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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, maybe then a topic you started long time ago. but you didn't tell us at the first place, are you an old member in Xisto or not?
  2. well i think it is good, but you usually do much more better. so i will assume that this is a negative side effect from your vacation . good luck for all of you guys.
  3. congratulation deadmad about the 500 posts..finally you made it...good job...

  4. i agree and disagree with you at the same time, i really don't want to be any kind of differences between members in here. but i do believe that everyone should look to old members who are always around with high respect. i remember when i signed up here about six months ago, i was amazed when i was checking the profile of each one who reply to my topics and find out that most of them signed up in the forum two or three or four or even five years ago! i was like saying to myself why they are keep on posting daily or weekly, and help everyone when it is obvious they don't need mycent anymore, and even if they are in need for it, they could post to get what they want and enough. after that i knew what is all about, they love the forum and consider it as a second family or a friendly community or a place to gain knowledge and in return their opinion is respected and their existence in the forum is appreciated by everyone. that time i never felt there are any differences between me and them, but i knew if i wanted the same then i should be like them. this is what motivated me, and what will motivate others to be just like the old members and learn from them. but if i see they are treating badly how that will motivate me to be more active in the forum? or worse why should i do anything worthy here, where i know it won't appreciated? correct me if i am wrong please. thank you chini, i know you are one from those who keeps on coming in here to share your ideas and thoughts with others, and you don't have a website and don't need mycent. you keep on coming because of the friendly community, so i can imagine what will happen if it will be not friendly any more...
  5. i am really here venting about an UNACCEPTABLE behavior that really upset me. truly WHY SHOULD I DO MY BEST TO BE A LOYAL MEMBER when no one here treat me like a one????why do i waste my time, posting more even i have enough mycent, report spam and errors,giving ideas and suggestions to develop the forum, stand by other members and help them, and support the administrators and moderators, WHY?WHEN I STILL TREATED LIKE ANY OTHER MEMBER WHO MAY ENTER THIS FORUM ONCE or TWICE A MONTH???i am not here offend others who enter the forum from time to time, please understand me they have all the right by that, we all have other things to do in life. but in the same time LOYAL MEMBERS should get some RESPECT and EXCLUSIVENESS. because they stick in here, in better and worse, support the forums in so many ways, be part of it, and still do their best. i know rules should be applied equally, on everyone but we respect the moderators and administrators because they are always here to help us and do their best for the forum, so in the same time loyal members should be treated in the same way. they should have a voice and should be heard and if the moderators or the administrators disagree with them, they should deal with them in a different way, why? because they are special. if not, then really there's nothing special about this forum, and this community instead of being a special community it will be a trade forum only give and take.i know who will read this topic, the first idea will pass in his head, it is all about anwiii. YES IT IS, it is about HIM and EVERYONE of us, and what happened to him could be happen to anyone of us. me, anwiii, bani, deadmad, tramp, sky, ash, mahesh, nirmaldanial, kobra,sheepdog and many more...i consider all of these as loyal members, who still here day and night, posting and helping each others in this community. if we don't have a specialty then really i don't care any more, BECAUSE REALLY I CAN'T RESPECT SOMEYONE WHO DOESN'T SHOW ME THE SAME.my point is, if these members get abused, and treated like anyone else, then REALLY why we should bother ourselves any more ???
  6. hard luck deadmad but do your best deadmad, i am waiting for another good signature, you are progreccing everytime, so keep going .
  7. are you serious here buffalohelp????? are you banned a loyal member who still here for entire whole FIVE years just because he is stating his opinion, even if he did that in a harsh way, but LOYAL MEMBERS like anwiii should be treated in COMPLETELY another way. you could talk to him personally, or pm him, or even warn him but not BAN him!!! for the god sake, what is going on here??? and i really thought that this is really FAIR and HONEST forum, HUH, seems it is not. also Mr. buffelohelp YOU BROKE THE RULES HERE,to remind you about the rules of the forum, then this what you should do. THESE ARE THE RULES OF THE FORUM ADMINISTRATOR, you should give a warning not ban him, in fact, there's no ban only for illegal content, so did anwiii post an illegal content in here????? AND IF THE ADMINISTRATORS ARE THE FIRST WHO BREAK THE RULES, THEN WHY WE SHOULD FOLLOW THEM???? i am really get disappointed in here, i can stand by this forum and support the admins and the moderators as long as they acting honest and fair, if not then really i don't have to bother myself anymore. then i can come in here once or two a month post to get enough mycent to cover my hosting and go, even i said i have friends here, then no problem i can contact them elsewhere, why do i bother myself and wasting my time trying to do my best and become a loyal member to the forum where I STILL TREATED LIKE ANY NEW MEMBER!!! and i thought YOU ADMININSTRATOR by following the rules and applying them, you are building TRUST and RESPECT, is that THE RESPECT you show it for your loyal members Mr.buffelohelp???
  8. i am going in a trip for a week or about...but ...after the mess in here ...my thoughts will be with you guys...hope everything be fine when i come back...i do hate our peaceful community turnes to a war field...

    1. Hurt4love


      Have a safe trip WD!!!!!! We will be waiting for you to welcome you back :)

    2. web_designer


      thanks girls..i will miss you too...

    3. anwiii


      i will be anxiously awaiting your return and for some good news!

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  9. don't laugh at me ok when Spain, Argentina or Netherlands will loose i will come and laugh at you deadmad, just wait .
  10. now this is a fun coincidence. as rpgsearcherz said, seems you are an old member here, but you didn't recognized Xisto after changing its name and the new theme. anyway, welcome back.
  11. these are some sites that contain good and unique wordpress themes http://www.freethemelayouts.com/category/showcase/ and http://www.freewpthemes.net/ good luck ash and feel free to ask if you want anything.
  12. well i am just like you sheepdog, i always have a lot of things to be done, and don't have much of time. i want like 48 hours a day not 24 hours . but the schedule always works for me, even if i couldn't finish everything in it in the exact day so i simply add the rest to the next day.
  13. yeah bani...i will be depressed and sad that i want to post EVEN MORE...hahaa

  14. hi guys,i am happy to tell you that i reformatted, and did a registry cleaner and my laptop working fine now, at least much more better than before. maybe the wrong was in my windows installation. anyway,thank you all of you guys for your help.
  15. ok then, this is a promise, i won't point or tell any one about any rules in here, really. i know it is kind of scary for newcomers but i wanted them to check the rules to avoid them from making any mistakes or posting in a wrong way and get a warning, as i said before most of the rules in other forums are not real but here they are. anyway, i didn't like repeating the same things every time.
  16. now i can say that these are reasonable words sky, and i really admire what you just said, and your apology. we never want to be cruel to you but we and you were talking in a completely different things, and after all trust what should be here between us, in so many ways.
  17. hey, look who comes home...

    welcome back kyle...hope you getting a great time....

  18. i usually use the quick reply editor, never used the standard one just now when the quick reply editor is disabled, i like to use it because it shows in the same page as the posts are, this way i can write and check posts if i want to add anything more. so yes i support enabling it again BUT only if it works fine, if not then don't do it please. @ rpgsearcherz if you have some posts never show up maybe because they need moderators approval, now there are sections where even posts not only topics need approval, just like "just for knowledge" category.
  19. Brazil is out now really they shocked me and i had a high expectation on them. anyway, good luck for the rest, and let the best wins.
  20. yeah i did...and the pride of women win....

  21. forum never be the same without you bani...

  22. well i think he said there's no chance he will mistake anwiii, come on, i will suit him if he did and i liked what you said deadmad, haha it was funny but unfortunately the truth, but still say if those visitors found friends to talk to then they will stay in spite of being hungry or thirsty, good company do magic you know.
  23. i agree with you opaque, this place is like another family or my work company where i come to learn, study and meet my friends, i don't care about the chairs or the sofa or the desk as long as you provide me with good computer . but still when the director "which is you", could develop this company then he should do that,for the good of everyone, and i know you are doing that. now from what i noticed since yesterday, i can post properly, i never get the same error or my post disappeared suddenly, i can still logging in the forum and not been logged out suddenly or after a while, the chat room is working fine. so we have only the mycent thing, and i noticed that there isn't fast reply editor but i think you disabled it, and sometimes when i write my status from the main page the cursor disappear and can't write any more, this happened to me with status and yesterday when i was posting till i refreshed. please sky, who cares about how many members here or guests, really. if do you think this may affect the credibility of the forum, then believe me it is not. because me always when i search for something in the net, Xisto is mostly one of the top ten sites, so it is obvious there will be a lot of visitors.
  24. well sorry for pointing you to that, but i say the same for every new member trying to help them find their way a little in here. you can check my replies in the introduction section if you want. anyway, happy you know what to do, and have a good time.
  25. i agree with you on this. i said that before and repeat it again, being under too many pressure is not helping at all. when a code not working and keep getting errors when you know that you should fix things as soon as possible, this is already a struggle between you and yourself. add to all that, an outside pressure from users, members and keep on loosing them. it is a huge responsibility that stress anyone. so we should do our share and try to be supportive and patient, even it hard to be done when we loose our temper but still a hard thing that should be done.pushing things too hard may delay the process even more, and make things worse.
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