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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i recommended you to try "trend micro internet security pro", you can download the trial version from the official website. it is the best antivirus i ever used, so download it, and scan your whole pc in the safe mode. also it contains an option for scanning your e-mail from "internet and email controls" which contains even more options to get rid of the viruses and malwares, so if you want try it and good luck.
  2. hi Jeffrey, welcome with us in Xisto community. we always like to hear and share new ideas and opinions. this community based on that, sharing ideas and get knowledge so start posting good quality posts in any category you want, we have many categories in here or just join the discussions, and have fun. if you want a free hosting or a domain name you can sign up in xisto from here with the same email address you use it for the forum to get your mycent which allow you to get the hosting. and don't forget to read the rules of the forum, to avoid dealing with our moderators, good luck.
  3. hi havenrealm, welcome here, Xisto community is a very helpful and supportive community, you can ask about anything you want and we will be happy to help. since you want a free hosting and domain name, you are in exactly the right place, i proud to say that WE ARE THE BEST , yeah our forum is the best to offer that. now i suggest you to read the rules of the forum from here first, choose a category that suits your interests and start posting good quality posts and topics to earn your mycent that will allow you to get a free hosting or domain name. right now the mycent system is not working because of the forum upgrade but don't worry the administrator has a scripts that counts everything we post, so just continue posting, have fun and good luck.
  4. really beautiful photos bani, i liked them a lot. especially the wood one and the sunset one. you are living in a very beautiful place. maybe i will take some shoots next time i go out and post them too. thank you for sharing bani? .
  5. i always seek for the real truth in my life, the hidden truth of people, the hidden truth of religion, the hidden truth of tradition, habits or behaviors. and always the truth behind the masks is very interesting to know. this way i can judge and make decisions without regretting and in the same time i get more experience and knowledge of life. as you mentioned, the first place i should search for the truth is within me. what i believe and what i understand about certain things. but still this can be done only if that truth related to me, if not, then i should search in the real life. and that is even more harder i think.
  6. thank you for your suggestion but i can't do that. first because i am a true loyal fan of yahoo in spite of all the mess it causes. and second because 99% of my friends and family are using yahoo, not anything else. so really can't rid of it.
  7. now this is a very short answer opaque , but i know you are busy now so thank you for your reply. i hope things will be fixed soon, and thank you for disabling the twitter connection.
  8. i was talking to a friend last night, and he thought that there is only one truth that stands only on evidents.?but i really disagreed with him, because truth has many faces to show up with, in so many way but the its core is one. and we should search for that core and not take only what we see. nowadays there are many evidents that prove something in life but after many months or maybe years, another truth will show up, and also stands on new evidents. why is that? because there are people who searched more behind these evidents and found a hidden truth inside this truth. so do we really should take everything we see as granted and accept it just because there are some evidents to prove it??i really believe that even if the truth is supported by evidents, but if i thought it is unreasonable then i won't accept it. i prefer search more till i find the truth that convinced me.so any one agree with me here?
  9. thank you k_nithin_r and bandias, for your replies. you inspired me for a new ideas, and i hope i could finish it soon.?the problem is i don't know which is better, add it to my blog to the same domain name, hosting and design. or make a new one. but any way ?i will try to arrange my thoughts and decide what to do,?thank you again.
  10. ok deadmad, you are really get inspired these days, and i do admire your hard work. now about this signature, i do really like the lighting, especially the gradient of the lights around the character , and you did a good job by adding a text or it will look empty from the left side and incompatible. i ?like the overall look , but i think you added a lot of lights to the character's face. anyway, it is good in general, so i will give you 7/10. good luck and i will wait for your next one.
  11. so simpleton, if you could post even as a guest and your post shows, then i think that this is maybe related to the privileges of the moderators that opaque working on right now. the moderators have no privileges now because opaque testing their features according to the new options in the new forums, so maybe this bug is happened from this part.
  12. web_designer


    yeah please just start your own thread so that you could ask anything you want and let others welcomed you here in the forum. i don't know why i should repeat that even i already said it a few posted before, but any way, i will say welcome here with us in knoweldgesutra community larryp7639 .
  13. well, the first time i hear about such thing is when i found trap and read about its way of offering a free hosting for posting in a forum. before, i was testing my sites in a hosting sites that best thing they could do is put a big ads in the top. which was really annoy me, but didn't care that much because i was only testing sites not starting my new site. so when decided to start my own site i looked hard to find a good hosting plan. yeah, and now i will tell you simpleton, " thanks for sharing".
  14. well, you have a good point in here, but personally i don't think so. maybe if i found someone who share me the same ideas then i will let him work with me. but in general, no. i was working in a team work before in my last job, but always end up doing everything by myself even it was a work for other companies not my own site. so if is my site of course i will want it to be in a certain way with a certain look, therefore i understand what opaque trying to say in here.
  15. thank you nirmadaniel for the advices and all of you guys. i blocked that annoying ID and still getting spam messages so i was wondering why . any way, the whole last two weeks i didn't get any, after blocking many IDs of course and till now everything is alright hoping things remain like that.
  16. agree with you in here simpleton, but i was replying you at what yousaid before or else i wouldn't consider myself as an art lover,i enjoy looking atpaintings and watching art wherever it is, in museum, in galleries, in thestreet, even through the net.
  17. well anwiii, adding three smiley emotions doesn't seem a good idea, after all it is a small logo so adding them will cause a mess without making anything clear to show up. i still think that make it in 3D will give them some spirit. and opaque if you don't mind i edited it a little, maybe to inspire you to change it for something better. i know the $ logo looks awful but couldn't slice it without damage it, you know because i don't have the original one. again i did that just to inspire you to add something impressive to it, good luck.
  18. i really admire your honestly in here, you are on the right way opaque, you are building trust and respect in your forum, not only people looking for mycent. and REALLY this what i think everyone should think about when they complain about the delay of mycent , they should think that you are not kind of a robot sit in a room all day just programming for the forum. but you are a human, have a family to take care of, have other things to do in life, you may be stressed or depressed or even get sick of the codes and the work. i know many won't like what i say here, but it is the fact that they should see. i really wish you good luck in your house and office building, and thank you for this explanation to your members. and i totally agree with you about working alone as a coder, because i am just like you, if i have a dozen of programmers, i will never let anyone put his finger in my code , good luck opaque.
  19. thank you anwiii, you just said the right things in here. and about fish, well maybe small fish that we watch at them in homes don't have loyalty but sure the ask for love and attention. it is always nice to see them trying to follow your thumb when you touch the Aquarium. turtles are definitely amazing creatures, my turtle liked to play a lot, climbing on my feet, sitting next to me and scratching my shoe, and she knew me, she was afraid of my brother so she didn't come near him. i sometimes had to put her in Aquarium to force her to eat, and she looked really angry and kept struggling to go out because she wanted to play more. now, what i want to say from the beginning is all these examples of the loyalty in animals, even they don't have a brain to think of, and we are the humans who should think and estimate thing wisely, we sometimes do stupid things more than these animals. we kill, we hurt, we cheat, we betray, we give up faith and loose our way, so why we get insulted when we've been called animals, whereas sometimes we behave worse than animals?
  20. now that was nice and true example of what i meant earlier, thank you anwiii. even i didn't have a dog before, but i had a cat, love birds, fishes, turtles and they are all make you feel like they are connected to you somehow. believe me or not, these animals asking for love not only food or shelter deadmad, maybe you should get an animal and experience that yourself.
  21. i think it is good opaque, but i think if the buttons could be in 3 D then they will be much more better, or you could add some light shadow to them to look more impressive. and i really like that red flag , good work.
  22. If you're alone...I want you to know I'll be back someday...Don't you ever let go...Baby, hold tight through the cold lonely night... Just wait for me till I get home....When you're on your own...I want you to know ...I'll be there for you, I could never let go...I realise that you want me to stay...But hold on I'll be back someday... Be back someday, someday....

  23. well thank you simpleton for telling me that , i really found it weird and kind of mystery for me. i was like wondering how his posts increase where they don't show up in the new posts?also he still show in the top posters till now, and this really annoy me? . opaque please fix it.
  24. thank you tramposch for the link,but i wonder now about the size thing you mentioned, should i continue from what ravlkass ended or wait till they fix the size?i really want to contribute in here, this game looks fun for me and useful too ? .
  25. yeah simpleton, this is a promise, if any time you post a topic or a post that interests me i promise i will reply and argue with you till then end . because this is really what this forum is about, sharing ideas and give opinions. so don't worry, just post and wait for me . unlike you deadmad. i think that the introduction category used for welcoming the new members and make things easier for them, or else why do you think i keep on repeating the same things over and over again. when i joined the forums i really got lost for days didn't know what to do and where to post. also this forum is not like any other forums on the net, in fact, this is the only forum i saw that has a true rules, others are not. so the new member comes here and assume that this forum is just like any other forum and finally they get a warning from the moderators in here. therefor i believe by guiding them in a few lines i will help them and show them what are these forum really is.
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