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Everything posted by wild20

  1. People are crazy. What can I say? They will spend thousands on dumb stuff like this. Like I said, the idea came from another person that was selling a dumb old jar of air. And I did a search, they are selling a jar of air that came from England somewhere too. Carzy!
  2. wild20

    Hey Guys

    Hi there and welcome. Nice to have you here. We have a lot of posts and topics as you can see. And tons of members.If you need anything, give a moderator or me a holler as we have really friendly people here. This truly is the best hosting here. We were actually introduced in the shoutbox More members will be welcoming you shortly too. Hey enjoy your stay and welcome aboard!
  3. I was watching the news, and a person who decided to see if they could sell a hotdog after watching another sell a jar of air, is making out more than they thought. The current price is over ten thousand dollars! The hotdog is being sold on Ebay right now. I did some calculating. If you purchased these hotdogs, that by the way went for five dollars, and got ten of them and sold them, you would make an amazing one hundred thousand dolloars! Amazing? Yes. Any buyers? Anyway, you can see the actual ebay item by clicking the link below. as of this writing, it still had a little over four days left: Click Here
  4. That id an outrage. I hope if they did it without a real cause that she can get a bundle of money from that. She is now stuck in a wheelchair the rest of her life.If you are that irresponsible, you shouldn't run or have a hospital. they didn't even ask the husband. Which they should of because he is the person that should make decisions for choices like this. Awful. Thanks for the article. I am suprised it wasn't aired more on other news stations.
  5. Please tell people what your favorite FREE traffic exchange, banner exchange, affiliate program and such is. I know this is pretty broad topic, but it is a good way for people to see what programs you use and why.No referal links are allowed as usual and these programs should be FREE. I would like to use some of the ones you suggest to get more traffic. So list them here. Also, tell why you like it and explain the service a bit so people can know a little about it. Like how successful it was, how long you used it, ect. Thanks.
  6. wild20


    With Xisto's hosting. You can create MySQL databases with the database manager. That is for MySQL though and is useful if you need taht database. Is that what you wanted to know? You gave kind of a broad topic there at first. And is there anything else you want to know besides creating a database?
  7. I think it would be complex. Chat files require a lot of PHP to handle several people talking as well as several command files and the files to get the commands. I could be wrong, because I don't know much about PHP. But I know that PHP does require quite a few files for most applications. and I think this would be taht case. A simple script probably wouldn't work.
  8. Nice Joshua. You can see in "Evidence for God" located in the debates area, which I wrote, also deals with a little of this matter and talks about how the Bible validates itself. Your article is well written as well. I personally believe that God let evil and the devil in the world for one reason only, as an example to His angels and the universe.If we remember, Lucifer, the devil, took a third of the angels out of heaven. I am sure maybe some had doubts about God as well. He created us. Maybe because He was bored. Who knows? But He did give us the choice to follow Him or not. It is like a wild animal. You can try to win it's affection, but you can't MAKE it like you. So we had this choice, and we decided against God. Lucifer came in, and now actually has some control of the world. By letting sin come in, God is making an example of what sin does. When it is over, there will be no doubt as to who's side you want to be on.
  9. Hi there. Nice to have you. Xisto is really nice. And has great hosting. A tip, post longer posts that are good quality. They can get you a few extra credits if it is good. This way you don't have to post as much. No spam though. Spam is dealt with strictly. Well hey that is about it.One thing, you posted a referal link, which I don't think is allowed. No big deal, you're new. I reported the post for a mod to look at and he may remove it. But so far your posting quality is really good. Keep it up
  10. Never heard of it before. But it sounds really cool. Projects huh? Sounds like if you accidentily put your hand over a "button" that was projected on the board, it might type it though. Which would be really stressful if you were trying to type a paper. I don't think it will catch on. Now a pad that had the letters on it, that might catch on. But that sounds really cool anyway. Post it if you find who makes it.
  11. Hi there and welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay as Xisto is the best place on the net as far as good quality hosting.We have TONS of topics and posts for all your posting needs. People come on and post every few minutes or so. This makes Xisto one of the bigger forums on the net.If you need something or have a question about the hosting. Moderators and Members are really friendly and will be lad to help. Also remember to keep those good old credits up
  12. Awesome! That is cool. I will have to go and find it. I can't believe there would be a flying car. But that is what happens when you use google earth. People find interesting things. Tell me when you find a UFO
  13. Umm. Hi. Wow, a little belated on posting an intro. But welcome anyway. I feel kind of strange saying welcome to someone who has already posted over one hundred posts though.Well hey, I am not a big fan of Harry Potter because I am a Christian and don't agree with all the sorcery, but nice to see you on the forums. anything else you are interested in? Sports, Games, you know other stuff?Well I always say if you need anything, just ask a member or mod, we are always here to help. Of course, you are now experienced and can give advice too. Well hey, welcome and have a nice stay!
  14. Oh. Yeah I suppose that could add up. You can get good hard drive space at a computer store for around $80 for a 80GB hard drive. If you are looking to expand, that is a good choice. That would give you twice as much. Well good luck with your HD.
  15. You have 80 gigabytes at it is almost used up!? Wow, and I thought that 40 was hard to use up. I have only heard of someone using up that much space once. And that was here in this topic No seriously. What do you use it for? Just for music? If you have games like simulators and stuff then you can use it up. But you are talking about movies. Wow. Just a though on you're post Jumapao. I know it is a big thought.
  16. Wow! Billions huh? That is a lot. Disney I think will always pull through. Their themeparks grow by the year. Which is why the theme parks are more popular then the movies. In california alone the place was packed. Disney land gets almost as much people as DisneyWorld. It is incredible. But back to Pixar. I can't see why you would want to sell a successful business like that. Just say, lets sell it to Disney. Kind of crazy to me.
  17. I have a grand total of 4 gigabytes. No kidding. I have only used a GB of it too. I am getting a new one soon that has 80 though. So I will just post that here now But yeah, 4GB. It is interesting. The computer is 9 years old. I can't believe how far we have come.
  18. I think the point is. It is not as valuable as a human life. And when working in a dangerous place, it if small making it a hard target, and by the time it was taken down, it could have already taked out 200 men in an enemy force. It would be better in combat. Because the enemy wouldn't back down from a little robot. They would just sit and laugh. After it was within firing range, it could let loose and take out a good sized chunk of the opposing army fast.
  19. Okay. Thanks Truefusion. the PM will be there. And Avalon, no I am not. It is up to you if you want to put it on a trap hosted site. It is not intentional I promise. Up to you guys.
  20. Alrighty! I created the topic. I am stepping in! SeaHawks will win. Or I'll eat my hat! You see. The problem was that the SeaHawks earned a bad reputation after one, or two, or 10 bad years. But put that aside. We are now having a great streak. And it may just last until after the Super Bowl. And if it does. The stealers will turn into the stolen from I do believe we have two people verses one on this one. I think the Sea Hawks have WAY more than a fair chance
  21. Nice. I say,.. Classic! Not wierd colors or anything, just a nice classic look. I would rate them eight out of ten. There are a few beter ones out there, but I think they are hard to find and my highest rating is usually only a seven. So take comfort in that But yeah, great buttons. You should make matching banners. And I will be using them if I ever have buttons going to Trap, I will use your's
  22. Great. Dual servers. Never heard of them before. Is it like what it sounds? Two servers? Anyway, the forums are running nicely and I haven't seen downtime in over two weeks. Great job
  23. Wow! 25 years. I think there should be a amount of money given to the people who have been falsely accused. DNA has proven a lot of people innocent, and stils others, guilty. Even years later. Like a murder, that hasn't been solved, until DNA came out and now he's in jail. Yes, DNA is great! Nice post by the way. It's a dandy long one
  24. This is crazy. Germany?! With nuclear weapons!? What is the world coming to? The end, that's what. Germany, no offense to you germans out there, seems to dangerous with weaopns, of any sort. Remember Hitler? Although things have changed I am sure. Nuclear weapons are not something to mess around with. I personally think they shouldn't be allowed. Too dangerous in the wrong hands I think.
  25. For the banners, I would say 10-12 credits. For the button let's say 7 credits. We are offering a basic hosting plan and are trying not to compete with trap, by not listing in places trap is. I am one of the admins and advertising manager. Just want to get these on some sites. Also, can you tell me if you are interested how mucg traffic you get? Most will get the credits with banner placement. Thanks guys. http://usera.imagecave.com/Disturbed/Bidbanner.gif http://usera.imagecave.com/Disturbed/Bididngbutton.gif http://usera.imagecave.com/Disturbed/MXwebbanner.gif
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