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Everything posted by wild20

  1. My rank goes up as I trade links, so I know its true. But like OpaQue said, your links within your own age don't count, so you want to trade with people with good AlexaRank. It increases your chances of being higher. Just a thought about it. Thanks for the topic though!
  2. Very interesting. On another topic I was debating on, most people were for abortion. This is a strange twist. Although I didn't start these topics, I do find them interesting, because it gives me the valuable data to see what people think. Most people who know I debate see that I am against abortion and other ungodly things. I often ask the question pointed at a Christian, "Why do you think abortion is okay when it says you should not kill people in the Bible?" or, "Could you even back a claim in the Bible that says abortion is okay?". The answer is of course always no and then they go into a long speech about how abortion is the right of choice. As you said above HoRuS, babies have their rights too. I don't think abortion is appropriate in any situation, adoption blesses many peoples lives and there is ALWAYS some out there wanting to adopt. I know, trust me. Like I said, I am pro-life, and pro adoption. There is always more then one one to do something, abortion is not including in that agenda.
  3. I listen to Christian music. So bands like that are usually unknown to me. I prefer a softer tone in music, which is why I appreciate classical music and stringed instruments. I also will take a ofter hymn over a "modern" Christian and as well. I know, backwards for this era
  4. This is a great ay if you only want to do a one time purchase. But you needa connection all of its own to keep it running. But at least you control you're downtime I would do it if I had a spare phone line or if I bought a splitter so you can use several computers online at one time. Just depends on your preference. Also, it would boil down to me, that I would shut out other users and just use it for myself But yeah, thanks for the topic.
  5. Useless? Why yes it is. Entertaining? Yes that too. As you can see there are five pages here already. So it is something that is worth something to some people. I would love to find a prime number large enough to get the 100,000k. But I wouldn't spend more then a year looking for it. And I would actually be happy with that money coming in every 6 months! It's a nice salary. Well, thanks for the topic, it is definitely interesting
  6. Yes, something is wrong with your access setting. You maybe don't have your correct FTP or MySql path. Or you may have the wrong pass or user. Anyway, you are being denied access. If you can't get help from anybody knowledgable here, I would PM a mod or osmeone more experienced with FTP and MySql databases if you already don't know much about them. Sorry I couldn't be of more help
  7. I like both. Just depends. I like reading on a computer when I research, but if it just for fun and to gain a little knowledge, then I definitely go for books. Also, computer reading is uncomfortable, but it is easier to look for something specific. Where as book reading is more comfortable but is hard when you look for something specific. So it just depends on what I feel like doing and what is right at the time for me. Obviously it is not very easy to computer read right before bed.
  8. wild20


    What do we do with Hitler? Why of course he should have never been in government because he did not go in accordance with God's word and the Bible. That is what I am trying to say. Now the Bible doesn't mention anything in theBible about saying whether abortion is right or wrong, but it does say THOU SHALT NOT KILL. But obviously there are murderers out there that need to be dealt with, this is where we come into the part where God said He has set the government to deliver His wrath on the people that are EVIL! I don't really want to have to explain that again unless you have further questions. The Bible may have not mentioned abortion, but let me broaden this. Can you find in the Bible where it says that we can kill innocent people, or even babies? Not a single place will you find this. No one has to make the judgment on who is or is not innocent, but the Bible gives the outlines to show who and who isn't. But there are two innocent's we have to look at first. The first, is the innocent from God. They are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. They follow the ten commentments not because its legalistic, but because the Bible says, Although they sin, they are washed clean with the blood of Christ. Then we have the second innocent. Those who are not breaking mans law, living a clean life, and trying to respect laws and government. These two mixed together are best, but remember God's law first. This includes abortion. We cannot kill innocent people, at all. Those who are guilty of breaking ma's law are judged according to the governemts wish, as long as it is in accordance with the Bible, then we are okay, but when innocent people are preyed upon, then I have a problem. A Christian should not believe in abortion.
  9. Well hey, just glad to have you here. Trap is the best. You will not find anyone here that has anything bad to say. (If there is, they are just jealous). The starter of these fine forums believes in QUALITY hosting. and trust me, none is better.If you need any help or have questions, mods and members will gladly help. Just ask! Hey, enjoy your stay here and have a great day. See you around,-Wild20
  10. Well, I have followed many topic on this subject. I think that abortion is wrong. I will follow this more once I read all of the other replies.Abortion is wrong because the Bible says that we are not to kill. It is biblically wrong. As well as morally. In all the times I have debated this, no one could back there claim with biblical evidence. Why? Because they know that abortion is against the Bible. But, yet it is still okay. Interesting huh?Now we get into the other. We have stories of success, but most are horror stories. Why? Because abortion destroys. It has ruined women's lives. They say they would have rather kept the baby. Even in a rape situation.You also destroy the chance for something to become great and a wonderful life. Why kill an innocent baby? Why destroy something so innocent? People see it as an easy way to solve their problems. But it never will. Most people here support abortion because it gives the woman a choice. That is it isn't it? It is. But most have never gone through an abortion and therefore don't know what it's like. But if you research for the stories, you can see that most abortions end in a very difficult life.The defining term for a living organism is the fact that it grows my the cells deviding. Now I don't want tohere about how cancer is a living organism. I do believe that is a little different. Abortion is wrong. That is all for now.
  11. It may effect your skin, but smoking causes severe breathing pronlems. I know a doctor who sees people all the time dying because they were smokers. The sooner you quit the better. don't be fooled by those, so called, filters. They don't work worth beans. Just a gimmick to charge more. You pay to throw away your lungs.Also, if you have been in the military and been in close contact with the asbestos with old naval submarines, and you were smoking at any period in your life, it increases your chance of mesothelioma by about 20 times. It is a severe cancer that causes death by suffocation. And I have watched someone die from it.Smoking is a bad habit that is dangerous for your health. If there are any people who are smoking here, stop before its too late. Trust me!
  12. Just wondering guys. But I was looking at putting an image above my rank, but alas, it said the admin had not yet given the permissions to do his. Is there a certian number of posts you need. Also, I reached 200 posts becoming a super member. But I can't get a custom member title. Tell me, what is the post count needed for this. Thanks guys,-Wild20
  13. Yes, things could get out of hand. but there are rules and there is no reason that a forum where posts and debates on religion could take place. If people don't like it, they don't have to go to it. Besides, it will encourage good posts because you can't spam on religion without making yourslef obvious. You have to say something good about the topic or it is obvious that you are just getting credits. And I don't think that it would be that hard to moderate. You can let people debate as long as profanity and racism and religious discretion is not taking place. If the debate gets too heated, then someone can talk to a mod. Most people are nice about debating and are not that bad. I believe the mods are MORE then capable of handling a religious forum. Things could get of hand at the debates forum, but seems to be running fine to me. Admins, I will await your reply.
  14. Ah, life. A very interesting topic, however, I will tell you what I think.Life:Life is, being happy, first of all loving God, and being a child in the faith, loving you're relatives and being humble. I good family, a happy and content home. Being considerate and always putting other sfirst. Spreading the gospel, and living for Christ. Life is living your every day as your last. Life is being alive! To me personally life is the very joy of living! Of the nature and the fields and plains and mountains, while counting all the blessings in my life.If you are alive, you probably are breathing You have emotions, and you enjoy doing things. But not always. You stay alive by the reproduction of cells through meosis. Is that what its called? Anyway, enough with biology. Get enough of it So that is my take!
  15. Yeah. I have a 95 so I can't get it. Hopefully a new computer will fix the problem. I heard from a relative it is really good. Even watched him use it. Seems to be really easy. It shows you when the person is writing, and instantly displays all the messages. Just like a regular chat room. Fast and effective, I am sure it will be a good hit. You can talk with mics to if you have them. It also shows you who is online. I think it is exactly like any other messenger. I don't know if it is better then MSN, but it is still way cool!
  16. Sure. Crime. There is always plenty of that. Seems to be a lot of breakins and roberies as well. It is very interesting. The crime is on the rise. I am just glad I am moving farther out.Seems like there it is safer in the country. That is why I like it so much.And then we have the conservation issues, as anywhere has. Water and rivers. No pollution yet. But we'll get there. Another problem is the air quality. So you could say we got some interesting news. Anyone else want to have a go? Whats you're news?
  17. Hello mods and admins. Just want to let you guys know, a religious forum would highly benefit this forum. People here have many background faiths, and it would be interesting to discuss and debate different beliefs. As well as making a place where we can post about religion without having to use general or life talk.I obviously would suggest it having post count Just a thought guys. Thanks, keep up the good work,-Wild20
  18. Yeah, holiday! Vacation, holiday, all one in the same, yes? I like vacation. I don't really need a template. I don't use pitures and prefer to just use an html generated code. *GASP* Yes I know, still haven't got around to using the wordpress. It is really awful. Html and javascripting works for me. Have fun on holiday Dodger.
  19. wild20


    What is that your favorite question? I don't need to. Its in the Bible. No one judges it. It is the unconditional word of God that has whta we need to know. You still have failed to tell me where in the Bible it even gives the hint that we can have an abortion and kill innocent babies. So now I am getting tired because I feel you are avoiding the questions when I have answered all your's. However, I will give you the answers. It says that in the Bible. I gave you the text. So I don't need to make a judgment. It says in the Bible not to kill. It says in the later books that the government can be used to execute God's wrath on the EVIL. That is where I get that. Now if it said, to execute His wrath on the good, then well, I would have a question there. But if we are not to kill, the government is the source of decision for the EVIL. Not the good. Not abortion involving the killing of innocent babies. Do you see now? It is the only interpretation you can get from this. Because obviously we can't kill the innocent. Now on to the rest. I said God is not responsible for the natural disasters. So please put that to rest. We are trying to stay on topic. If you remember as well, that God was always angry before wiping out or punishing someone. So from this we can see that a loving God protects His people. But of course He is a little angry when we disobey. Besides, who cares about the differences between these two? I gave the reason why it is not a negetive attribute. So unless there is further question about this as well, then we can also set this aside. Moving on, we continue to Jesus' life on earth. He had no problems or faults, or He would have also been just a man who died a bad death. He had to live a COMPLETELY blameless life. Okay? Continuing again, I will tell you the reason for the fact that the death penalty is circumstantial. First though, I have to ask the question. Are you disagreeing with me on this? Do you believe that a death penalty should not involve God? He left the government to administer, HIS wrath, not their own. So we need to consult the Bible. Well, it says the evil, so if they are evil, then the government administers justice. But if is not evil people, which is then out of God's will, then we have a problem. Look forward to you're reply. Have a good day.
  20. Okay, here is my take on it. The bird flu is a virus carried by birds. Also known as the avian flu, the virus spreads rapidly through wilflife and poultry that is domesticated. It is dangerous when it is trasmited from a nird to a human, and then goes back to a bird or pig, once it has returned to an animal, a mutation starts and it then can be spread to a human where it then spreads unstopped. You die by a severe pnumonia like disease that causes fluid to build up in your lungs. Must people die from suffocation, although some also bleed to death out of their nose and mouth. scary? Yes. The only thing taht helps. A vaccine called TamiFlu that is produced in only one or two plants in the world. It stops the production of the virus, there by helping your body to fight and kill it. This is what I read in tons of articles about it. And don't worry, none has been copy and pasted
  21. wild20


    I am sorry. Let me clear this up. It doesn't say, the onnocent. I am saying that by the power given to the government to execure His wrath on the evil, it it giving the circumstanstial evidence to show that we can make the assumtion that the innocent should never be killed. And then the guilty are judged through the government. i.e. Murderers The problems with other governments that are not in accordance with the Bible doesn't remove their power. But it makes them wrong and it is very irresponsible. God gave the power to the government and there it will stay. But remember that in the Bible it says that we should obey God rather then men. This signifies that the government has power, but if they sayed, stop worshiping God, I believe we would know which to obey. In response to your question: It isn't a negative for God. It merely is using a "human" term, to describe God. He is saying that here jealousy is good. Remember words mean different things in different situations. It is like this. We have anger at what? At things we don't like. Things such as a boss, or people in our lives. However, God has anger too. But does it make it a bad attribute? No. Without anger justice cannot be delivered. But it doesn't mean God is part evil does it? No. So we have to look at the bigger picture. What if there was a great preacher. I went to see his sermon. It was great. Amazing. But I didn't see it because I was looking at how his shoe had become untied. God is righteous. The Bible says this. It also says he is the same forever. Correct? Then it means He is White forever and ever because He is righteous. Yes, millions of people were killed in natural disasters. It was awful. Now what this has to do with abortion, I have know idea. But I will answer it. As a christian you should that God kicked satan out of heaven. Satan's whole thing is that he could do a better job then God. Remember iniquity was found in his heart because he was full of pride. Probably wanting God's place. But I believe he also accused God that God was unfair. Even if he didn't the world would know the unfairness if God was to kill satan outright. So He had to give him a chance. We are satan's chance. That is why we have to be saved. The tsunamis are satan's fault that God allows so that we may say that satan is rotten to the core! The universe will know in the end what happens when things are not guided by God. I believe it also teaches us that nothing on this sinful earth is forever and that God is the only way. Another question? Okay. Yes, Jesus was human. Why? Because He had to be. If he was not, we would be nothing. If He still was devine, it would mean nothing. He would still be strengthened by His power. And although He had power. He had to be a human with that power. Why? He had to come down here as a human and live a perfect and blamless life. Right, am I not? Therefore He had to be a person who had marvelous power. Not a God. But back to abortion. I told you, I believe that the death penalty is okay in the hands of: 1. The government, and if, 2. It is accordance with God's will. Wars are never right unless directed specificly by God. However I do support the war for the one cause that they are trying to defend our country. Remember that if we followed God all the way back in bible times till now, God would always protect us or give us guidance. But we don't and now we have fallen into a sinful world. We don't have God's guidance and literally have to live without His guidance now and this means we are lost. But again, I cannot agree with abortion because it has no Bible based backing to it, and two, it conflicts directly with the Ten Commandments.
  22. wild20


    Xereo:You are right. Man does not have the capability to decide who should live or die. We cannot comprehend the lives that we may destroy. No one can give any bible or scriptue to show whether or not Abortion is right or wrong. So, why do it? If you cannot be sure that something is from God, then why do it? You risk the lives of so many people.The bible lways the ULTIMATE word of God. We need to obey God, not the men who believe that everything by choice is okay.Oh, and you forgot to quote the bible verses Xereo. Just a reminder.
  23. wild20


    First o all. I am not against the death oenalty. God says, thou shalt not kill. The innocent. But God says in His word that we have the government, or rulers, to execute His wrath on those that are workers of evil. Now when we talk about jealousy, we have to look at the Bible. The ten commandments are always first, then we move down to the more specifs mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. Here we go. God is a jealous God, and therefore wants us to worship Him. Unserstandable, because He created us. He is devine. We however, are human, putting are selfish actions first. Jealousy is not ours to have. We can see this in the Bible. So in the Bible, we have a black for man and a white for God. It's like this, abortion is wrong. We do not have the choice of death, but God does. Does that make Him evil? No. He is executing wrath on people like murders. Never the innocent. This means that if anything we should be killing the rapists. Although not to the extreme. I don't have a heretical view. But I don't believe in killing something innocent. I am not condemning you or anyone else. But the practice itself. God says to hate the sin, and not the sinner. Abortion is wrong, so I fight againt it. See people ake it very offensively. Please don't. Its not you, but the practice of abortion.
  24. It's pretty sad. People will do anything to get there product to sell. I don't ming most. But some are just awful. I mean, when you have elves danching around the TV? Whats up with that, huh? On cable it is really bad. It seems to be better on regular. Why? I have no idea.
  25. That's disgusting! I am glad I am vegi! I can believe it though. People think chickens are just animals at their disposal. I hate to see chicken crammed into trailers. It is cruel. You can do that with any animal, but why not humans. It makes me mad. I say down with inhumanity! And up with chickens! Okay so maybe not, but I still say animals have some rights. To be treated kindly and with respect, and make sure that they are comfortable. when shipping chickens, they wil travel over mountains in freezing cold weather, many will die, but what does the company care? They just grind em' up and put them in the soup.
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