having the person to use their own email?This way I could have people send their comments to me without having to use their email, but a comment area.
  16. Hey I was looking at doing a form for my site, but found that all the basic html forms make the user use his/hers own email. I see when you go to sign up for a email newsletter, you never have to send your info through your own email, it just sends it to theit database. I need to somehow set up a script that when some one goes to enter their info, it sends it directly to my email with out making it use their's. And other topics on this, or scripts, or ideas? Thanks in advanced.
  17. I like biology, so I would suggest something related to biology. I did a paper on Chickens once But that most likely won't interest you. I would suggest the perfect board game out of your suggestions. Tell us how it goes!
  18. Just giving my opinion on things. I know many Christians who are evolutionists and Christians. But if you are a Christian, you should have nothing to do with evolution. Remember for a Christian the bible is the ultimate word, because it was inspired directly from God. Harder may also be better ciroxyz, but in this case it is the easier I believe that takes the cake. All I am saying is that there are a lot of people who think that evolution is the key. But No one can explain what I just said because it goes against evolution. Thus, I cannot accept something that goes against both my belief, and the bible, as well as not being in science's terms, accurate. I repect your guys' beliefs, but am looking at a Christian standpoint.
  19. Don't open it! Many people will gat a yahoo address that says, noreply@yahoo, or supporthelp@yahoo. Yahoo doesn't filter out their own email. I would contact yahoo at their support address and verify that the email came from them. Worse comes to worse, you can always make a new account. It is better then crashing you computer!
  20. wild20

    George Bush

    Oh, but I see you all like Clinton! And he was even worse than bush. Look at what he did. Bush has tried to handle the countrie's terrorism problems the best he could. Look at what has happened, we have natural disasters and gas shortages, if it was Clinton, he would just break down and cry and resign. Bush has handled this with the best of his ability. You guys would rather stick with an adulterer. We should be thankful to at least have a strong leader even if he doesn't always make the best decisions.
  21. I can't provide you with an answer that I believe because I don't believe in evolution. This is going to be a little off topic, but I will get to my point. You just can't take a fire ball called the "Big Bang" and make something so complex. I was researching and learning about evolution once again, and found the worst flaw of all. In the human throat, there is a flap of skin and muscle. It makes it so that when you swallow, the flap closes over the airway and prevents you from suffocating on your food or drink.Now, evolution teaches that things devolope in small increments. Devoloping slowly over time until they are perfect. It teaches that you are the result of selection. Where the best animals develope into better animals until all the envirionment would be filled with perfect animals. In order for this flap to work perfectly, it must not be more then a tiny amount larger or smaller. With evolution, this could not have happened because with humans, this would have devolpoed slowly and would not have been perfect from the start, eliminating the race before it even began.Studies have proved that fish can adapt, this is micro-evolution, not macro-evolution. The fish that were at deeper deapths didn't need eyesight. So what? But another interesting story was even more wierd. The co-founder of evolution decided to do a study. Remember that by evolution, the animal devoloped only what it needed to survive. I can't remember his name but maybe you can help me out. He took a "savage" as he recalls in his studies, and takes it to his home. According to his work, the man will not be able to learn or learn to fit into modern areas because he has never seen anything but his desolate region before. He puts the man in school and gives him the best education. In the course of a few years, the man has become a scholar. By evolutions laws you can't do that. This man was stumped. What am I coming to? Evolution is not something that can be proved, it is a mere statment that scientists waste their time on. It is much easier to believe in a loving God and awesome designer who created you and me. The arguments you could use out there to back up YOUR claim is very large, but none many would have valid reasoning to them.As to your eye question, if I had to back it up. I would say that we share the same genes, and that because evolution is something that devoloped all animals, we would naturally share the genes. But again, it is not plausible. God could have taken and used similiar blueprints.Scientists have looked high and low for the missing link, the one needed early human, but it is not there. It doesn't exist. I would either argue against evolution, or not at all because all it does is make you look like a fool. I know this sin't what you expected, but I can't find any other response to your question. So, my answer, give it up. Evolution doesn't exist and you are wasting you time. Just my opinion. Sorry if it is a little blunt and straight forward.
  22. I have only used 0%! I don't need all that space except for sending large files which I never do. Gmail is great and they don't lie. The people who have used half their space proves that they have at least 1GB of space. Gmail is almost "secret" from the public. You can scarcely get it if you are not a webmaster because it is so hard to get. I have asked so many computer savvy people and none have heard of gmail. Us webmasters are lucky!
  23. Thanks wakelim. I just believe that God gave a us a standards to live by. We have dropped those standards. We would have never of celebrated Halloween with the celts in October. But a majority of Christians actually keeps this "holiday" alive. If I can't do something with god standing there next to me, then I should try to avoid it.Harry Potter has turned children away from the faith and therefore should be considered a threat to our spiritual lives. I know it is a little of subject but it is just what happens. Some things are good, some bad, but if originated from satanic origins, then we should stay away from it.
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