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Everything posted by wild20

  1. wild20


    So let me ask you something OCAC. do you then believe that God is not black and white, and created a world with perfection? However, sin was introduced. So now we have supernaturals.1. Good, and two,2 Evil.So do you believe some other milky substance was added? No, there was nothing alse. The two don't blend together, they can't. Leaving what? White over here, and black over here. Not together. You can't have it both ways. God is either always good. We are not good and bad, at a time we are either one or the other. We are either saved, or not saved. Right? Right! So you see. Something is either good or bad. How you can you judge it if its not. I can't say say, abortion is good and bad, It's not.Good and bad are forces being fought canstantly. Remember God is good, and satan is bad. You can't serve them both. If abortion were ordained by God, then fine, but I have yet to see a verse that says we can have an abortion. A matter of fact, I remember seeing a verse that says thou shalt not kill. Interesting huh? This goes AGAINST abortion.
  2. It says that the execution is a rumour. But not the less, I will be praying for him. Missionaries face hardships everyday. I would like to broaden the prayer to any missionary at all that might be overseas. As a Christian, we are instructed to spread the gospel. Pastor Flores is doing something amazing. He is carrying put what God instructed us to do. By praying, we let God know that we care for the people overseas. hThe Bible also says that praying as a group, or a large number of people praying together for the same person can have a rofound effect. I urge anyone here to pray for him and missionaries around the world! Thanks guys.
  3. wild20


    There is a black and white Ocac. You guys don't see it yet. You can't both benefit the world and tear it down too at the same time. Abortion is black and white. You don't lay the responsibility on sinners to kill or let someone live. Unless it directly conflicts with the bible, then God has given us a government to rule and decide. But not innocent lives. Remember God, He doesn't have a part good part bad. We are to live like Him. This means that you have to have the same black and white, the same, yes its okay, and no its wrong, that God does. Do you think he picks and chooses when to let abprtion happen and when not to? No!God is unchanging merciful and love. He has given us texts that show we don't kill innocent lives, we don't murder, and we don't steal.Of course we have the responsibility for our OWN actions, but not for the life of a baby. We don't let something die because it came out of circumstances that are not so perfect. You don't choose abortion as a quick way out. It never is. It only hurts the people's lives further. You can't let an innocent life die because you think it is right. You go by the Bible.
  4. wild20


    Galahad, I will admit, you are right. Rape has a profound effect on a person. It is awful, but at the same time, the pregnancy is also bad. And like I said, I can never understand. But like I said, will you risk that one eceptional and beautiful life for the sake of the unwanted chore of keeping it? You risk a beaitiful life that could be the Only, the ONLY one to save someone, maybe a close family member. Incidents like this have happened, and I believe, because of God's will. Do you really think that the choice of an innocent life should be put upon our shoulders, that the very life that could one day spring to a wonderful life, should rest in you're hands? A person who makes mistakes every single day you live? What if it was the ONE, just the ONE mistake, that could cost someone their life?Would you work to promote the killing of infants? Then why unborns? Can you think about one thing for me? Think of it this way. You are either making the world better or tearing it down, there is no in between is there? Just please remember this folks. There is nothing worse then letting a life die in vain.
  5. Did someone mention my name? Why yes, they did. So let me tell you a little about what I know. It says in multiple places in the bible there is no life after death until Christ returns. PM me if you're interested in the texts. Nehemiah, you are right. Just feel free to ask.
  6. wild20

    Hi Im New

    Well hi there. You don't that bad of writing in english, at least I can understand you. Welcome to the forums at Xisto, the best, and not mention friendliest hosting on this side of mars. Or on earth at least. I do believe you will like your stay here.The mods here are really nice. They are firm and strict, but never overreact and are always fair. The members will usually gladly help too. If you need anything just give any of us a buzz. Hey have a great stay and enjoy!
  7. My website. Ah, those hreat days of starting out. Those days are over now. Although I don't know PHP or MySql, I do know javascript, html, css, and a little bit of everything else. I find PHP very hard to grasp, I need to head to a tutorial. Anyway, my websites started when I, a nature nut, and still am, decided a good website was in order. I started with webspawner. Thats right, I started with a simple one page long and simple website. From there, I went to 1 asp host, but didn't know where to start because I knew nothing about how you are suppose to have a index.html file! I still have all these sites by the way. I settled with blogger and used a blog for almost 6 months to get my ideas through. I had about 30 hits a week, with a steady stream of comments working in each day. But being religious, I decided to start a religious blog, getting even more hits in I was introduced to the world of debating. I was able to actually spread the gospel be debating, and people watching learned of my beliefs. The religious website still running was a great hit. And although I am not active in promoting it anymore, I can choose to at anytime.But moving on, as I spread the gospel more, I needed a site to refer to, I went to lycos, but didn't like its simple design and switched to freewebs instead, where I gained a huge amount of knowledge in html. I built a webpage from scratch. I needed even more room to grow though, and went to Liquid H, which featured a 500mb storage and 10Gb band. But the site crashed andleft me stranded, so I decided a realiable host was in order. I found Xisto, and although I wasn't going to join, *GASP!* I finally did and now have begun slowly switching all pages over.And that folks, is the story of my websites. Great topic, very interesting, thanks for making it!
  8. Uh, JC05, I think he meant come on. But if you could please clarify, it would help us greatly. I am not getting it at all, could you pick two other words, known well to the common world? Because I am totally lost with the ones you gave. Thanks.
  9. What?!! Kids have the right to blog. Adults have the right to blog! I even blog! The school should not be messing around in the kids business as long as they are not hurting someone. Kids blog to stay in contact and post pictures that would otherwise take eternity to upload and send via email. Blogging is a right, just like you can write a paper and keep it to yourself. Take away the blog, you take away a form of contact. If it were me, I would try to blog else where. Anywhere where they wouldn't know. You're not hurting anyone if the blog doesn't cantain objectionable content.
  10. I would have to say it's Rook and Skip-Bo. Both require strategy and tactis. Playing cards is a great past time, and almost everyone knows how to play them. You got a deck of cards, and you got it made. Great topic!
  11. This is awesome. They were going for mars in the year 2018 though. I wonder why they changed it? Oh well. The mission will be great. Never have we set up a colony on any planet before besides ours. The moon will definitely be a good starter goal.I seriously believe that if we don't plan very carefully for the mars trip though, that we will lose the lives of every one on board. Why? The mission to mars will require a long journey just to get to mars, then we have to get them back. If anything goes wrong, you will be in a time where you will have thirty minute intervals between talking, due to the long range between us and them. If communication fails, then what do you do? We must be careful and unhurried. Remeber apollo thirteen?, and the accident that happened while preparing for the mission? It was all in a hurry. So while this is a good idea, we need to be careful too.
  12. wild20


    Emma, of course there are people that are having an abortion against the law, but almost all are first timers in other countries who don't know what is really the awful story behind the technique of abortion and also most likely will never do it again. The examples I gave were actually people who had abortions, not staitics. The fact is, most women regret they ever had an abortion, and willnever have it again. Besides, from the stories of these women, more people's lives aretorn apart from having an abortion, then giving the baby up for ADOPTION! Instead of a few months of reminders, these women have the rest of their days to ponder and wonder what that child could be and how he may have been a great person. With abortion, rarely does everyone win.Like I said before, your Aunt could have changed her position. There is free counseling, support groups, and there are always ways to get your self out of the situation and try to improve. There are hundreds os families wanting to adopt, I know, because I know someone who adopted and couldn't find a baby. They searched and searched. People can't have babies easily these days, and adoption is the best answer.
  13. Great topic. You are right. Time annot be measured without light. But I do find it fascinating on how some time is measured by the turns of a planet. Seems kind of weird. But it probably is the most accurate. Do you think a solar or lunar calendar are more accurate though. Time is measured by light, but you can also measure by the orbits of lunar and solar movements. Interesting? Yes. Does anyone know any info about which is more accurate, lunar or solar? While we are on the subject I have been fascinated with it. If you couldpost it it would be great. Again, great topic.
  14. If only there was a job where all you did is review funny facts. that would be my kind of job. Wher did you get these facts. Is there a website out there? This stuff is cool. Keep it coming guys. Oh, and if anyone does came across a website with facts, PM me. Oh, and I will add to the list. Research shows that s cat has a better chnace of suviving a 11 story fall, then a three story fall. Why? The cat has more time to react and flip over into the landing position.(Note: Don't try this, its mean) ^_^
  15. wild20


    Still Emma, the one needed to start a change. That is whats its all about. The one person, the only one that could have an effect. If you don't believe abortion is a mistake, why don't you read these opinions from a site I was researching at? Here is some of the women that have chosen abortion. Many of the stories show how it practically ruined their lives. Notice that last one. Abortion doesn't solve you're problems, it multiplies them. One person here mentioned that it wil help end the guilt by having an abortion. How I can reason with that is beyond me. There are also some "horror" stories about some complications of the abortion procedure. Now you see through the eyes of a woman that HAS had an abortion and DOES know what its like. The past is aways there, no matter what you do to erase it. Only God can do that.
  16. wild20


    Whoa! Calm down. I will not be leaving the board. Keep cool during a debate. If you don't like the debate then you don't have to be involved in it. There are organizations that will help with delivery expenses. And let me bring the question around again, why would you want to destroy a life that although made through something bad, can turn into something good. I was researching and there was a baby who was a baby that came from a rape and he wa adopted and becme a government official and actually did something for society. What if it was the one person who would actually help stop rape? Would you feel differently then? I am sorry you feel this way, but its out of bitterness from a horrible deed. Was it the baby's fault? No, then why punish it?You aren't grasping the long run circumstances but instead, focusing how you can get that baby out of existence. I do believe that about over half the people who have posted here have also agreed with me.
  17. wild20


    Welcome back. I didn't know you were here before. Well, I can see you have a lot of posts.I look forward to your "lots" of posts Welcome onboard,...again Have a great day,!-Wild20
  18. Nice. Great color and style. With that Professional aire to it. I like the design as well. I would rate it higher then most other sites that can be a little blah If you know what I mean. I also like the texture it has. It's like you can almost reach out and touch it. Know what I mean? And although I won't join, I say it competes well with Trap's style, Almost
  19. Awesome! Thanks Snlildude. I am heading over there right now. If you want to see my name, its Justin. I am quarter Chinese, although you can't tell at al, nor my dad. Well, thanks again!
  20. wild20


    I am saying I will ever understand. But what I am telling you is that your are KILLING a LIVE baby. There are several things that classifies a thing as living. One is if it grows by cell splitting.Can you also please discern between destroyed and killed? A murderer can say he destroyed a life. He could also say he killed someone. It is the same. Also, would it make a big difference if the baby was a year old? It doesn't know the world then either? You don't have the power to discern whether a life is a life or not, because it is always a life. If s sperm were killed, I wouldn't really think much of it because it happens naturally. You are talking about taking a childs life inot your own hands. Why? Why if that could be the only great person to change a bad situation? Why take the risk? Why not adopt it out and give it the chance? Why. Will someone please explain why it would be SO bad to give it a chance!?
  21. wild20


    On the contrary, Emma, pro-choice gives the person the option to kill (aka, abort) the baby. No it doesn't mean the baby will always die, but it does mean a lot will. Of course you can decide when you want a family, but you know what, then be sensable and instead of killing a forming baby, keep it safe!! Personally, I don't believe in sex before marriage anyway.Funny though, no one can deny that the baby is a living thing? This means that you again accept that the baby is being actually KILLED. But of course, the murder of a 8 year old child is manslaughter. No comments? Why? Its pretty pitiful.
  22. wild20


    Yes OCAC, I am a guy. Why that makes any difference, I have no idea.In an ideal world we have tons of options. Like I said, You seal the fate of everything that dies in your hands. You accept the fact that this innocent life will no longer be able to have the chance to live a normal and happy life. Either from a stupid decision or because it happened for a reason beyond your control. But adoption is an option you have and should ALWAYS be considered.To me, it seems that as a Christian, you should be against it. After all, I don't seem to recall any verses in the Bible supporting killing a baby. Can you come up with any? I believe you will find it quite empty on this subject. But you can find several verses against abortion. One is one that you should no already. It's in Exodus and commands that we are to not kill.Another thing. When in the center of God's will, you will be happy and contented wherever, or whatever your situation you may be in. So many people think that a happy life comes with a job, or a nice home, or even money. But God condemns all of this as your center of life. Look at the disciples. They had nothing and followed Jesus where ever He went. They even died for Him in the end. And they were happy.I also understand that the feelings a woman may go through during the nine monthsmay not be the happiest, but rember that even a life formed from this could be great. The mother will always remember the trauma anyway, but the life she will save will be worth it I believe. The child could be something amazing. The next great evangelist, the next great missionary. Something maybe even more! By having the woman be remined a little more about the incident, you will at least give the gift of life. Is it right to kill? Never. Is it right to rape? Of course not. But will you add to the pain of sin by then ending a life. What if that child became a Christian and was the only person to tell another about God? And it was that person's only chance to God? Would it then be right kill that person's only hope? Guilt may not ALWAYS and with adoption, but it begins with the ending of the life and abortion.
  23. I submited my site to the google crawler but can't find it. That was months ago. It's too bad. I wish that there was a serach engine that was easier to submit to. I have submited to at least 12 engines. Oh well, life is life. Thanks for the topic, Google is probably not going to take me
  24. wild20


    No, its not about control, its about what is right. Like I said, you may wish you aren't here, you may wish your brother isn't here, you may even wish no one is here, but we are, and like I said, by abortion, you end the chance for a child to be something great. Remember Emma, you can change the situation you're in, you don't have to live a miserable life, you choose to not because you have to, but because you don't see the "bigger" picture. We all have our life to live, you have yours too. I personally believe that God has a plan for us in life. Those who follow it are happy, contented, and peaceful. Those who don't aren't always miserable, but they will never know the real joy in life. I have that joy, I am content, and I know that I am a lot better off than when I was without God. But you can still make your life better.This is again, why I am for life! Because you have the oppurtunity to make something of yourself. Where death ends, life begins, and if you gave every aborted baby a chance again in life, I bet you would find nine times out of ten, a wonderful creation and a normal happy life. Sure the bad times come, but one spoiled apple in life doesn't mean all the apples will be that way.
  25. wild20


    Listen Emma, there are always other options. Would you rather see a child die? Can you answer that? America may be "pro-choice", but like I said, it is really pro-death. It gives you the option to kill. A power that is not for us. What would you think is you weren't here because your mother had been an aborted baby? I do believe you would think differently. But yet you destroy priceless generations all in the name of choice. And this is leaving God out of it. You accept that life after life after life will be destroyed, because of one bad senerio. The precious lives out there today because people didn't have an abortion.You can go on in your pro-choice, but hear this and remember, by abortion, you destroy someone that could one day become something not only great, but a blessing to someone else's life. You also accept the heavy risk. I cannot imagine someone saying that it doesn't matter and that they don't care. That is why I can't believe your atittude toward this. Do you have any siblings, what if they weren't here right now? Imagine life without anyone you love. That is what you do with abortion. Just think about that for a while,... Okay?
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