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Everything posted by wild20

  1. MaverickFang:Actually, we believe God is neither Male or Female. Why? God created both of the genders. We are only human and don't know if it is classified in such a way up there. I doubt it though. I think He is simply a being. Just like the angels, neither male nor female. See? But nice try on the female thing, I highly doubt it.
  2. They must have a lot! I mean think! 2 GB each. And there was a topic showing one guys who had used 1500mb. Then there are the 30gigs email services that offer thirty gigabytes. You just couldn't use it all :DThere servers must be huge though. Hey if anyone finds out tell me. Thanks for the topic too.
  3. Soldierdemon:I believe in only one God. It is the oldest religion around because it started when God did indeed create the world. That evolutionary theory can barely hold water if any and I realize this after I did extensive research and found flaws just laying around that scientists just cover up.You are right, things happen that we can't explain. I have heard of miracles, my brother and I are one. But there are others too. Evolution can't explain why a terminal cancer patient survives, why a person about to crash into a tree on an atv ends up 50 feet from it safe and sound. No, evolution is not the answer. Just my opinion.
  4. Hanging out around here I guess. As I wait for the new year to ring in, I will get on the Internet probably. That and eat, relax, try not to fall asleep, fall asleep, and then wake up to here my neighbo sound off his cannon Yeah, there is my new year for you Hey, have a great New Year everyone!
  5. Tyssen:You are right. Religion didn't cause the Iraq war, which is why I don't like it when people say that religion causes all the wars today. It isn't true.fasdsffasda:The point is to first VALIDATE the Bible, which I believe I have since no one can explain why many men all had science down even before the scientific facts were known. The Bible can prove itself, and that is what I am showing you guys.Now can I remind you that evolution isn't even a scientific fact. It is what you call a theory, a hypothosis that cannot be proven because there is no real evidence to back it up except for extict animals that we still can't study. Your question about bones and dinosaurs is actually quite simple. Again the bible gives a reason. There was a flood proven by the deep canyons we have today and noted by ripple marks in areas of flatness such as plains. If you look at arial views pf the great plains in the US, you can see ripple marks that show a large amount of water once washed through there at enormous speed, thus further validating the Bible's acount of a worldwide flood. This would have also wiped out the dinosaurs and left mass graveyards and fossils seen today, validating the Bible even further. The Bible is the one source that can actually explain major events in history.Prehistoric findings! Oh yes, I love this one. Remember that only eight people survived after the flood because none o them believed in God. This left thousands to die leaving people, villages, pottery and masses of other evidence that is supposedly prehistoric natives from ten million years ago. ame goes with bones, only a few of each animals were taken on the ark, which gives thousands of animals left out, showing that something wiped them all out at once. Another is the fact that sea life fossils have been found on mountains! Why, when the water dried up, sea life living on the land died without the water if they got trapped in pools. All this just adds to the Bible's acount of creation and a one true living God that created us.You said that hristianity is just a copy of other religions? Please note that it is the oldest and existed even before there WERE other religions. It was not copied. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, the belief that there was a one true God. Christianity is just the belief that Jesus came and died for our sins. CHRISTianity. Judaism is the oldest religion though, dating back to before Babylon. Showing that the one TRUE God actually is one that stayed the same over the course of 4000 years before other religions sprang up.Cookies: Are you condemning what I am doing because you say I will lose my faith. I can assure you taht although faith cannot be proven, I believe God can. I understand what you are saying. I just like giving facts as well. What I am really doing now is proving the Bible to be correct. But hey, thanks for the comment anyway.
  6. Welcome to Xisto forums. Glad to have you on board. The hosting here is excellent and of top quality. We provide Hosting and Posting :DIf you need anything at all, just ask a mod or member. We are always here to help. Also, please follow the rules as this will aid you both in getting hosting and in keeping a clear record without warnings.Also, once you get hosting, you have to keep up your credits by posting so your acount won't be deleted. Once you get to -30 credits, your acount is deleted. Well hey, that is about it, enjoy and welcome again!
  7. Wow. Not bad. I would invest Like in stocks, savings account. Or something like antiques that can be resold for a lot more later on. I didn't klnow you could make so much. Maybe you get a percentage if they refer someone. For instance, I have this program for website advertising that gives me a percentage of everything that the person I refered gets. Just a thought. Hey good luck on the program and money making
  8. Awesome. Thanks for the facts. They are reallu cool. Some of seem a little fishy though No, but really, an airplane flying backwards? Maybe during a crash, but not on purpose. and no sense of smell in your sleep, maybe not smell that you notice, but some people wake up from smoke and other wake up during strong smells too. Like coffe in the morning, I often smell it before I am awake, but then realize it is from the kitchen. But thanks for the topic anyway, some of those are really cool. Make a Kangaroo go into a corner head first and it can't get out
  9. No. Kids are smarter, but lack judgement. Kids are down right stupid in terms of lacking judgement. And although I am not really a kid, I still fit in around that age group. I see other kids our there doing drugs. You can hardly find a kid that hasn't done drums or smoked before. Peer pressure rules in the lives of young kids and teens as they struggle to fit in. The recipe equals? Disaster, we find suicide a daily occurence and everyday someone is partying and drives home drunk putting others and himself in harms way.Although we may be more technologically advanced as far as game boy and computers, we grew up with it where as our parents did not. The problem is that the information passed down that helped our mom and dad is not "sticking" in kids today. They see the new world of technology where airbags should save your lives and where we can fly at supersonic speeds. What do they get? Some old fashioned information like don't drink and do drugs or smoke, and then see everyone else doing it and it IS the cool thing to do. This is just my opinion. Smarter, but lacking the judgment needed to cope with daily life and life saving and character building decisions. No offense to any kids out there, I am included with you in this.
  10. Awesome, but I would worry about it messing with the integrity of your security. The main problem I also see with this is the fact that it could also make it run slower than usual. Is there a way to be able to switch between using the regular browser and the one you create? Overall it IS a good idea though and I think this is a great post. Thanks for the info and if I ever get the program I will try it.
  11. No! Santa is a fantasy taht started with a guy that was actually named Saint Nicholas. This tied in to the fact that December 25th was a pagan holiday. The church, while bringing converts into the church, wanted to ease tentions and allow the holiday to continue creating Christ-Mass. That is where we get Christmas. And from there Santa sprang forth through some other belief. It is very interesting, but sad none-the-less. Santa is NOT real. Sorry all you kids out there!
  12. Thanks guys. Merry Christmas to you too. It has been a great year and I am looking forward to starting a new year with Xisto's great staff. It has been great to spend time( A lot of it too ) on Xisto posting and meeting all you guys. So I just have to say, great job, keep up the good work, and Merry Christmas and a happy New Year,.. all of you!
  13. That is correct SM. He was likely born sometime in the spring or early fall since that is when the flocks are taken out to the pastures to graze. But that is besides the point. Chrsitmas is still celebrated as a great time for remembering God and His love and should still be. Even if it wasn't Christ's real birthday.Nice post though, well researched and I am all for that. Merry Christmas every one and remember what Christmas is about, giving, not receiving, and about God and His love and great sacrifice for us
  14. Nice topic. An oldie Okay okay, here is my favorite drinks. Top three:1. Water (because it is good for you and there is nothing else like it)2. Preferably Barq's Root Beer (I love the taste of root beer in the evening:)3. I really like Ginger Ale. (It has to be the right kind though)4. Hot Apple Cider (The kind for a chilly moring when you are really cold because it warms you up so fast)5. Tea (I love tea, mainly the Chinese Restaraunt Tea or Oolong I think)And that concludes my favorite drink or drinks. Remember people to drink that water as only it can prevent dehydration!
  15. That is so awesome. Great for the very heavy sleeper. Of course, you would have to find out about how long it lasts on a battery and if it recharges in it's station. But overall it looks like a one of those quality and genuine sleep alarms that drive you from your sleep in the middle of the night because you set it to the wrong time or you forgot to turn it off for the weekends No, it looks cool and if I didn't normally wake up from my alarm (because I do) I would get one. Maybe you could even make it flyable with a remote control
  16. *falls off chair..gets back up* Amazing. That is the type of thing I have been meaning to say all along but you hit the nail on the head! America, like all other countries, has a culture and way of living, and although it is not bad for people to come here for a better life, I think it is dumb for them to hold onto their old culture since they are searching for a new life in a country with a different culture. Great post, keep up the good work.
  17. Yess it is and I actually tried it once. But I don't remember where I got it from. Try w3schools.com and tizag.com. They will show will show how to work frames. Also, I googled "HTML frames" and got a lot of websites on how to do frames as well. There is a way to change different attributes so as sone frames as scrollable and some that aren't. And then there is another attribute that makes a frame so much of the page like %. See? Hope I could be of some help.
  18. Actually, (and please correct me if I am wrong) Islam is the religion of muslims right? Anyway, the koran, and this religion is an off shoot of the belief in God. Mohammad believed he was a prophet of God and started the movement. But it was after the Bible was written. Meaning? Although we worship the same God, our religious beliefs arte different. Christians don't believe Muslims are on the right track because:1. The Bible was being written long before the Koran and was influenced by god.2. Muslims believe in earning your way to heaven, something which the Bible says is not true and since it was written before the Koran we know that is more accurate.3. We have about 20 men that wrote the Bible all at different time periods, but all in harmony. Then we have one person who wrote the Koran claiming to be a "Prophet".The Koran probably does give evidence for God, but that is because it had some of the basic beliefs taht we have.
  19. I wouldn't really mind that much if google decided to take over the world. They are a good really company. Probably (definitely) the largest search engine, and give Internet surfers the best features and tools out there. If I need anything, I go to Google.Now, the smaller companies though, like MSN, wouldn't go down without a fight and I am sure that they would be launching viruses at each other in an attempt to destroy each others servers No, but I bet that there would be quite a struggle.
  20. Rats. What a mess. There is no way they will find him alive. The blackbox seems to be their only hope now. If it had one and providing they find it. 19 out of 20 killed! Wow. Must have been quite the explosion. And to think that three of them were infants. The wing flew off? Sounds like an engineering problem or something wrong with the integrity of the structure. Maybe someone was messing with it on the ground. Hopefully they will find what they need to find out what happened. Thanks again for the update. The coolest thing about this forum is you get news before most everyone else does
  21. Doesn't matter. There are younger teens on this site and they shouldn't be exposed to language. Besides as I pointed out before. It lowers Xisto's reputation. Now, if OpaQue doesn't mind you ruining his site's reputation as a clean forum, then fine, but he does mind and you have to abide by those rules.
  22. That is aweful. Something bad must have happened. The chance of finding them alive will now rapidly diminish as time goes by. Hopefully some were able to get to shore maybe by swimming.Do the police know anything about the plane? I mean, was it private or comercial. Bahamas? That seems strange, maybe it was smuggling people in or something. Then again, maybe not. Thanks for the report.
  23. I will not understand that. This is because it is YOUR responsibility to keep the forums clean. This is a family friendly site and it MUST be suitable for ages down to 13 because that is the legal age where kids can be active on the Internet without an adult supervising. If you don't like it then maybe you can start your own World Wide Web and Internet that uses some other device.But here, we speak one language, English. Not pig-latin, not chinese, not spanish (nothing meant toward these people, I am just saying). I have almost zero tolerance toward bad language usage. This forum is an upstanding english forum so we don't all get mixed up when someone posts something in english and gets responses in Shawnee, German, Italian, and other languages including excessive swearing. See? No offense toward anyone. I am just saying what the rules are here, and don't understand why you guys would like to use bad language here in a good forum so it's reputation can go down through the ground.
  24. Did you get rid of it? I remember suggesting you run any anti virus and cleaners as soon as possible. Viruses spread quickly (both the human and computer kind , the sooner you try to run them the better. If it doesn't work, maybe you could take it in and have it professionally cleaned? they would know a lot more about these things. That is all I know. Best of luck to you!
  25. Thanks so much. I have been dying to find a good search engine but can never find one. This is exactly what I need.A search engine is great if you want people to be able to search your domain. Finally I can do it. I tried google, but I only saw paid ones. I was obviously in the wrong area ;)And thanks Michaelper22. I will be sure to make sure it is searchable.
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